Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

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They were as far part as a couple could be at the beginning of the show. I watch the Today show every morning and have watched a parade of families cross the screen. There body language spoke volumes.

I don't know....I'm watching the clips again on NG. They're sitting exactly where I'd expect them to. Close enough that the camera can get them both in the picture and far enough apart that they can be filmed individually without getting the side of the other's face in the shot. I imagine the producers told them where to sit.
LE DID tell them. You can count on that. If LE showed them the tests, they would not understand them from a scientific point of view. They KNOW she is dead. They KNEW she was dead when they smelled her decaying body in that car.

LE did not "raid" a house so to speak but did investigate, just like they investigated all the credible leads. The problem is from listening in court is the only leads seem to be coming from CA. They can't go on wild goose chases all over the country on what CA said.

Look at LE's position............the have not been able to get the truth out of KC or CA on anything. To keep following CA's leads would be a HUGE WASTE of taxpayer's money.

According to the Anthony's GA has been following these people and their PI's have all these things available but NONE of this is ever turned over to LE. That to me says none of them are credible and maybe even made up. I have noticed the PI's have not even acknowledged they are on this case. All of it may be lies.

They will get all the scientific information any day now when it is released to the defense............they may already have it. Do you honestly think that will change their actions? I don't.

Cindy said she asked LE if it was possible that Caylee was alive (after stating there was evidence indicating human decomp) and they told her yes.
and and and when I hear CA say that thing about someone else put a body in the trunk !!!!!!! This is about CAYLEE. So CA or GA if you read this please stop stop talking stop lalalalalalal (hands over my ears) lalalala - I'm not trying to be funny they need to really search for Caylee or stop talking
Not in the video I saw. They were sitting on adjoining sofa cushions next to each other, just like anyone else would.

In the video I saw from the Today show, Cindy & George are sitting way too far apart!!! Did you notice George touching Cindy's thigh while Cindy was answering the question posed to him? George reached with his fingers to Cindy many times . . . I feel for them.

Very sad!!
I do not believe at all that KC said for the focus to be on Caylee and that's why the A's are not calling nor visiting KC - - I just realized why the A's bother me - they say all this junk and really think that the public buys it - I am the public and that is an insult to me - and one semi not serious comment - Kobi thinks the dogs set the squirrels up
GA - there are just too many things that add up that our granddaughter is still alive
I think we all wish they would name a few.There is the smell of a dead body in her mothers car,FBI knows what position the body was in..lets see can they measure that space? Its a childs body! Now I did not read anywhere that it was said its a childs body but I did read the rest.It figures they could measure it. IMO
I think we all wish they would name a few.There is the smell of a dead body in her mothers car,FBI knows what position the body was in..lets see can they measure that space? Its a childs body! Now I did not read anywhere that it was said its a childs body but I did read the rest.It figures they could measure it. IMO

Cindy said she asked LE if it was possible that Caylee was alive (after stating there was evidence indicating human decomp) and they told her yes.

Cindy also said the dogs never hit in her backyard.
And, the car stunk to high heaven from a pizza.
And that Jesse G had Caylee.
I could go on, but I'll stop.

I can't believe one word from her mouth due to her track record. sorry
I don't know....I'm watching the clips again on NG. They're sitting exactly where I'd expect them to. Close enough that the camera can get them both in the picture and far enough apart that they can be filmed individually without getting the side of the other's face in the shot. I imagine the producers told them where to sit.
I believe it was at the very beginning...not sure if they were actually on stage or in the back waiting to come out. They weren't in the interview mode...just the setup. Cindy's body was even turned away from George's. I haven't seen the clip, so don't know if it has been included.
Well, I guess if anything good came out of the interview...according to Cindy there may be no trial because Caylee will be found within the week.
Just like Caylee would be home for her birthday party..........hmmmmmmmm........let the A family talk, they give more clues through Scott P..........and it will come back to smack everyone there in the butt! IMO
What I think is odd is not once have I seen a plea or crying to the 'kidnapper'.......the word 'grieving' has been used allot by CA...........I always think grieving is over death.......IMO
they're sitting so far apart, not touching at all, it looks like they've had a total disconnect.

CA is still in total denial, it's like watching a train wreck happen and not being able to stop it.

I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, perfect description!
I'm psyched up for this trial. I cannot wait to hear what they have. We need to invent a 'jaw picker-upper' gadget when the evidence is presented.

couldn't find a 'jaw picker-upper' - but this might do: :shocked2:
or this one: :eek:

and Yes I'm ready with my popcorn for this trial!! :popcorn:
Well, I guess if anything good came out of the interview...according to Cindy there may be no trial because Caylee will be found within the week.

Now that would be wonderful!
I don't see it as bashing. I see it as holding them accountable for their actions. When people lie and try to manipulate the public, they need to be scrutinized for all their inconsistencies. We could make an entire thread of all the things they have told which have turned out to be lies or twisting the information to put KC in a better light.

One which keeps jumping out at me was when CA was on Greta and downright lied about the dogs not making any conclusive hits in the backyard. That one just floored me because they have evidence tags all over some areas of that yard and took 5 gallon buckets of dirt with them.

When ANYONE would lie like that on national TV, not another word they say is not scrutinzed by me. See, I am different than the Anthonys who let KC lie to them for years, I don't take someone at their word EVER again once they lie to me.

They KNEW she was a habitual liar, but they condoned her lies because they went along knowing they were lies.....That is what got them in the position they are in today.......

They are doing the same thing now in my opinion and personally I don't believe a word they say.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Excellently said!!

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