Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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I kind of remember GA saying something to the effect of "I knew she didn't have a real job"...sort of like when someone tells you you were right about something you had suspected. I think the Anthonys long suspected that KC didn't have the job that she claimed to have...the respectable Universal office, etc. But I'll bet they thought she was waitressing or bartending or something else that was less admirable in their estimation, yet still a job.

Ok. Yes....that could be entirely possible. She sure seemed to make her own hours.
What are we doing wrong?

Gotta send you a hug! I had the same question and I believe at the same time:)
just wanted to add the mom is not my daughter
Love it! You aren't originally from the South are you? Man...I miss home.

I wish the best for the family of our (she is a part of us all now), little baby Caylee. I can't imagine having to go through what their lives have become. I'm sure I would have succumbed to the pressure ages ago. I feel no hatred for anyone. i am sad that this happens every day. I am upset with actions of some players involved in this saga,but who are we to place blame? I only hope that justice will be served.

I agree. And no, not from the south...originally from the midwest and now live on the east coast for the past 11 years. However, have been to nearly every state in the US except 4 :)
The only I have seen from them is GA's off camera statement a week or so ago and then today the article about the public memorial and how CA has made it a point to say that LP will NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND. How she can keep someone out of a public memorial I have no idea.

I don't have the link - but its on the thread for today's news.

ZOMG, are you kidding me?? Then that answers part of the I said....just when we think that Cindy has gotten some sense of what the deal is and its sunk in and people start feeling compassion for her...BAM--HAMMERTIME. To say that LP will not be able to atttend...she might as well be saying its pizza smell again. So she's not been seen but heard.....loud and clear. For pete's sakes.
Cleaning "the car (that)smelled like a damn dead body was in it"
Washing clothing which smelled the same, while a baby was missing.
Lying to investigators

If they believed the nanny had done this crime.. would they have had these same actions?

Yes to all of the above. BUT, CA trained the tiger so she cannot believe KC's culpable because she, CA, would never have done this terrible thing herself so how could her offspring? She doesn't see that they are separate. In the case of the real tiger, I think ?name realizes that his tiger is an animal being made to do exceptional things for a tiger (like not attacking things). Animals should be respected as animals and people should never act like animals (but they do).
When Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy were in the news, there was no internet. News did not travel at the speed of light. There were no live internet feeds or webcams. There were not endless forums across which the case could be discussed, the players disected, and a thousand verdicts rendered all at the click of the mouse.
IMHO, the information technology we have at our disposal today has played an enormous and significant role in the public's interest in this case.

Very good insight. And you are correct. We could even say the same for the OJ trial.
Other than one reporter talking to George on the phone and doing a write up in a newspaper column, the answer is no.
\I recall it was reported that they sat with Caylee's body at the funeral home for a bit.When I heard that I kept thinking about the way NG describes "Caylee,all alone at the funeral home in a cardboard box" 20 times a night.I also found it odd that no reporters got pics of them entering or leaving the funeral home.
Even if LE does believe that there was a fight on the 15th or suspect that GA didn't see KC and Caylee on the 16th, I don't believe that they will follow up with OJ charges until after KC's trial. They have enought to convict KC and I don't believe that they will elect to "muddy" the waters with this information if it doesn't assist them in getting a conviction for KC.

I don't think that Casey and Cindy having a fight has anything to do with Casey murdering Caylee in the eyes of LE. I also don't think that the last date that they saw Caylee...if they got it enough to have charges pressed either. George very well could have seen Caylee on the 16th if she was murdered later in the day or evening. I know that judges have laws which they can use to charge people for hindering an investigation but they rarely use them. I will be surprised if anything happens to Cindy and George.

I think we are not seeing or hearing from the Anthonys is because they are grieving for Caylee. They are probably numb and have no more fight left. I have no doubt that Caylee was the light of their lives. My heart goes out to them. Lee moving back home with his parents for now says a lot to me. I think that Cindy was on the edge as it was and knowing that Caylee is really gone has to be the most devistating thing that has ever happened to this family. They need lots of prayers.
I didn't agree with the protesters at all, and felt they could have better served their cause by searching for Caylee, but the bottom line is they have the right in this country to do that. I can assure you I would not have been out in my front yard with a hammer and a water hose antagonizing them more. That brought more and more people to the "show." :clap::clap::clap:

Anytime there is something like that, you take the chance of something really bad happening and to be honest, GA & Lee should have both been prosecuted for some of their actions in it. :woohoo:They should have stayed in their house and let the police handle it if necessary. :clap::clap:

I felt the Anthonys got a "payoff' in it because they kept talking to reporters all the while. There is a "payoff" :clap:for everything in human nature or we don't do it again.:):) CA is SO enthralled with herself,:boohoo: that she wanted that attention in my opinion and that is why they kept going out every hour or so to have a confrontation with the protesters.

Insanity is best described as "Doing the same thing over and expecting different results" - their actions to me were pure insanity.

