Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #3

DNA Solves
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Who saw the video and when is very confusing. However, the Honouring Survival document was published in 2000, so JR's sister definitely knew about the footage a long time before 2008.

I found it interesting that when asked if they had identified MM Paul Ferguson says "to the best of my recollection we did not". The best of my recollection? Was a pretty key part in the investigation, but he can remember the outcome? Sounds like an evasive way of saying yes, but for operational reasons we are keeping that to ourselves.

The family saw the footage early on, but not the parts that included MM. In 2000, a family member talks about viewing the footage. In 2008, a family member says he just learned of and saw MM. That's my understanding of it.

What portions did they show the 700 people?

I agree that Paul Ferguson's reply was odd. Possible footage and identification of the killer, and he acts like it slipped his mind.

Lucky for the killer that the detectives are so forgetful.
Who saw the video and when is very confusing. However, the Honouring Survival document was published in 2000, so JR's sister definitely knew about the footage a long time before 2008.

I found it interesting that when asked if they had identified MM Paul Ferguson says "to the best of my recollection we did not". The best of my recollection? Was a pretty key part in the investigation, but he can remember the outcome? Sounds like an evasive way of saying yes, but for operational reasons we are keeping that to ourselves.

MM is extremely suspicious considering he's never been identified or come forward. Judging by the footage, it looks like he recognises JR (and I think we all agree to this).

Ask yourself this; if you knew JR and knew she'd been murdered/abducted on a particular evening, wouldn't you call police to let them know when/where you last saw her?

It's quite bizarre that he's never been identified.

Further to this, I've never fully understood the theory behind Romuald Zak but does MM fit the description of RZ? RZ seemed to have longish hair similar to MM from the pictures I've seen. RZ also knew JR (Sutton has mentioned this earlier).

Does anyone know if RZ or his family owned a panel van or VS Commodore? Would be interesting to follow this up.
The information about RZ knowing Jane is internet rumour or misinformation. The information about knowing and working with Ciara (and in the same legal team) and the card signing is correct. He left the employ of Blake Dawson Waldron near the end of 1994, commenced study into health and fitness and worked with his stepfather (Jan Zak) and mother's (aka Danuta Kosiorek) painting business D & J Painting. His stepfather also was a keen scuba diver and instructor and RZ participated in scuba diving.

RZ gravestone has his name as Romuald Tood (unfortunately misspelled - should be Todd) Kosiorek and reference to stepfather's surname Zak.

RZ was not living at his parent's house prior to his admission to Graylands Hospital. He lived independently in a flat in Main Road, Osborne Park (near corner of North Beach Drive). He drove a small 2wd vehicle. On the night that SS was abducted, he was hospitalized and in recovery mode after having a penile enhancement procedure. There were 2 attempted suicides recorded prior to his death. His (younger ?) brother worked for a large vehicle retailer located at Victoria Park which btw sell Holdens.

People say he had visited CG's gravesite on several occasions, but the thing here is that he was hospitalized in Graylands from the 13 April 1997, CG was located on 3rd April and funeral service on 11th April therefore if he visited her grave at Karrakatta several times this occurred over 2 days.


Thanks. This is a lot of info on Romuald. I've been reading about the events surrounding his death and don't feel like he received justice in any way.

Where did you find find the details about his surgery, work history and family?
The family saw the footage early on, but not the parts that included MM. In 2000, a family member talks about viewing the footage. In 2008, a family member says he just learned of and saw MM. That's my understanding of it.

What portions did they show the 700 people?

I agree that Paul Ferguson's reply was odd. Possible footage and identification of the killer, and he acts like it slipped his mind.

Lucky for the killer that the detectives are so forgetful.

Oh I misunderstood- it was only the MM bit that was new to the family members.
My thoughts on the karrakatta attack.

I walked through that cemetery twice a day to get to and from the train station and followed the same path each time. Getting back very late at night was no problem as long as I stuck to that path but one night I got off at Karakatta instead of Loch st station for whatever reason and tried walking through the middle of the cemetery. I recall it was pitch black in some areas and following the winding paths (trying to stay off the plots) was difficult. I don't remember seeing any security in those days late at night in the cemetery, nor would there have been cctv unless it was in the little admin office or the cafe that used to be there. No-one ever stopped me and said "wtf are you doing in here" at any rate and can't recall ever seeing anyone else on the grounds late at night.

