Found Deceased CO - Amy Ahonen, 38, Golden, 8 July 2011

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I have read a better part of an hour and a half on this thread. I had started glancing through these pages looking for a missing woman around 30-40 who looks like Amy(but closer to the PNW). The time was right, location wrong by a state or two. I am sure she is not the one I was looking for. I seek a woman that I know is out there(I can't remember the name or palce. It was something about her story.) Anyways...
On page 7 of this thread, Steve asks a good question,and after reading along the pages that her shoes were in the car (and keys,purse,etc) got me to thinking:
1) What friends said she was seen leaving to go hiking?Has this been explained? Apparently her gear was left at home? So, what made them think she was going hiking? Are they making things up? What exactly made them think on those lines(she had gone hiking)?
2)Her shoes in the car...something you see on lovers lane, a cozy get together in the back seat, shoes come off,etc. Did she have a BF?(not to say she didn't put on boots). Were her hiking shoes found in car? Home? lots of unanswered small questions which could help define the truth(bigger picture) here.
3) WHAT is the truth about the LE contact that night?
If LE only tagged the vehicle...Have the sources of the LIE been decribed and been investigated as to how such CRUCIAL details were falsely given to the public via media?Did an officer actually tell the media that she was contacted in her vehicle? If not, where did the source of that missinformation come from? WHY? Not a very cool mistake. Did Media create these details for ratings? HOW COULD THAT HAVE FALSLY MADE ROUNDS and be so bllatantly false unless there is a deeper truth here not being told?

4) Apparently many knew she liked the area. A good
place for a killer(especially an aquantance) to send people searching for a victim(thus dumping the car there)when in fact:
She possibly could have been abducted at her home around the time she supposedly went to go hiking(1 pm) and kidnapped. Maybe the friend lied or gave missleading info on purpose(thus leading Le to the wrong location and to where her car was located)? Was this friend a MALE?
The appartment may have shed more clues. Did she wear her hiking clothes? Were her hiking clothes found at home? Hiking boots? Other hiking gear?
5) Was she actually possibly stranded, and her cell phone was out of range?
I have read to many stories where cops turnout to be the bad guys. Have they checked into the officer tagging the car? I have heard of police rapes(especially in this kind of circumstance),etc. Seems like a lonely strech for a cop to be cruising at that time of night (and hader to fill the quota). Did he live near there? I hope at least this angle gets covered when multiple agiencies are investigating. I doubt it rarely does though. The boys in blues never suspect each other . You never know. I mm just wondering, not making accusations, but if I were investigating this as a crime, I would have to ask and I think any true detective would ask the samme questions.
What would have taken the patrol out there to the location at that time-10pm? was that a common police route at that time? Was there any other crimes reported near there that night taking the officer along that route? Domestic violence? Any tickets given near there which gave the officer a reason to be at that location(considering the hard times, small budgets, lack of officers on patrol,etc that most counties face). I rarely see a cop in the areas such as this without a prior reason to be so far from where they would be MORE USEFUL(more populated areas) than a long drive in the woods(and wasting gas). Just a thought. Every person who ever comes into contact with a missing person should be looked into and at.Including an officer tagging a missing persons car. MAYBE AN OFFICER DID SEE HER THAT NIGHT? DId the story change within the LE statements?

There is alot to ask, and it seems to me, this story is muddled with inconsistent information and lack of LE cooperation with the family(sadly, too often seen in such cases). To be clear...each misstatement and false item of info needs to be singled out and EXPLAINED away and nothing suggests too me it was done(not in this thread anyways). And though I have not researched facebook thread, I don't see any organized opinion by LE which says they looked beyond the area where her car was found.
Why would false info about LE contacting her and she saying she did not need assistance arise out of the thin air? There has to be a source of this false info. Any ideas?

ALso: It was her B-day. Another clue someone inside her circle (if the perp was in her circle)would know that dropping her car there was a good idea for the occasion. None the less, I suspect a neighbors involment or a close friend.
Could she have been thrown into the water? Could she be a prisoner in another apartment? Could she have accidently died of alcohaol poisoning (something that occurs on B-days too often)? Did she call into work that she was not coming in? I just have to ask these questions, even though they may seem disturbing to the family. Its something a good detective would research. Who knows if this went beyond searching for a hiker(when it should defenitely been researched at her home as well). Not aware of all the details. Just wondering and thinking out loud.

