Closing arguments- thread #173

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I thought he had on a ruffled shirt yesterday until I realized it was his tie.
I think I have had enough.:floorlaugh:

I thought it was a ruffled shirt too at first. No more Nurmi or Wilmott for me. They already got wayyyy too much of my time. I'm done with them.
WTF I just heard Daniel Freeman on Nancy Grace...he is soooo weird. WHY would he go visit Jodi in jail several times??? He said he didn't own a tv he didn't know everyhing and he couldn't believe she had done it. WTF DANIEL FREEMAN??? Obviously, he was obsessed with her, probably thought about her every night doing you know what. I'm sorry if that is crude but I just can't stand that guy I wish NG wouldn't have him on anymore!!!! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND IS HE????? If there was someone EVEN SUSPECTED of killing my friend, I would not then go and VISIT THE SUSPECT in jail SEVERAL TIMES. WTF man, that is so wrong.

Some men cannot help but think with their little heads, God bless 'em!:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Can not believe closing arguments is taking two days! Gonna tell DH in a few, he was prosecutor in New Orleans years ago and can't believe how long this case has taken. He's gonna flip out on me!
AAARRRGGGG! I've been searching all morning for the clip of when JA messed up and actually said that she had hurt her finger while murdering TA. I remember being speechless and then she rambled on to cover it up. I can't find that clip. I think JM was questioning her (maybe about a jury question?) because I remember watching Nurmi's reaction in the background. Does anyone remember when this was or have a link to the clip???

Here ya go this is something I posted a few days ago regarding the finger injury statements:

Yes, except she made brand new lies about the finger IN THE MIDDLE of the trial...I was really confused about that too. I just rewatched Day 26 (or 25?) of the trial, and here is what I noted:

- Jodi admitted during Juan's cross that she hurt her left index finger during the killing (the same finger she had been claiming happened after the "pedo" incident).
- Then, once she realizes the mistake she's made, a couple of minutes later she says to Mr. Martinez that she thought he had been talking about the pedo finger injury. Even though they had been talking about the killing the whole time, so there's no way she could have been confused about which day and which injury. But I don't think she actually slipped up and made a mistake, there's no way she would have made such a serious mistake and repeated it a couple of times. I think what happened is that because she is basically memorizing all the "incidents" and virtually everything that is in the trial, she has multiple let's say "databases" in her brain. This box is for the abuse incidents, this box is for things related to Matt, this box ia for Darryl, this box is things leading up the the killing, this box is killing...and one of those boxes is for her supposed injuries - let's say the Injury Box. So when he was asking her about injuries from the killing...she automatically went to her "injury box" to retrieve everything she had memorized in there. In this box are the various finger injuires. But when he was asking her if she hurt her head since she claimed she hit her head on the tile, it suddenly came to her that she had to say something about her head...this wasn't in her "box" before. So her mind was busy trying to formulate an answer to include the maybe "bruised skull," and she was so busy thinking that she didn't realize that the finger injury from her Injury Box was actually from the "pedo incident", not from killing.
- So then the next day during re-direct, she had to fix her mistake about the left index finger. She then said she "doesn't remember" if it was injured on June 4 or not...and she's "not saying if there was or wasn't." So basically what she did there was fix her mistake by saying oh I'm not saying that there was but I'm not saying there wasn't, either. So slick.
- Then she ADDS a NEW finger injury to her story. Her right index finger was hurt on May 31st or June 1st when she was moving the margarita glasses at Casa Ramos. I don't know what the point of the addition of this "injury" was for...I guess they were trying to say this accounts for one of the fingers with the bandaid that Ryan Burns saw? But it doesn't make sense because she THEN says....
- the injuries to the REST of her fingers on her right hand were from dropping a glass on the morning of June 4 when she was getting water from the water dispenser at Travis' house. So that's supposed to account for the right hand injuries...oh except for the right index finger which was due to the Casa Ramos incident. To me, the Casa Ramos incident is not even necessary she could have just said all the ones on the right hand fingers were from dropping the glass. She just can't help but add to her lies!
- in Nurmi's re-direct, she goes back to saying her left ring finger was hurt on Jan 22 after the "pedo incident.
- then I recall there was also what she had told ALV something about hurting one of her fingers cutting green apples.
Your post reminded me of something else that Juan pointed out yesterday...JA's reactions in court and on the witness stand. He talked about her fake crying, smirking, etc. Another good move on his part to refresh their memories and also as a tip to watch her during closing arguments. Given what peeps here have seen, more than one juror has to have caught some of her reactions, which are truly bizarre given the phase of the trial and the gravity of the charges against her.