There are some isolated spots deep in the grounds of the cemetery and unless someone was actually on the grounds I doubt anyone would hear a woman screaming, especially from the road outside. He may have driven in via one of the rear entrances which from memory weren't gated or locked or pulled up outside and marched her into the grounds with a bag over her head and some kind of weapon to scare her into keeping quiet. The top end of those grounds come out at a retirement village and a hospital a bit further down towards the city direction but the other sides apart from the main road on the main entrance side are very quiet streets at night, in fact the service road to the factories and commercial places behind the cemetery if you're heading towards stirling highway side are completely deserted at night. I know because that's the side I used to go in and out of on the way home. There was a sail makers place from memory with hulls and yachts on trailers outside etc. Busy in the morning but at night you could come and go without seeing a single car or person until you got to the main road .
In terms of a connected crimes project for some of you, can I suggest one of you contact Brett Christian to obtain some sort of electronic records of the papers he released during the key period and prior.

If we're looking at anything from burglaries to minor sexually motivated crimes, we may pick up on a particular significant factor or aspect of a crime that the Police have not picked up on. Let's not forget that Police members are subject to tenure and, while they may be experienced investigators, they may lack the local background knowledge and attention to contextual detail that some of you seem to exhibit on this forum.
Any chance we could go back to discussing the case?

Does anyone have any idea how many white VS Commodore Station Wagon's there would have been registered in WA at the time of the murders? Maybe a ball park figure? I am thinking it wouldn't be too many and that all the registered owners could be investigated or at least background checked.

Focus on private owners first, then do the corporate/fleet one company at a time.

Most of the data I've found does not differentiate between sedan and station wagon. This fact sheet shows 277,774 Holden Commodores VS's were produced in Australia in 1995.

Australia was not importing Commodores. They may have exported some. Assuming the car was distributed based on population, and 9.5% of Australia's total population lived in WA, then 26,400 Holden Commodore VS's were in the state.

What portion of those were station wagons? A quarter? A fifth? Any guesses? And then what portion of those were white?

If 20% were station wagons and 75% of the station wagons were white, then you're looking at about 4,000 vehicles.
We already know about Karrakatta, I have included it anyway. But I think the other two need looking into and my experience tells me there's a good chance they're related and possible escalation crimes.

On New Year's Day 1994, a man dragged a woman from her car after she had left Club Bay View. He tried to rape her, but she fought him off. Three months earlier a
31-year-old woman got into a taxi near the club. A man hiding in the back seat grabbed her, but she jumped from the car, breaking a leg. In February 1995, a girl, 17, was tied with an electrical cord, raped and left for dead at Karrakatta Cemetery. She had been abducted while walking home from the club.

On 3 March, two months after Sarah disappeared, a 21-year-old woman was indecently assaulted in a lane behind Club Bay View, which she had left about 2am. Her head had been bashed six times against a brick wall and her skirt ripped off.
It seems like police would have pulled those registrations and cross checked them against panel vans, names previously submitted to the task force, past offenders.

But it would be difficult to check who had access to one of the cars--via a fleet, partner, parent, friend.

Still, police hypothesized the offender lived close by, so they could have cross checked within a 5-10 mile radius.

Surely they did this.
We already know about Karrakatta, I have included it anyway. But I think the other two need looking into and my experience tells me there's a good chance they're related and possible escalation crimes.

On New Year's Day 1994, a man dragged a woman from her car after she had left Club Bay View. He tried to rape her, but she fought him off. Three months earlier a
31-year-old woman got into a taxi near the club. A man hiding in the back seat grabbed her, but she jumped from the car, breaking a leg. In February 1995, a girl, 17, was tied with an electrical cord, raped and left for dead at Karrakatta Cemetery. She had been abducted while walking home from the club.

On 3 March, two months after Sarah disappeared, a 21-year-old woman was indecently assaulted in a lane behind Club Bay View, which she had left about 2am. Her head had been bashed six times against a brick wall and her skirt ripped off.

Which two? There are three listed (plus Karrakatta). Do you think they're all related?

I think the woman dragged from her car near Claremont subway is most likely related.

I am less sure about the Princess Rd taxi incident where the woman broke her ankle.

I am undecided about the woman bashed behind CBV, because I think the MO of the CSK was to stay on the outskirts and catch girls alone. That seems too close to other people to me. He wanted to get the girls into his car and take them elsewhere to rape them. The guy doing the bashing sounds like he would have raped her right there. Yes, MOs change all the time, but this was an unnecessary risk for the offender, IMO.

One other assault that I think is almost definitely related (but is not on the above list) is the girl taken from a carpark across from Cottesloe Hotel. She is the girl who escaped (perp tried to chase her down and recapture her several times) but wrote in to the Post of her account in 2015.
Which two? There are three listed (plus Karrakatta). Do you think they're all related?

I think the woman dragged from her car near Claremont subway is most likely related.

I am less sure about the Princess Rd taxi incident where the woman broke her ankle.

I am undecided about the woman bashed behind CBV, because I think the MO of the CSK was to stay on the outskirts and catch girls alone. That seems too close to other people to me. He wanted to get the girls into his car and take them elsewhere to rape them. The guy doing the bashing sounds like he would have raped her right there. Yes, MOs change all the time, but this was an unnecessary risk for the offender, IMO.

