Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't know what I will do with myself if they don't televise this trial. I'm quite sure I will throw some kind of fit or something. :crazy:
Cindy said she asked LE if it was possible that Caylee was alive (after stating there was evidence indicating human decomp) and they told her yes.

So Cindy said.....................she also SAID the dogs did not hit on decomp conclusively in her back yard, but we all KNOW she made that up.

I don't believe they told her that at all.
They say they're clinging to the belief their nightmare will end one day. "I believe she's out there and I believe we're going to find her," says Cindy. "If Caylee's out there and we're not looking for her, we are not doing her justice or for any other child out there."

Snipped from the Inside Edition Interview.

"IF" Caylee's out there........hmmmm

then why doesn't she go out and search. my mother would be out in the swamps of FL everyday. she would be doing everything in her power to find her granddaughter. she would be working w/ TM and LE. TV appearances do not equal searching for CAYLEE.
I respectfully suggest that as an adult, Casey is choosing to continue to tell lies and Cindy is no more responsible for those continued lies than I am. However, enabling her by telling lies of her own to cover up holes in the lies Casey tells is directly on her.

And Ostrich (I can't recall your full SN, I apologize): Cindy as a grandmother is allowed whatever emotions she expresses, however she might express them. I believe that she is overcompensating for the lack of emotion from Casey, continuing the enmeshed dance they have always had between the two of them. Emotions are not exclusive property to these two.

carry on.

excellent post- I agree!
I can relate to the denial the A's are going through, in that its hard to digest that someone is actually dead until you see their body. It makes me think of the people who have sent a son off to war, who later ends up "missing in action". Many of those families never fully grieve because they dont know 100% that their child is dead, cause they never saw a body. I would imagine this is somewhat similar to what the A's are going through. They aren't going to give up hope until Caylee or what is left of her body is found.

Regardless of this, I still sense that something is very wrong with these people. Its almost like they are doing this PR run to try and save KC's butt form prison by casting doubt with the public over evidence that has been presented to date.

I will say the comment "Poor KC" made me want to vomit. I dont feel the least bit bad for her. Regardless of whether or not Caylee is dead, the fact remains that KC is a thief, a chronic liar, and reckless with anyone unfortunate enough to bestow the most basic trust in her. I say "Poor Amy", "Poor Lee", "Poor Zenaida".

I just pray Tim Miller and all the hard working people as TES are successful in bringing closure to everyone involved. It's time to bring Caylee home.
Cindy said she asked LE if it was possible that Caylee was alive (after stating there was evidence indicating human decomp) and they told her yes.

No, she asked if the evidence was 100%, (a completely different question) and they said no. No forensic evidence is 100% but combined with the rest of the evidence it's pretty hard to refute.
So Cindy said.....................she also SAID the dogs did not hit on decomp conclusively in her back yard, but we all KNOW she made that up.

I don't believe they told her that at all.

This was around the same time that LE was making vague comments about the evidence indicating she was 'probably' dead.
And the sheriff at that time was saying he hoped she was alive. Why is it hard to believe they told her it was possible? I didn't hear a definitive 'she's dead' from them when CA made that comment.
No, she asked if the evidence was 100%, (a completely different question) and they said no. No forensic evidence is 100% but combined with the rest of the evidence it's pretty hard to refute.

That was today, I'm talking about a video clip that was aired shortly after LE said evidence "indicated" Caylee's body was in the trunk.
That was today, I'm talking about a video clip that was aired shortly after LE said evidence "indicated" Caylee's body was in the trunk.
If the evidence in the trunk indicates that Caylee is dead but we don't believe that evidence then who is the dead person in the car with mitochondrial DNA that matches the A's? Who could it be, who do you suppose CA would think it was?
If the evidence in the trunk indicates that Caylee is dead but we don't believe that evidence then who is the dead person in the car with mitochondrial DNA that matches the A's? Who could it be, who do you suppose CA would think it was?

Yeah, that's the critical thing-- even if we don't delve into DNA matching-- someone was dead in the trunk! So that's pretty hard to explain away. I wonder when/if Cindy will offer a theory as to who was actually in the trunk?
I was thinking today about what could you as a parent really say if you were the A's position?

I think the classiest response that I ever heard from family was when the mother said I don't believe that my child is capable of this. And of course everyone is innocent until proven guilty. That she didn't have access to the evidence, so until she saw something different she would consider him innocent. She said something to the effect that she did not discuss the case with her son- that was the attorney's job, and that no matter what she loved her son. When asked what they did talk about, she said they talked about family things.

