Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

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One of my best friend's daughter is in college and sometimes wont return her folks calls, so guess what, they canceled her phone service (they are paying for) and cut off her credit cards one evening after dinner, it took 20 minutes total. We laugh about it now, because she picks up on the first ring when dad calls now! My brother has a giant poster board in the pantry of his house, it has a list of actions and directly across from it a column of consequences. Example" Talking back= no computer , etc, etc. Sometimes he just points to the offense and gets a corrected behavior. The only reason this works is he and his wife follow through on the consequences. It seems KC was never given any examples or limits or standards and certainly never any consequences. When you get by with something, the next time you go a little further, feeling emboldened, right? To know that her lying and stealing money from them went on for years unchecked is not even on my radar screen. Character is built, you aren't born with it. It seems they were too lazy or too distracted to teach KC. Could this be why they were so enthralled at a second chance to raise a little child and devote themselves to her? Do they feel a level of responsibility in how far off in the ditch this young girl's moral compass is? Guilt is a powerful emotion, mix that with denial and voila : The Anthony show. This is a cautionary tale.

I think you are spot on in your thinking that they wanted to raise Caylee as sort of a "do over". I'm sure they are regretting more than just a few time-outs when Casey was young and restrictions when she got older. Casey's sort of behavior doesn't just appear overnight. There must have been a time when they could have taught her a thing or two but instead, they chose to look the other way.

How horrifying to think that the Cindy and George we have come to know may have once again been raising a child! I doubt they would have done anything different. Caylee's room and the back yard have all the makings of a well-spoiled child. There are times I think Caylee's room was staged to show the world Caylee was loved. Unfortunately, all it proves is how much they value things and appearance.
No, no, and no, on all counts. Their daughter was given an opportunity in written depositions to state that this is not the ZFG who took her baby. She refused. In US lingo "she took the 5th". Moreover, she had the opportunity to accept a default judgment and put this matter to rest and no one in her family,including she would have been deposed. Once she decided to forge ahead, and sue ZG as well, she put her family in this position. Once they were ordered by the judge to indeed testify under oath, they were under the rules of a civil proceeding which is vastly different and very broad compared to a criminal proceeding. They were there with counsel, an experienced attorney, who absolutely positively knows this. Ignorance to the law does not excuse you, even on a small matter as a traffic ticket, and certainly pretending they don't understand the parameters will not fly with a judge. What you may not realize is this matter already went before a judge, it was already argued over and over again that they should not have to appear and be deposed and the judge disagreed with that argument and found that as a matter of law they should and indeed they were ORDERED BY THE COURT to answer the questions. G and C saying things to the effect of "I am graciously here trying to answer your questions" may be what is confusing you. That is another lie. They tried every legal remedy they could to not be there, but they were ordered to be. In fact, in one of their legal pleadings to the judge they argued that it was far too raw, they were too traumatized to do anything publicly, all the while they had been at the sight of another missing Florida girl's headquarters speaking , (George, literally with a bullhorn). When this was brought to the judge's attention he was none to amused by the Anthonys and he ordered their deposition. I trust that you mean well, but you are very misinformed. It was the Anthonys who were hostile and disrespectful and they told easily provable bold faced lies that contradict their sworn statements given to our detectives and our Federal Agents, that are memorialized on video. They were making a mockery of the proceeding and I can assure you that had they been in front of a judge, none of that would have gone on. If the criminal trial is televised you will notice a distinct difference. What may help you understand the civil proceedings here is go on the net and look up US Civil Deposition vs. US Criminal. I sure wish Brad would have made the Anthonys do so. ZG lawyer, even offered to shut it down so the judge could help them understand his wide range he was allowed since he believed that they had been horribly misinformed. George did not say yes, lets do that because I know I am right and I demand to see the judge about this. That is because sir he knew he was wrong. Without question, he knew. Please don't take offense, if I were following a case in another country I would be hopelessly lost. Even the Florida Sunshine laws are interesting and new to me compared to my state.

Wow! :clap:

The holder of a card can tell a credit card company or a department store to place a hold on their current card and issue a new card at any time without any explanation to the card holder. All you have to say is "I have misplaced the card". They don't do any "investigation", they just place a stop on that card and issue a new one.

