Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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ITA - there are some things I would like to add:

The "Nanny" - there has been speculation about who was "paying" the nanny. Sure wasn't KC - so why would CA give KC money to pay the nanny? Well, I could see if during the day when they all were "working" that KC would aruge about needing money to pay her - but we have evidence in the IM's and texts that CA would refuse KC about watching Caylee on CA's off hours. CA admitted to Ryan that KC was a sociopath and CA knew she was stealing - so at that point, being a loving grandmother - she (CA) should have watched Caylee any and every time KC asked. If you love a small child and you have "questions" as to the mother - then you keep that child with you as much as possible. CA did not do this. CA never asked to meet the nanny, or where she lived, or even just a phone number. That baffles me. I know she was "just the grandmother" but they (KC and Caylee) lived under her roof and KC would ask and ask for CA to watch Caylee. I realize as a parent you want your child to become a parent and all - but CA already knew there were problems with KC and her "rationale" so at that point - just step in and be there for the child - keep the child safe. She didn't do that. IMO this has now created a HUGE GUILT feeling in CA - maybe or maybe not.

I understand what you are saying and I know for certain how I am and my grandchild would not have left the house without me knowing the nanny as well...however, we don't know if she in fact did inquire and Casey told her to "F*'s my business." It wouldn't surprise me none. And I can just hear Cindy going off the wall and KC going right back at her and George coming in and coddling KC and Cindy walking away ticked off with her hands up in the air. Then off goes Casey with Caylee to the "nanny". <sigh>
What right did that woman have to get right in Cindy's face and demand answers from Cindy? Cindy didn't owe her an answer at all, let alone an honest one. LE had the investigation under control. The didn't need the help of some busybody old woman.
Why couldn't CA have been the "bigger person" and NOT GO OUTSIDE to be confronted like that? Why would CA see the need to confront any old citizen hanging around outside about anything?
I would not care in the least what was out there if my grandchild was missing.
I could write a book about my life experiences, but would I care? Not for a minute if it would save my child or grandchild.

My life would be an open book for the world to see if that is what it took.

Yes and everything you said would be held against you...
I would not care in the least what was out there if my grandchild was missing.
I could write a book about my life experiences, but would I care? Not for a minute if it would save my child or grandchild.

My life would be an open book for the world to see if that is what it took.

I agree 100%, they could even splash the pictures I took on Bourban Street during Mardi Gras when I was 18! I could care less, just help me find my child or grandchild.
I feel the same way about the video visitations. I don't need privacy. I either support my child or not, but nothing would keep me away from them, or from telling them exactly how I feel about any situation!
ITA - there are some things I would like to add:

The "Nanny" - there has been speculation about who was "paying" the nanny. Sure wasn't KC - so why would CA give KC money to pay the nanny? Well, I could see if during the day when they all were "working" that KC would aruge about needing money to pay her - but we have evidence in the IM's and texts that CA would refuse KC about watching Caylee on CA's off hours. CA admitted to Ryan that KC was a sociopath and CA knew she was stealing - so at that point, being a loving grandmother - she (CA) should have watched Caylee any and every time KC asked. If you love a small child and you have "questions" as to the mother - then you keep that child with you as much as possible. CA did not do this. CA never asked to meet the nanny, or where she lived, or even just a phone number. That baffles me. I know she was "just the grandmother" but they (KC and Caylee) lived under her roof and KC would ask and ask for CA to watch Caylee. I realize as a parent you want your child to become a parent and all - but CA already knew there were problems with KC and her "rationale" so at that point - just step in and be there for the child - keep the child safe. She didn't do that. IMO this has now created a HUGE GUILT feeling in CA - maybe or maybe not.

I understand what you are saying and I know for certain how I am and my grandchild would not have left the house without me knowing the nanny as well...however, we don't know if she in fact did inquire and Casey told her to "F*'s my business." It wouldn't surprise me none. And I can just hear Cindy going off the wall and KC going right back at her and George coming in and coddling KC and Cindy walking away ticked off with her hands up in the air. Then off goes Casey with Caylee to the "nanny". <sigh>
To whom does Cindy need to tell those things? What makes you think she hasn't told LE everything? So far there is no proof that there was a fight the night of the 15th or that George was lying about seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th. There is plenty of evidence supporting George's story.
LE has said that the A's have been very cooperative, do you think if there actually was a fight that LE doesn't know about it? LE has declared the 16th as the date of Caylee's death. If George was lying do you think LE doesn't realize it? Do you really think that posters on a website know more than LE does?

bolded by me. hope thats ok Chilly

But what evidence?
As long as there was the slightest bit of hope left, the family opted for Caylee being kidnapped but alive. Who wouldn't? The alternative, that the baby was murdered by their own beloved daughter and sister, was not something they were willing to consider as long as Caylee was still missing. They held hope, however slight, that the horror would pass and someone would locate Caylee and bring her home safe and sound. Who can blame them?

