Cindy's Coworkers @ Gentiva

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After hearing what Cindy's co-workers say about her, how she came back to work after smelling death in the car and finding Caylee's doll and car seat, wanting to remain at work cause she had work to do.
My opinion? She was not only gullible and delusional, she was just plain simple minded.

I think she went back to work, after putting the stinky pants in the wash, so she could busy herself w/work and not think about what was going on. She wanted to get KC's explanation 1st b/c she didn't want to think the worst. I think she always wanted to hang on to any explanation her daughter gave about NY wrongdoing b/c it was easier for her.
I agree, but also think Cindy was advised that she would not win custody. It boggles my mind when everyone asks why CA didn't just "go get custody"...that's a battle she wouldn't win if Casey fought even a little. It is VERY rare that a grandparent would get custody from a parent against their will to begin she would have to prove Casey is LEGALLY unfit to parent and that would be difficult since Casey had no criminal record, no child services record, and everyone around her thought she was a good mom at the time. She would DEFINATELY fight to avaoid child support and I bet many of her friends would rally around her because she could play up how her "evil mom" is trying to take her daughter (Casey is the eternal victim). I mean, really, they can't take your kid for not having a job, leaving the kid with relatives to party, and mooching cash off the grandparents. Nothing she did before mid-June reaches the legal standard of being an un-fit parent...not even close.

Everytime I hear it I just think that the person saying it is just reaching for ANOTHER reason to blame CA for this horrible crime instead of Casey (isn't Casey lucky that nothing's her fault even now) OR that the person just has a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights as parents and how the court system views interfereing grandparents.

There was no shot, no way, that CA could have gotten custody in a fight. And I believe she would have been told that her best bet was to hope Casey grows up (which almost always happens in that type of situation) or to just keep her mouth shut and try to convince Casey to GIVE her custody at some point.

:clap: Very well put.

I'm also always boggled by people who think it would have been so easy for CA to get custody of Caylee. Considering all we know NOW about KC it seems it should have been a breeze, but before all this Cindy's chances would have been slim to none. I'm very sure Casey had her issues before, but sadly, in comparison to the other thousands and thousands of abusive and negletful cases out there, they were relatively "minor" in the eyes of the law and/or children's services.
omg was little caylee nothing but a burden to all of them ? god i hope not .. cindy seemed to have loved caylee ..but now to hear this that she complained about having her all the time? .. i hope that doesnt mean anything .. mabey she was just stressed out from watching the baby and trying to work and support everyone ? i always had hope that cindy didnt know what happened to caylee and that she really loved caylee i dont know what to think

I agree with your thought that it was stress-related. This is around the time Cindy's mom and family are worried she might be suicidal. An obviously unstable daughter, a crumbling marriage, more and more financial troubles, dependant grandaughter thrown in the mix.... any one of those issues would be stressful in their own right!

I think we also have seen that Cindy is the "never happy" type. She wants things ‘both ways’ a lot of times (much like my boyfriend telling me we should have our space, but then getting mad when I go out with my friends... But, I digress…)

(Sorry J it’s been a long day).

But to give Cindy just a little credit. The birth of Caylee completely blindsided her, and at seven months nonetheless! Yes, it was apparently blatantly obvious to everyone else in the greater Orlando area (and it’s so nice to have Charles’s statement to back that up now), but for whatever reason Cindy chose to take KC’s lies at face value and ignore the obvious . Now she has just two months to prepare – turning the computer room into a nursery, shopping for baby clothes, re-living her own pregnancy experiences, as every grandmother does, (maybe hoping to get closer to her daughter – who has always been oddly emotionally distant – in the process). Cindy did what she could to see the good in the situation. Then along comes this precious little angel, the ‘best mistake’ Casey has ever made.

But, here’s Cindy, wanting things both ways. SHE wants complete control of everything Caylee – from what clothes she wears, to what food she eats, to where she spends her free time. She wants to be the one whose arms Caylee runs to, the one she calls for at night. However, in the past 20 years Cindy has forgotten just how difficult raising a baby is. She wants all the control, but she’s 50 now, with a full time job and numerous other stresses. She just can’t do it all herself.

Get full custody of the baby?
There goes any chance of getting KC to “grow up” and start helping or contributing.
They’d have to find and pay for a baby sitter every time both she and George weren’t available.
And isn’t their marriage crumbling anyway?
And she just turned 50! This baby won’t be out of the house until Cindy is nearly 70.

