Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #2

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Good morning/afternoon everyone. I've not caught up with reading the posts so if this tweet from Cathy has already been posted, apologies!

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 33m33 minutes ago

#KellenWinslow jurors have gone to lunch and will return at 1:30 p.m. PDT.

#McStay jurors have gone to lunch and will return at 1:30 p.m. PDT
I agree with you 1000% about RZ and CM. But, the SDSD has dropped the ball several times. For instance Amber Dubois, Stephanie Crowe (AND the 4 Mcstays). I don't understand how Wm. Gore keeps getting re-elected.

That's a shame.
PLEASE.... I'm asking again, let's circle back to reality.

Just a request as a poster trying to save mods some work, I am not a mod.

We are not here to bicker and argue with each other over stupid things.

These 4 beautiful people who were brutally murdered are why we are all here.

Joseph Mateo Martelli “Joey” McStay


Summer Aranda McStay


Gianni Giuseppe Martelli McStay


Joseph Mateo Martelli McStay, Jr


Man that picture of Gianni is killing me. So much like my own 3, almost 4 year old little guy. :(

Please, can we just focus on what is being reported in this case? If "the McStay family...." doesn't fit into your post maybe it isn't relevant.

If there is snark in your post, perhaps it is not needed right now.

If there is a poster who's every single post pisses you off, that is what your ignore list is for.

We are ALL familiar with the basics of the justice system. No one here is stupid.

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You may also hit the quote button and then down by the reply box hit "insert quotes". That will insert all quote you have selected. It's impossible to follow (or moderate) a thread moving this fast without quoting.

Please. We are so close. Regardless of what you personally feel justice for the McStay family is, we are close to an ending. I don't want the thread closed before we have a verdict. Focus. Scroll and roll. Ignore. Whatever it takes. :confused:


Joseph Mateo Martelli “Joey” McStay (1969-2010) -...

Thank you. :confused:
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"If your comment is in reply to someone, please use the REPLY option."
For some reason it's not working on the device I'm using.
Hi Bennettfit, BBM..I knew there'd be a good reason! :D

You can also quote a post you're replying without using the "reply" feature. Do as you're doing, i.e. Type the post or comment then just place [ quote ] no spaces in between characters, at the beginning of the text and [/ quote] at the end, again, no space inbetween characters.... then type up your response. It will look like this

by UndiscoveredTruth (member whose post you're quoting)
You can also quote a post you're replying to without using the "reply" feature. Do as you're doing, i.e. Type the post or comment then just place [ quote ] (no spaces in between characters), at the beginning of the text and [/ quote] at the end, (again, no spaces inbetween characters) .... then type up your response. It will look like this :D

Hope that helps and isn't too confusing lol. Good luck! :D
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

Let's walk through this real slowly.
This is a true crime platform, the missing, the murdered, the found, trials, convictions and beyond.
The polls on this platform show the opinions OF this platform's members. Sometimes they DO represent the opinions of juries, sometimes they DON'T.
By far, the people who follow cases here usually get more information, LEGITIMATE information, that never gets offered in testimony or presented to the jury.
No one always agrees with everyone, it happens in every case.
This is NOT the Innocence Project site.
The Justice system works a bit differently in every State. All are innocent until proven guilty, but the means to that end vary depending on the State.
I dare say that Websleuths is a pretty good indicator of juries for the most part. But, again, we are privy to things never see or heard by the jury.

No one is saying this poll will BE what the jury will find, no, it's what an individual's opinions are on the guilt of the accused.

This is the VERDICT WATCH. The testimony and evidence is done.
You are not going to change anyone's mind, for or against at this point.
If you feel inclined as to WHY each of us came to our respective opinions, there's 18+ trial threads and 9+ years of McStay forum threads, you may find what you're seeking there.

If you want to debate other scenarios of the crime, stick to what was proffered by the PT or the DT. This is what the jury is doing. If other "hypotheticals" were valid, both PT and DT would have used them in court.
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and just to add to my last post... this is the first mention of the exhibits going into the jury room by Smith... @1:27:45 of this video, he says there were 1150 exhibits, but not all were entered into evidence... the one's that were will be going back into the jury room with them and they will have them. Nap time for me :D :D If they are out for lunch, and we get 2 hours notice... pretty safe to say we are good for a few hours!LOL

That's a lot to wade through. If they're doing their job this will take awhile
Should have been 30 minutes ago.
Unbelievable, isn't it? It simply isn't good enough! Then again, the jurors may very well be back from lunch, Cathy just hasn't been notified--this is why in one of my previous posts I mentioned it's going to be a mission trying to figure out exactly how many hrs the jurors actually deliberated for. My head hurts trying to figure it out lol, arghh!!
Being in the uk is a pain when all the action happens while I’m asleep! I just know one morning I’m going to wake up to *guilty* hopefully.

I’m waking up earlier with each day 4.45am this morning I refreshed this thread, this case has kept me up at night that picture of the 4 in the back of the car is so heartbreaking, gianni is a mini summer and joe jr a mini Joey, they looked such a happy family. I hope that picture is blown up and pinned to the wall of the jury room right now.

When you imagine all of the amazing things those 4 people could have done with their lives, while here we are and in the last nine years CM has contributed zero to society imo. The world has been robbed.
That's a lot to wade through. If they're doing their job this will take awhile

I agree.

I hadn't thought about your point in your other post though about them having all the evidence and what if something happened to it. A hung jury, or even for appeals. I wonder if this is a normal thing in California? to allow the exhibits into the jury room.
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