CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #1

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We haven't heard anything from paternal family members, have we?

Other than the father (of course).

I'm thinking about Dylan being at his dad's for the Thanksgiving holiday, wondering if it was going to be just the 2 of them or any other family members joining them. I won't go looking for family on that side, too borderline sleuthy, but would love to know if he has relatives on his dad's side and if they are close and/or concerned about Dylan. One would think last week would be the time for family to come out before Dylan went missing and obviously now that he is missing.

Very good question... thanksgiving is such a traditionally "Family Holiday"...

But I know we cannot sleuth... Just an observation....
My opinion is pre-meditated. It seems awfully hard to me to prove a drowning is a homicide.
Death by drowning is one of the more difficult diagnoses.

In a young healthy person (without pulmonary edema from heart disease or drug overdose), a determination can be made, but it depends on the degree of putrefaction. In someone who drowns, severe pulmonary edema will be evident (the lungs will be heavy and hyper-inflated) There will be lake water (with diatoms and algae) found in the stomach and all through the airway down to the distal bronchi of the lungs. Traces of vomitus will be found in the esophagus and mouth. Pulmonary surfactant associated protein levels will be elevated in the blood. The right-side cardiac chambers and the great vessels will also be dilated. The deceased person’s blood will show hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and decreased calcium.

In the case of laryngeal spasm drowning, thick mucus should be evident in the trachea. Absence of other trauma would also be considered in the diagnosis.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
I dont know guys....
If we're talking premeditation..Im just not seein it.
It just seems way to "stupid" ( I cant think of any other word to use...) of an idea to "disappear" your child RIGHT after he arrives for a visit..under the curcumstances.. i.e. court ordered visitation,custody agreement, etc.
Youd have to be think you wouldnt be the first dude on the radar. KWIM.
TOTALLY my opinion...moo,moo,moo and all that jazz.

Im really hoping they find him...and that NEITHER parent is involved.
:lol::floorlaugh: Ahhh....there are many days I would trade my job for a calzone!

I am so glad you saw this as silly instead of disrespectful....

But my iPad does seem to have a mind of its own.... And a silly sense of humor, to boot!:D
And why would he go fishing at 7:30am by himself? Why did it take a week for this information to come out? I mean, maybe that's an issue with the reporting? But if that was something he was concerned with initially - wouldn't that be something to stress to LE, media, whoever would listen?

Can we get a map with location of dad's home and location of Vallecito Lake? Are there any other lakes closer to dad's home where Dylan could've walked to? I thought Vallecito was too far too walk. I checked a satellite map of dad's home and it is isolated! I'm trying to even see where a main road is where someone (a kid, no less) would hitchhike.

It would have been freezing at 7:30 am. It's been in the mid 20's in Vallecito at night. Not really fishing weather. He surely would have had more on than shorts.
What are the possible scenarios?

1. Dylan ran away that morning and is hiding out.

2. Dylan tried to hitch a ride to his friends and was abducted.

3. Dylan and his father got in a fight and the boy was accidentally killed.

4. Dylan's dad purposely disposed of him.

5. Dylan wanted to harm himself and ran away and did so.

6. Dylan met up with his friends and things went bad.

7. An intruder [ or a stalker] abducted Dylan from the home that morning.

Any other scenarios possible?

[ I am leaning towards 3 right now.]

I can't think of anything else right now. That's a lot to process. Oh, I suppose there are accident theories. Drowning, for one, as it might be suggested as they search the lake. Perhaps if he ran away with whatever intention - to get away from his father, to clear his head, etc - and ended up in unforgiving terrain, something happened. Highly unlikely as he would've been found.

Going through your list I'm trying to imagine what LE might be able to rule out or focus in on with the information they've gathered. IMO so much of it is on the father... can he be accounted for during those 4 hours of errands, can he be accounted for during the previous 12 hours, Dylan's cell records, dad's willingness to cooperate w/searches, etc etc. If he is completely cooperative with LE I guess his bizarre comments to the press (and silence before that) could even out... if there's no evidence whatsoever of an intruder, dad can be placed out doing errands, and so on.

