Chris Hughes Guest this Sunday on True Crime Radio

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Ack!!!! I MISSED the radio show! :banghead: Was logged on here, then went and made my son dinner, got busy & forgot. Is it recorded? Is there anyway to listen to it?
Thanks in advance.

ETA: listening now, I assume it is still in progress?

Yes, still in progress. Three hours with Chris Hughes!
? text June 4
CH: Doesn't know of any Text FROM Travis

He read in police report that Chris Hughes was last person to speak to Travis, alive.
That made him cry his heart out.

? say one thing to Jodi right now
CH: I just have NOTHING. I wouldn't. She murdered my friend, in cold blood. She is a psychopath and a liar. I would never, because of who and what she is, give her the power.

? what sentence
CH: We are prepared for anything, I prayed to God to enlighten the minds and hearts of the jury that they be able to see the truth. I ALSO prayed to God that he would prepare OUR hearts and minds for whatever the verdict will be. Obviously, we are hoping for Murder ONE.
OMG! Chris H. has a copy of the 18 page letter that Stabby sent to TA's family!! Talking about it now!
OMG! Chris H. has a copy of the 18 page letter that Stabby sent to TA's family!! Talking about it now!

Would really like to read that! Maybe after the defendant is found guilty, the Alexander family will allow CH to post it.
? or comment for Chris Hughes
Tricia: Chris...England, Australia, Norway, Canada .... the world has your back Chris
Do you know what Jodi wrote in 18 page letter to family?

CH : I do, it is vile, the most unbelievable thing you have ever seen, coo coo, crazy, the burglar story, in detail, crazy, a weird thing she says is , speaking of the day of Travis death, ninja story, Jodi says I ran out to the car, I did something I am not proud of , I backed out, without even looking, etc. She goes on and on with lies, her handwriting changes throughout, she claims to be shaking while writing , crazy talk, more of Jodi, Jodi

? Will you or your wife be speak at sentencing?
CH : No, family only.

I'd like to talk about Michael please, wants to forever remain private. He reached out to me ( Chris ) over the net, I did not know him

he wants to help financially, no attention, no thanks, several of the Alexanders are in dire straights over this case, financially, really, truly bottomed out.

Michael lost his aunt to cancer in 2011, this trial has caused his heart to open again, after his sincere, ongoing grief, he was inspired to do something in her name

Nobody knew; because, they would never ask for money, but Travis' brothers and sisters were really down and out financially from trying to be here for the trial. It has been really, really rough on them.

When Michael called, he wanted to help.
He mentioned an amount that just stunned me.
He is an Angel, from GOD is what I was thinking
this guy Michael wired the money into the Alexander's account, it however did not show up immediately. So we were thinking maybe shady.....

then the Facebook site St vs. Jodi Arias contacted me (Chris) , they set up a donation request through paypal, Michael saw that on line and said to me (Chris), wow, things must be really bad, huh? Yes, they are really, really hurting.
So then Michael sent another amount through Paypal.

Then the wired money did get found by the bank, the larger, first amount he sent. It helped so much. It was a miracle!!!
I want to thank him, although he does not want to be named. I also want to thank every person who has helped. Every single one of them.
People have donated five dollars. That just brought tears to my eyes!
There are some haters out there, wondering if we are getting any of the money. NO. NONE. NOG ONE PENNY.

We are managing both accounts, the money goes directly to the family, not a red penny goes to anyone else.

One of the Alexander's shared with us that she was losing faith in humanity, watching the defense kill her brother, again, and again and again, they are being DEVESTATED EMOTIONALLY, LOSING EVERYTHING FINANCIALLY, and then this and Michael, the Angel saved them, their homes , etc.

It truly saved them.

If there is any money left over they are going to donate one hundred percent to the Travis Alexander legacy foundation, a non profit charity to continue Travis' works for children that have no opportunity , animals, and the planet. The things that Travis cared about.
These animals know what to look for. They know what they're looking for and they know that normal people can't possibly understand.
This radio show is a tear jerker! It has been wonderful listening to Chris, but Katie is making me cry!
I am bawling now. I wish I could give you a big hug right now KCL!! ((((()))))




You are truly wonderful people!
tellusa - ((())))

I love your voice and accent.

Hiya honey!

Definitely need vino to get through this radio chat. So heartbreaking.
I am bawling now. I wish I could give you a big hug right now KCL!! ((((()))))




You are truly wonderful people!

I know!!!!! It's a testament to Travis's legacy that he has brought so many people together through love!
In tears .... absolutely a sobbing mess.
Now, Chris Huges is crying! What a great friend Travis had. I have a lump in my throat so big I can't swallow!

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