Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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I tell ya....I give Cindy credit in that one. That old hag had no business dragging herself from her trailer park, throwin her ol' beer can under the fence and comin' after Cindy the way she did. She's lucky she didn't get a good wallop on the ol' noggin' ;)

LOL....I luv that kitty
The same day this week that KC was at the hearing, Cindy came to the door to get a delivery. A reporter tried to ask her questions. I think GA, LA, and CA were all reported to be at home during the hearing.
sigh. It was hyperbole. Snark. A tacky throwaway comment not really spongeworthy enough to write a book about.

No, it was a perfect example of the ease with which we can be manipulated by media who just luuuuvvs a good sleaze story. Something that is a nothing takes on a life of its on as it gets dissected and discussed and remembered and brooded upon and bought to life again through tacky throwaway comments.

If Cindy Anthony had done everything that a proper grieving grandmother should do, as defined by us, the stay at the Ritz and the supper at the Ritz would have been a non-issue.

I find that whole process fascinating.

I would not care in the least what was out there if my grandchild was missing.
I could write a book about my life experiences, but would I care? Not for a minute if it would save my child or grandchild.

My life would be an open book for the world to see if that is what it took.

Sure, of course. I agree with you...however, why does the public expect they should have come forth during an investigation and start talking and offering about all their family arguments, what all the things their daughter has done wrong in her life, etc? What good would that have done? Would that have found Caylee? No.
No, it was a perfect example of the ease with which we can be manipulated by media who just luuuuvvs a good sleaze story. Something that is a nothing takes on a life of its on as it gets dissected and discussed and remembered and brooded upon and bought to life again through tacky throwaway comments.

If Cindy Anthony had done everything that a proper grieving grandmother should do, as defined by us, the stay at the Ritz and the supper at the Ritz would have been a non-issue.

I find that whole process fascinating.


(bold mine)

You and me both.
Sure, of course. I agree with you...however, why does the public expect they should have come forth during an investigation and start talking and offering about all their family arguments, what all the things their daughter has done wrong in her life, etc? What good would that have done? Would that have found Caylee? No.

Exactly. The A's opened their doors to LE and told them take whatever they needed. They had no obligation to tell the public anything, and the public had no right to demand them to do so.
There is a difference between believing someone is not guilty of murder and trying to help them get away with murder. I've seen nothing the A's have done that appears to be an effort to help her get away with anything. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact.

I agree with you chilly:clap:
No, it was a perfect example of the ease with which we can be manipulated by media who just luuuuvvs a good sleaze story. Something that is a nothing takes on a life of its on as it gets dissected and discussed and remembered and brooded upon and bought to life again through tacky throwaway comments.

If Cindy Anthony had done everything that a proper grieving grandmother should do, as defined by us, the stay at the Ritz and the supper at the Ritz would have been a non-issue.

I find that whole process fascinating.


I agree with your assessment generally. I've said it before here and I guess I can say it again. I have never, ever seen a family of a murder victim or the family of an accused killer be so reviled by the public. I don't recall anyone hounding the families of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy. I give the public a lot of credit for understanding how horrible things can happen to good people.

I think to some degree the public has felt conned and manipulated by this particular family to such a degree that they're bursting at the seams. I won't go into any further details but let's just say this is an unusual case for various understandable reasons and leave it at that.
why should we expect to see them? They owe us nothing. They have finally figured out to keep quiet and deal with this mess privately. I say it's about time and it's the right thing to do.

ITA I think they are just starting to process what really happened.They were staying so busy defending KC before that they did not start true grieving. There is really nothing left for them to say. IMO they are acting as any family would in this horrible situation. Finally.God Bless them.It won't get any easier any time soon.
I tell ya....I give Cindy credit in that one. That old hag had no business dragging herself from her trailer park, throwin her ol' beer can under the fence and comin' after Cindy the way she did. She's lucky she didn't get a good wallop on the ol' noggin' ;)


Love it! You aren't originally from the South are you? Man...I miss home.

I wish the best for the family of our (she is a part of us all now), little baby Caylee. I can't imagine having to go through what their lives have become. I'm sure I would have succumbed to the pressure ages ago. I feel no hatred for anyone. i am sad that this happens every day. I am upset with actions of some players involved in this saga,but who are we to place blame? I only hope that justice will be served.
You can love the tiger without tossing innocent people into its cage

You're missing my point. I hate what has happened. I cannot for the life of me fathom what KC has done. But, imho, I do not think CA (errant ring leader) would of willed any of this. She was a blind woman to her tiger's (KC) potential to do harm. CA, herself, can't fathom this situation let alone at the hand of her own child. So much so, she cannot believe any intentional wrong doing by her tiger.
Back to the question at hand....have Cindy and George been seen by anyone lately? Any local news or anything? them taking trash out, getting mail, anything??

The last I heard,the day KC appeared in court,it was announced the A's were at home. Someone dropped a box off at their house,GA retrieved it,a reporter shouted a question to him,but he just picked up the box and closed the door. That's the last time that I'm aware of,and the only reason I remember it,is because my first thought was,"Why doesn't the media leave them alone."
Your grandbaby's body has been found. In your heart, you know your daughter killed her. Someone says, "You can't go back to your house. It's now a crime scene. Every media organization in the world are after you. We suggest you go to the Ritz. No one will bother you there." You go where they tell you to. You're a walking robot, simply trying to put one foot ahead of each other, and you'll go where they tell you to.

