Clifford Lane Lawless

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Do we know his schedule for that dreadful day?
Where was he between 4-8 pm.......
Does he have an albi except for wife?
Was anyone working at church?
I don't really care to read " his side'. We are gathering facts on a POI. I guess it's just my opinion, but I don't see that there is " his side" to anything factual.
I didn't get the feeling that he was a very sincere or concerned party in this child's murder investigation. Again, JMO.

Good Morning SeekingJane, I was being a bit facetious and thought about deleting my post aand should have before I went to bed. ITA with you. xox
This email on Clover Road Baptist Church home page really concerns me. Excite (dot)com is known for it's adult personal ads, swingers, gays, bi etc. if you get into excite adult sites there is everything there...and I mean everything...maybe even kiddie stuff.... Why on earth would he use an excite email? Could it be a code between pedo's..the excite email lets others know that you're into kids?
I remember a bit of this when it was happening.
I hope this case does not hurt innocent people.....
If something happens to the one proven to have taken this child I have no problem, string em up hang em whatever.

I agree. I hope that mob mentality doesn't take over, and someone innocent gets hurt. It's unlikely that ALL the POIs are the wretched dog that killed beautiful Sandra. Maybe two, but unlikely three.
Like your Nick, LOL..
It seemed, when viewing Pastor Lawless's bio. that he became somewhat of a Harris. Was married to a Harris by a Harris, was baptized into their religious faith on his wedding day by Rev. Harris, followed his FIL, Rev. Harris, into the ministry, was mentored by his FIL in theology. The Harris relatives live in CA, while the Lawless family seems to have stayed in WA.

IOW, it seems to me that this man in his 30's, not married, apparently no strong career or religious values ( remember it was 1960 when religion was strong in the world, and his family apparently has Catholic roots) was assimilated into the Harris family and their culture.
I'm not sure if this makes sense- It could be that he doesn't consider the first 30- something years of his life to be worth mentioning...

Thank you for pointing out the name Harris. I had forgotten to put that named Asteroid into LL's birth chart in the forensic astrology thread for Sandra. Harris makes a very strong connection in the chart, and further case. If anyone is interested, the link to the chart is here:

Interesting short interview with Pastor Harris, Connie Lawless' brother....and apparent member of the same church maybe?

Edited to Add: Is THIS the right thread for this?? I'll remove if not....thanks :)

I think the is connected to the church, that is why the FBI were all over it Tuesday. Not sure exactly who, but I did read on the thread yesterday that this congregation is known for saving their members even though they may be RSO's and that they feel they can solve the problems within the community without intervention from police. Based on one members opinions from an incident in the past.
Thank you for pointing out the name Harris. I had forgotten to put that named Asteroid into LL's birth chart in the forensic astrology thread for Sandra. Harris makes a very strong connection in the chart, and further case. If anyone is interested, the link to the chart is here:

Thank you for this! And thanks for the Brewster, WA, too! I'm more interested in the Lawless/Harris link as it pertains to the Tracy 60.

Also, I'm fully aware of the Wenatchee witch hunt, the snowball effect it had, and am no way implicating things here.

Going to the astro chart now! Will ask my family member about Elder Harris and Lawless today and will let you guys know what I get, if anything.
snipped from article dated 09 April 2009

Sheneman had harsh words for some local media outlets who turned their focus on Pastor Lane Lawless as a possible suspect in Sandra's slaying, saying the pastor and his wife were just two of the hundreds police have interviewed.

"For them to name the pastor as the primary suspect and that he was about to be arrested was not only incorrect, but irresponsible," Sheneman told Wednesday.

This email on Clover Road Baptist Church home page really concerns me. Excite (dot)com is known for it's adult personal ads, swingers, gays, bi etc. if you get into excite adult sites there is everything there...and I mean everything...maybe even kiddie stuff.... Why on earth would he use an excite email? Could it be a code between pedo's..the excite email lets others know that you're into kids?

momtective- good eyes! You could be on to something. Although the website seems a bit outdated...maybe from the early 2000's when it was created. If I remember correctly back then a lot of people had email addresses. may have even been an internet service provider/web hosting site before it turned trashy. Not sure about this but I remember several of my friends who had personal web pages (before the days of blogging!) used and they aren't into the raunchy :)
Yes, I've taught people named Lawless and I know there are lots of them. But, if it's posited that the man changed his name--after he found religion, particularly--"Lawless" is a bit of an odd choice, unless it were a family name on his mother's side, I suppose.

Or an inside joke.
Anyone have a screen shot of Lawless from when the media was talking to him and his wife or a link to that video? Just double checking for the heavy set man with thick mustache...

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