Just a side note here...I cannot bring myself to use this woman's name. The most I will do is use her initials. She repulses me beyond anything I have seen and I cannot dignify her with a name.

AND I got my dream point in! I so wanted for him to call out the Crying Game performance being put on by the same person who pleaded with 2 cops to see the evidence photos.
About what a battered woman SLASHER was...:stormingmad:

I say:
there was NO battering
No sexual deviancy
she is a walking LIE :jail:
and should stay forever in her new home:jail:

I actually am really looking forward to it because as I sit here I cannot even imagine (and I have a vivid imagination) what the DT could conjure up to not only top JM's presentation but to dispute everything he said in order to get the point across to the jury that their client is actually the victim.

I am really really curious how they are going to pull this off. I suspect a lot of eye rolls and "are you kidding me?"....

I also do not want her to live forever in jail, as she can easily adapt and it will be way too easy for her and she will make the best of it and have a grand ol time. I think some people it would be a horrible punishment and they would suffer being locked up for the rest of their life, but for her, she will adapt and overcome and wont suffer like some would. remember, being locked up for life does not mean they are left in their cell 24/7 staring at a blank wall. Im not sure what privileges lifers get in Arizona, but in some states it is pretty cushy considering why they are there.
JM did talk all day (minus the jury instructions in the morning). According to Beth Karas he used up 3 hours 20 minutes of the total 5 hours. She sayseach side is given 5 hours.

Nurmi will take up most of the day. I hope JM will finish his closing today. He didn't use that line yesterday. We're hoping he does today.

It takes Nurmi all day to walk to the podium. He better learn to look up if he expects the jurors to believe anything he says. His constant looking at the floor shows insecurity to me, and that's not going to win over even the dumbest of the dumb.

"It's not JA's fault she's a three hole wonder" :floorlaugh:
The CD's prove premed, but they do more than that. She went out of her way to bring them and they were SCRATCHED. She scratched them on purpose as a way of erasing Travis and their relationship, and she took them there to toy with him. Look, I finally brought the CD's you wanted. I bet he knew she had scratched them on purpose.

What the CD's prove to me is that she had no interest in talking him into Cancun. She knew she no longer could manipulste him into such thing. She went there to murder him , period,
I agree...and let's not forget...screaming? screeching like a cat. It was intentional...Jodi would "like" to see herself as a sexy 14 year old....but Juan has a different view. And cats...I love them...but they are promiscuous.

I think it was "squealing" like a cat
9 am? really?

I missed the last of Juan after afternoon break (I had to work). Never did catch it. Few questions.

Did he talk the entire day?

Won't Nurmi take the whole day?

How will Juan have time to get the 2nd half of closing in if Nurmi uses the entire day?.

Also, did Juan use the "I would beg for the DP" line yesterday or will that be today?


They got started much later yesterday (after 10:30), they also had to read jury instructions, and they adjourned about 40 minutes early.

Even if Nurmi takes his entire 5 hour allotment, it leaves a little time for JM. He spoke for almost 3 1/2 hours yesterday, so my understanding is he only gets the remaining hour and a half for his rebuttal closing. This judge will keep them late if she needs to, to get this wrapped up today.
This is something I keep thinking about, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to express myself right.
I personally believe that Jodi Arias truly believed that she could act so sweet and innocent that she could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. I think that even going into this trial she still believes that she is going to convince the jury she is demure, virtuous, and far too sweet to intentionally do anything like what she actually did.
This isn’t working. The personality she’s trying to display comes across with a knock-off quality. She is a cubic-zirconia. She looks nice and she is going through all the motions of being a sweet, virtuous, and kind woman. However, much like a cubic zirconia falls flat and dull when compared alongside an authentic diamond; Jodi’s attempt at portraying herself as a good woman dulls when compared alongside the true gems of women who we have seen throughout this trial. Travis’s sisters, Dr. Demarte, Deanna, and Lisa are the diamonds. Jodi’s counter-fit personality can’t shine because the shine from such intelligent, strong, successful and genuinely beautiful women overshadow what Jodi’s offering.
About Nurmi using the whole day.

IMO, if we start at 9am (or really close) as I suspect we will, since again it's Friday and no court schedule for others...

Nurmi will have 3 hours before lunch, and 2 hours after...IF he takes his whole time. That does in fact leave Juan another 1 hour to "redirect" his closing.

