Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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I can't even imagine being Cindy...I've tried...I think I would be in a rubber room and medicated till I was practically comatose. It's more than anyone, ever, should have to's really no wonder to me that she wigged out from time to time.

There but for the grace of God go I. A saying that can be seen as quaint and trite but in this instance it almost makes me want to fall on my knees and be thankful it isn't me.

From every action we have seen from her, from the words out of her very mouth to media in the past two years---IMHO she is a profoundly and deeply flawed human being. But I do have compassion because she is a collateral victim of the murder of Caylee. JMHO.
Please read entire post before thinking I'm nuts.

I can understand CA thinking Caylee is still alive. My son died in 1/06 and sometimes, when I just can bear it, I let myself believe for a little while that he's still alive - just off in Miami where he went to college. Kinda' like to give my heart and soul a little break. It may be counterproductive or whatever, but it's how I try to cope sometimes.

That said, I would never say it under oath in court.

My darling, with all deep respect and true empathy for what you're going through, as I feel the same about my brother who happens to be standing here beside me right now, despite his death 4 years ago, I hear you. I hear you. I do.

But it's not the same, and I think you know that. You are keeping your son, and I am keeping my brother, alive in a way that isn't the same as what Cindy claims. Cindy knows Caylee isn't alive. It's a ploy. Anyone who falls for Cindy feeling that Caylee is still alive has been scammed, smoked, taken for a ride. It's just not true. She doesn't feel Caylee is alive, no matter what anybody wants to project onto Cindy, she's not being truthful. It's a ploy. Somebody please use their thesaurus and find ten other words for 'ploy', cause that's all I got.

Many prayers to you anyway, love, for your pain. I know that it's real, and I'm sorry.
There but for the grace of God go I. A saying that can be seen as quaint and trite but in this instance it almost makes me want to fall on my knees and be thankful it isn't me.

From every action we have seen from her, from the words out of her very mouth to media in the past two years---IMHO she is a profoundly and deeply flawed human being. But I do have compassion because she is a collateral victim of the murder of Caylee. JMHO.

BBM Amen. And may I add, who among us isn't in some fashion?
Nope. Don't feel sorry for CA. I don't feel sorry for any of the A's.

I don't know how evading questions and saying "I don't know", when she dang well does know, is telling the truth. She doesn't get a pat on the back from me for that.
The whole bunch of them grosses me out.

I don't care about her phony "softened down" image. It's a little too late for that.
In the words of LDB, it's a farce!
My darling, with all deep respect and true empathy for what you're going through, as I feel the same about my brother who happens to be standing here beside me right now, despite his death 4 years ago, I hear you. I hear you. I do.

But it's not the same, and I think you know that. You are keeping your son, and I am keeping my brother, alive in a way that isn't the same as what Cindy claims. Cindy knows Caylee isn't alive. It's a ploy. Anyone who falls for Cindy feeling that Caylee is still alive has been scammed, smoked, taken for a ride. It's just not true. She doesn't feel Caylee is alive, no matter what anybody wants to project onto Cindy, she's not being truthful. It's a ploy. Somebody please use their thesaurus and find ten other words for 'ploy', cause that's all I got.

Many prayers to you anyway, love, for your pain. I know that it's real, and I'm sorry.

Main Entry: ploy
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: game, trick
Synonyms: artifice, contrivance, device, dodge, feint, gambit, maneuver, move, play, ruse, scheme, stratagem, subterfuge, tactic, wile
Main Entry: artifice
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: hoax; clever act
Synonyms: con, contrivance, device, dodge, expedient, gambit, gimmick, machination, maneuver, play, ploy, racket, ruse, savvy, scam*, stratagem, subterfuge, tactic, wile
Antonyms: candor, frankness, honesty, honor, ingenuousness, innocence, openness, reality, sincerity, truthfulness

I have lost so many and recently my dear sister. I know the pain of losing loved ones to death. I know the feeling of comfort to think they are here beside me or watching over me. I have compassion for that but I have to agree that Cindy saying such things in court is one of the above synonyms for ploy.

I save my compassion for our posters who share their own grief. begrudge them a meal????????? They believe their granddaughter was still alive and were doing everything in their power to find her ...alive. They wanted her alive, not dead.

