Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

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You are so right. If CA had known Caylee was dead on July 15th and that there was a possibility that KC had done it there would have been no 911 call. JM has a job to do and winning a popularity contest is not one of them. If he was out of line you would have heard more from BC and BC pretty much kept his mouth shut even when he should have advised his client that she needed to stick to JUST yes or no. CA is about control. CA verbally attacking the plaintiff was probably what set JM off. But as he said to her, this is the way you like it and she agreed. In other words, bring it on JM I am spoiling for a fight. CA makes her own bed. IMO

IMO, JM could have really harmed CA in the deposition if that was his intent. Her combative responses and "mistruths" were a perfect avenue for him to rip her apart with questions to trip her up. He didn't and I respect him for remaining dignified. He knew she had harmed herself enough already. I will bet you the prosecutors will not be so kind.
My emphasis

She poked her nose into every aspect except investigating those phone #s and addresses for Zanny that KC gave her - that part she trusted LE to do. Also, she never talked to KC about anything related to the case. Yeah right, Cindy, we believe you.

The "I did my homework" comment is going to come back to bite her in the end. :yes:
I believe she knew from day 1 not 31. She visited her land of denial and went on with life. If you look at her behavior all during her daughter's pregnancy, she does the same thing, "She is not pregnant..Casey told me she has never had sex".

Ala, "Caylee is not missing..Casey has her and told me she is fine"...."I trust my daughter". Cindy knew at some level this was NEVER the case. The car being towed brought her close to reality and she had to confront her fears..she called because she did not want to get blamed for a death (the car was in her name)...after the call, she realized her emotions got ahead of her and she had to back pedal.

Cindy's attitude and wishful thinking to believe ALL that Casey tells her speaks volumes.
She has done this her entire life...Cindy's thought process are conflicting because she reacts on emotion and refuses to face facts....ANY FACTS that conflict with her strong belief that her daughter is good and is not capable of doing wrong. If proven that she did do wrong and she has to face it, she will minimize the truth every time.

She stole $354.00 from Grandfather. When asked about the amount, Cindy states, "I think it was around $200 or so"...classic Cindy..minimizing again.
Does anyone think JM will try to bring CA into the ZFG lawsuit or file a new one against CA?
Not to mention the worst part to me, is that she NEVER ONCE got off her *ss and personally searched for that baby. She KNEW the baby was dead from day 32...........I don't believe she knew when she called, but I am convinced she knew right after that. All her actions show me she was an accomplice in covering up KC's action.

That's what I think too. On July 15th when she learned the "nanny kidnapped Caylee" story, CA reacted without thinking and made that 911 call. I think at that point, she actually believed Casey's story.

It was the following day, July 16th, when LE accompanied Casey to the Sawgrass Apartments (for the second time) and to her non-existent office at Universal Studios, at which time LE determined that everything Casey had told them had been a lie. Casey was arrested for child neglect, obstruction of justice, and lying to LE.

I think it was then - when George and Cindy learned that Casey had been arrested and that everything she told LE was a lie - that GA and CA knew Caylee was dead.
Does anyone think JM will try to bring CA into the ZFG lawsuit or file a new one against CA?

Yes.........I think that's a possibility.

On July 16th, after telling the "ZFG kidnapped Caylee" story, Casey shut up and hasn't said anything further. It's been CA that has repeated the story and perpetuated the defamation.
The lawsuit is a done deal and Morgan is not going to stop until he wins it either. I really admire him for taking this to this extent as it has to be very time consuming and costly. I am tickled he is sending the videos of Cindy & George's depos and prior testimony to Orpah so she can see what she is dealing with before she has them on.

I have the opposite reaction to JM sending Oprah those depo tapes. It makes me sick because for Oprah viewers the ZFG suit may be just a confusing side issue, one that could actually make the A's seem like persecuted grandparents. What's worse, is that every moment of time devoted to the ZFG issue is a moment of time that won't be available to focus on the A's dishonesty and interference during the investigation into Caylee's murder.

I do agree that JM is 100% on the ball in trying to get Oprah's audience's attention focused on his client's plight.
I still am in the minority here, but I have to keep speaking, because I feel it is right. This lawsuit should NEVER have been allowed to continue prior to the criminal trial.

The problem is that I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for the A's and everyone involved with them, that they chose to see them humiliated in any way possible, but this lawsuit crosses the bounds of ethical behavior in my opinion.

I also just read that the attorneys sent the depo tapes to Oprah??!! :eek: If that is true, then it seems to prove what I have said all along, they are in this solely for publicity.

Sorry, but again, this is just my opinion.
What is this "confession" stuff? There was no bullying that I saw, and there certainly nothing about a confession. Cindy is her OWN worst enemy. She does not need any prompting.
(emphasis above mine)

I agree. I have gone from having NO sympathy for ZG to actually feeling sorry for her (no matter how she spells her name and no matter who filled out the form).

