CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #1

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I'm sure my husband would describe my boys as outdoorsmen who want to fish, hunt, etc.. And I would describe them as wanting to stay in the air conditioning playing Xbox. I do and have from the beginning thought that maybe Dylan would hurt himself. I really really really hope this is not the case and maybe he's hiding out somewhere. This is way too close to my oldest son's age, and I can't get it out of my head.

I don't get the feeling that Dylan was planning to hurt himself. He seemed really excited to meet up with his friends. And it looked like he was very close to his older brother and his mom.
But if he did plan to hurt himself, imo, we would have found him nearby. When middle schoolers harm themselves, they usually are making a statement, and they want to be found by LE or their family. He would have left a note or said something on FB or twitter, imo.
This father rarely saw the boy from what I can gather, but he had his own fishing pole? One designated "just for him"?
Somehow that doesn't sit right with me.
Unless this is the same house that Dylan lived in when his parents were together?
Anyone know if Dylan has been to this particular house/lived in this particular house before?

I'm sorry, I'm not buying the dad's story on telling the police about the fishing rod. I would think the search would have been focused on the lake immediately.

Please let us all be wrong. Please let Dylan be hiding out with a friend at a friend's family vacation home, garage attic or even sleeping on a family room sofa. Safe, warm, stomach full and sleeping peacefully.
So dad has a few theories about what happened (not necessarily a bad thing):

- Dylan went to the lake, which LE knew from day 1, as he likely had his fishing pole with him (but it took them several days to finally act on this and search the lake and surrounding area)

- Dylan according to friends may have hitchhiked leading dad to believe "It sounds to me like he's not even in the area" (okay... is he in/near the lake with his fishing pole or is he "not in the area"?) Also, this statement and the use of the word 'hitchhike' in reference to a 13-year old bothers me. It leaves me with the feeling that he's just up and left the area like he had somewhere to go on purpose. I don't know... It just bothers me.

- Dylan may have been abducted. (As opposed to hitchhiking and getting 'out of the area'?)

Did we hear from MSM before this report that in the 5hours between 11:30am when dad arrived home to find Dylan missing and when he finally reported him missing, did he ever go down to the lake to look for Dylan himself? Though now that I type that I can see that cutting more than one way.
So let's put dad's actions together with his words. He says in an interview that he saw the fishing pole was missing and figured his son went into the woods all alone.

But the friends say that he came to their house and said " Where's Dylan?" Why did he say that if he already 'knew' he went fishing alone in the woods?

And why would a 13 yr old, who had made plans to meet up with his good friends, run off to go fishing all by himself?

I agree. I have a hard time with these statements by the father. They don't have the ring of truth. If he rarely saw the boy, then how in touch is he with what kind of things he likes to do at this point in his life? I think since he lives with his mom, she probably knows him better. She said Dylan didn't like the remoteness of that area. It sounds absolutely ridiculous that he would take off to the lake his own, even if he hitched a ride up there he would have no way to get home from the lake.

What if the father is steering LE to the lake with these suggestions because he wants the body found so that he can be released from his child support obligations ?

I would like to ask dad why the heck did it take him 4 hours to run errands when he was supposed to be home with his son?
And why the heck did it take HIM so long to report Dylan missing?

I find that dad's behavior upsetting...and his comments even more so.
This father rarely saw the boy from what I can gather, but he had his own fishing pole? One designated "just for him"?
Somehow that doesn't sit right with me.

Respectfully snipped...

I could see the dad getting him his own pole for his visit. Perhaps they fished together before and the dad still sees his son that way or maybe a way to bond.

I know this probably isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think the dad had anything to do with it. I don't know why really, I just don't.
I have read this entire thread and have not seen this addressed. Can someone tell me this? Who told police they saw Dylan and he ran from them? Did this story come from Dylan's Dad? From someone who told him this? Also, the Mom says she is the one who called the Sheriff after her husband called and said Dylan was missing? The person who says he saw Dylan says he knew him. He was with another boy about his age and they both had backpacks? Did the Dad report this too? I am still hopeful these reports are accurate, but now I am questionong weather these reports were from people the Dad spoke with or from people LE spoke to. One was a mailcarrier I think?? Just a couple of questions that have not been discussed.
Respectfully snipped...

I could see the dad getting him his own pole for his visit. Perhaps they fished together before and the dad still sees his son that way or maybe a way to bond.

I know this probably isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think the dad had anything to do with it. I don't know why really, I just don't.

I respect your opinion but I feel the opposite.

If the dad had enough forethought to buy the boy his own fishing pole, then he would have had his "errands" completed before Dylan got there so they could enjoy time together.
the person that saw the 2 kids walking didn't say anything about a fishing pole.

boy, dad, sure sounds defensive...appears he still has some bad feelings toward his ex-wife....wonder if he said negative things to Dylan about his mother

everything he said was totally opposite mom and brother's statements...
Respectfully snipped...

I could see the dad getting him his own pole for his visit. Perhaps they fished together before and the dad still sees his son that way or maybe a way to bond.

I know this probably isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think the dad had anything to do with it. I don't know why really, I just don't.