Yeah, I guess a few crab puffs at the Ritz are so outrageous they should be shot...eyeroll.....
On the day my granddaughter's remains were found, the last thing I would be doing would be fine dining in a fancy hotel, doesn't matter that it was Crab Puffs. I'd be lucky if I ate!
As a matter of fact,
when my mother actually did die unexpectedly and suddenly, I did barely eat that day, and one of the meals was fast food, the other was a salad to make sure I ate healthy because I was crying so hard!!!
I must be the only one who kinda thinks Cindy is just a control freak with a personality disorder that finally had nowhere to run and no story to "spin" and surrendered to the reality that she wasn't going to get away with her usual crap. Her comment about thinking Caylee is still alive is her being crafty in some way. She is manipulating so that she looks sympathetic. In my opinion she brought this all on herself and she is now having to sleep in the bed she maketh. I have a really hard time finding compassion under the totality of the circumstances.

ITA with your statement but I did feel sympathy for her when she was testifying. I imagined how difficult and confusing it must have been to find out her granddaughter had not been seen in 31 days. I truly believe Cindy loved Caylee and was crushed at that moment. Since then her personality disorder took over though.

I think her comment about still believing Caylee is alive was said for Casey. Cindy doesn't care about receiving sympathy from anyone. She said it only for Casey, hoping Casey would love her, talk to her again. JMO!
I must say I was a little bemused when CA said (paraphrase) "I am not sure if I shook her (ICA)..I know I wanted to".

I believe she was as honest as she could be. ICA isnt the only one with issues with reality :moo:

eta ahhh how do I make the lil cow moo? :)
I learned for the first time today that CA actually spoke to KC the day she went and picked her up at Tony's. I knew (or always thought) she sent a text message saying "call me, we have a problem"....I never knew she actually spoke to KC. Don't ya know KC was scrubbing her laptop clean when Cindy walked through that door.
Pattymarie, I was frustrated by losing video stream connection, but I got to see most of today's hearing. I have to say, I was surprised that Cindy seemed truthful. She was well prepared and for once she didn't seem evasive and/or trying to re-invent history.
I know that Cindy and George REALLY seemed to be staring holes through Casey, wanting her to turn around during a 10 minute recess. The two young law (clerks?) sat with Casey and Casey was extremely animated, like she was at a slumber party with her two "BFF's" I would love to know what they were talking about. During this time Cindy finally got up and left. It made me sad. I think Casey SHOULD turn around and send one smile to her parents! She must feel so guilty to not be able to do that!
Also, I was interested (during recesses) in GA's finger to his lip (like in a shhhh motion). What will Dr. Glass say about THAT? Cindy did that odd finger/choking motion thing too. Casey herself looked cool as a cucumber for 90% of the time today. A lot of hair grooming as is her custom.

bbm...haha....i never want to see the word "buffering" again for as long as I live!
may I also say that I dont think those of us who have sympathy for CA today are fools or naive or etc. some of us just cannot bear to see others hurting, esp while in a position most of us hope to heaven we never have to endure.
Dear Prudence: Good point. I agree except I do think Cindy wants to change her public image to help Casey and that requires the softer version we saw today. Maybe she doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for her, but imo she does want to appear sympathetic to counter the other Cindy whose raging is forever etched in our memories.
I don't believe she lied at all. You are talking about STUPID details in comparison to everything else, trivial stupid things...People forget.

I know I forgot lots of things that were peripheral when giving depositions some 2 years after a traumatic event. Time gets blurred and the little things get fuzzy. The BIG stuff, that never goes away.

Do you honestly believe for a second that you shed more tears and loved Caylee more than Cindy????????????

Bold 1 - stupid details? The entire 2 years we've been on this site discussing this case has been about what - STUPID details? Details like whether or not Caylee was left with a nanny or not left with a nanny? Details like Casey's car had decomposition or did not have decomposition? Details like Casey had a job or did not have a job? Details like Caylee was at the beach or was in the woods decaying? You mean stupid details like THAT?

Bold 2 - You'll have me believe that in the two years of this (argued by Defense and agreed here ...) VERY PUBLICIZED CASE... Cindy never once ever re-read her own transcripts or re-viewed her own media interviews? Never once? You're having me believe that never once on July 16, 2008, August 1, September 23, October 18, December 10, January 4, 2009, February 17, March 3, April 11, May 30, June 8, July 12, August 22, September 5, October 21, November 17, December 6, January 9, 2010, February 14, March 16, April 7, May 23, June 22 and July 15, and any date in between, that never ONCE did she NOT use the same tools we all have to prepare herself for court today? Really? She strictly went into the court today based solely on her recollection of two years ago, and nothing in between? For real?
I don't believe she lied at all. You are talking about STUPID details in comparison to everything else, trivial stupid things...People forget.

