Found Deceased CO - Amy Ahonen, 38, Golden, 8 July 2011

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We ate at one of our local truckstops just last week and Amy's missing poster was posted right on the front door as soon as you walk in, just thought I would share.
It always seems like case's in Colorado dry up right away on any news. Not sure if it is the media being lazy or just LE not giving any info :(
WHERE IS AMY? I think of Amy often. Where are you sweetie?

I honestly feel that Travis has something to do with this. I think coupled with the Craigslist thing and Travis having access to a car when she went missing...... just a feeling.....
"The question for law enforcement is not, 'Is he capable of murder?' but, 'How many people he might have killed,'" Clint Van Zandt, a 25-year former behavioral profiler and recognized expert for the FBI, said. "For sure, he's a sociopath, a psychopath and an anti-social personality."

Forbes was charged Thursday with killing Kenia Monge on April 1. Police say he picked her up after a bar and offering a ride home. Sources tell 9Wants to Know, Forbes says he then got into a fight with Monge and killed her. He's being held in Larimer County Detention Center on charges of attempted murder in an attack on a Fort Collins woman where he allegedly sexually assaulted her and then set her apartment on fire.

There are similarities between the murder of Monge and attempted murder of the Fort Collins woman, according to sources. Those traits, along with others, leaves a strong possibility that he's a serial killer, according to Van Zandt.
The second woman that Travis Forbes attacked also just recently moved to the area.
The victim recently moved to Fort Collins from Longmont about one month ago and was living alone in the apartment. Due to her recent relocation, it appears she may have known very few people in town.

I wonder if this is a clue somehow? Did TF somehow seek these women because they were new to the area and may not have someone close looking out for them? Did he somehow know that this victim was new to the area.

Could he have somehow known that Amy was new to the area?
"He said, 'I need to have people think highly of me, have a high estimation of me,'" Poole said. "He said, 'All my problems have stemmed from my wanting people to be proud of me.' It seemed so sad, in a way." (

My armchair opinion of TF stems directly from this comment. TF failed a bunch at his endeavors for a variety of reasons, but one thing he had going for him was his looks and seemingly boyish, coy affect. He put women at ease. In reading further through the above article, one will see that he stole from the owner of Deby's, lied to her, manipulated her, and yet she still let him use her office, let him sleep there, and talked to him. He even had another "girlfriend" so brainwashed that she let him use her car/jeep? to take to Austin when he moved earlier in the year.

The fact that TF then went on to look at missing women on the internet tells me he that he found his "pride" eventually in killing, frustrating investigators, and thinking he was getting away with murder.

He probably met Amy the same way he met Kenia and the Ft. Collins woman - by chance at a social event (Kenia at the club and Ft. Collins woman at the 4th of July celebration). By all appearances, he seemed like a nice enough guy. He would have to me.

Just like Ted Bundy.
The second woman that Travis Forbes attacked also just recently moved to the area.

I wonder if this is a clue somehow? Did TF somehow seek these women because they were new to the area and may not have someone close looking out for them? Did he somehow know that this victim was new to the area.

Could he have somehow known that Amy was new to the area?
It's a good question. Having lived in Colorado for a long time though, I know that there are always a lot of people who fairly recently moved to the area. It attracts youngish people looking for something new. So the odds that you are going to encounter someone like that randomly are higher than in other places.
Bumping this up for Amy. It's heartbreaking reading the Find Amy Facebook and seeing how much she is loved and missed by her friends and family.

I think her body would have been discovered by now if she had gone into Clear Creek. There are enough people who frequent it and it flows downstream into an urban area. Something probably would have turned up by now if she were in the river. It's really looking more and more like she either vanished of her own free will or she was a victim of foul play. Hopefully she is alive and healthy and left on her on but with foul play being a strong possibility I hope LE is serious about investigating her disappearance. Her loved ones deserve LE's best effort. I tend to think that Travis Forbes is not involved because he probably would have at least given LE a hint about Amy if he were. But Denver is a large metro area and with many dangerous people besides Travis.
Can't see any reason for her to want to disappear. Her close friends might know better.
To bad this case can't get more attention!
Bumping for Amy
Googled for anything new, sadly nothing. This is a really a strange case in that there is no trace of her.
I know we are generally not supposed to post verbatim quotes from Facebook but I think this heartbreaking post by Amy's sister is very important and needs to be read as it was written:

Had a breakdown tonight... Holidays are here and Amy would be here in MI for thanksgiving. Instead, we are preparing to celebrate without her. How unreal. So instead, I spent my night in tears. Tomorrow will most likely be much of the same. My best friend in the entire world, my sister, is out there somewhere, And I have no clue his to find her. Where do I even begin ? I am so thankful for all the joy she has brought to our lives, but I am not ready for it to end! Where are you Aim? Please, find your way home and give us a sign that you are still here! I am slowly dying inside and trying to cover it up is increasingly difficult. I may go crazy soon. I am trying to hold it together, but it's getting increasingly harder. Love you always....♥

This family is getting no assistance from Denver law enforcement and Amy's case disappeared in the media a long time ago. They could really use some help.
Was hoping with the change of seasons something might have turned up if Amy had fallen into the river. So sad. How could she just disappear like she did?
Bumping for Amy. Take a minute to like her family's Facebook page dedicated to finding her if you can, every like means something to them. They also take donations for the expenses needed to keep up their search.

I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for them and how powerless they feel. With no real clues and none of the family members living in Colorado, where Amy disappeared, it's a tough situation to be in.
Bumping for Amy...almost 7 months.

Good going for bumping this! This is one the coldest, least media covered cases I know of! What a shame. Got to be some evidence of what happened.

If she somehow fell into the river, shouldn't something have been found by now? Sad case!
I think her sister is going to contact the show "Disappeared" on Investigate Discovery. I hope the show picks up her story and it drums up some new leads.
I think her sister is going to contact the show "Disappeared" on Investigate Discovery. I hope the show picks up her story and it drums up some new leads.

That would be a great idea - Amy needs more media coverage!

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