Which IMO is what will happen. Now whether they start immediate deliberations or go home and come back Monday...I have no idea how that works.

But the judge was pretty clear - and she has held so far - we are DONE TODAY!!!
Jodi had [apparently] done something very, very bad -- very unforgivable,” Hughes said. “It had to be worse than slashing tires, stealing journals, stealing rings, stalking him – it was worse than that because this was the first time I saw this kind of response from [Travis]. I don't know what it was. It had to have been really bad.”

This says to me that she didn't just threaten...she had already done something...I think that something was the recorded phone sex. I also think she threatened him with it. He knew it existed because she played it for him and he was freakin' livid! He absolutely hated her after what she did and what she was threatening to do with the recording, take it to his church, employer, and friends.

But, in that text message didn't TA say something to the effect that it would have taken her 15 minutes to get some information, but she couldn't be bothered. He must have been looking for verification of something.

Or, maybe I just have those 10,000 text messages all mixed up.
this is something i keep thinking about, but i’m not sure i’ll be able to express myself right.
i personally believe that jodi arias truly believed that she could act so sweet and innocent that she could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. I think that even going into this trial she still believes that she is going to convince the jury she is demure, virtuous, and far too sweet to intentionally do anything like what she actually did.
This isn’t working. The personality she’s trying to display comes across with a knock-off quality. She is a cubic-zirconia. She looks nice and she is going through all the motions of being a sweet, virtuous, and kind woman. However, much like a cubic zirconia falls flat and dull when compared alongside an authentic diamond; jodi’s attempt at portraying herself as a good woman dulls when compared alongside the true gems of women who we have seen throughout this trial. Travis’s sisters, dr. Demarte, deanna, and lisa are the diamonds. Jodi’s counter-fit personality can’t shine because the shine from such intelligent, strong, successful and genuinely beautiful women overshadow what jodi’s offering.

It takes Nurmi all day to walk to the podium. He better learn to look up if he expects the jurors to believe anything he says. His constant looking at the floor shows insecurity to me, and that's not going to win over even the dumbest of the dumb.

"It's not JA's fault she's a three hole wonder" :floorlaugh:

She's more like the 'three hole blunder'. I wish she had never been born.
I loved it when Juan called her an 'ornate liar.' That she has to embellish each lie with many small details and she just goes too far.

It's an easy way to spot when someone is lying.

People remembering events in the past cannot recall insignificant, small details, they just remember the big important stuff -

but a liar will add many little details in hopes it will make them more credible.

Exactly! I thought JA went into WAY too much detail over the youtube video TA was supposedly watching when she arrived at 4:00 am June 4 to be true- (she described people dancing with boxes on their heads, really silly, he thought it was so funny, I did not, blah blah blah)

Her details and over-explanation make me think only SHE was looking- trying to snoop what he had been doing on his own computer while he was in bed.

It will most certainly be painful, but I am home today and will watch the DT closing arguments. I may need a few cold Budweisers and some Tylenol, but I will be watching. After the emotional roller coaster ride I've been on the past five months, I have to see this through to the end.

I will gratefully take those hugs (thank you!), because I'll need them today if Nermi puts the family through what the DT did during their endless CIC. :cry:
Does the jury get transcripts of the testimony during deliberations? Or just their trial notes? tia

They have all the exhibits with them during deliberations and can ask for transcripts of specific testimony if they need it.
Then IMO, she isn't doing her job. If she doesn't KNOW (and I mean, accept) what happened - or has decided not to allow it in her brain - then hell, how in the world are you doing your job?

Yes, defend your client. But never forget what they are actually on trial for!!!

I totally get what you are saying, but it just doesn't seem right. If you are going to defend someone, you BETTER know what they actually did or else you end up where we are in fact today.

Or is a defense attorney taught to ignore facts and find an alternative??

There's got to be a certain level of built-in denial to defend these kind of cases. I tend to think that's the only way someone could come to work every day and face something like Jodi.

I think JW went too far in her denial and yesterday was a "come to Jesus" moment when she had to listed to the step-by-step detail of the gruesome murder.
I wasn't going to listen very closely until another WSer reminded me that the family has to sit there and listen. If they can do it, I will be with them. At least I can get up and move around a bit.

That's exactly how I feel, that his family has to sit there and listen - right next to that wildebeest JA too. (no offense to wildebeests).

And you're 100% correct, we can get up and move around.
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