Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

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This is what I don't understand--you are on the Today Show receiving national coverage--you have just established a tip line--and you don't mention the number? You don't say "we just established a tip line..blah blah" as CA did. You say: We just established a tip line and the number to call is : whatever! You ask for a pix to be shown so you can say "if anyone out there sees her call 1-800-tips4caylee? You make a plea for her safe return. If their focus is on finding her as opposed to defending their daughter--why didn't they use this interview to try to find her?

Umm.. because they were too busy thinking about all the neat places to site-see while in NY?? (just kidding).

I agree. Doesn't make sense. They didn't give the new number on the Inside Editions interview, either. go figure.
Am I the only one that has noticed they hardly ever use Caylee's name? They refer to her as "this little girl" "our grandaughter" "her daughter". It reminds of Patsy Ramsey when she used to call JonBenet "that child".

My parents call my son's by their names. Or say "my grandson, Gavin...." Always they use a name.

Sorry if this has already been brought up. It just bothers me.

My granddaughter is forever and always will be Princess PeePee, something I will continue until her graduation when they have the senior slide show, where I will donate the picture of her deciding that if the puppy can pee on the carpet, so can she.

It really bothers me the number of times they stumble over Caylee's name, even in this interview, where Meredith had to correct Cindy. (for another thread, but now I'm on a roll for this: George was yelling at people about the dead body in the car. His exact words were "That was not my daughter in my daughter's car!!!!"

Enmesh, much?
Sorry I forgot the postors hat, but i totallly agree CA's knee look like McCain's face--- so glad others saw this too, thought i'd forgot my effexor there a minute.:crazy:

That was me, Annie....but I was willing to base it totally on the fact that I have a horrid head cold and am stuck watching network news shows on the election :)
You didn't miss anything. Same ole same ole, and as you wrote on here that George and Cindy weren't sitting close.

Usually, she is hanging on him like a rabbit in heat.
You didn't miss anything. Same ole same ole, and as you wrote on here that George and Cindy weren't sitting close.

Usually, she is hanging on him like a rabbit in heat.

I think they were sitting where any two guests would sit. Much closer and they'd have been on top of each other.
Chilly Willy, another person could have fit between them.
One thing that is obvious and still in place with interviews the Anthony's do: yet again, they claim leads are coming in and Casey is alive, but yet they make no plea to the public to look for her. No description, no trying to talk to Caylee through the tv... nothing. Just the same old denial, denial, denial, LE is against us, denial routine.

Elphaba - exactly. They had a perfect opportunity to talk directly to the kidnappers and plea for Caylee's safe return and to talk to Caylee to tell her how much they love her and are looking for her. I didn't see the interview, but you confirmed my suspicion that there was no emotional plea for the return of Caylee.

Did anyone ask them who the dead person in KC's trunk was?

NBC News just confirmed it paid a "nominal" fee for photographs as part of its coverage of the Casey Anthony case. A spokeswoman said in an e-mail: "NBC News does not pay for interviews. NBC News paid a nominal licensing fee for photos, which is standard in the industry." When we asked Anthony's spokesman, Larry Garrison, if any member of the Anthony family has received compensation from news or entertainment organizations.

Garrison replied via e-mail, "No family member is receiving money for interviews.",0,4898178.story


This just makes me sick. So, George & Cindy will sell the pictures, but can't afford stamps to mail pictures of Caylee for KC's cell or pay for gas to take some to drop them off at the jail for KC.

Second thought, KC probably just doesn't want any.

I bet KC is seething over G&C's "cameos" and to know they are being paid for the pictures. :eek:
I just watched it again, and disagree, but we are all entitled to our opinions.

Cindy smacking that gum on TV revolts me.
You may be right. I personally see no significance as to them not visiting. What are they going to discuss? Maybe the new candy at the commissary? IDK I don't see it as a big deal at all.
I brought it up in reference to the loving relationship that Cindy portrays she has with her daughter. In view of the relationship they expound to, it seems odd that they have not seen their daughter. I don't buy it...that's all.
I heard GA say that KC was and is a "WONDERFUL" daughter and I gagged.........
She even fought on Father's Day at home,lied, stole...............CA still sticking to "Mother of the year award...............these people are nuts! IMO
Not in the video I saw. They were sitting on adjoining sofa cushions next to each other, just like anyone else would.
They were as far apart as a couple could be at the beginning of the show. I watch the Today show every morning and have watched a parade of families cross the screen. There body language spoke volumes.
God forgive me but I want the A's to stop talking - when GA said that KC is a great or good, whatever word he used, daughter - I got sick - the spin to save KC from Life in Prison or the DP is way too obvious
IMO, they were blind to KC and didn't REALLY know her.............denial,IMO

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