Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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I am sorry if my going o/t made trouble for this thread. I was just trying to explain the position you can sometimes find yourself in.
How do you know how much or little the Anthonys have cooperated with LE? For instance the Aug 14th tapes have not been released. From reading/watching the interviews given to date, I personally think the Anthonys have been very open and frank. At this point in time we really know nothing. What we think we know might change many times. Don't close your mind!

This isn't a reality show and as much as people would like to see Anthonys' entire lives exposed so they can huff and puff, that's not what this is about. Have you forgotten it's Casey who has been charged with the crime? When the case goes to trial we will know as much as can ever be known, but not yet.

My opinion, of course. Cindy told investigators that they had a "lovely evening" on June 15th, despite other accounts that there was a big fight, overheard by neighbors, and also relayed by Lee Anthony (Cindy choking Casey). George's account of seeing Casey & Caylee leaving the morning of the 16th, with all the details of what they were wearing and recalled a month after the fact, just doesn't add up to most of us.

At this stage of the game, I would never claim to have an open mind about this case.
Ok. I'm about to broadcast what is going on in my home right now! My husband said if I don't come up to bed in 5 minutes he's starting the movie without me!! G'nite all...take care and talk tomorrow :)

Gnite and thank goodness that is all he was threatening to start without ya!
Socieopaths do not care who they hurt as long as they get their way. My own opinion is that Cindy loved Caylee more than anyone knows and remember that KC at one time was a baby in Cindy's arms. I am sure that Cindy is blaming herself for this whole thing and that is exactly what KC wants. Cindy did not kill little Caylee and no matter what, people make their own choices, there are plenty of dysfunctional families who "choose" not to kill their own children. I do not know how I would react to people honing in on me like buzzards while I am worried sick about my grand daughter being missing and then finding out my daughter was probably the one who killed her. Maybe she wasn't perfect in her reactions and I really believe George and Lee hid alot from her to protect her. Just my opinion be it right or wrong.
Me too JBean, apologies if I got too OT. This was really an interesting and thought provoking thread- with varied points of view.
As long as there was the slightest bit of hope left, the family opted for Caylee being kidnapped but alive. Who wouldn't? The alternative, that the baby was murdered by their own beloved daughter and sister, was not something they were willing to consider as long as Caylee was still missing. They held hope, however slight, that the horror would pass and someone would locate Caylee and bring her home safe and sound. Who can blame them?

MJ could not keep them from shooting themselves in the foot everytime they opened their mouths in front of cameras. They did not take his advice because it was not what they wanted to hear. Conway came into the public after the remains of a small child were found in the swamp around the corner from their house which had hair the same color as Caylee's still attached to the skull and no other children had been reported missing recently. They knew the odds of the remains being those of Caylee were enormous. When the remains were identified, we didn't hear from them again.

As CA stated early on, "show me proof" and then I will accept that Caylee is gone. When she got proof, she accepted it. Now they are dealing with the fact that the murder was intentional, another lump to swallow. What is left to say? KC destroyed everyone in her family when she killed Caylee and none of them will ever be the same again. PTSD? You bet. I would be chewing anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds every day and using sleeping pills at night if I were in the same position. They can't bury Caylee, they can't visist KC (for whatever reason), they can't resume life as it was and for the foreseeable future, they will be going through unending heartbreak as KC is tried for murder.

If LE can give them a pass, I can too. JG forgives them for trying to pin him with the kidnapping and he was 100% more affected by this crime than any of us.

I do believe that they hindered the investigation, destroyed potential evidence, misled and even lied to LE, but this is really between LE and them.
Socieopaths do not care who they hurt as long as they get their way. My own opinion is that Cindy loved Caylee more than anyone knows and remember that KC at one time was a baby in Cindy's arms. I am sure that Cindy is blaming herself for this whole thing and that is exactly what KC wants. Cindy did not kill little Caylee and no matter what, people make their own choices, there are plenty of dysfunctional families who "choose" not to kill their own children. I do not know how I would react to people honing in on me like buzzards while I am worried sick about my grand daughter being missing and then finding out my daughter was probably the one who killed her. Maybe she wasn't perfect in her reactions and I really believe George and Lee hid alot from her to protect her. Just my opinion be it right or wrong.

Very good post
:clap::clap:I as a mom and a grandmom always feel guilty when things go wrong for my children I am sure she feels very responsible for what has happened to her granddaughter. I also feel George tried to ease her mind with the smell was the pizza, He even said at one point if anything happened to Caylee it would kill Cindy .
I think they are just embarrassed that they were wrong~

I think thats part of it. I also think that Casey learned to create and be comfortable in her alternate realities from her parents. I think they tried very hard to convince themselves that anything happened besides the obvious. Finding caylee was too real and now they have to deal with the grief that has been building since June - when they last saw Caylee alive. I recognize theie culpability but God I feel for them.