I pray for her...I know she is safe now with our Heavenly Father, that much is truth. She entered the gates free of sin if indeed a killer has her blood in his/her hands.
I keep going back to the car being tagged by LE. Why would LE tag her car as abandoned? I've seen tagged cars on the side of the road, and they are always dirty, dusty, and broken down, looking like they have been there for a long time. I wouldn't think Amy's car had the appearance of being left there abandoned. Wouldn't LE shine a flashlight inside and see that the car is unlocked and still has personal belongings inside and wonder what is going on? That just seems odd to me on the part of LE!
Here are my questions:
1. Why was her car so far away from her apt. and her place of work? What was she doing so far from those places on a day she was scheduled to work?
2.Did her apartment complex have surveillance cameras? Were her neighbors questioned at all?
3. Does Travis Forbes have an indisputable alibi for that time period?
Lots of good questions being asked! Enjoy reading your insights!
I just cannot imagine trying the care door handle and then finding it unlocked, not opening the door - it seems so instinctive, and more so because the car is at a remote location, and it night time.

This case has been so slow moving that I'm forgetting details.

I know mention was made of the person just out of prison who might have taken Amy, or the person from Craig's list; but where her car was found, how would a stranger know to go there?
Seems like if she was taken or forced to go there, it would have to have been someone who knew her.
I have never read if any fibers or prints of anyone unknown were found in the car. Perhaps LE has just not released that info?
I keep going back to the car being tagged by LE. Why would LE tag her car as abandoned? I've seen tagged cars on the side of the road, and they are always dirty, dusty, and broken down, looking like they have been there for a long time. I wouldn't think Amy's car had the appearance of being left there abandoned. Wouldn't LE shine a flashlight inside and see that the car is unlocked and still has personal belongings inside and wonder what is going on? That just seems odd to me on the part of LE!
Here are my questions:
1. Why was her car so far away from her apt. and her place of work? What was she doing so far from those places on a day she was scheduled to work?
2.Did her apartment complex have surveillance cameras? Were her neighbors questioned at all?
3. Does Travis Forbes have an indisputable alibi for that time period?

I live adjacent to I-65, and have noticed this regarding abandoned cars. LE stops as soon as they notice it - and if they find no one nearby (walking to the next exit with a gas can / at the nearest gas station / note left re:mechanical problems) they tag it within a very short period of time. Non-running vehicles by the side of the road are a massive hazard to traffic, esp. after dark. I travel a 20 mile stretch of the interstate daily and have NEVER seen a car that was present when I went to work still there when I come home.
Does this help bring Amy home? No............. sadly.
I keep going back to the car being tagged by LE. Why would LE tag her car as abandoned? I've seen tagged cars on the side of the road, and they are always dirty, dusty, and broken down, looking like they have been there for a long time. I wouldn't think Amy's car had the appearance of being left there abandoned. Wouldn't LE shine a flashlight inside and see that the car is unlocked and still has personal belongings inside and wonder what is going on? That just seems odd to me on the part of LE!
Here are my questions:
1. Why was her car so far away from her apt. and her place of work? What was she doing so far from those places on a day she was scheduled to work?
2.Did her apartment complex have surveillance cameras? Were her neighbors questioned at all?
3. Does Travis Forbes have an indisputable alibi for that time period?

The only question we can answer for sure is #1. She enjoyed driving in the mountains up Highway 6 so she was surely just taking a drive before she went into work that day.