Anytime LE wants to give a press conf, it would be much appreciated....
The dad saying he was an out doorsy type of kid-who would go off into the outdoors, and Mom, saying, he was an indoor kind of kid.
Yes, I believe Mom. How much time has Dad spent with him over the last few years?
Could this be the beginning of Dad's defense?
I will be heartbroken if Dylan was forced by a judge-to go to his biological's fathers home, only to meet with horror.
I pray that, that is NOT what happened.
He is just a kid.
Please, be alive Dylan. Go home to those that love you.

QUOTE=katydid23;8579927]BINGO. And something else that rubbed me the wrong way--- he said essentially, " Why'd it take so long to start searching the lake, I told them the fishing pole was missing.."

That sounds very odd coming from a grieving father, yelling at LE for not dragging the lake immediately. MOST parents want to hope their child is hiding away safely, not lying at the bottom of the lake.[/QUOTE]
I can't think of anything else right now. That's a lot to process. Oh, I suppose there are accident theories. Drowning, for one, as it might be suggested as they search the lake. Perhaps if he ran away with whatever intention - to get away from his father, to clear his head, etc - and ended up in unforgiving terrain, something happened. Highly unlikely as he would've been found.

Going through your list I'm trying to imagine what LE might be able to rule out or focus in on with the information they've gathered. IMO so much of it is on the father... can he be accounted for during those 4 hours of errands, can he be accounted for during the previous 12 hours, Dylan's cell records, dad's willingness to cooperate w/searches, etc etc. If he is completely cooperative with LE I guess his bizarre comments to the press (and silence before that) could even out... if there's no evidence whatsoever of an intruder, dad can be placed out doing errands, and so on.

Anytime LE wants to give a press conf, it would be much appreciated....

Great post!

Anytime LE wants to give a press conf, it would be much appreciated


This is my first post... I've been lurking for a while, and have been following Dylan's case from the beginning. I am so concerned for him.

I am in no way convinced that Dylan's father is innocent in whatever happened-- I agree that he hasn't done much to help his image since Dylan went missing. (Media, etc). However, I do feel that we should attempt to look at certain things objectively.

-- I don't think that the fact that Dylan had a fishing pole that was his "own" at his Dad's house is unusual. It could be several years old, I don't think we can necessarily interpret this detail as meaning that the Dad went out and bought him a fishing pole specifically for this visit because he was planning something.

-- I also don't buy into the idea that Dad used this court ordered visit to lure Dylan out so that he could 'get rid' of Dylan due to paying an increased amount in child support. This type of long-term premeditation is very serious. Note that I'm not saying I don't believe dad had something to do with it, I just don't buy this particular explanation.

-- I also don't find it extremely odd that Dad described Dylan as outdoorsy while Mom describes him as a techy who enjoys being inside. Doesn't sound like Dad had spent a lot of time with Dylan in recent years, many kids become less outdoorsy as they enter their teenage years. I was the world's biggest tomboy until about 13-14 when I got a cell phone, etc.

-- To those of us who are questioning Dad's statement that he was completing errands from 7:30- 11:30, I would think law enforcement would be able to confirm these errands due to cameras, credit card use, receipts, witnesses, cell phone pings, etc. I am confident that if these 'errands' and their timeline are a lie, LE already knows or will find out.

All of this is just my opinion! I'm not particularly leaning towards any one theory at this point, until we have more information.
I'd like to know what Dylan's online and mobile activity habits were, what hours he was most active, etc.. The dad's habits, too, for that matter. For "techies," gaps of time offline are conspicuous and significant.

I think that's a very good point. I know some of you sleuths are great at tracking down some of those things. For me....if it goes beyond facebook, I'm lost!
How long ago did Dylan move to a new location with his mom?

Did this coincide with his mother receiving sole custody? TIA
I am so glad you saw this as silly instead of disrespectful....

But my iPad does seem to have a mind of its own.... And a silly sense of humor, to boot!:D

Your ipad apparently has an appetite of it's own too! :floorlaugh:
I'm trying to narrow down the timeline.

The last time anyone 'heard' from Dylan was 8pm on Sunday, correct? But, that was by text message and it's plausible that someone other than Dylan could have sent a text message from his phone. I'd like to know when was the last time someone either talked to Dylan live on the phone or saw him in person other than his father?

