Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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Title of this thread is Cindy over the edge? Where are the A's?

I don't believe BC has any hold over them AT ALL. MN sure as h&ll didn't and he's a better, bigger, stronger, more experienced lawyer that BC.

IMO Cindy IS hurting right now. She is probably heavily medicated hence LA moving back home - prob to help care for her.

BUT, IMO I can think of 1.7 million little things that are keeping them out of the spotlight right about now.

IMO when they got off that plane (the day the remains were found) LE took them into a private room either at the airport or at the station and gave them a "come to Jesus" moment. THAT is what is keeping them buttoned up - BC is only a messenger or an aide to help them get out with their skins. The A's have been told by LE what they are considering charging them with. THAT is what is keeping them quiet.

I will never get over CA saying in the bond hearing that "there is NO evidence". I thought WTH? Then came the switch up with the car and the pizza. Then we hear about the pants and the knife. Then came the hammer wielding CA calling people leeches, maggots, and the like.

No - no compassion from me. The know what they did and they did it despite all the advice. Refusing to give TM a piece of Caylee's clothes with her scent.

Immunity. Oh please. IF YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG - YOU DON'T NEED IMMUNITY!!!!! Mark Lunsford NEVER asked for immunity. Klass NEVER asked for immunity. And I hope every day that LE does not grant this request as we know it is tied to 1.7 million reasons for the A's to get it.

1.7 million reasons folks - they will never have to worry about what anyone ever thinks of them again.

Just keep that in the back of your mind when considering "feeling sorry" for the A's.


VERY well said, SWAG1959! I agree with every word!
bolded by me.........

They raised Casey and they KNEW she was NOT RIGHT in her mind, but they did NOTHING to stop her. That end was almost inevitable for the lifestyle they "taught".............there was addiction, violence, and deep hatred in that family and NO ONE did a thing to change it until it was way too late. Their denial kept all the family secrets hidden.

When Caylee was born, Cindy wanted to be her mother, but KC resented it and the battle began. Cindy used Caylee and KC used Caylee to get to each other and the battle ended with Caylee dead. George was a joke in the family, and where there is no respect for the father, there are messed up kids.

They were NOT PUSHED - they LOVE chaos - they lived it. Normal people would have stayed in their home, left in their cars from their garage and never inflamed people who did not agree with them. Normal people would NOT have lied and hid evidence for their murdering daughter KNOWING their granddaughter was her victim. They KNEW the minute they smelled that car what KC had done.

Again, we don't know to what extent that the Anthony's tried in getting help for Casey. Prior to the disappearance of Caylee...Casey really was not much different than a lot of uncontrollable teens...and perhaps even in a sense...not even near as hard to raise as some teens that keep their parents in the courts and juvenile justice halls. However, as an adult they started to see the signs of her actions with stealing and personality issues and manipulations...and from what is told Cindy did start seeing a therapist (you can't make an adult child go to one) I can't find fault that they didn't "do all they could" when in fact it seems Cindy was on the right path. I think we read far more into what the media has portrayed than what may have actually transpired and there is plenty we are still not privy to know.
Wow. I understand not liking them, but we don't even know them. We know what we read, see on TV, etc. I personally have known people who are screwed up and did all the things you say Casey did growing up and they didnt turn out to murder their child! They had no idea this would happen and to blame them for Casey murdering her child is unbelivable.

Welcome to the forum:) I can tell you there are a lot that are blaming the Anthony's. I for one put the blame where it belongs. On Casey Anthony.
<respectfully snipped for space>

Immunity. Oh please. IF YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG - YOU DON'T NEED IMMUNITY!!!!! Mark Lunsford NEVER asked for immunity. Klass NEVER asked for immunity. And I hope every day that LE does not grant this request as we know it is tied to 1.7 million reasons for the A's to get it.

1.7 million reasons folks - they will never have to worry about what anyone ever thinks of them again.

Just keep that in the back of your mind when considering "feeling sorry" for the A's.

Very well stated. What price 'justice'? Oh, about 1.7 Million. :furious:
Easy said ..... but I would have been mad as hades that 'they' thought they could even pull that crap.

Yeah - I know - don't agg them on - but crap that is so Jerry Springer looking and acting. I just think ppl like that are crazy!!! Trailerpark.....