Someone says, "You haven't eaten in 24 hours. You're going to have to stay strong because you're going to have to deal with some incredibly horrific things. This hotel has a dining room. You won't have to leave the building. You'll be protected from gawkers. If you don't eat, you'll collapse." You're a walking robot, past the point of making simple decisions about where you'll sleep and when or if you'll eat. You'll simply go with the flow and let people direct you.

Been there, done that, bought that hideous tee shirt, and I absolutely understand their decision.

There are many, many things to dislike, even despise, CA and GA for. The hotel they slept in and ate in on the night Caylee was found is not one of them.


Excellent post and I sooooooooooooo agree.
Casey's cell pings put her at the home overnight on the 15th and on the morning of the 16th.
The home computer shows (taking this from another poster's research) that Casey used it the morning of the 16th.
Jesse spoke with Casey on the afternoon of the 16th and heard Caylee's voice in the background.
No one has come forward to say she was anywhere but home on the night of the 15th.
No neighbor has, as far as we know, testified to seeing Casey leave the house on the night of the 15th.
Casey texted back and forth all night to Tony - he believed she was at home.
George, Cindy, and Casey all say she was home.
LE has never publicly questioned George's statment, and they have declared the 16th as the date Caylee was killed.

There is not once single piece of evidence that she was not home. I don't know why people can't accept it.

yes. That is how I recall it, as well. Thanks for the clarification.
I agree with your assessment generally. I've said it before here and I guess I can say it again. I have never, ever seen a family of a murder victim or the family of an accused killer be so reviled by the public. I don't recall anyone hounding the families of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy. I give the public a lot of credit for understanding how horrible things can happen to good people.

I think to some degree the public has felt conned and manipulated by this particular family to such a degree that they're bursting at the seams. I won't go into any further details but let's just say this is an unusual case for various understandable reasons and leave it at that.

When Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy were in the news, there was no internet. News did not travel at the speed of light. There were no live internet feeds or webcams. There were not endless forums across which the case could be discussed, the players disected, and a thousand verdicts rendered all at the click of the mouse.
IMHO, the information technology we have at our disposal today has played an enormous and significant role in the public's interest in this case.
Back to the question at hand....have Cindy and George been seen by anyone lately? Any local news or anything? them taking trash out, getting mail, anything??

Other than one reporter talking to George on the phone and doing a write up in a newspaper column, the answer is no.
Thanks Chilly for the clarification :) I wasnt questioning location

I agree that where the A's slept or ate makes no difference- I believe it was done for them as a courtesy.

Are there still media vans in front of the house?
I agree George & Cindy let KC & Caylee live with them to try to ensure Caylee was taken care of. I however disagree they had nothing to prove she was an unfit mother. A fit mother provides for her child or at least tries to. In Lee's statement to LE, he said KC did not provide for Caylee as far as food, shelter, medical, clothing, toys. I wouldnt expect a girl of KC's age to be able to live on her own, fully supporting her daughter but I would expect KC to at least do something for her child. I am amazed she claimed to work full time but had no money to buy a pack of diapers.
A fit mother coes not steal from friends and family. I have seen woman steal by putting items in their babies stroller. When I see that, I want to shout "what the hell are you teaching your child." A fit parent does not sleep with a slew of men, your children only know the values and morals you teach & show them. A fit parent does not take their child to an adult party, asleep or not. I am not talking about the weekend card party among neighbors, I am talking about a bunch of young, single people where a lot of drinking and possibly drugs are going on. A fit mother does not dump her child on her parents every chance she can so she can party.

I think if Cindy had taken a day timer and done some documentation, day by day, of the ways she witnessed Caylee not being cared for properly, she darn well could have gotten custody on a temp basis.

You can preach to your children all you want, but in the end, they most often will model the behavior they have seen. It's not do as I say, it's do as I do.

Cindy KNEW KC was not a fit mother but she was not willing in my opinion to let others know it and that is what would have been required to do it. Her own ego and pride kept her from making the moves she needed to protect Caylee.

I will disagree with you on one point and that is a 22 year old with a child should not be expected to live on their own. My adult children did at that age as did I. I have a 21 year old young single mother living in one of our apartments and she goes to school, works, and I have seen her playing in the yard often with her son. She makes it, KC could have made it, but she was "taught" to be lazy and "taught" that someone would provide for her because she was "entitled". She was looking for a man who would do that too. The ironic thing is she does now have someone (state of Florida) who WILL take care of her the rest of her life.
This thread is heading for self destruct. don't say I didn't warn ya.

Am I missing something or saying something OT? It seems most all of us are in sinc of the topic? Cindy over the edge and where are the Anthonys? HELP! Please be specific about what is OT as we don't want it locked up!
IMO Ca was supporting KC cause she knew he was not able to take care of Caylee , and she was afraid what would happen to Caylee if they left the family home. As a grandparent who had pictures proving abuse (local police came and called in a crime scence photographer to take pictures of very bad bruises on my grandchilds leg)they called dyfus and nothing was done except to clear the mother and cause me to not see my grandchild for 9 months. I know how the system works grandparents dont matter .I too had a manipulatating mom hold back me seeing my grandbaby when she didnt get her way. I let her get away with it for the longest time for the babys sake . He is my world but when he was badly bruised that was the last straw. I tried to do the right thing and I havent been able to see the light of my being for 9 months. Oh and when we went to court we had proof of her neglect of him and the judge wouldnt even look at the file. My heart breaks for CA , when she seemed on KC side it was because she was hoping beyond hope that KC would led her to alive Caylee. I would have done the same thing to get my grandbaby back home safe. JMO
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