So, the timeline goes:

Friday, November 16th: Dylan's mother says she received a text message from him, that he had arrived at the airport and his father had picked him up (text message included a scowl face -- this sounds like it was genuinely sent by Dylan).

Sunday, November 18th around 8pm: Text messages sent from Dylan's phone to his friends, saying that he is changing plans and will meet them Monday morning instead of Sunday night, as originally planned. I wonder why?

Monday, November 19th @ 7:30am: Dylan's father says he last saw him.

Monday, November 19th in the afternoon: A supposed eyewitness sighting but I don't put much stock in those anymore.

Monday, November 19th: Dylan's friends text his phone after he fails to show up. They get no response.

Monday, November 19th around 11:30am: Dylan's father returns home to find Dylan -- and the fishing pole -- gone.

Monday, November 19th around 4:30pm or 5:00pm: Dylan is reported missing to LE. Prior to this, Dylan's father had contacted friends to see if Dylan was there and had called Dylan's mother.

When was the last verified sighting of Dylan other than his father's word??

**Please feel free to add to, or edit, this timeline**

This is my first post... I've been lurking for a while, and have been following Dylan's case from the beginning. I am so concerned for him.

I am in no way convinced that Dylan's father is innocent in whatever happened-- I agree that he hasn't done much to help his image since Dylan went missing. (Media, etc). However, I do feel that we should attempt to look at certain things objectively.

-- I don't think that the fact that Dylan had a fishing pole that was his "own" at his Dad's house is unusual. It could be several years old, I don't think we can necessarily interpret this detail as meaning that the Dad went out and bought him a fishing pole specifically for this visit because he was planning something.

-- I also don't buy into the idea that Dad used this court ordered visit to lure Dylan out so that he could 'get rid' of Dylan due to paying an increased amount in child support. This type of long-term premeditation is very serious. Note that I'm not saying I don't believe dad had something to do with it, I just don't buy this particular explanation.

-- I also don't find it extremely odd that Dad described Dylan as outdoorsy while Mom describes him as a techy who enjoys being inside. Doesn't sound like Dad had spent a lot of time with Dylan in recent years, many kids become less outdoorsy as they enter their teenage years. I was the world's biggest tomboy until about 13-14 when I got a cell phone, etc.

-- To those of us who are questioning Dad's statement that he was completing errands from 7:30- 11:30, I would think law enforcement would be able to confirm these errands due to cameras, credit card use, receipts, witnesses, cell phone pings, etc. I am confident that if these 'errands' and their timeline are a lie, LE already knows or will find out.

All of this is just my opinion! I'm not particularly leaning towards any one theory at this point, until we have more information.

Great first post Dixie and welcome to Websleuths!
I dont know guys....
If we're talking premeditation..Im just not seein it.
It just seems way to "stupid" ( I cant think of any other word to use...) of an idea to "disappear" your child RIGHT after he arrives for a visit..under the curcumstances.. i.e. court ordered visitation,custody agreement, etc.
Youd have to be think you wouldnt be the first dude on the radar. KWIM.
TOTALLY my opinion...moo,moo,moo and all that jazz.

Im really hoping they find him...and that NEITHER parent is involved.

Sometimes people are so arrogant that they think they can outsmart LE. They can also be blinded by their desire for revenge, because their hatred of the other parent is so strong.
Aside from that, if the father is involved there is also the possibility that it wasn't premeditated at all, and that there was an argument that turned violent and got out of hand. For some people, it us all about the ability to control others and when they feel they are losing that, they snap.

This is my first post... I've been lurking for a while, and have been following Dylan's case from the beginning. I am so concerned for him.

I am in no way convinced that Dylan's father is innocent in whatever happened-- I agree that he hasn't done much to help his image since Dylan went missing. (Media, etc). However, I do feel that we should attempt to look at certain things objectively.

-- I don't think that the fact that Dylan had a fishing pole that was his "own" at his Dad's house is unusual. It could be several years old, I don't think we can necessarily interpret this detail as meaning that the Dad went out and bought him a fishing pole specifically for this visit because he was planning something.