And, I know we’ve all (myself included) asked why Cindy didn’t at least try for custody.

But I don’t think that’s what she wanted.

I think the co-workers’ statements are pretty inline with the situation. Being the sole breadwinner and essentially the sole caregiver was exhausting. Cindy was beyond frustrated with all of this. She didn’t want full custody, that would just add to her exhaustion.

She wanted full control – with KC chipping in how and when Cindy saw fit.
I was surpised to hear CA went back to work after getting the stinky car back. I recall that GA went back to work, but this is the 1st time I've heard that CA went back to work.

Course, maybe I just missed that detail before.

Is this news to anyone else?

What really bothers me is the fact that GA knew the smell in the car was the smell of death...he stated in his interview with LE that he mumbled or thought to himself, "God please don't let this be my daughter and granddaughter", as he was about to have the trunk opened. Even though he was relieved they were not dead in the trunk, he still did not know their whereabouts. GA knew that smell was coming from a decomposing body that was, at some point in that trunk. Just because the actually body was not in there at that time, how did he not think that the smell could still be comming from the bodies of KC and Caylee that may have been placed in the trunk at some point, then discarded? With that smell and not knowing where my daughter or granddaughter was, I would have called 911 from the tow yard, before even thinking of driving that car home. I would have been horrified that something happed to my daughter and granddaughter...even more so with that smell in the car. Istead...GA and CA go back to work?....WHO DOES THAT, under such horrible circumstances? Twisted...they all are twisted IMO.
I agree, but also think Cindy was advised that she would not win custody. It boggles my mind when everyone asks why CA didn't just "go get custody"...that's a battle she wouldn't win if Casey fought even a little. It is VERY rare that a grandparent would get custody from a parent against their will to begin she would have to prove Casey is LEGALLY unfit to parent and that would be difficult since Casey had no criminal record, no child services record, and everyone around her thought she was a good mom at the time. She would DEFINATELY fight to avaoid child support and I bet many of her friends would rally around her because she could play up how her "evil mom" is trying to take her daughter (Casey is the eternal victim). I mean, really, they can't take your kid for not having a job, leaving the kid with relatives to party, and mooching cash off the grandparents. Nothing she did before mid-June reaches the legal standard of being an un-fit parent...not even close.

Everytime I hear it I just think that the person saying it is just reaching for ANOTHER reason to blame CA for this horrible crime instead of Casey (isn't Casey lucky that nothing's her fault even now) OR that the person just has a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights as parents and how the court system views interfereing grandparents.

There was no shot, no way, that CA could have gotten custody in a fight. And I believe she would have been told that her best bet was to hope Casey grows up (which almost always happens in that type of situation) or to just keep her mouth shut and try to convince Casey to GIVE her custody at some point.

Would Casey have fought her for custody? I think not. I was taken aback by the interviews with the coworkers who mentioned Cindy said it would be too expensive. IIRC wasn't there a doc dump that included statements from a counselor Cindy had been seeing? It might have been mentioned in an email from her mother to someone else-but the email stated that the counselor recommended that Cindy kick everyone out and get custody of Caylee. Cindy said that she could not afford to divide her assets...
I agree, but also think Cindy was advised that she would not win custody. It boggles my mind when everyone asks why CA didn't just "go get custody"...that's a battle she wouldn't win if Casey fought even a little. It is VERY rare that a grandparent would get custody from a parent against their will to begin she would have to prove Casey is LEGALLY unfit to parent and that would be difficult since Casey had no criminal record, no child services record, and everyone around her thought she was a good mom at the time. She would DEFINATELY fight to avaoid child support and I bet many of her friends would rally around her because she could play up how her "evil mom" is trying to take her daughter (Casey is the eternal victim). I mean, really, they can't take your kid for not having a job, leaving the kid with relatives to party, and mooching cash off the grandparents. Nothing she did before mid-June reaches the legal standard of being an un-fit parent...not even close.

Everytime I hear it I just think that the person saying it is just reaching for ANOTHER reason to blame CA for this horrible crime instead of Casey (isn't Casey lucky that nothing's her fault even now) OR that the person just has a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights as parents and how the court system views interfereing grandparents.