I'm still on the fence about whether monetary compensation is the answer, but the more George and Cindy talk, the more likely it seems that she is going to get it.
I still am in the minority here, but I have to keep speaking, because I feel it is right. This lawsuit should NEVER have been allowed to continue prior to the criminal trial.

The problem is that I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for the A's and everyone involved with them, that they chose to see them humiliated in any way possible, but this lawsuit crosses the bounds of ethical behavior in my opinion.

I also just read that the attorneys sent the depo tapes to Oprah??!! :eek: If that is true, then it seems to prove what I have said all along, they are in this solely for publicity.

Sorry, but again, this is just my opinion.

Not trying to argue...just wondering. If your name had been given as having taken a baby and you had been at the apartments that KC had said she had left the baby, would you be upset? I would be. I am sure that the attorneys are going to get their publicity out of it, but I wouldn't want my name thrown out there as a kidnapper. IMO KC started this and I hope that Z will win her lawsuit so that if somehow KC gets off, or there is money made by someone that Z will be compensated. Whether she gets a dime or not, her name will be associated with this horrible crime and I hope that she is vindicated.
Not trying to argue...just wondering. If your name had been given as having taken a baby and you had been at the apartments that KC had said she had left the baby, would you be upset? I would be. I am sure that the attorneys are going to get their publicity out of it, but I wouldn't want my name thrown out there as a kidnapper. IMO KC started this and I hope that Z will win her lawsuit so that if somehow KC gets off, or there is money made by someone that Z will be compensated. Whether she gets a dime or not, her name will be associated with this horrible crime and I hope that she is vindicated.

Upset? Extremely! But would I sue? Absolutely not! I would certainly not want to cause this family any more grief that they have already gone through. After all, whatever my trials are (losing jobs, harassment, etc.) can be faced, and would subside over time. But these people will live forever without Caylee. Job loss, etc. seems trivial compared to that.
I still am in the minority here, but I have to keep speaking, because I feel it is right. This lawsuit should NEVER have been allowed to continue prior to the criminal trial.

The problem is that I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for the A's and everyone involved with them, that they chose to see them humiliated in any way possible, but this lawsuit crosses the bounds of ethical behavior in my opinion.

I also just read that the attorneys sent the depo tapes to Oprah??!! :eek: If that is true, then it seems to prove what I have said all along, they are in this solely for publicity.

Sorry, but again, this is just my opinion.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT>>>>>>>>>you need to place the blame in my opinion where it is due. Baez opened up the Anthonys to the depositions when he filed that counter- suit. He caused all of this when it was not necessary. BAEZ and the Anthonys are the problem, NOT the court system or ZG who just wanted to clear her name.

The judge would have ruled to hold off the civil suit until after the criminal trial if Baez had not done that. Because he filed a counter suit, the judge had NO option but to let the depositions begin.

There is nothing in the courts which give a criminal trial precedent over a civil suit. In the OJ case they needed the testimony from the criminal trial to prove their civil lawsuit, but this is one where they don't.
IMO, JM could have really harmed CA in the deposition if that was his intent. Her combative responses and "mistruths" were a perfect avenue for him to rip her apart with questions to trip her up. He didn't and I respect him for remaining dignified. He knew she had harmed herself enough already. I will bet you the prosecutors will not be so kind.

JM played with Cindy a little bit at the end. He was seeing how well he could push her into unpleasant reactions. It took no effort on his part. He could (and will someday) really take off the gloves. He didn't in this depo but he'll blow her up on the stand. She'll be easy pickins for him. Her testimony itself could win for ZG.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT>>>>>>>>>you need to place the blame in my opinion where it is due. Baez opened up the Anthonys to the depositions when he filed that counter- suit. He caused all of this when it was not necessary. BAEZ and the Anthonys are the problem, NOT the court system or ZG who just wanted to clear her name.

The judge would have ruled to hold off the civil suit until after the criminal trial if Baez had not done that. Because he filed a counter suit, the judge had NO option but to let the depositions begin.

There is nothing in the courts which give a criminal trial precedent over a civil suit. In the OJ case they needed the testimony from the criminal trial to prove their civil lawsuit, but this is one where they don't.

I agree that Baez shouldn't have filed the counter suit, but he represents KC. That should have no effect on whether or not the A's give depositions in my opinion. What it SHOULD have an effect on is the judge making KC (Baez' client) answer the questions (since they filed the suit) and leave her parents out of it (since they did not).

They should also stop questioning about things that aren't relevant to the Civil case.
I still am in the minority here, but I have to keep speaking, because I feel it is right. This lawsuit should NEVER have been allowed to continue prior to the criminal trial.

The problem is that I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for the A's and everyone involved with them, that they chose to see them humiliated in any way possible, but this lawsuit crosses the bounds of ethical behavior in my opinion.

I also just read that the attorneys sent the depo tapes to Oprah??!! :eek: If that is true, then it seems to prove what I have said all along, they are in this solely for publicity.