One other assault that I think is almost definitely related (but is not on the above list) is the girl taken from a carpark across from Cottesloe Hotel. She is the girl who escaped (perp tried to chase her down and recapture her several times) but wrote in to the Post of her account in 2015.

New Year's Day 1994 and the 03 March 1996 I think could quite possibly both be related as well as the one you mentioned Sutton.

You're right about the MO, it seemed that he abducted CG and SS on the fringes alone, but I don't think that was the case with JR, I believe she either got into a car or was blitz attacked fairly shortly after being seen on CCTV. That's why I think the bashing behind CBV could be related, as it was prior to JR and she seemed to disappear in similar circumstances, in my mind.
Good point. Maybe he was careless or couldn't find a girl further away.

News accounts of Karrakatta always say "violently" or "brutally" raped and some say she was "left for dead." There's been discussion about how she was left, but I think the reports indicate a very brutal attack.

This level of violence matches the woman being bashed about the head six times.

Does anyone know how secluded the alley would be? Is there a time when it would be relatively empty? Is there somewhere the CSK could park and drag her to his vehicle without being seen?
Does anyone know how secluded the alley would be? Is there a time when it would be relatively empty? Is there somewhere the CSK could park and drag her to his vehicle without being seen?
It's sort of an alley, sort of a car park and not very secluded. Heaps of people park there and Hungry Jacks's (i.e. Burger King) drive thru is right there and open until 1 or 2 am from memory.

This attack and the Claremont subway attack are very brazen. Dixie sort of brazen. I think the cottesloe hotel atrack is a better fit.

There's two taxi attack so a taxi driver is still a handy option.
Thought this may be of some interest.


The largest passenger car fleets are likely to be those operated by Telstra and the Australian
Defence Forces.
Since 1986, fleet vehicles have comprised the majority of new car sales (see Figure 1). This
is true for the Australian-based car manufacturers (and particularly so for Ford and Holden)
but not for the other manufacturers (see Figure 2). In 1997, Ford and Holden sold 72% of
their new vehicles to fleets. The corresponding figure for Toyota and Mitsubishi was 61%.
More than 60% of new cars sold to fleets in 1997 were in the “upper medium” size class,
compared to about 15% of sales to private individuals (see Table 1).

The following information was supplied by Mr Ralph Stevenson, National Fleet Sales
Manager for Holden’s.

1. What safety features are fleet buyers interested in?
There are really no consistent or generic fleet responses. His personal impression of fleets
generally is that going back a year or so, there was a strong buyer attitude that saw the fleet
safety choice as between ABS or airbag(s). The general balance was that ABS was
preferable because it avoided the crash in the first place with attendant savings in both
potential injury and vehicle repair costs.
Today, there is some confusion or uncertainty as to the actual cost - benefit trade off of the
various options. Fleets no longer have to consider only ABS and driver airbag but now
compare vehicles with standard features of passenger and side airbags, seat belt pretensioners
and promotion of the invisible Safety Cell structures.
Currently, those fleets with an active policy for OH&S issues tend to take a higher position.

There are a number of fleets that have adopted a policy of specifying Commodore Acclaim
models rather than Executive within the Holden range of vehicles. This is because Holden
has always specified the Acclaim to have all or most of the safety features currently available
from Holden. Most of the fleets with these Acclaim preference policies are Australian "Blue
Chip" corporates or in the Government sector. In a couple of instances the policy results from
a personal position by the fleet decision maker and a belief that higher residual values make
the policy work financially.

2. Are fleet purchasers able to specify particular safety features or combinations other
than those available to private buyers?
No. Private buyers are able to purchase all the same models as fleets except for Taxi and
Police variants (which are not safety feature specification differences). From time to time
limited edition models are offered to private buyers (fleet discounts are not generally available
for these models). However these models typically have luxury rather than safety features.

3. What particular packages do they request?
Holden’s is unable to answer quantitatively at an option level for individual buyer types.
However, overwhelmingly the volume seller to business fleets is a V6 automatic Commodore
Executive sedan
with air conditioning and no other options. There is a general perception that
highly optioned Executive (base) model vehicles do not receive full value for the options in
the used market, so fleets generally avoid adding options – either luxury or safety type. They
equally do not (apart from those fleets mentioned above) select the Acclaim even though
Acclaim does manage to recover more of the value for the features in the used car market than
a highly optioned Executive because of the "badge" premium.
Good find TwoLeftFeet.
The acclaim had dual airbags and abs.
Looking at 95/96 pics of sedans and wagons online, it had a very plain trim- grey with darker grey 'pattern'.
Wonder if Samantha White was ever located? The last line of the article says

Police are still investigating the deaths of four Perth women whose bodies were found after they disappeared from Perth pubs and nightclubs over the last five years.

