Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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Oct 31, 2008
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Did you find CA's testimony believable? Did anyone notice any interaction between her and ICA? What do you think about KC's nonverbals during her mother's testimony?
Glad you opened this thread, Patty. I have to say I am so proud of Cindy! For the first time that I can recall, my heart broke for her. I think her testimony was truthful and sincere for the most part. Now I'm not naive enough to think Cindy isn't capable of saying or doing something again that will tick me off. But I believe she conducted herself in a very professional manner today on the stand.
I thought CA looked totally defeated and to my astonishment fed KC to the dogs.
I noticed that she showed the court respect this time. She still seemed to try to skirt certain questions and give answers that I'm sure she felt would help KC, until LDB nudged her in the right direction. Her saying today that she couldn't remember and couldn't recall was a far cry from the glaring, yelling, defiant woman who gave Mr. Morgan page and line number to the discovery in her "other" depo. JMO
Pattymarie, I was frustrated by losing video stream connection, but I got to see most of today's hearing. I have to say, I was surprised that Cindy seemed truthful. She was well prepared and for once she didn't seem evasive and/or trying to re-invent history.
I know that Cindy and George REALLY seemed to be staring holes through Casey, wanting her to turn around during a 10 minute recess. The two young law (clerks?) sat with Casey and Casey was extremely animated, like she was at a slumber party with her two "BFF's" I would love to know what they were talking about. During this time Cindy finally got up and left. It made me sad. I think Casey SHOULD turn around and send one smile to her parents! She must feel so guilty to not be able to do that!
Also, I was interested (during recesses) in GA's finger to his lip (like in a shhhh motion). What will Dr. Glass say about THAT? Cindy did that odd finger/choking motion thing too. Casey herself looked cool as a cucumber for 90% of the time today. A lot of hair grooming as is her custom.
I thought CA looked totally defeated and to my astonishment fed KC to the dogs.

Yeah. She had a little bit of her traditional defiance right at the end when she went off about the FBUI transcripts, but for most of the hearing it was a very sober, very subdued, and more truthful than normal CA than previously seen.
My panties are so twisted I can't see straight! I only got to see up till 3pm when TruTv cut off coverage! I thought FOR SURE they would extend coverage today! I MISSED everything!

So please, someone just post the highlights, and anything we learned today that we didn't already know.

I've read all of the news reports..........but ya know how the media always seems to miss important stuff
When Cindy said she "still thinks Caylee is alive" I also was floored, but tend to believe that she is being truthful. I think what she means is she is hoping somehow that Caylee is not really gone. Can't fathom at all what it must be like to lose your two year old granddaughter at the hand of your daughter. Someone commented during her testimony that she seemed to be struggling with wanting to do right by Caylee and yet not wanting to hurt Casey. That was spot on, IMO. It was good to see her doing right by Caylee today, just speaking the truth.
I agree she was much more up front today but some of the statements she made are a bit strange: bringing this over for discussion

Jacqueline Fell's Live Courtroom Updates
*3:56 p.m. - Casey is crying. Lee is on stand testifying. Lee Anthony mouthed I love you, Casey burst in tears. He's being questioned about how his mother reacted when Casey told them she hasn't seen Caylee for 31 days.
*3:48 p.m. - Cindy says she still believes Caylee is alive.
*3:26 p.m.- Cindy says Casey started crying when she admitted she hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days. Cindy said she then panicked.
*3:05 p.m. - In cross examination, Cindy is asked if whether she would know the smell of a dead body. In previous statements, she said as a nurse, she experienced smell of dead body, rotting flesh and smell of dead tissue.
*2:45 p.m.- Cindy constantly says "don't remember." It has been two years since she made these calls.
*2:24 p.m. - Lee Anthony steps out. He can't be in the courtroom while Cindy is testifying.
*2:20 p.m. - Defense withdraws motion regarding Texas EquuSearch volunteer information. Judge appointed special magistrate to go with defense during inspection. The special master will take notes, tag documents, bring any questions and copies for judge to inspect.
*1:55 p.m.- Cindy has a necklace with Caylee's picture on it and a bracelet that has many pictures of Caylee. Casey just walked in.
*1:49 p.m. - Lee Anthony and girlfriend, Mallory, are here. Lee hugged his parents before sitting next to his mother. Thomas Luka is representing Lee.
*1:42 p.m. - Cindy looks very tired and stressed. She seems worried. She has on no makeup…probably expects to be an emotional hearing. George is with her.

(see today's current news post #16)
so....can anyone manage to find a tiny bit of compassion for the woman and the position she's in?

My heart breaks for her.
one more


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Maybe she believes Caylee is alive in her heart. I'm not making excuses for her at all, and I think she was WAY out of line saying that in court, but perhaps it was a true statement, just left unfinished:

CA: I still think Caylee is my heart.
Did we know before today that Cindy told Casey two weeks before the car was picked up from the impound lot that Cindy wanted the car brought back home? I have missed this information somehow if it was known before.

Cindy looked defeated to me when being questioned by Linda. I also noticed that Casey didn't look at Cindy much at all. At the point when Cindy was in tears on the stand Casey was completely unmoved. Casey sat as if she were made of stone.
jvm now on hln saying ca's words could be the most damning to her daughter
To me this says a lot.

so....can anyone manage to find a tiny bit of compassion for the woman and the position she's in?

My heart breaks for her.

Yes Linda. redkat's picture speaks a thousand words to me. How much CA's aged in the last two years (not being snarky at all). I do have compassion and I think I can have that while having compassion for Caylee too. JMHO.
so....can anyone manage to find a tiny bit of compassion for the woman and the position she's in?

My heart breaks for her.

I was crying during the testimony. I can only imagine how difficult this was for her under these circumstances. My heart breaks for her, too. I really admired her strength today and pray that they all find comfort.
so....can anyone manage to find a tiny bit of compassion for the woman and the position she's in?

My heart breaks for her.

I can and I do. I will continue to have compassion for her as long as she continues to remember what all of this is about......Caylee. Today she spoke the truth the best that she could and I am thankful that she did. However, there were also times when I was shaking my head in frustration at some of what she said. She CAN remember what she has said, she didn't WANT to remember.
I thought I saw a tiny non-teeth smile and nod from Casey, when Cindy was first sworn in and seated.
I noticed Casey looked P*ssed when Cindy was on the stand and paranoid when Lee was up there. I also noticed while explaining how long she was at the house etc....Cindy said she put Casey's pants in the washer, and then later she said when she got back she "took the slacks out of the dryer" who put them in the dryer if no one was supposed to be at home??????? Or was someone there "cleaning" out the car.............
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