That may be true for some companies, but not all. I work for one of the major banks & that is not how we handle credit cards. We would want a few more details so we know how to handle the charges. At the very least you would have to give account of most recent charges and verify them.
Motion Filed To Force Cindy To Answer Questions

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla -- In the case against Casey Anthony, the law firm representing Zenaida Gonzalez in a defamation lawsuit against Casey wants a judge to force Cindy Anthony to answer more questions and to pay for their costs.

Friday, the law firm filed a motion to compel Cindy Anthony to answer whether Casey ever used Cindy's credit cards without her permission. Cindy refused to answer the question in the first deposition.

Gonzalez is suing Casey, because she claimed a babysitter with the same name kidnapped Caylee.

A judge will hear the issue on May 21.
No surprise here. I bet that after the judge sees Cindy A. on that videotape, Mr. Morgan will get a favorable ruling asap.
OK---SO, the Judge will hear the motion on May 21---then an appointment will be made for CA to finish her depo. Got it-------Question---> will the next depo or finishing of the first, be heard before a Judge? I really wanna see how she acts before a Judge. Gosh, thats nearly a month away just to see when the depo will be. Then probably another month. Just the depos will take a year at this rate.

I've read the other comments on this thread re: this particular question and I'm going to add that it really depends upon how egregious the particular judge in the civil matter deems Cindy's responses to have been. I've had to file similar motions to compel and sometimes the judge decides it would be more of a waste of his/her time to allow the deposition to go on outside his presence, as said judge believes that the chances that the deponant will continue their antics are very high, meaning an additional motion would have to be filed and ruled upon, etc., so the judge says it's going to be done in their courtroom while they're present or available in their chambers, if necessary. Other times the judge decides that the deponant will be compliant and sees no need to order it in his courtroom in/out of his/her presence.

If Brad C makes the mistake of allowing Cindy to come to court with him for this hearing, OR if Mr. Morgan subpoenas Cindy to give testimony during the hearing on his motion, which is what I would do if I were Mr. Morgan and I received so much as a hiccup from Brad C. in opposition to any part of this motion, then I recon the judge will watch the video and be able to question Cindy himself re: whether or not she will comply with his orders... Oh, what a fun hearing it will be to watch! :D
"ORANGE COUNTY, Fla -- In the case against Casey Anthony, the law firm representing Zenaida Gonzalez in a defamation lawsuit against Casey wants a judge to force Cindy Anthony to answer more questions and to pay for their costs."

Anyone know how much $$ this could cost her?

Three attorneys at approximately $500.00 per hour per attorney (as these are highly paid attorneys not the usual $250.00 per hour non-trial types). Also, sometimes there can be triplicate penalties (and I haven't read up on them to see if they apply here). Then you have the "costs". Maybe the A's will have to do another interview to pay for their intransigence.
I hope the judge goes ahead and rules it to be heard before him. If he watches the depo video, then he is going to see that there will be NO co-operation from either of the Anthonys and to save himself the time of scheduling another " I said answer the questions!" hearing he may just do that. It has taken me this long to even recover from the fiasco that WAS Cindy's deposition. Who does she think she is anyhow? The queen of England? How dare they depose her and expect her to answer questions. How dare they? It's easy Cindy-you have told too many lies, and now, they are going to come back and bite you on the hiney even as you weave your new tales.

Where is the outrage from the defense that the wrong woman has been jailed?

Bob Kealing of WESH-Channel 2 asked that question of Jose Baez, who is representing Casey Anthony in her murder trial.

"I apologize if I haven't shown that previously," Baez said.

"I've pulled out all the stops to try to get her the best defense possible," he added. "That's what I'm mostly concerned with. I have to stay focused. I can't get emotional

Is this also going to be George and Cindy's answer,if anyone asks why they haven't spoken out requesting that the 'real killer' be caught?

During the depo George said that they didn't go looking for Zanny because they were letting LE, etc, do their jobs in trying to find her. Well, now LE is not looking for Zanny or anyone else as the killer of Caylee. SO...why aren't George and Cindy and anyone they can get to join them...out there looking for the real killer. There is nothing to stop them now. These investigators should be out there beating the bushes for the real killer. George said that he looked for Caylee 24/7 when she was missing. So why isn't he looking 24/7 for the real killer so his daughter's name can be cleared. He could get those people from Kid Finders to help out too.