MJ could not keep them from shooting themselves in the foot everytime they opened their mouths in front of cameras. They did not take his advice because it was not what they wanted to hear. Conway came into the public after the remains of a small child were found in the swamp around the corner from their house which had hair the same color as Caylee's still attached to the skull and no other children had been reported missing recently. They knew the odds of the remains being those of Caylee were enormous. When the remains were identified, we didn't hear from them again.

As CA stated early on, "show me proof" and then I will accept that Caylee is gone. When she got proof, she accepted it. Now they are dealing with the fact that the murder was intentional, another lump to swallow. What is left to say? KC destroyed everyone in her family when she killed Caylee and none of them will ever be the same again. PTSD? You bet. I would be chewing anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds every day and using sleeping pills at night if I were in the same position. They can't bury Caylee, they can't visist KC (for whatever reason), they can't resume life as it was and for the foreseeable future, they will be going through unending heartbreak as KC is tried for murder.

If LE can give them a pass, I can too. JG forgives them for trying to pin him with the kidnapping and he was 100% more affected by this crime than any of us.

I do believe that they hindered the investigation, destroyed potential evidence, misled and even lied to LE, but this is really between LE and them.
I didn't agree with the protesters at all, and felt they could have better served their cause by searching for Caylee, but the bottom line is they have the right in this country to do that. I can assure you I would not have been out in my front yard with a hammer and a water hose antagonizing them more. That brought more and more people to the "show."

Oh my. They had the hammer as they were pounding in signs of no tresspassing. And I thought the water hose was actually pretty creative;)
Lots and lots and lots of OT on this thread. Please get back to topic. thanks
I agree with everything you have said! Losing my brother in a car accident, I know there wasn't anyone in my family that could eat or sleep for days! I myself lost almost 20 lbs in the months to follow. I know everyone grieves in different ways, but this family:waitasec::waitasec: defies description! Most shocking was their attitude toward KC in the jail visits:furious:

How can you judge what they are doing in their grieving processes when they have yet to appear in public since the news of Caylee's body was recovered? By the way, very sorry to hear about your brother. I cannot fathom how hard it would be to lose a loved one to something sudden and unpredictable as you've experienced. Truly sad. I'm sorry of your loss.
As long as there was the slightest bit of hope left, the family opted for Caylee being kidnapped but alive. Who wouldn't? The alternative, that the baby was murdered by their own beloved daughter and sister, was not something they were willing to consider as long as Caylee was still missing. They held hope, however slight, that the horror would pass and someone would locate Caylee and bring her home safe and sound. Who can blame them?

MJ could not keep them from shooting themselves in the foot everytime they opened their mouths in front of cameras. They did not take his advice because it was not what they wanted to hear. Conway came into the public after the remains of a small child were found in the swamp around the corner from their house which had hair the same color as Caylee's still attached to the skull and no other children had been reported missing recently. They knew the odds of the remains being those of Caylee were enormous. When the remains were identified, we didn't hear from them again.

As CA stated early on, "show me proof" and then I will accept that Caylee is gone. When she got proof, she accepted it. Now they are dealing with the fact that the murder was intentional, another lump to swallow. What is left to say? KC destroyed everyone in her family when she killed Caylee and none of them will ever be the same again. PTSD? You bet. I would be chewing anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds every day and using sleeping pills at night if I were in the same position. They can't bury Caylee, they can't visist KC (for whatever reason), they can't resume life as it was and for the foreseeable future, they will be going through unending heartbreak as KC is tried for murder.

If LE can give them a pass, I can too. JG forgives them for trying to pin him with the kidnapping and he was 100% more affected by this crime than any of us.

I do believe that they hindered the investigation, destroyed potential evidence, misled and even lied to LE, but this is really between LE and them.
For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.

I soooooooooooooo agree!!!
Exactly. Your grandbaby's body has just been found trashed in the woods, her little skull rolls out onto the ground covered with duck tape and you naturally think: "Hey, what's for dinner!"

Your grandbaby's body has been found. In your heart, you know your daughter killed her. Someone says, "You can't go back to your house. It's now a crime scene. Every media organization in the world are after you. We suggest you go to the Ritz. No one will bother you there." You go where they tell you to. You're a walking robot, simply trying to put one foot ahead of each other, and you'll go where they tell you to.

