Closing arguments- thread #176

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Does that mean he is about done since he is going through jury instructions?
Did anyone hear Jean C.on HLN saying something about the male jurors being on Nurmi side (defense). Anyone? moo

What I heard jean C. say is that the male jurors seem to be paying closer attention to Nurmi and that they are taking notes. I think males have a very hard time believing that a woman could be so evil. Most women know better!
Juan is coming back to bat.....Juan is coming back to bat....I need to keep reminding myself of this. Truth is on the way. Truth is on the way...
Hi everyone,

Long time lurker (a few years), recently made it official and joined and this is my first time posting.
*waves to everyone*

I am very passionate about the trials that I follow and this one has affected me in a way I did not expect. I'm a little reluctant to share my thoughts on it, as I oddly feel the desire to keep them private.

Having said that, I just can't sit silently and not comment any longer. I have to say that if I were a juror in this trial, I would be highly offended and disgusted having to sit through this today. I don't want to break any site rules, so I will just say that it's insulting to my intelligence. Compared to JM's organized, thought provoking closing that was a straight path to Murder 1, KN's closing is like driving through a neighborhood full of cul de sac's on the way to the land of nowhere. I'm starting to get a headache from listening, and am gladly welcoming the commercials on HLN.

If I were on the jury, I would disregard all other testimony and just look at the autopsy photos and the crime scene photos. Those speak volumes to me. There was no need to slit his throat unless she wanted to kill him. Period. End of story. That is premeditated and shows a full effort was put forth to end this man's life. The stabbing and gunshot could be argued to be in self defense, but not the injury to the throat. The crime scene shows he was desperately, desperately trying to get away from her. As JM said yesterday, JA likes to add extra details to make her lies more believable. Those extra measures are what is going to convict her, IMHO. The level of overkill does not fit into self defense. There is absolutely no way to successfully justify slitting someone's throat.

My heart breaks for Travis Alexander's family and friends. I can not imagine what it must be like for them to have to sit through this.

From listening to the jury's questions, it shows they are listening and watching and are very intelligent. My hope is that they are unanimous. I am not sure if I could face her getting off the way CA did (pun not intended). It took me several months to get over the CA verdict (who am I kidding, I still get a pang of rage at the thought of it). I'm sure they are noticing that the defendant doodles, writes notes to JW and KN, smirks and rubs her nose raw. It would offend me if I were them. I expect if someone is on trial for their life, they would be more attentive and humble. Instead, this defendant would rather draw pictures to sell, write down witty quotes to have posted on twitter and/or figure the perfect way to structure a thought provoking sentence for her self indulgent manifesto. It's mind boggling that her DT never advised her to at least pretend she was interested. I think if/when she gets a guilty verdict, and some of the jury talk to the media, they will comment on her behavior and how it aided them in their decision.

I hope I post this right, I have no idea if I am. My apologies if I am not, or if I have broken any rules.

:welcome5: :goodpost:

BBM: Precisely, and that's why her fog is convenient to her story and why she didn't make up anything "better" as KN has suggested. Claiming she can't remember anything past her supposed gunshot first / self defense story gets her out of explaining how she had the time in 62 seconds to run for a knife, stab him 29 times, why she slit his throat (overkill), and why she dragged him back to the shower and stuffed his lifeless body in the stall. She is disgusting, and ITA that this jury is intelligent.
Where is the judge ??? OBJECTION!!!! How is Nurmi allowed to give these intructions.
Ok JA, this is the home stretch. A little remorse might be good right about now. Could you at least have a breakdown?
2 minutes in and I already had to mute him. I gave it a shot...

:floorlaugh: This made me laugh ... I can't even listen ... just reading here at WS ...

:drumroll: I don't want to miss 1 minute of Juan today !
His brother must be so proud of him! Rumor is he's sitting behind Dr. Horn (wherever he is) Screenshot anyone??

I must say that would be a mighty fine screenshot .... could only get better if we added Juan, Det. Flores and Mike in it as well .......:blushing::blushing:
I wish the jury would bust out laughing over manslaughter being an option.
Yes Nurmi there is an agenda behind this...

It's called JUSTICE, or as close to it as we can get
Let's be honest Nurmi? about we try that for once.
That's right Nurmi, why don't you tell the jury how she would beg for the death penalty if she did this?
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