The odds tell us the CSK is a local man because he had some mental link to Claremont (as far as we know he didn't abduct and murder anyone from Subiaco or Northbridge or Freo during this time).

That's why prime POIs are LW, Judo, PW and SR

A high possibility of why the killings stop is because the CSK was under police scrutiny. If so, then Judo gets removed.

But if they have DNA then all of them are ruled out and we are left with;

A guy who has some kind of mental link to Claremont who is off the radar but stopped killing in this patch. He didn't move on to Subi or Northbridge and as far as we can tell he hasn't moved interstate and used the same MO.

He may have died and he may have been imprisoned but I assume police have checked all this.

Some have mentioned maybe over seas. Has anyone been able to match similar cases? Why hasn't he come back? Did police have a look at every male in an age range that left perth in the 6 months after CG?
Re Vehicles

So....the two most common Holden commodore Vs fleet vehicles (Acclaim and Executive)..
The Acclaim station wagon and the Acclaim sedan have the same upholstery
The Executive station wagon and the Executive sedan have the same upholstery

Now just to put a spanner in the works....

*What evidence is there that the fibres came from a station wagon or a sedan?

*Is it only assumed to be a station wagon just because of the witnesses account regarding CG? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

*How reliable is that many of them actually saw the vehicle?

*How inebriated were they?

*If they thought it was a station wagon and definately not a taxi..would they have also noticed a roof rack if it was a Telstra fleet vehicle?
Does that then discount the possibility of a Telstra fleet vehicle?

*What if they were mistaken (from that distance) in the identification of the vehicle? (The Ford wagon is identical)

*Did anyone else see the vehicle? (Independent from the guys at the bus stop)

Remember, the fibres came from JR not CG

My thoughts..
I think anyone who had stopped in transit to talk to Ciara would have had their foot on the brake pedal.
The two rear lights and central window light would be bright red.

They guys looked away and when they looked back, the vehicle was gone..that's a fair assumption..(no vehicle lights ) but CG was wearing black.
Maybe she was still walking and just not visible.

How good was the lighting? ..especially further along.

There were other reports of her being seen further along the highway.

Perhaps the station wagon is totally irrelevant and too many assumptions have been made linking the two crimes. (on the station wagon basis)
Given that the fibres came from Jane and not Ciara, could the fibres have equally come from the sedan models.
Re Vehicles

1What evidence is there that the fibres came from a station wagon or a sedan?

2Is it only assumed to be a station wagon just because of the witnesses account regarding CG? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

3How reliable is that many of them actually saw the vehicle?

4How inebriated were they?

5If they thought it was a station wagon and definately not a taxi..would they have also noticed a roof rack if it was a Telstra fleet vehicle?
Does that then discount the possibility of a Telstra fleet vehicle?

6What if they were mistaken (from that distance) in the identification of the vehicle? (The Ford wagon is identical)

7Did anyone else see the vehicle? (Independent from the guys at the bus stop)

Remember, the fibres came from JR not CG

My thoughts..
8 I think anyone who had stopped in transit to talk to Ciara would have had their foot on the brake pedal.
The two rear lights and central window light would be bright red.

They guys looked away and when they looked back, the vehicle was gone..that's a fair assumption..(no vehicle lights ) but CG was wearing black.
Maybe she was still walking and just not visible.

How good was the lighting? ..especially further along.

There were other reports of her being seen further along the highway.

Perhaps the station wagon is totally irrelevant and too many assumptions have been made linking the two crimes. (on the station wagon basis)
Given that the fibres came from Jane and not Ciara, could the fibres have equally come from the sedan models.
1. From BC Dec 5 The Post; . "The man who terrorised the western suburbs in the mid- 1990s drove a white mid-1990s Holden Commodore VS Series 1, most likely a station wagon"

Anyone know what "most likely" is based on? Were more station wagons manufactured than sedans? Were there more station wagon sales in WA because they had a big fleet order?

We don't even know if this is true either. There's a reasonable case that it's strategic misinformation

2. As above. No idea.

3. There were 3 dudes. No idea how reliable they are and no idea how many of them saw it. There's a person on BF claiming to be one of the 3 bus stop witnesses but upon a quick investigation I determined they are full of it.

4. The witnesses or the girls? No idea.

5. Hard to say. Did all Telstra vehicles have ladders on them? Maybe some were used as manager's cars and no ladder?

6. I have seen people mention that one of them was a car nut and was sure it was a Holden. Can anyone actually confirm this?

7. Not to my knowledge

8. CG was wearing black pants or skirt with a white blouse that had long black sleeves. I'd say she was visible but if anyone lives locally they should go down there at night with a friend and one stand at the HJ's bus top and one at the CC bus stop and check visibility. There's a slight rise in gradient half way between. A very subtle hill if you like. But pretty sure there's a direct LOS.
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