There was no shot, no way, that CA could have gotten custody in a fight. And I believe she would have been told that her best bet was to hope Casey grows up (which almost always happens in that type of situation) or to just keep her mouth shut and try to convince Casey to GIVE her custody at some point.

I totally agree and was going to post something similar. You beat me to it! :blowkiss:
Noticed Cindy said she took vaction time to bond with Caylee and Casey together that first week of June, but Casey was nowhere around that entire week. So Caylee WAS staying at home during this time?? Other than the night at Ricardo's in June it doesn't appear Caylee was ever kept in the trunk or at another location, is that right???


In my opinion, until Caylee was murdered, she either was sleeping at the A family home or on the off-nights with Casey (at Ricardo's). Cindy was vague about the dates Caylee was not home but there is evidence Casey brought Caylee BACK home after Cindy called her a few times on nights she stayed out late. Before June 15th, I don't think Caylee spent any nights in a car trunk or at dumped at some location.
Haven't read this whole thread, but I find it very odd that these interviews with CA's co-workers didn't happen until Nov. 24th, more than 4 months after Caylee was reported "missing."

I interpret it differently, though your answer did cross my mind. The fact that she complained about always having Caylee sounds like she was reluctant to have full-time responsibility. Granted, the statement lacks details and "couldn't afford it" might refer to either lacking the financial resources to raise a child through adulthood, or not having the funds to hire an attorney to fight for custody. That the co-worker describes her as agitated makes me think she implied the former.

There are two possibilities:
Either CA wanted custody, but KC wouldn't comply; or
KC wanted to give the A's custody, but CA didn't want it.

In either case, parental responsibility was a point of contention. It was never a matter of just simply handing Caylee over to the A's.

My first thought on reading this was; what happened to both KC and CA saying Cindy was willing to keep Caylee? after a second I realized, KC has put CA in a position where she knows what she needs to do. She needs to get custody of Caylee, she's given KC almost 3 years to step up to the plate, to be the mother Caylee deserves, and instead of getting better she's gotten worse. But with the $45,000.00 KC has stolen from them, there is no extra money to be found and KC has told her she'll never give her up without a fight.
I think that's why GA and CA removed the battery from the car. That way no one could easily take off with the car while they were both away from the home. GA to work and CA back to work and then off to meet Amy and retrieve KC.

WOW! I forgot all about the removal of the battery! And yes, we all thought that was so odd! Now another piece of the puzzle.
I still don't see how I could ever go to work, knowing all this and wanting to get Amy and retrieve kc!!!! I would of been over there asap! with the LE.......IMO
I agree with your thought that it was stress-related. This is around the time Cindy's mom and family are worried she might be suicidal. An obviously unstable daughter, a crumbling marriage, more and more financial troubles, dependant grandaughter thrown in the mix.... any one of those issues would be stressful in their own right!

I think we also have seen that Cindy is the "never happy" type. She wants things ‘both ways’ a lot of times (much like my boyfriend telling me we should have our space, but then getting mad when I go out with my friends... But, I digress…)

(Sorry J it’s been a long day).

But to give Cindy just a little credit. The birth of Caylee completely blindsided her, and at seven months nonetheless! Yes, it was apparently blatantly obvious to everyone else in the greater Orlando area (and it’s so nice to have Charles’s statement to back that up now), but for whatever reason Cindy chose to take KC’s lies at face value and ignore the obvious . Now she has just two months to prepare – turning the computer room into a nursery, shopping for baby clothes, re-living her own pregnancy experiences, as every grandmother does, (maybe hoping to get closer to her daughter – who has always been oddly emotionally distant – in the process). Cindy did what she could to see the good in the situation. Then along comes this precious little angel, the ‘best mistake’ Casey has ever made.

But, here’s Cindy, wanting things both ways. SHE wants complete control of everything Caylee – from what clothes she wears, to what food she eats, to where she spends her free time. She wants to be the one whose arms Caylee runs to, the one she calls for at night. However, in the past 20 years Cindy has forgotten just how difficult raising a baby is. She wants all the control, but she’s 50 now, with a full time job and numerous other stresses. She just can’t do it all herself.

Get full custody of the baby?
There goes any chance of getting KC to “grow up” and start helping or contributing.
They’d have to find and pay for a baby sitter every time both she and George weren’t available.
And isn’t their marriage crumbling anyway?
And she just turned 50! This baby won’t be out of the house until Cindy is nearly 70.