For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with,:confused::waitasec: in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.

THURBOTHINK! Your quote says it all.....They brought all this on themselves! I can't add anything to your statement, as that is the reason people GREW to dispise them!! Their actions were totally inappropriate, in light of the nightmare at hand. Their actions were despicable, worthy of contempt in the eyes of the public, grieving for this little girl!

Paula, IMHO, They SUNK to the level of, "those drunken scumbags" for all the world to see, & in doing so, revealed much about themselves. It was a modern-day lynch-mob of epic proportions, and as low as the protestors appeared to be, the ungraceful posture of the Anthonys was sickening to eveyone who watched. I, myself, interpreted this as, "The apple (KC) doesn't fall far from the tree" And, " Me Think Thou Dost Protest Too Much"
Cindy KNEW KC was not a fit mother but she was not willing in my opinion to let others know it and that is what would have been required to do it. Her own ego and pride kept her from making the moves she needed to protect Caylee.

I will disagree with you on one point and that is a 22 year old with a child should not be expected to live on their own. My adult children did at that age as did I. I have a 21 year old young single mother living in one of our apartments and she goes to school, works, and I have seen her playing in the yard often with her son. She makes it, KC could have made it, but she was "taught" to be lazy and "taught" that someone would provide for her because she was "entitled". She was looking for a man who would do that too. The ironic thing is she does now have someone (state of Florida) who WILL take care of her the rest of her life.

I have to disagree to a point. Cindy did not have to let others know's no body elses business of what goes on in one's own family unit. Why would she have felt the need to have had to tell people that her own daughter was not "fit to be on her own"? I think Cindy thought KC was fit to be on her own...was just upset she wasn't. Yet at the same time, there is a big part of Cindy liking Caylee being there...maybe for her own reasons. Maybe Caylee really recipricated the unconditional love that Cindy herself craved that perhaps she didn't get from George or her own children? I just don't see this as worthy of any judgmental thoughts from us. Imagine going to the grocery store and people asking "how are you?" you tell them, "I am exhausted I have a daughter who is a loser and doesn't take care of her own child" ? would say "fine, and you?"....unless it's a personal friend or confidant, it is not necessary nor contributing towards what Casey did because Cindy did not broadcast to others about what went on in their home. JMHO
Ok. I'm about to broadcast what is going on in my home right now! My husband said if I don't come up to bed in 5 minutes he's starting the movie without me!! G'nite all...take care and talk tomorrow :)
For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.

For heaven's sake, they DID continuously call the police/911 to deal with the rabble. Specifically CASEY. Casey is the one who placed calls demanding that the police need to do something about these, in your words, "drunken scumbags." What amazes me about the whole protesting in front of the Anthony home is that with every perceived violation from the protesters, the Anthonys, namely Casey, felt it necessary to call 911, yet when her daughter was "abducted" she felt it necessary to NOT call 911, go out and rent videos, text her friends to meet up with her at Fusion Ultra Lounge, go onto facebook/myspace inviting all her contacts to do the same, text message all her contacts to do the same, steal her BFF's checks and clean out the account, bump and grind with other female patrons at Fusion's hot body contest, be photographed in her most deperate hours of terror and fear over her abducted baby, smiling with her gal pals and her hip-hop promotion friends, etc., etc. Give me a break!

The poor anthony family and all that they've been put through by the "drunken scumbags"???? Are you serious????? :eek: Those drunken scumbags were the least of their troubles. Whatever.

In quote Casey at her prison-phone-call-finest...Oh, well. :rolleyes:
\I recall it was reported that they sat with Caylee's body at the funeral home for a bit.When I heard that I kept thinking about the way NG describes "Caylee,all alone at the funeral home in a cardboard box" 20 times a night.I also found it odd that no reporters got pics of them entering or leaving the funeral home.

I think someone was just trying to add a little something to spice the story up. I don't believe for a minute that they went and sat with Caylee's bones.
It would have been all over the news the minute they walked into the funeral home. Besides, who would know what they were doing there. They might have gone to make arrangements for Caylee's service IF they did in fact go to the funeral home. I honestly don't think they have been there yet though.
Ok. I'm about to broadcast what is going on in my home right now! My husband said if I don't come up to bed in 5 minutes he's starting the movie without me!! G'nite all...take care and talk tomorrow :)

What movie? I'll tell you how it ends.
No, it was a perfect example of the ease with which we can be manipulated by media who just luuuuvvs a good sleaze story. Something that is a nothing takes on a life of its on as it gets dissected and discussed and remembered and brooded upon and bought to life again through tacky throwaway comments.

If Cindy Anthony had done everything that a proper grieving grandmother should do, as defined by us, the stay at the Ritz and the supper at the Ritz would have been a non-issue.

I find that whole process fascinating.


They had to stay in a hotel/motel that night as they weren't allowed to stay in their home because it was sealed off. They also had to eat somewhere.
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