By doing it this way, she still showed support for him, she didn't have media running to her for a response every time there was new info released, and she prevented the case from becoming more of a sensation with releases/denial cycles. I'll tell you that response really impressed me.

But really if you find yourself in that position that your child has been accused of doing something horrendous, what can you say that won't either be a total denial of your child or a denial of a real situation? This situation and how to handle it isn't something you ask for and is not something that you are taught. It is something that you just wake up one day and find sitting in your lap.
Wonderful Post Sherbie! I can not bring myself to snip one word, I only wish that I could express my thoughts this way! (thank you for doing it for me :blowkiss:)

Thanks,'re so kind! :)

I think there's bound to be that kind of denial going on with GA/CA, but I also think they believe that they can get away with saying anything they want without repercussion because they are the confused, heartbroken grandparents and everyone must understand and overlook any faux pas on their part. I don't like that they seem to think that gives them a free pass to attempt to manipulate and fabricate things to try to sway public opinion.

I do feel so sorry for them, though...and I wonder how differently they behave behind the scenes, whether they grieve together in private or whether they have trained themselves to push it down and focus only on saving Casey to the point they never let themselves think in any other direction. That's not good for them and might be one reason that Cindy, especially, seems to be a walking time bomb.

Her need to control everything and everyone around her has led her to do and say some things that I think have hurt the perception of Casey's guilt/innocence nearly as much as the evidence itself. I don't think she can help herself,'s just how she is.
You are absolutely right, Sherbie. Not only guilt for raising KC to be what she is, but probably also guilt in convincing her to keep Caylee when she wanted to put her up for adoption and forcing her live up to her responsibilities as a mother. And the worst must be Cindy's guilt over the huge fight on June 15 that drove KC out of the house.

Oh yeah, big time. I know as a mother that I feel guilty even for things that are totally outside my control where my child is concerned. Whether warranted or not, I would be so guilt-ridden in Cindy's shoes...don't know if I could bear it.

I pray to God I never have to suffer such a situation. I can't imagine much that could be worse, really. I just hope they can get through this and begin to heal. It's gonna be a long, hard path for them, I'm sure.
I was thinking today about what could you as a parent really say if you were the A's position?

I think the classiest response that I ever heard from family was when the mother said I don't believe that my child is capable of this. And of course everyone is innocent until proven guilty. That she didn't have access to the evidence, so until she saw something different she would consider him innocent. She said something to the effect that she did not discuss the case with her son- that was the attorney's job, and that no matter what she loved her son. When asked what they did talk about, she said they talked about family things.

By doing it this way, she still showed support for him, she didn't have media running to her for a response every time there was new info released, and she prevented the case from becoming more of a sensation with releases/denial cycles. I'll tell you that response really impressed me.


I couldn't agree more -- this is something I've harped on from very early on. Cindy desperately needed some guidance from someone. Not sure she would have accepted any advice (in fact, she may actually have been offered it and ignored it, for all I know). But the above is exactly how it should be handled. It's a fine line, but there is a way to show support so that you remain a sympathetic figure and so that you don't help turn the public against yourself and the very person you're trying to save. Thanks for sharing that, mysterview!
Yeah, that's the critical thing-- even if we don't delve into DNA matching-- someone was dead in the trunk! So that's pretty hard to explain away. I wonder when/if Cindy will offer a theory as to who was actually in the trunk?

I think Cindy would deny that the mDNA was a match to anyone in the family. She would say the lab made a mistake and it's someone else's. And she would claim that an unknown person or LE was trying to frame KC.
I think Cindy would deny that the mDNA was a match to anyone in the family. She would say the lab made a mistake and it's someone else's. And she would claim that an unknown person or LE was trying to frame KC.

Very true-- On the Today Show yesterday, Cindy did start talking about experts being able to disprove evidence at trial... hm.

On that note, true-crime writer Kathryn Casey's column Cindy Anthony: "Nothing in This World" addresses Cindy's comments on the Today Show and Cindy In General, for those interested :)
Very true-- On the Today Show yesterday, Cindy did start talking about experts being able to disprove evidence at trial... hm.

On that note, true-crime writer Kathryn Casey's column Cindy Anthony: "Nothing in This World" addresses Cindy's comments on the Today Show and Cindy In General, for those interested :)
Thanks for posting this article. It's an interesting read.

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