Sorry, but again, this is just my opinion.

Don't forget KC countersued which means JM is obligated to do the depos. KC could have just let them win (she has no money) and it would have been dropped. KC had a choice and blew it, basically.

The A's bring on their own problems. If they feel humiliated they brought that on themselves but I believe they are so bitter with everyone who will not believe KC's lies that they are incapable of feeling much of anything other than anger.

They could have answered the questions without all the drama and we would have nothing to talk about. IMO
Upset? Extremely! But would I sue? Absolutely not! I would certainly not want to cause this family any more grief that they have already gone through. After all, whatever my trials are (losing jobs, harassment, etc.) can be faced, and would subside over time. But these people will live forever without Caylee. Job loss, etc. seems trivial compared to that.

It may seem trivial in the big picture, but I don't see the Anthony's actions showing any remorse or regret. I see people who are using their dead grand baby as fodder for money. They are sponging off the blood of their dead granddaughter and if you can show me different, I will retract that statement.

Has any of them worked a day since they started collecting money for her?

Has any of them EVER made a plea or asked for the baby to be returned while claiming she was kidnapped?

Has any of them ever searched for the baby from day 31? (except for running to fake "sightings" where they thought they could collect more money?)

Has any of them ever looked for the "real killer" if they don't believe KC did it?

Has any of them ever made a plea for finding the real killer?

Think about it..................these people KNEW she was dead, knew who killed her and have since made it their life to collect money off of unsuspecting people.

Their day will come and when it does, it WON'T be pretty. Remember I said that.
Upset? Extremely! But would I sue? Absolutely not! I would certainly not want to cause this family any more grief that they have already gone through. After all, whatever my trials are (losing jobs, harassment, etc.) can be faced, and would subside over time. But these people will live forever without Caylee. Job loss, etc. seems trivial compared to that.
Just curious...Have you ever been accused of being responsible for kidnapping or murdering a child?

It may seem trivial in the big picture, but I don't see the Anthony's actions showing any remorse or regret. I see people who are using their dead grand baby as fodder for money. They are sponging off the blood of their dead granddaughter and if you can show me different, I will retract that statement.

Has any of them worked a day since they started collecting money for her?

Has any of them EVER made a plea or asked for the baby to be returned while claiming she was kidnapped?

Has any of them ever searched for the baby from day 31? (except for running to fake "sightings" where they thought they could collect more money?)

Has any of them ever looked for the "real killer" if they don't believe KC did it?

Has any of them ever made a plea for finding the real killer?

Think about it..................these people KNEW she was dead, knew who killed her and have since made it their life to collect money off of unsuspecting people.

Their day will come and when it does, it WON'T be pretty. Remember I said that.

I will meet you in the corner with pizza and beer to watch that show. I cannot wait until they get theirs. You are right on target with every point you made. ^5 and let us hope it is SOON.:woohoo:
Upset? Extremely! But would I sue? Absolutely not! I would certainly not want to cause this family any more grief that they have already gone through. After all, whatever my trials are (losing jobs, harassment, etc.) can be faced, and would subside over time. But these people will live forever without Caylee. Job loss, etc. seems trivial compared to that.

But their loss is due to KC, not Z. Z has to look out for her family, not the A's. I am sure that Z's job loss is trivial to KC and her family, but to Z and her kids I doubt it is trivial. This is a huge story in Orlando, and for the type of jobs that she does, whenever her name is seen, whether intentional or not, the employer will probably think of this case and not want her working where their business might attract negative attention. I can't imagine losing my job and having my name put out there as a kidnapper. If she wins this lawsuit, maybe the next person that claims someone kidnapped their child will not be so quick to throw someone else under the bus. Again, I believe that Z has to do what is best for her family. The A's have supposedly profited from picture rights and such, and that upsets me much more that someone has cashed in on the death of a loved one that someone in their family caused instead of a woman trying to get money to support her family and she did nothing wrong.
I agree that Baez shouldn't have filed the counter suit, but he represents KC. That should have no effect on whether or not the A's give depositions in my opinion. What it SHOULD have an effect on is the judge making KC (Baez' client) answer the questions (since they filed the suit) and leave her parents out of it (since they did not).

They should also stop questioning about things that aren't relevant to the Civil case.

EVERYTHING is relevant to the civil case.

There is NOTHING off limits in a deposition in a civil suit. They can ask you what you made, make you show your income tax, even make you tell them if you have affairs if they want to because there is no such thing as irrevelancy in a civil case. That is why the Goldman's won theirs against OJ..........the evidence which could not be brought out in the criminal trial was all fair game in the civil suit.

The Anthonys have made statements in public about ZG and it is immaterial if they believed KC or not, as they are the ones making the statements and they are witnesses to this whole sordid murderous affair.

I believe you have criminal procedures and civil procedures intermingled in your mind and that may be where you believe they have rights they don't have.
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