I didn't agree with the protesters at all, and felt they could have better served their cause by searching for Caylee, but the bottom line is they have the right in this country to do that. I can assure you I would not have been out in my front yard with a hammer and a water hose antagonizing them more. That brought more and more people to the "show."

Anytime there is something like that, you take the chance of something really bad happening and to be honest, GA & Lee should have both been prosecuted for some of their actions in it. They should have stayed in their house and let the police handle it if necessary.

I felt the Anthonys got a "payoff' in it because they kept talking to reporters all the while. There is a "payoff" for everything in human nature or we don't do it again. CA is SO enthralled with herself, that she wanted that attention in my opinion and that is why they kept going out every hour or so to have a confrontation with the protesters.

Insanity is best described as "Doing the same thing over and expecting different results" - their actions to me were pure insanity.
:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious: ARE YOU KIDDING ME:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

nuh uh. nope.
they stand behind casey per bc :sick:

poor Caylee....:cry:

I watched it - My suggestion to anyone who believed her is to turn off the sound and watch just the action. The body language does not match any of what she is saying. It sounds rehearsed. Nothing is HER fault, she is playing the eternal victim role in it. Watch the finger pointing and all the hand gestures.

Yes, she is lying, but it is a practiced lie in my opinion.

I watched it with and without sound. My thoughts are that she talks entirely too much and gives too many details while trying to justify her actions. Her body language is indeed interesting. She looks down towards the ground but then seems to catch herself and then stares without blinking at the interviewer as if she remembers when telling the truth you are supposed to look right at a person.

I think she is lying also.
I believe her point was they had JUST been told their granddaughter's body was within feet from their house (where they never bothered to look themselves) and they go out to an upscale restaurant. She had been thrown away like garbage off the side of the road.

To me, that said they had KNOWN for a long time Caylee was dead.

I don't know anyone who just having been given that type of horrible, gruesome type news could go out to eat.:clap: Most people would be in their bed, crying their eyes out over that baby. :clap:

I have never known anyone when there is a death of a family member can eat at all. What I have seen is friends trying to get them to eat to keep their strength up for the days ahead.
I agree with everything you have said! Losing my brother in a car accident, I know there wasn't anyone in my family that could eat or sleep for days! I myself lost almost 20 lbs in the months to follow. I know everyone grieves in different ways, but this family:waitasec::waitasec: defies description! Most shocking was their attitude toward KC in the jail visits:furious:
I remember thinking in the beginning that the Anthony's - all of them - should stay out of the limelight. No interviews, no angry confrontations, etc. I posted more than once that I wished they would just stop with the 'in your face' anger such as Cindy wielding the hammer, and George yelling at the protesters, Lee driving angrily up to the house almost running into protesters, etc. They hurt themselves with those actions. They made a lot of people feel negatively toward them - myself included.

As far as my feelings go, they are now doing the only thing I do respect out of all of their actions. They are not out there showing anger anymore. They are remaining quiet. Had they done this in the beginning, public perception would not have been as negative as it was. JMO
For heavens sake...they had drunken scumbags throwing rocks at their house....screaming taunts and threats at all hours of the day and night,,,derelict parents dragging their own hapless children around....all to be in the spotlight of a TV camera....yes, in hindsight, they should have continuously called the police to deal with the rabble that was making their lives even more miserable. But to tell you the truth, I think they acted like any other beleagured person would have in light of the garbage they had to contend with, in addition to having a missing granddaughter and a daughter who was the primary suspect. Give these poor people a break. You have absolutely no idea what they have been through, not unless your daughter is accused of killing her child.
I didn't agree with the protesters at all, and felt they could have better served their cause by searching for Caylee, but the bottom line is they have the right in this country to do that. I can assure you I would not have been out in my front yard with a hammer and a water hose antagonizing them more. That brought more and more people to the "show."

Anytime there is something like that, you take the chance of something really bad happening and to be honest, GA & Lee should have both been prosecuted for some of their actions in it. They should have stayed in their house and let the police handle it if necessary.

I felt the Anthonys got a "payoff' in it because they kept talking to reporters all the while. There is a "payoff" for everything in human nature or we don't do it again. CA is SO enthralled with herself, that she wanted that attention in my opinion and that is why they kept going out every hour or so to have a confrontation with the protesters.