I've been reading and keeping up with this case but haven't commented til now. I actually agree with your thoughts on his father. I too feel he is uninvolved in Dylan's disappearance....I just don't feel it for some reason. I hope we're right; it ups the chances that he's still ok.

The NY Daily News picked up the story:

The article quotes a few of Dylan's friends:

“We asked (residents) about any sheds or barns where he could take shelter,” said Fernando Stubbs, 14, who added that Dylan had been known to hitch rides.

“Honestly, I think he was walking into Bayfield and got taken away,” he told the Durango Herald.

Another pal, Ryan Nava, 13, said Dylan had planned to hang out with friends in Bayfield the evening of Nov. 18, but later postponed the meet-up until the following day.

Dylan, however, never arrived.

Nava said he texted and called Dylan’s phone several times that day and didn’t get a reply.

Read more:

Heartbreaking to hear these young kids searching for their friend.
Also this article re-iterates some of what we've heard before and brings up the same questions. He's been known to "hitch rides"? Have any of these kids ever hitched rides with him? Did his mom or brother ever know about this? I can understand keeping that info from your family. I'm glad the NYDN is on this...

HLN next?
Respectfully snipped...

I could see the dad getting him his own pole for his visit. Perhaps they fished together before and the dad still sees his son that way or maybe a way to bond.

I know this probably isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think the dad had anything to do with it. I don't know why really, I just don't.

Nothing wrong with that. I hope that you are right and he's not involved, because if he is its completely heinous! Statistically speaking, stranger abduction is rare, though and it's much more likely someone well known to him is responsible, if he met with foul play.

I am still holding out hope this kid is with a buddy somewhere and in a few days we can breathe a sigh of relief and talk about how he needs a good *advertiser censored* whooping for putting his family through this. Hoping against hope.
My opinion is pre-meditated. It seems awfully hard to me to prove a drowning is a homicide.
the person that saw the 2 kids walking didn't say anything about a fishing pole.

boy, dad, sure sounds defensive...appears he still has some bad feelings toward his ex-wife....wonder if he said negative things to Dylan about his mother

everything he said was totally opposite mom and brother's statements...

Good point about the supposed sighting of the 2 boys ... no mention of a fishing pole. That would be impossible to miss.

She was skeptical of a report that someone at Vallecito saw two boys walking along CR 501 Monday at around 2 p.m., that one of them had a backpack. “The Sheriff’s Office is trying to substantiate that, because he didn’t spend that much time at Vallecito,” she said.
“We lived off CR 223 for about eight years,” she said, and his friends were from Bayfield, not Vallecito. The sheriff's office has been contacting those friends, she said.

Also I would think that other boy would be identified by now.

+ Though certainly not impossible it would be more challenging for a 13 year old to be abducted by a stranger, forcibly, if he had a fishing pole. If Dylan were hitch hiking, that's one thing. But if someone were to grab him against his will and force him into a vehicle, the fishing pole would complicate things. He also supposedly has a backpack with his cell phone, charger, and who knows what else. Nothing has been found in any of the canvassed areas. That would've made for a very swift and efficient abudction, no personal effects left behind, imo.
I would like to know what the older brother has to say about the father's statements and his input on how likely it is that Dylan would just strike out on an impromptu solo fishing trip.

I am also flabbergasted that it was known he hitchhiked. I realize this is a different kind of environment but if my husband or I heard of our 13 year old hitching we would not be casual about it. It's not a safe way for adults to travel, much less so for kids. If he thought Dylan would be likely to take off unannounced why in the hell leave him unsupervised for hours.
Good point about the supposed sighting of the 2 boys ... no mention of a fishing pole. That would be impossible to miss.

And not only hard to miss, but a fishing pole in hand would define the memory. Same way rollerskates would stand out if a kid were seen skating down the street. Someone wouldn't say they "saw a kid" -- they'd say they "saw a kid roller skating."

ETA: I've passed kids walking down the road with fishing poles before, and my thought is always, "They're going fishing." Surely, if someone saw him with a fishing pole, that would be reported in the first sentence.
[ame=""]Dylan Redwine - YouTube[/ame]
I lurk a lot, but this case has been bothering me. I'm not ready to say the dad did anything, yet. I also don't think he is a runaway. If he was abducted, I don't think it happened in the home. Maybe he tried to go hitch hiking, and ran into the wrong person. Also, maybe he was planning to go fishing with his friends and that could explain the fishing pole? I do wish that LE would call PC. I just hope he is found safe and his dad didn't have anything to do with his disappearance.
Sorry if this link has already been posted I am just try to catch up on the thread from earlier today. This is the first article that I have seen from MSM that has statements from Dylan's father.

thank you, Thorn...

I had not read this...

Two interesting points (to me)

1. Mom says Dylan is stay home/techie guy... dad says Dylan is athletic/outdoorsy... (My words for both)

2. dad says... He told LE (?) that Dylan's fishing pole was missing... So he thought the lake (reservoir) should have been searched right at the start...
Then dad says he thinks Dylan was picked up by an abductor and could be miles away... (My own words again)

But... Very conflicting.. :waitasec:

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