Cher's Daughter Transitioning From Female to Male

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DNA Solves
Man, you and Mr. Nova screwed up big time. You had a chance to create flamboyant, interesting and odd creatures - instead, you turn out a bunch of boring breeders. For shame.

This is why I don't usually confess such things at WS. Posters can be so cruel!


Seriously, I should think all parents (if they think about it) first and foremost want their children to be happy. And happiness requires being comfortable in one's own skin.

Gay/straight, male/female, single/married, Christian/atheist, CEO/struggling artist. All these things are secondary, in my opinion.
This is why I don't usually confess such things at WS. Posters can be so cruel!


Seriously, I should think all parents (if they think about it) first and foremost want their children to be happy. And happiness requires being comfortable in one's own skin.

Gay/straight, male/female, single/married, Christian/atheist, CEO/struggling artist. All these things are secondary, in my opinion.

I wish I could thank you a thousand times. People shouldn't be judged by whom they love.
I wish I could thank you a thousand times. People shouldn't be judged by whom they love.

The fact that you know how to use "whom" correctly is thanks enough!

/old-fart on/
I swear I almost always see who and whom used exactly backwards online. And I've started to hear broadcasters flip them as well speaking aloud! This is what comes of not teaching foreign languages in this country: folks can't tell an object from a subject!
/old-fart off/

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm all "do your own thing" when it comes to gender and sexuality, only to turn fascist when it comes to grammar!
Without going into many personal details, we have five children. One of our son's is gay. Although we had some suspicions early on, it still sat us back on our seats when the revelation was spoken. He was reassured at that moment that he was loved, no matter what, that was unconditional. A brief mourning period came after that, no wedding, in the traditional sense at least, GK's.

That was two years ago, today we laugh, tease and love the same way we always have. Point I wanted to share is it's all about accepting people for who they are, whether they are our sons/daughters, neighbors, co-workers or a stranger in line at the grocery store.

No grammar spankings Nova, that was from the heart : )
Without going into many personal details, we have five children. One of our son's is gay. Although we had some suspicions early on, it still sat us back on our seats when the revelation was spoken. He was reassured at that moment that he was loved, no matter what, that was unconditional. A brief mourning period came after that, no wedding, in the traditional sense at least, GK's.

That was two years ago, today we laugh, tease and love the same way we always have. Point I wanted to share is it's all about accepting people for who they are, whether they are our sons/daughters, neighbors, co-workers or a stranger in line at the grocery store.

No grammar spankings Nova, that was from the heart : )

No spanking needed, as far as I can see. What a lovely post!

And I don't think anyone need apologize for being surprised and concerned, or even a little troubled, when his or her child comes out of the closet.

What matters is what a parent does (and it's obvious you did beautifully!), not whether he or she has a few misgivings.
P.S. to Knox: I don't know where your gay son ranks in birth order among your kids, but there is a growing body of evidence that the more sons a woman has, the more likely that one or more of the younger boys will be gay. It may turn out it really is "Mom's fault" after all, but the process is biological and not something she can do anything about (short, I suppose, of stopping after one child). LOL.
P.S. to Knox: I don't know where your gay son ranks in birth order among your kids, but there is a growing body of evidence that the more sons a woman has, the more likely that one or more of the younger boys will be gay. It may turn out it really is "Mom's fault" after all, but the process is biological and not something she can do anything about (short, I suppose, of stopping after one child). LOL.

We fit the research profile ... He is the youngest son :)
P.S. to Knox: I don't know where your gay son ranks in birth order among your kids, but there is a growing body of evidence that the more sons a woman has, the more likely that one or more of the younger boys will be gay. It may turn out it really is "Mom's fault" after all, but the process is biological and not something she can do anything about (short, I suppose, of stopping after one child). LOL.

Hi Nova!

I do believe this also and have read quite a bit about it. My former BIL is gay and the youngest of 3 boys. He is also a physician and holds with this theory without a doubt. At my son's college graduation recently we had a number of adjoining rooms in a hotel and he and I joked that we wanted to be in the same room, we get along so well! Instead, of course, he got stuck with my ex (his crabby brother:)) and I roomed with my messy daughter who was out half the night, etc. LOL!

Its pride weekend here so.......You go Chas!!! Hold your head high and be proud!

Edited to add
I posted then read the thread. Wow I'm proud of all of you and your children. Happy Pride Day everyone!! :Banane27:
Its pride weekend here so.......You go Chas!!! Hold your head high and be proud!

Edited to add
I posted then read the thread. Wow I'm proud of all of you and your children. Happy Pride Day everyone!! :Banane27:

I'll second that!

...... all parents (if they think about it) first and foremost want their children to be happy. And happiness requires being comfortable in one's own skin.....

This statement is so simple, profound, beautiful and true that I wanted it to be considered again.
Chas has gained alot of weight -- I pray that she will always be happy!
We fit the research profile ... He is the youngest son :)

There does seem to be something to the theory.

But I'm the eldest (my younger brother was also gay), so it's not the only causal factor.
There does seem to be something to the theory.

But I'm the eldest (my younger brother was also gay), so it's not the only causal factor.

hmmm yeah...both of my cousins are the eldest in their respective fams.

hope everyone had a good pride weekend :)
hmmm yeah...both of my cousins are the eldest in their respective fams.

hope everyone had a good pride weekend :)

I'm not an expert on this by any means. (Since I don't think being gay is a problem, I'm not desperate to find its cause, no more than I search for the causes of taste in ice cream. I'm also not one who believes the right wing will suddenly become tolerant once a genetic cause is clearly established, though the panic with which they fight the idea may suggest otherwise.)