Insanity is best described as "Doing the same thing over and expecting different results" - their actions to me were pure insanity.

You just don't have any trouble nailin do ya kiddo!!!! LOL!!!

Yes, now that you explain it that way - I do see that. Yes, it did irk me that they went outside. I would have been too proud I'm sure to do that. Maybe not to shoot a cannon of Agent Orange on them from inside... but no going outside. It was just too trashy all the way around for me.
Title of this thread is Cindy over the edge? Where are the A's?

I don't believe BC has any hold over them AT ALL. MN sure as h&ll didn't and he's a better, bigger, stronger, more experienced lawyer that BC.

IMO Cindy IS hurting right now. She is probably heavily medicated hence LA moving back home - prob to help care for her.

BUT, IMO I can think of 1.7 million little things that are keeping them out of the spotlight right about now.

IMO when they got off that plane (the day the remains were found) LE took them into a private room either at the airport or at the station and gave them a "come to Jesus" moment. THAT is what is keeping them buttoned up - BC is only a messenger or an aide to help them get out with their skins. The A's have been told by LE what they are considering charging them with. THAT is what is keeping them quiet.

I will never get over CA saying in the bond hearing that "there is NO evidence". I thought WTH? Then came the switch up with the car and the pizza. Then we hear about the pants and the knife. Then came the hammer wielding CA calling people leeches, maggots, and the like.

No - no compassion from me. The know what they did and they did it despite all the advice. Refusing to give TM a piece of Caylee's clothes with her scent.

Immunity. Oh please. IF YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG - YOU DON'T NEED IMMUNITY!!!!! Mark Lunsford NEVER asked for immunity. Klass NEVER asked for immunity. And I hope every day that LE does not grant this request as we know it is tied to 1.7 million reasons for the A's to get it.

1.7 million reasons folks - they will never have to worry about what anyone ever thinks of them again.

Just keep that in the back of your mind when considering "feeling sorry" for the A's.

It would depend on the reasons for the immunity before I can be pro or con. I just don't know enough as to why they are asking for it, why it is advised by legal council, etc. it could be something as simple as needing it in order to confess what occured with the stolen money from the grandmother and the immunity could protect the Anthony's from having to serve time for not pressing charges. We just don't know yet. Also, the Anthony's are not the suspects of killing Caylee. Mark Klass and Mark Lunford were originally suspect, hence their innocence and no need for immunity...they were the first hand subjects. The Anthony's are by therefore any council would suggest immunity....for many reasons and none of which could be due to them covering anything up for Casey. It could just merely be so they are not charged with anything that they may have inadvertently done and not out of malicious intent. It makes sense. HOWEVER........there is a huge risk in that immunity would more than probably not be granted...and that is there is always the possibility that say Cindy Anthony could take the stand and lie and say SHE killed Caylee and staged it. If that were the case and immunity granted.......that would release Casey from all charges and no charges could be made against Cindy Anthony. Thus is why it is probably taking so long for any immunity decisions to be made and just where and how the prosecuters are going to proceed. Scary thought, eh?
I think the reason we haven't heard from them is that they have nothing to say now. The majority of their speaking before was that Caylee was alive and being sighted here and there and LE was ignoring these tips. What I find curious is their attorney BC stating that they are being asked by LE to 'help convict their daughter of 1st degree murder". No, they are only being asked to answer LE's questions truthfully--the same as any other potential material witness in a police investigation. So, for me, the fact that BC sees their "truthful" answers to LE as 'helping convict their daughter' means whatever facts they possess indicate that KC killed Caylee.
Very well stated. What price 'justice'? Oh, about 1.7 Million. :furious:

The rumor of the 1.7 million dollar deal comes ONLY from LP and is, given his history, most likely untrue. I don't think it's fair to judge people based on rumors.
I think so....
Might have went the way of the cheap airline flights when there is a death in the family. :rolleyes:

Ha! That went out the window!! When my grandmother died and I needed to get to Ohio it was a whopping $50 savings :(
Cindy needs to tell the real story about what happened on the night of June 15th, after she came home from visiting her parents on Father's Day. George needs to tell the real story about the morning of the 16th. I don't believe he saw Casey or Caylee that day. In addition, Cindy needs to admit all of Casey's thefts that had been going on in that family for years. By lying about these things, Cindy and George obstructed the investigation.