THURBOTHINK! Your quote says it all.....They brought all this on themselves! I can't add anything to your statement, as that is the reason people GREW to dispise them!! Their actions were totally inappropriate, in light of the nightmare at hand. Their actions were despicable, worthy of contempt in the eyes of the public, grieving for this little girl!

Paula, IMHO, They SUNK to the level of, "those drunken scumbags" for all the world to see, & in doing so, revealed much about themselves. It was a modern-day lynch-mob of epic proportions, and as low as the protestors appeared to be, the ungraceful posture of the Anthonys was sickening to eveyone who watched. I, myself, interpreted this as, "The apple (KC) doesn't fall far from the tree" And, " Me Think Thou Dost Protest Too Much"
But the topic of the thread is do you think CA has gone over the edge (not how much to you despise/hate CA.
Would you want to accept the truth , that a baby you loved with all your heart was killed by the child you raised and loved. What a nightmare! and they are suppose to behave in a certain way by people who dont even know them . If Cindy has gone over the edge I wonder if some of the negativity shown on websites helped push her over the edge
But the topic of the thread is do you think CA has gone over the edge (not how much to you despise/hate CA.

I agree, but its hard to answer that question without explaining why. I personally don't hate them, I don't even know them so I can't hate them. I don't think I've ever hated anyone, disliked yes, hate, well thats a strong word. I really believe that Cindy is going over the edge, but I don't think that she will ever be ready to say that her daughter is guilty even though I think she knows the reality of it. She lost her granddaughter and now she is going to lose her daughter. I don't think she will ever be able to accept that and I think she will always hold out the hope that somehow, somewhere Casey didn't do it.
Would you want to accept the truth , that a baby you loved with all your heart was killed by the child you raised and loved. What a nightmare! and they are suppose to behave in a certain way by people who dont even know them . If Cindy has gone over the edge I wonder if some of the negativity shown on websites helped push her over the edge

ITA! :clap:
To whom does Cindy need to tell those things? What makes you think she hasn't told LE everything? So far there is no proof that there was a fight the night of the 15th or that George was lying about seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th. There is plenty of evidence supporting George's story.

LE has said that the A's have been very cooperative, do you think if there actually was a fight that LE doesn't know about it? LE has declared the 16th as the date of Caylee's death. If George was lying do you think LE doesn't realize it? Do you really think that posters on a website know more than LE does?

I think LE has facts that we aren't privy to, at least I hope so.

I agree with you completely. Wishing the best possible for them.

Me too. My prayers and thoughts are with them and their entire family. I really hope they get the help they so need in order to heal from this.
JBean, This is just getting good........without getting out of hand??:chillpill::ban me:
it's still open isn't it?:woohoo:
I am just a dried up old grouchy hag...don't mind me :innocent:
No, not all bloggers have been nice. With the bizarre actions of this family, people began to catch on. Negative actions have negative reactions. If the lying hadnt become an issue, public opinion of them would be better. They brought this opinion on themselves.

Having been the victim of a horrible crime myself, I know exactly how far one can be pushed, and what happens when people turn a blind eye to the crime and anyone involved. Justice is not always served up on a silver platter. Children, especially deceased ones, have no voice. It is not up to LE alone to guarantee justice. It is the voice of the people. The courts were designed to hear our voices in a controlled setting.

Spinning the publics head was done by Cindy and George as well as Casey. I have heard more from Cindy on tv than I have from Casey. Cindy knew full well that her daughter was a liar and a thief.. yet she has done her best to portray her as a good person. Maybe that was her right as a mother, but the head spinning that was started by Casey, was carried on for 6 months by her mother.

I have an infinite amount of compassion for victims, but not for those who cannot be honest. Justice for Caylee and the crimes against her,laying taped and forlorn in a garbage bag for months. I have a grand daughter that is two. If she were missing right now I would be looking for her everywhere-dead or alive, while praying every minute that she is alive. I would be thanking everyone who took even 30 minutes to help.

So pardon me if I seem cold or uncaring. That is certainly not the case. I have priorities, and empathy for the Anthony's , but my concern is for Caylee Marie. Those who harmed her or helped to decieve or cover it up will gt no tears from me.

If my daughter was accused of killing my granddaughter, I'd have a breakdown.

I do think it's odd that they haven't visited her. I know they're saying they don't want their every word recorded, but they don't have to talk about the case. They could just go and tell her they loved her.

My bet is that Casey will not see them...
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