But my impression is that scientists are now looking at multiple causes. It may be that there is a genetic inclination, which appears to be carried on the mother's X chromosomes. It also appears that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely she is to suppress the testosterone generated during the gestation of a male child. It may be that other factors suppress in-utero testosterone a bit, too, resulting in gay sons.

And who knows? Maybe there are environmental factors as well.

Until we again have a problem with low population, I'm not going to worry about it. LOL.

And one very important BTW: NONE of this would seem to apply to gay females. If anybody's researching those causes, they haven't gotten much press coverage.

And one more: whether any of this research tells us anything about transgendered persons, I don't know.
I know a gay guy who has a twin sister(they were firstborns),and I can't help but wonder if that was a factor.(ie-too much female hormone overload?? or did it affect his brain development?) They were also premature,weighing less than 2 pds each.I wonder as well,if that was a factor..perhaps his brain didn't get a chance to fully develop in that area,and or,combined with having a twin sister in the womb,it could have been the combo of both.(his sister is straight,and married w children).
I think I read recently, that women that had a bro in the womb were more likely to not get married,or suffer from infertility.(someone correct me on that one if you was one or the other).
I'm not an expert on this by any means. (Since I don't think being gay is a problem, I'm not desperate to find its cause, no more than I search for the causes of taste in ice cream. I'm also not one who believes the right wing will suddenly become tolerant once a genetic cause is clearly established, though the panic with which they fight the idea may suggest otherwise.)

But my impression is that scientists are now looking at multiple causes. It may be that there is a genetic inclination, which appears to be carried on the mother's X chromosomes. It also appears that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely she is to suppress the testosterone generated during the gestation of a male child. It may be that other factors suppress in-utero testosterone a bit, too, resulting in gay sons.

And who knows? Maybe there are environmental factors as well.

Until we again have a problem with low population, I'm not going to worry about it. LOL.

And one very important BTW: NONE of this would seem to apply to gay females. If anybody's researching those causes, they haven't gotten much press coverage.

And one more: whether any of this research tells us anything about transgendered persons, I don't know.
IMO it's multiple causes.
I recall something about one of gay men's fingers tends being longer than the rest ,which indicates an overexposure to testosterone.and not many ppl know this,but...testosterone is a precursor to...estrogen.
I read somewhere that gay men don't tend to be wimps....usually they are very masculine men who tend to look for other masculine men.(I'm thinking there may have been more estrogen effect on the brain,not that it made them feminine).
Cher spent years while her children were growing up dressing like a man in drag. She was a woman dressing like a man in drag. She exposed her children to men who dressed like women, and I can't imagine what else they saw, and heard throughout their childhood. Her children now don't know whether to be male or female, and changing her body isn't going to solve the problem imo. These adults are products of their messed up mother, and she is responsible for it.
I feel sorry for her children having their innocence robbed when they were so young.

ETA; Cher shouldn't get a pass for being a horrible role model and parent just because she's rich and famous. moo
if it were social factors,then I would think that her parents being divorced would be the greatest influence on her,not seeing others dressed in drag.
I'm not an expert on this by any means. (Since I don't think being gay is a problem, I'm not desperate to find its cause, no more than I search for the causes of taste in ice cream. I'm also not one who believes the right wing will suddenly become tolerant once a genetic cause is clearly established, though the panic with which they fight the idea may suggest otherwise.)

But my impression is that scientists are now looking at multiple causes. It may be that there is a genetic inclination, which appears to be carried on the mother's X chromosomes. It also appears that the more sons a woman bears, the more likely she is to suppress the testosterone generated during the gestation of a male child. It may be that other factors suppress in-utero testosterone a bit, too, resulting in gay sons.

And who knows? Maybe there are environmental factors as well.

Until we again have a problem with low population, I'm not going to worry about it. LOL.

And one very important BTW: NONE of this would seem to apply to gay females. If anybody's researching those causes, they haven't gotten much press coverage.

And one more: whether any of this research tells us anything about transgendered persons, I don't know.

Yup, Nova, I agree - it should not be a problem to be gay and I am glad it is getting a little easier to be happy with who we are. We still have a long way to go. My son and I were talking about this subject, as we often do and I told him I think the theory that being gay is to some extent prewired from the beginning of life is a positive piece of information in the sense that it takes the "choice" issue off the table for those so ignorant as to assert people choose a "sinful" (not my opinion) "lifestyle." I do believe it is pretty much there from the beginning, too. When I taught a group of 7 year olds (Jr. Great Books) there was a delightful little boy in the group that I asked my now 22 year old son about recently. I asked him if this boy was gay. He said, "Yeah, Mom. He is." (They are still friends). I told him I knew it when the kid was seven. Nothing sexual about it at that time. Maybe the kid didn't even realize it at that time, who knows? But I was pretty sure of it. Not that it mattered, but I could just tell. I have gay students and they are quite open about it and talk to me about it regularly. It is still a rough road, that is one reason they are at my alternative school, they hate the ignorant behaviors of some kids in the mainstream high school. I hate what they have to go through, but they are emerging strong and well-adjusted when they have enough acceptance and support at that age. I am glad to contribute to that and grateful for all they have taught me too.


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