And, I know we’ve all (myself included) asked why Cindy didn’t at least try for custody.

But I don’t think that’s what she wanted.

I think the co-workers’ statements are pretty inline with the situation. Being the sole breadwinner and essentially the sole caregiver was exhausting. Cindy was beyond frustrated with all of this. She didn’t want full custody, that would just add to her exhaustion.

She wanted full control – with KC chipping in how and when Cindy saw fit.


My speculation:

Momma Cindy tells Casey everything will be okay and to have the baby. Casey has Caylee (and Caylee is cute) and at first she's the cutest little accessory and garners Casey a lot of attention. But as Casey is living at home she's under Cindy's thumb and has to pay heed to Cindy and George's demands and requirements. They *hope* Casey will learn to take care of Caylee. They *hope* Casey will one day grow up. But Casey wants to PARTY and Cindy is not cool with watching Caylee on Casey's whim, no matter what might have been promised while Casey was pregnant. Casey treats Caylee like a kid sister and begrudgingly watches her. Casey also does not want to go back to work after having Caylee so she stupidly steals from Cindy (thereby making Cindy's situation even harder). Then there's the problem of how cute little Caylee is now getting the attention from Cindy and George (and Grandma and Grandpa) that used to go to Casey. And along with attention goes the money. Everyone is buying stuff for Caylee and not Casey. Caylee is now at the age she is starting to chatter and unknowingly tattle on Casey. That was not a good thing for little Caylee!
I am still having a problem understanding why CA allegedly went to Universal looking for Caylee.

The A's are all but broke at the time. Universal was no doubt full to capacity over July 4th weekend, and CA is going pay for a ticket to enter the park and to look for Caylee. :waitasec:.

I think if Universal had been contacted by CA PRIOR to LE contacting them, LE would know now.

Excellent observation Countzero! Those theme park tickets are not cheap.
CA told one of her colleagues that she hadn't even seen KC on her Birthday (June 5th)...Well something isn't quite right because I remember LA telling LE that the first time KC mentioned the smell in her car was on June 5th. It's also the last time he said that he saw Caylee, over at the A's for CA's Birthday.

The only way this could all "fit" is if KC dropped Caylee off to LA outside of the house and didn't go in to wish her Mother a happy birthday???

Hmmmm...Thinking out loud here???
That, as well as other statements made to co-workers, could be attributed to Cindy's penchant for displaying herself as a victim. Cindy seemed to need attention during the last months of Caylees life, and garnering sympathy with exxagerations or "mistruths" seems to be one of her tools. Maybe this attention calmed her anxieties.
WOW! I forgot all about the removal of the battery! And yes, we all thought that was so odd! Now another piece of the puzzle.
I still don't see how I could ever go to work, knowing all this and wanting to get Amy and retrieve kc!!!! I would of been over there asap! with the LE.......IMO

Passion...I think work is all Cindy's her escape, what keeps her orderly and sane in her chaotic family life.

The huge orderly notebooks made the last 6 months and the well ordered home are all Cindy also...its the one thing she CAN control and take comfort in.

The endless interviews and appearances are part of her "new" work...if Cindy is moving/working...then she is coping or at the very least, exhausted enough or satsified that she has done all she can IMO.
There are two ways to interpret that comment:

a. Watching Caylee all the time is an unwanted burder = complaint about Caylee

b. Casey is continuing her pattern of lying and avoiding responsibility, I really wish she would take a more active and responsible role as a mother = complaint about Casey
i know but which one is it ? :(
Haven't read this whole thread, but I find it very odd that these interviews with CA's co-workers didn't happen until Nov. 24th, more than 4 months after Caylee was reported "missing."


I am concerned about this as well! Why did they wait to interview these co-workers? By November, they had been watching the news about this for 4+ months! Also, their memories might not have been as keen as they would have been in July....LE might have gotten more tidbits of info on what Cindy was revealing to them!

Caylee is now at the age she is starting to chatter and unknowingly tattle on Casey. That was not a good thing for little Caylee!

IMO that is why Caylee got a piece of duct tape over her mouth w/ a little heart sticker attached to it!!!:furious::furious:
Not sure if this has been posted about in this link

But Page Nine states that Cynthia thought at first that it was Jesse, but then revealed that it was someone from Tennessee who went to school with casey.

Where was the dead boy from ?
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