Those facts would not portray Cindy in a favorable light. I don't think she wants her self-image as a perfect, nurturing mother, to be revealed.

As much as she loved Caylee, her own reputation was her priority from the beginning. George does anything she orders, at least in public.

Cindy may go over the edge, but I believe it has more to do with the her secrets being revealed to the world when it all comes out.


How do you know how much or little the Anthonys have cooperated with LE? For instance the Aug 14th tapes have not been released. From reading/watching the interviews given to date, I personally think the Anthonys have been very open and frank. At this point in time we really know nothing. What we think we know might change many times. Don't close your mind!

This isn't a reality show and as much as people would like to see Anthonys' entire lives exposed so they can huff and puff, that's not what this is about. Have you forgotten it's Casey who has been charged with the crime? When the case goes to trial we will know as much as can ever be known, but not yet.
Again, we don't know to what extent that the Anthony's tried in getting help for Casey. Prior to the disappearance of Caylee...Casey really was not much different than a lot of uncontrollable teens...and perhaps even in a sense...not even near as hard to raise as some teens that keep their parents in the courts and juvenile justice halls. However, as an adult they started to see the signs of her actions with stealing and personality issues and manipulations...and from what is told Cindy did start seeing a therapist (you can't make an adult child go to one) I can't find fault that they didn't "do all they could" when in fact it seems Cindy was on the right path. I think we read far more into what the media has portrayed than what may have actually transpired and there is plenty we are still not privy to know.

First of all KC is not a teenager - she is 22 years old.

Yes we do know how much help they got her NONE. If that is not true then Cindy and George both lied again. Both said she had never had any psychological help.

Something was wrong in high school and according to some even before. All her friends said she "lied when the truth would have been better, but they just let it go" She didn't even finish and got pregnant by a man NO ONE KNOWS WHO.(I believe the Anthonys know exactly who it is)

Those few things alone are a d*mn good indicator to most parents that something is bad wrong in her psychological make up. GA told the FBI he has KNOWN that KC hadn't had a job in about 2 years, and CA paid all her bills, and never met the nanny. They KNEW, and they had known for a LONG time. They choose to cover the LIE.

KC was different than most teens in that she never paid a consequence for her actions and that is part of what got her where she is today.
Another reason I have not yet been able to kick the Anthony's when they are down is those outrageous 'protestors'. They fared a lot better at the Anthony home than they would have at mine.

Bloggers haven't exactly been nice as pie to them nor have the protesters. Would you sit back and take it if you were in their position? People can only be pushed so far before they react. The person responsible for spinning heads 360 degrees is Casey, not her parents.

No, not all bloggers have been nice. With the bizarre actions of this family, people began to catch on. Negative actions have negative reactions. If the lying hadnt become an issue, public opinion of them would be better. They brought this opinion on themselves.

Having been the victim of a horrible crime myself, I know exactly how far one can be pushed, and what happens when people turn a blind eye to the crime and anyone involved. Justice is not always served up on a silver platter. Children, especially deceased ones, have no voice. It is not up to LE alone to guarantee justice. It is the voice of the people. The courts were designed to hear our voices in a controlled setting.

Spinning the publics head was done by Cindy and George as well as Casey. I have heard more from Cindy on tv than I have from Casey. Cindy knew full well that her daughter was a liar and a thief.. yet she has done her best to portray her as a good person. Maybe that was her right as a mother, but the head spinning that was started by Casey, was carried on for 6 months by her mother.

I have an infinite amount of compassion for victims, but not for those who cannot be honest. Justice for Caylee and the crimes against her,laying taped and forlorn in a garbage bag for months. I have a grand daughter that is two. If she were missing right now I would be looking for her everywhere-dead or alive, while praying every minute that she is alive. I would be thanking everyone who took even 30 minutes to help.

So pardon me if I seem cold or uncaring. That is certainly not the case. I have priorities, and empathy for the Anthony's , but my concern is for Caylee Marie. Those who harmed her or helped to decieve or cover it up will gt no tears from me.
the rumor of the 1.7 million dollar deal comes only from lp and is, given his history, most likely untrue. I don't think it's fair to judge people based on rumors.

Good one. <giggle>
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