I just don't understand why the Anthonys aren't out there shaking every tree so that their daughter can be cleared!!!
During the depo George said that they didn't go looking for Zanny because they were letting LE, etc, do their jobs in trying to find her. Well, now LE is not looking for Zanny or anyone else as the killer of Caylee. SO...why aren't George and Cindy and anyone they can get to join them...out there looking for the real killer. There is nothing to stop them now. These investigators should be out there beating the bushes for the real killer. George said that he looked for Caylee 24/7 when she was missing. So why isn't he looking 24/7 for the real killer so his daughter's name can be cleared. He could get those people from Kid Finders to help out too.

I just don't understand why the Anthonys aren't out there shaking every tree so that their daughter can be cleared!!!

---I've had problems with this defense since day 31---jb going around claiming that he had evidence that will set kc free but wait until court????? and then all the "sightings".....

The a's won't look---the know zanny is locked --- they even send her money for her snacks....
---I've had problems with this defense since day 31---jb going around claiming that he had evidence that will set kc free but wait until court????? and then all the "sightings".....

The a's won't look---the know zanny is locked --- they even send her money for her snacks....

Jose seems to have veered off the path of "the evidence will clear my client" onto the "the evidence is junk science at best and there were no eyewitnesses to the murder" as his new line of defense. I guess all those murders that happen without an eyewitness did not really happen, huh Jose? Or the people who DID all those murders that nobody saw should be cleared because nobody saw them? Come on man! You can do better than THAT! Can't you? Is that seriously your defense? All the evidence, although every tiny morsel of it points to your client does not count because nobody saw her kill her daughter? Nobody saw Andrea Yates either-but guess what? She killed her kids and the same is true of Casey. She killed Caylee and nobody saw it and that does NOT in ANY way make your murdering client innocent! No way Jose! Try again-:behindbar

Sorry for veering off topic. If nobody saw me do it does that mean I am innocent?:confused::rolleyes::waitasec:
I've read the other comments on this thread re: this particular question and I'm going to add that it really depends upon how egregious the particular judge in the civil matter deems Cindy's responses to have been. I've had to file similar motions to compel and sometimes the judge decides it would be more of a waste of his/her time to allow the deposition to go on outside his presence, as said judge believes that the chances that the deponant will continue their antics are very high, meaning an additional motion would have to be filed and ruled upon, etc., so the judge says it's going to be done in their courtroom while they're present or available in their chambers, if necessary. Other times the judge decides that the deponant will be compliant and sees no need to order it in his courtroom in/out of his/her presence.

If Brad C makes the mistake of allowing Cindy to come to court with him for this hearing, OR if Mr. Morgan subpoenas Cindy to give testimony during the hearing on his motion, which is what I would do if I were Mr. Morgan and I received so much as a hiccup from Brad C. in opposition to any part of this motion, then I recon the judge will watch the video and be able to question Cindy himself re: whether or not she will comply with his orders... Oh, what a fun hearing it will be to watch! :D