A narcissist like CA doesn't forget. She remembers every single moment down to the minute detail.

I know I forgot lots of things that were peripheral when giving depositions some 2 years after a traumatic event. Time gets blurred and the little things get fuzzy. The BIG stuff, that never goes away.

No it does NOT get fuzzy in time when a family member passes, much less one that has been murdered.

Do you honestly believe for a second that you shed more tears and loved Caylee more than Cindy????????????

I mean no disrespect to you or your values and feelings, however:

Any finally, IF I knew a family member was passing or had passed and I have, the last meal I would eat wouldn't be at a high rated hotel, eating crab puffs, drinking beer and cocktails, and stumbling into a room with a man I hardly knew with my husband in the next room. I wouldn't be eating any meals for months.
Did you find CA's testimony believable? Did anyone notice any interaction between her and ICA? What do you think about KC's nonverbals during her mother's testimony?

For the most part I found her testimony believable. Her recollection of dates, and times was typical CA. I found her statement about how she still thinks Caylee is still alive was insane if talking about a physical Caylee. If she meant she is alive in her heart I can understand a grandmother saying that. I did find CA's demeanor to be much more calm when she was on the stand. I also was taken back that CA didn't give her daughter much eye contact during her testimony. KC was scribbling on her pad when CA was on the stand which I found odd.
Also, as a subject brought up in this thread - I was riveted by the "Sorority Girls" convention there at the defense table during the break. Bad form. OK, Casey is a human and I'm fine with her feet being unshackled so she can at least be comfortable sitting for long hours - but appearing to OMG it up with the girls during the break when she won't give her family any recognition isn't playing well with me. The clerks should have known better and the defense lawyers seemed OK with it. Camera is still on dorks.
I have no compassion for any of the A clan. None, zippo, nadda.

Any one of them could have stopped this circus July 15, 08 but instead they intentionally sideswiped any and all avenues to assist LE, the FBI and the SAO. They went out of their way to sabotage the investigation. They intentionally lied to create a cover up story. They have absolutely NO RESPECT for the law or the courts.

They have been living off the murder of Caylee instead of doing what normal people would do; go back to work and earn an honest wage to support themselves.

They continue to lie and show the world how little they respected Caylee's short life.

By the way, CA played her martyr role really well today. Ya'll got to see a narcissist working the room in true form. She changed roles immediately and knew when to play the room. She even managed to get some hard core people here to feel sorry for her. ICA did the exact same thing, she just didn't get the results she wanted. She was still looking for real tears to be produced by her squeezing her eyes tight, or poking at em.

This post says it all for me.

Thanks just wasn't enough!!!
My darling, with all deep respect and true empathy for what you're going through, as I feel the same about my brother who happens to be standing here beside me right now, despite his death 4 years ago, I hear you. I hear you. I do.

But it's not the same, and I think you know that. You are keeping your son, and I am keeping my brother, alive in a way that isn't the same as what Cindy claims. Cindy knows Caylee isn't alive. It's a ploy. Anyone who falls for Cindy feeling that Caylee is still alive has been scammed, smoked, taken for a ride. It's just not true. She doesn't feel Caylee is alive, no matter what anybody wants to project onto Cindy, she's not being truthful. It's a ploy. Somebody please use their thesaurus and find ten other words for 'ploy', cause that's all I got.

Many prayers to you anyway, love, for your pain. I know that it's real, and I'm sorry.

You're right - she probably didn't mean it the way I heard it.

I'm so sorry for your pain too. Thank you for your prayers, I need them and sending you some too. By the way, my son stands beside me, too - every day. He gives me little nudge when I need it. You'll know what I mean.

Thank you for kind words. God bless you.
I interpreted this completely differently than almost every comment that I have seen. I really thought that she meant during the time period they were discussing, she thought at that point Caylee was alive. Was JB asking her about the present time? I thought his questions were directed to the matter of the 911 calls and the events during that time period and her memories surrounding them.

I thought that's what she said, too, "at that time".... After all, JB wasn't asking about now, he was asking about that night.
CA did a good job today. She acted like a normal person most of us can relate to more than any other CA we've seen so far. I appreciated her attempt to be honest. I pray she will continue to be honest for Caylee who needs Justice.

Actually, I believe today was a release and relief for CA to be able to tell her side of the story in front of KC, and realize she really did the right thing when she called the Police. I think the way LDB questioned her was brilliant and compassionate. CA seemed to almost be working with LDB at that point saying what she had to say and finding it somewhat healing.
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