Someone says, "You haven't eaten in 24 hours. You're going to have to stay strong because you're going to have to deal with some incredibly horrific things. This hotel has a dining room. You won't have to leave the building. You'll be protected from gawkers. If you don't eat, you'll collapse." You're a walking robot, past the point of making simple decisions about where you'll sleep and when or if you'll eat. You'll simply go with the flow and let people direct you.

Been there, done that, bought that hideous tee shirt, and I absolutely understand their decision.

There are many, many things to dislike, even despise, CA and GA for. The hotel they slept in and ate in on the night Caylee was found is not one of them.

bolded by me. hope thats ok Chilly

But what evidence?

Casey's cell pings put her at the home overnight on the 15th and on the morning of the 16th.
The home computer shows (taking this from another poster's research) that Casey used it the morning of the 16th.
Jesse spoke with Casey on the afternoon of the 16th and heard Caylee's voice in the background.
No one has come forward to say she was anywhere but home on the night of the 15th.
No neighbor has, as far as we know, testified to seeing Casey leave the house on the night of the 15th.
Casey texted back and forth all night to Tony - he believed she was at home.
George, Cindy, and Casey all say she was home.
LE has never publicly questioned George's statment, and they have declared the 16th as the date Caylee was killed.

There is not once single piece of evidence that she was not home. I don't know why people can't accept it.
First of all KC is not a teenager - she is 22 years old.

Yes we do know how much help they got her NONE. If that is not true then Cindy and George both lied again. Both said she had never had any psychological help.

Something was wrong in high school and according to some even before. All her friends said she "lied when the truth would have been better, but they just let it go" She didn't even finish and got pregnant by a man NO ONE KNOWS WHO.(I believe the Anthonys know exactly who it is)

Those few things alone are a d*mn good indicator to most parents that something is bad wrong in her psychological make up. GA told the FBI he has KNOWN that KC hadn't had a job in about 2 years, and CA paid all her bills, and never met the nanny. They KNEW, and they had known for a LONG time. They choose to cover the LIE.

KC was different than most teens in that she never paid a consequence for her actions and that is part of what got her where she is today.

There is no doubt I agree she never paid a consequence for her actions...absolutely agree and also that her family life was quite dysfunctional...and moreso, I believe while Cindy is the dominating one...she is taking the fall for a lot that she shouldn't have to take the fall for. I know Casey is not a teenager and my post was in reference to when she was a teenager...she was probably an average teen. Remember my original post. She was not a teen in and out of the justice system or having to have her parents be dragged to court so while she was a teen and while she was manipulative , mouthy and told lies...she didn't give her parents a whole lot of reasons to run her to a shrink.

You say that GA told the FBI that he KNEW she did not have a job for two years???? Are you saying George knew the emails left around from Casey's boss was fake? That she really wasn't working? I have listened to every taped interview and if this was stated you need to point me to the section of the tape as I believe you have totally misunderstood.
Back to the question at hand....have Cindy and George been seen by anyone lately? Any local news or anything? them taking trash out, getting mail, anything??
Your grandbaby's body has been found. In your heart, you know your daughter killed her. Someone says, "You can't go back to your house. It's now a crime scene. Every media organization in the world are after you. We suggest you go to the Ritz. No one will bother you there." You go where they tell you to. You're a walking robot, simply trying to put one foot ahead of each other, and you'll go where they tell you to.

Someone says, "You haven't eaten in 24 hours. You're going to have to stay strong because you're going to have to deal with some incredibly horrific things. This hotel has a dining room. You won't have to leave the building. You'll be protected from gawkers. If you don't eat, you'll collapse." You're a walking robot, past the point of making simple decisions about where you'll sleep and when or if you'll eat. You'll simply go with the flow and let people direct you.

Been there, done that, bought that hideous tee shirt, and I absolutely understand their decision.

There are many, many things to dislike, even despise, CA and GA for. The hotel they slept in and ate in on the night Caylee was found is not one of them.


Exactly. It was very irresponsible of WFTV to report this story with the bias they put on it, even mentioning that meals at that restaurant COULD run up to $100 each, without saying what, if anything, the A's actually ordered and ate.
If the crap below would not help nudge a person over the edge... what will.
With people saying horrible things about them, writing horrible things about them .... even if deserved - I can sure see why Cindy "don't like nobuddy". You know. She sees and feels it from HER. In all honesty if I had to go through what she has gone through with "people".... I would do worse. I had a small taste of that when my brother suicided -people- who know all the answers and my opinion at the time was screw them. Pfft!!!

Originally Posted by PaulaF513
For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.
This thread is heading for self destruct. don't say I didn't warn ya.
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