THANKS! Am hangin on to your coat tail here.
No, no, and no, on all counts. Their daughter was given an opportunity in written depositions to state that this is not the ZFG who took her baby. She refused. In US lingo "she took the 5th". Moreover, she had the opportunity to accept a default judgment and put this matter to rest and no one in her family,including she would have been deposed. Once she decided to forge ahead, and sue ZG as well, she put her family in this position. Once they were ordered by the judge to indeed testify under oath, they were under the rules of a civil proceeding which is vastly different and very broad compared to a criminal proceeding. They were there with counsel, an experienced attorney, who absolutely positively knows this. Ignorance to the law does not excuse you, even on a small matter as a traffic ticket, and certainly pretending they don't understand the parameters will not fly with a judge. What you may not realize is this matter already went before a judge, it was already argued over and over again that they should not have to appear and be deposed and the judge disagreed with that argument and found that as a matter of law they should and indeed they were ORDERED BY THE COURT to answer the questions. G and C saying things to the effect of "I am graciously here trying to answer your questions" may be what is confusing you. That is another lie. They tried every legal remedy they could to not be there, but they were ordered to be. In fact, in one of their legal pleadings to the judge they argued that it was far too raw, they were too traumatized to do anything publicly, all the while they had been at the sight of another missing Florida girl's headquarters speaking , (George, literally with a bullhorn). When this was brought to the judge's attention he was none to amused by the Anthonys and he ordered their deposition. I trust that you mean well, but you are very misinformed. It was the Anthonys who were hostile and disrespectful and they told easily provable bold faced lies that contradict their sworn statements given to our detectives and our Federal Agents, that are memorialized on video. They were making a mockery of the proceeding and I can assure you that had they been in front of a judge, none of that would have gone on. If the criminal trial is televised you will notice a distinct difference. What may help you understand the civil proceedings here is go on the net and look up US Civil Deposition vs. US Criminal. I sure wish Brad would have made the Anthonys do so. ZG lawyer, even offered to shut it down so the judge could help them understand his wide range he was allowed since he believed that they had been horribly misinformed. George did not say yes, lets do that because I know I am right and I demand to see the judge about this. That is because sir he knew he was wrong. Without question, he knew. Please don't take offense, if I were following a case in another country I would be hopelessly lost. Even the Florida Sunshine laws are interesting and new to me compared to my state.

My GOd this should be printed and handed out on the streets of Orlando.
During the depo George said that they didn't go looking for Zanny because they were letting LE, etc, do their jobs in trying to find her. Well, now LE is not looking for Zanny or anyone else as the killer of Caylee. SO...why aren't George and Cindy and anyone they can get to join them...out there looking for the real killer. There is nothing to stop them now. These investigators should be out there beating the bushes for the real killer. George said that he looked for Caylee 24/7 when she was missing. So why isn't he looking 24/7 for the real killer so his daughter's name can be cleared. He could get those people from Kid Finders to help out too.

I just don't understand why the Anthonys aren't out there shaking every tree so that their daughter can be cleared!!!

Many months ago GA also said to local media he was going to meet someone in Oviedo who had information and that the kidnappers were being watched.....since Casey named a ZFG as the kidnapper it would be assumed that's who was being watched.
Since then GA admitted in the JM depo that they did not search for ZFG even though in CA's depo she had addresses and phone numbers for Zanny.
So who was being watched? Who was GA suppose to meet that had info?

There was no one to go out and search for because no one kidnapped Caylee.

Here are links to GA's statement
The only problem with that theory is, they chewed gum throughout Caylees memorial too.
I once read a study that ANGER or angry people use GUM often.
When you watch how they chew you can see how angry they really are.
some people will tell you it keeps a dry mouth moist.
but the study said you can use candy to keep moist.
this was many years ago - no link :)
I once read a study that ANGER or angry people use GUM often.
When you watch how they chew you can see how angry they really are.
some people will tell you it keeps a dry mouth moist.
but the study said you can use candy to keep moist.
this was many years ago - no link :)

well you could see the anger in her depo.......
I once read a study that ANGER or angry people use GUM often.
When you watch how they chew you can see how angry they really are.
some people will tell you it keeps a dry mouth moist.
but the study said you can use candy to keep moist.
this was many years ago - no link :)

There was actually an article on about a week ago discussing the benifits of chewing gum. Sorry this is off topic but since I read the acrticle I've been looking for a post to to link it to..
There was actually an article on about a week ago discussing the benifits of chewing gum. Sorry this is off topic but since I read the acrticle I've been looking for a post to to link it to..

my kids perked up over that announcement last week...that being said.....I don't think it beneficial for the a's.....didn't see anything enlightening from that audition---except an example of how not to chew gum...(yes --- made kids watch and observe what it looks like to smack like that and that they better not do it.....:rolleyes:)
my kids perked up over that announcement last week...that being said.....I don't think it beneficial for the a's.....didn't see anything enlightening from that audition---except an example of how not to chew gum...(yes --- made kids watch and observe what it looks like to smack like that and that they better not do it.....:rolleyes:)

waaaaaaay OT, but Zoey that font is so small I can hardly read it!!
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