CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #1

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the following lands randomly: you can discuss the article and snip it here but that does not mean that we are going to speculate about Dad until or less law enforcement calls him a suspect or a person of interest.
I would hope the mother would have a basis for these statements...they're really incriminating and a bit slanderous.

They are incriminating, but they would not be slanderous if they were true.
That's not good. Even if the two sides hate each other, I'd imagine if everyone was above board so to speak, the family would be as together as possible, sharing information and trying to cooperate with each other and LE. No snuggly cuddly stuff but united for their missing child.


This makes no sense. Look at the Jessica Ridgeway case. Her parents didn't appear to have the most amicable divorce but they united for the sake of their child. If you can't put your personal differences aside at a time like this then I question your fitness to parent that child at all. It says a lot about your priorities and none of it is good!

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I would hope the mother would have a basis for these statements...they're really incriminating and a bit slanderous.

I imagine she does have a basis for them, based on what's been slowly trickling out up until now but we have no idea what's in all of those court docs dealing with divorce and custody and who knows what else because we can't sleuth him. And perhaps the abc interivew wasn't the time or place for her to elaborate further when she said, "I was married to Mark for a lot of years, and I know the way he reacts to things,"

So, going with what we have....

We know that the following are missing and presumably with Dylan: backpack, phone, phone charger, fishing pole.

I can see Dylan taking a fishing pole, backpack, and phone to go fishing. But NOT a phone charger. That, for me, eliminates the possibility of a voluntary fishing trip.

I can see Dylan taking a backpack, phone, and phone charger to hitch a ride back to his hometown or back to mom's. But NOT a fishing pole. That, for me, eliminates the possibility of a voluntary trip back home.

These things just do not go together and SHOULD that fishing pole that was found on the dam turn out to be Dylan's, I just cannot believe that he would blow off plans with his friends without contacting them and go fishing, bringing his phone charger along just for the hell of it.

The evidence, for me, points to something more sinister. Someone was too sloppy in trying to get rid of evidence and set up an alibi. JMO.
Also in this article:

Elaine Redwine told ABC News she was having a difficult time getting in touch with her ex-husband about their son.

"He hasn't had any contact with us. [My older son] tried to get a hold of him by texting him, and he wouldn't respond," she said.

Sounds like they had not been in touch with him since his arrival .. ?

I thought she said he called her to tell her Dylan was missing. If he wasn't cooperating with her before.....I highly doubt her statement about him will make that better. Sorry for my cynicism. My son is going through a divorce and custody agreement right now. My precious 4 yr. old grandson is in the middle of it. Sometimes, the mom in these situations is the cause of the tension.....just saying....
So, going with what we have....

We know that the following are missing and presumably with Dylan: backpack, phone, phone charger, fishing pole.

I can see Dylan taking a fishing pole, backpack, and phone to go fishing. But NOT a phone charger. That, for me, eliminates the possibility of a voluntary fishing trip.

I can see Dylan taking a backpack, phone, and phone charger to hitch a ride back to his hometown or back to mom's. But NOT a fishing pole. That, for me, eliminates the possibility of a voluntary trip back home.

These things just do not go together and SHOULD that fishing pole that was found on the dam turn out to be Dylan's, I just cannot believe that he would blow off plans with his friends without contacting them and go fishing, bringing his phone charger along just for the hell of it.

The evidence, for me, points to something more sinister. Someone was too sloppy in trying to get rid of evidence and set up an alibi. JMO.

Maybe the charger had just not been unpacked from his backpack. Fishing pole and I am not trying to be funny, but if he was running away, maybe he thought he could use it for catching food. Fish to eat. I wonder if any groceries were missing from his dad's. jmo
His dad bought that house in May 2006, so I'm sure it was far from his first visit to that location. He surely stayed with his dad many times when he lived with his mom in Bayfield. So going fishing at the reservoir by himself could be something familiar to him - I obviously don't know that it was, but it is very possible.
On one of the first pages there is an article quoting mom as saying that her ex rarely exciercised his visitation rights so if that is the case Dylan may not be as familiar with the area as we think.
"I don't think Mark treats him very well," Elaine Redwine said. "I would not put it past Mark to have done something to remove Dylan from the situation. You know, like 'if I can't have him, nobody will.'"