I know mention was made of the person just out of prison who might have taken Amy, or the person from Craig's list; but where her car was found, how would a stranger know to go there?
Seems like if she was taken or forced to go there, it would have to have been someone who knew her.
I think the location of her car means that, if she were abducted by someone, it probably happened randomly. It's been a while since I've been on Hwy 6, but I believe it's a fairly busy road on a weekend afternoon, with traffic going to and from the gambling towns of Central City and Blackhawk. Also, the turn-off area where she was parked is on the shoulder of the road and not that large, so I don't think it's a place an abductor would take her or force her to drive to - it's not secluded. I think these things probably factored into police coming to the initial conclusion that she fell in the river. If she were abducted, my guess is that she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the perp stopped and saw a woman he could take advantage of.
I'm not familiar with the area where the car was found, so all of that is helpful information. No, it does not lead to solving the mystery of her disappearance, but I think folks are just trying to put the pieces together in some way to understand the situation.
I didn't realize that the area where the car was found was one of her favorite scenic spots. Did she have a camera and enjoy taking nature photos? Maybe she hopped out to take a picture and then got lost or hurt. I haven't seen any report that LE brought in scent dogs to track at all. I just keep going between foul play and accident. Both are viable. Just wish there was more to go on!
I didn't realize that the area where the car was found was one of her favorite scenic spots. Did she have a camera and enjoy taking nature photos? Maybe she hopped out to take a picture and then got lost or hurt. I haven't seen any report that LE brought in scent dogs to track at all. I just keep going between foul play and accident. Both are viable. Just wish there was more to go on!

Yes, that's why I believe if someone placed her car there or took to that spot, it would have to be someone who was familiar enough with her to know this was a favorite place she liked to visit.
I think the location of her car means that, if she were abducted by someone, it probably happened randomly. It's been a while since I've been on Hwy 6, but I believe it's a fairly busy road on a weekend afternoon, with traffic going to and from the gambling towns of Central City and Blackhawk. Also, the turn-off area where she was parked is on the shoulder of the road and not that large, so I don't think it's a place an abductor would take her or force her to drive to - it's not secluded. I think these things probably factored into police coming to the initial conclusion that she fell in the river. If she were abducted, my guess is that she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the perp stopped and saw a woman he could take advantage of.

You are correct. There is a lot of traffic going to Black Hawk and Central City on US 6. Where Amy's car was found is not at all secluded. If she was abducted elsewhere, leaving her car in that location would require an accomplice or a long hike back to town.

At the time Amy disappeared, there was little if any cell phone coverage in that part of the canyon.
For anyone in the Detroit area, there will be another benefit this Saturday to raise money to help Amy's family in their search for her (remember that she disappeared from the Denver area but her family lives in Michigan):

Can't help but wonder where Israel Keyes was at this time...

sorry if this has already been discussed with Amy's case, but it was his MO to have caches buried and ready for use, and then travelled to find his next victim.

Unfortunately, we will probably never know where his caches are and where he travelled.

Hugs to Amy's loved ones, can't imagine not having any answers for this long.

Family members also asked investigators to find the man who responded to a roommate ad Amy placed on Craig&#8217;s list. Amy thought he was so &#8220;creepy&#8221; she immediately took the ad down. Andrea said police searched Amy&#8217;s computer but found nothing.

I am still in awe at the amount of resources; 40+ local, state, and federal agencies, as well as the amount of awareness generated in the Jessica Ridgeway abduction/murder.

Imo, sexual predators do not begin their deviant behavior dismembering their victim's bodies, taunting investigators, and collecting and storing body parts in their crawl spaces. Imo, many serial killers prior begin their evil trails of terror at around the age of 14 years old...If this pattern holds true Austin Reed Siggs should be investigated for all missing persons from the Westminister area over the past 3 years...

Clear Creek Canyon Rd, Golden, CO to Westminster, CO - Google Maps

Holy crap foxfire. I always assumed Travis Forbes is responsible for Amy's disappearance. But, the way you worded this post...makes me wonder!

ARS is so young. I guess wishful thinking prevented my brain from going there....9 months later...He was brazen, wasn't he...

I wouldn't rule it out, that's for sure!
I hope this is Amy, actually, as she has been gone far too long and IMO there is almost no chance she is alive.
Whoa! IF it's her, she would have been recovered just one day before the 2-year mark of her disappearance. Eerie.
I hope it's her, and I don't mean that to sound awful. Her family needs and deserves answers.

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