-- I also don't buy into the idea that Dad used this court ordered visit to lure Dylan out so that he could 'get rid' of Dylan due to paying an increased amount in child support. This type of long-term premeditation is very serious. Note that I'm not saying I don't believe dad had something to do with it, I just don't buy this particular explanation.

-- I also don't find it extremely odd that Dad described Dylan as outdoorsy while Mom describes him as a techy who enjoys being inside. Doesn't sound like Dad had spent a lot of time with Dylan in recent years, many kids become less outdoorsy as they enter their teenage years. I was the world's biggest tomboy until about 13-14 when I got a cell phone, etc.

-- To those of us who are questioning Dad's statement that he was completing errands from 7:30- 11:30, I would think law enforcement would be able to confirm these errands due to cameras, credit card use, receipts, witnesses, cell phone pings, etc. I am confident that if these 'errands' and their timeline are a lie, LE already knows or will find out.

All of this is just my opinion! I'm not particularly leaning towards any one theory at this point, until we have more information.


You make some good points and I am glad that you decided to come out of lurkdom.

This is my first post... I've been lurking for a while, and have been following Dylan's case from the beginning. I am so concerned for him.

I am in no way convinced that Dylan's father is innocent in whatever happened-- I agree that he hasn't done much to help his image since Dylan went missing. (Media, etc). However, I do feel that we should attempt to look at certain things objectively.

-- I don't think that the fact that Dylan had a fishing pole that was his "own" at his Dad's house is unusual. It could be several years old, I don't think we can necessarily interpret this detail as meaning that the Dad went out and bought him a fishing pole specifically for this visit because he was planning something.

-- I also don't buy into the idea that Dad used this court ordered visit to lure Dylan out so that he could 'get rid' of Dylan due to paying an increased amount in child support. This type of long-term premeditation is very serious. Note that I'm not saying I don't believe dad had something to do with it, I just don't buy this particular explanation.

-- I also don't find it extremely odd that Dad described Dylan as outdoorsy while Mom describes him as a techy who enjoys being inside. Doesn't sound like Dad had spent a lot of time with Dylan in recent years, many kids become less outdoorsy as they enter their teenage years. I was the world's biggest tomboy until about 13-14 when I got a cell phone, etc.

-- To those of us who are questioning Dad's statement that he was completing errands from 7:30- 11:30, I would think law enforcement would be able to confirm these errands due to cameras, credit card use, receipts, witnesses, cell phone pings, etc. I am confident that if these 'errands' and their timeline are a lie, LE already knows or will find out.

All of this is just my opinion! I'm not particularly leaning towards any one theory at this point, until we have more information.

Welcome Dixie!


Great first post! I think it's easy for everyone to look for flaws in everything the father does once you assume he's guilty. I too think that we don't have all of the information we need. I do think that LE has been quiet for a reason though.
I'm trying to narrow down the timeline.

The last time anyone 'heard' from Dylan was 8pm on Sunday, correct? But, that was by text message and it's plausible that someone other than Dylan could have sent a text message from his phone. I'd like to know when was the last time someone either talked to Dylan live on the phone or saw him in person other than his father?

So, the timeline goes:

Friday, November 16th: Dylan's mother says she received a text message from him, that he had arrived at the airport and his father had picked him up (text message included a scowl face -- this sounds like it was genuinely sent by Dylan).

Sunday, November 18th around 8pm: Text messages sent from Dylan's phone to his friends, saying that he is changing plans and will meet them Monday morning instead of Sunday night, as originally planned. I wonder why?

respectfully snipped

I wonder what Dylan and his dad did Friday night through Sunday night at 8 pm???
How long ago did Dylan move to a new location with his mom?

Did this coincide with his mother receiving sole custody? TIA

"She said she and Dylan had moved from near Bayfield to Colorado Springs on July 1 this year. He was in eighth grade there and was happy and had a lot of friends there, she said.
She said she was awarded sole custody of Dylan on Sept. 21. Previously she and Mark Redwine had shared custody."

I'm only aware of dates-- no information on details of the "why's" on the move, custody changes... (obviously). That would be so helpful. On one hand maybe mom got a new job or purchased a new house and there was no drama.... on the other hand there might've been major conflict between the parents. For now we get to speculate. :banghead:
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