Dylan had been with his dad in Vallecito, Colo., for just one day before he went missing. Mark Redwine told police that his son was in his home when he left to run some errands at 7:30 a.m. When he returned four hours later, the boy was missing.

Those are pretty strong statements; perhaps that may be a reason Mom and kids moved.
Then the custody/visitation battle started. Based on Dylan's text to Mom, I don't think he wanted to be there with his dad.

And boy, do I know how sometimes a 13 year old boy can be mouthy. I wouldn't be surprised if dad didn't take Dylan's phone away from him at 8 pm....

This is a sad situation and I don't think it is going to turn out good....perhaps dad is hiding him somewhere....but wonder why he didn't just kidnap him and take off...

And then we have dad running those errands for 4 hours when he should have been spending time with the son he fought so hard for visitation rights...

Do we know what dad does for a living and how long Dylan was to stay?

I'm so glad the FBI will have agents on the ground!
Because the court ordered her to.

I realize that. But, what are the consequences if she didn't? I wish we had copies of the court order because I am thinking it might just be the new custody papers. Dad gets visitation certain holidays, weekends, etc.

Was this a special court order for that holiday and who got it. Did the father seek it out? We know very little about the situation and now the mom comes out with this statement. There would be no way in heck if what she says is true my son would go and be alone with him. Would have to be supervised. jmo
I thought she said he called her to tell her Dylan was missing. If he wasn't cooperating with her before.....I highly doubt her statement about him will make that better. Sorry for my cynicism. My son is going through a divorce and custody agreement right now. My precious 4 yr. old grandson is in the middle of it. Sometimes, the mom in these situations is the cause of the tension.....just saying....

JMO... but I think from the mom's point of view, dad's apparent lack of cooperation is only a small part of a much bigger concern for her at this point. His evasiveness with text messages and phone calls is one thing and that certainly sheds light on his behavior, but the main point of that article if you're trying to understand where the mom is coming from is that she thinks Dylan's father may have done something to Dylan. I really don't think mom's public comments about him not communicating with the family are going to mend fences or crumble bridges, but her public suspcions of his involvement might do the job. again moo and all that.
So Mom says that after being married to him many years, she knows he has a bad temper. And she worries that her son might have said something to anger her ex. And she adds that her ex was already angry about the recent court rulings in their custody case.


I think it is very worrisome that there were no communications from the boy after 8 pm on Sunday night. I think dad and his son got in an argument that night. JMO

Agreed, I said similar earlier ..... especially if Dylan had been telling his dad that he didn't want to be there, and wanted to go home.

As for the fishing rod - if someone fell in the water, wouldn't you expect the pole to be in the water as well? Surely the only time you get that near to the edge, is to cast off or when you are pulling in a fish? If the pole was still set up, or just lying on the grass, then what would have caused Dylan to enter the water? If, indeed, he is there.

This case is making me feel so sick. His poor mother must have hated putting him on that plane, and then the last text she (prehaps ever) receives from him, has an unhappy face on it.
Maybe the charger had just not been unpacked from his backpack. Fishing pole and I am not trying to be funny, but if he was running away, maybe he thought he could use it for catching food. Fish to eat. I wonder if any groceries were missing from his dad's. jmo

I thought about that but, presumably, Dylan had been at his dad's house overnight on Sunday into Monday morning -- surely, with how much he texted and such on his phone, he would have wanted to charge it overnight. I think it's entirely likely something happened Sunday evening and Dylan's charger never made it out of the backpack.
Divorces are public record in NC. I wonder if it's the same in CO?
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