CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #1

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I took it to mean he is hip to/up on things of his generation re: texting, tweeting, facebook, etc etc etc:twocents:

I agree. In some of the pictures of Dylan, he is playing baseball and in one picture he has on the Bayfield middle school football jersey. Some of his FB friends were team members on the middle school team, so at least he wasn't a "couch potato" kid. IMO.
Why did the searchers go to the lake to begin with? Was there a sighting there, or what led them to that particular place? tia

I have not heard of any sightings so far there. But the father says that he told LE that his son's fishing pole was missing. So that clue would probably send them to the lake. And finding the pole would keep them there diving.

I just wish we could hear from some other hikers or fishermen who were at the lake that day. Did anyone see Dylan at the lake fishing or walking there or hitching a ride?
I have a question about custody and visitation, for anyone who has personal or professional experience dealing with the system (I have none). I'm not going to read anything more into what we know other than what has been factually stated, that mom and dad shared custody since their 2007 divorce and on Sept 21st of this year she was awarded sole custody. Dylan's first visit to dad since this custody change was last weekend when he flew to visit dad on Sun 11/18.

In these cases in general, where one parent has sole custody (mom) and the other has limited court ordered visits (dad) are there guidelines and conditions the parents and court come together to agree to? Does this happen sometimes, always depending on the reasons for the parent's seperation and the split custody? I'm thinking about things like ... if a parent only gets their child one weekend each month and they work that weekend, therefore planning to put the child in daycare - would the courts disapprove of this and encourage the parent to be present with their child? Do they normally work out conditions, say - mom has concerns about the child being home alone and dad doesn't share that concern .. so they mediate that in court and agree that the child cannot be left home alone.

I'm just curious about all of this, as I fugure no matter how amicable the divorce may have been, any "good" divorce would be properly work out in court the best interest of the child (I hope). If anyone has insight, TIA.


In answer to your question - I believe that is how it is "supposed" to work, yes. Now as to *if it works like that in all cases, as much as I'd like to say yes for the childrens sake, I'm thinking that because there are so many parties involved, it may not always be so. :( Depends on if everyone is on the same page, and genuinely cares about the welfare of the children, I am guessing.

Now as far as my experience, we had a somewhat unusual joint custody agreement proposed (by our 7 year old (at the time, now adult) son); which involved him staying at each parents home for 3 months at a time with alternating weekends. A plan he thought would work because we only lived 3 miles away from each other.

After the judge and lawyers stopped laughing and we started actually talking about it and "tweaking" the proposal (adding alternating Wednesdays etc., ) we decided to give it a trial run, but before doing so, one of the very issues you brought up was a major concern of mine. I worked at home and so was home before and after my child came home from school. My ex at the time worked nights and would be home in the morning to get our son off to school but left for work 2 hours before school let out and would not be home when our child got home from school.

Also, this particular shift often required a lot of overtime which meant my sons father may not be home for hours after his normal time. My ex was not worried about this, he admitted he did not have a "set babysitting plan" wanted to fly by the seat of his pants, etc. The school district did not have an an "after school program", there was were no daycares in the area who picked children up from school and as my ex worked for a very large company and I knew he could easily switch shifts to ensure he was home for our son, I stood my ground and would not sign anything until he did just that - switched work shifts - and the court backed me up on it. Looking back, I can see that maybe I was being too over-protective; I'd lost his older brother to illness less than a year before; but I was not going to sign anything unless I was sure - my son had seen too much instability, he needed stability and routine and again - the court did back me up on this.

Just my experience - I hope it helps some! (Oh btw - my 7 yr olds proposal? Worked like a charm - and he's the most amazing grown up now!)
I have not heard of any sightings so far there. But the father says that he told LE that his son's fishing pole was missing. So that clue would probably send them to the lake. And finding the pole would keep them there diving.

I just wish we could hear from some other hikers or fishermen who were at the lake that day. Did anyone see Dylan at the lake fishing or walking there or hitching a ride?
Plus there are those 3 dogs, that hit on something in the lake. I think that is what kept them there after dad said fishing pole was missing, and then a fishing pole was found on the dam.
I have not heard of any sightings so far there. But the father says that he told LE that his son's fishing pole was missing. So that clue would probably send them to the lake. And finding the pole would keep them there diving.
I just wish we could hear from some other hikers or fishermen who were at the lake that day. Did anyone see Dylan at the lake fishing or walking there or hitching a ride?

Is this the only lake in the area? And I have read that they found a fishing pole but have not confirmed it was dylan's. wondering also if he had a bike or a 4 wheeler at his dads. just some random thoughts. My 13 year old grandson would certainly get up and go fishing alone. maybe walk a mile, but not 3 1/2. I don't think. jmo
Plus there are those 3 dogs, that hit on something in the lake. I think that is what kept them there after dad said fishing pole was missing, and then a fishing pole was found on the dam.[/QUOTE]

Still have not seen that confirmed by major news source. Also if one was found was it Dylan's. jmo
I agree to a certain extent except this is Durango, CO. A town of 17K and only has 3-4 judges and everyone knows everyone's business. The Redwine family lived there until this past summer when mom moved for a better life, new job, etc. Sharing holidays is the norm.

Six-seven hour drive (one way) is a lot, IMO. Especially the route the mom and/or dad had to drive. That is one heck of a drive, IMO. Beautiful country though. One of my favorite places in this US.

Me and my ex were in Haxtun, Colorado. Two judges, population under one thousand, we sure knew each others (hazard of small town) I now live in a booming county that has over Twelve But in my city we have a whomping two I understand, but the judge still awarded him visitation. Then amended it to supervised visits. The amended it to state hourly supervised visits. Then relinquished all rights. Long time coming in some cases where the dad is dangerous or not deserving. Just saying, it does happen. We don't know any family dynamics here, all we can do is speculate sadly. I just hope hope hope that this is a case of one parent hiding him from another, however I don't feel secure that this young man is okay...:(...IMHO
Is this the only lake in the area? And I have read that they found a fishing pole but have not confirmed it was dylan's. wondering also if he had a bike or a 4 wheeler at his dads. just some random thoughts. My 13 year old grandson would certainly get up and go fishing alone. maybe walk a mile, but not 3 1/2. I don't think. jmo


Going fishing alone, sure.

But if your grandson had moved away from the town he grew up in, and had just flown in for his 1st visit, and had plans to go hang out with his 3 best friends from childhood, would he just ignore his friends and walk 4 miles to go fishing all alone, ignoring his friends who were calling and texting him?
Plus there are those 3 dogs, that hit on something in the lake. I think that is what kept them there after dad said fishing pole was missing, and then a fishing pole was found on the dam.[/QUOTE]

Still have not seen that confirmed by major news source. Also if one was found was it Dylan's. jmo
It was on News9's broadcast last night. There is a video of it somewhere on this thread. Dont remember if it was confirmed that it was Dylans or not, but certainly says they found one.
When the father came home to discover Dylan was missing around 11:30 .... 5 hours elapsed where he apparently looked for him, made contact w/the friends he was supposed to meet up with, and called Dylan's mom to ask if she knew anything, then reported him missing (not sure the exact order) .. do we know if he ever went down to the lake himself to check for Dylan there? I ask this since he said he told LE Dylan "likely" had the fishing pole since that first day.
If he noticed the pole was missing was that enough to alarm him and send him to check himself? It doesn't sound like he mentioned to Dylan's friends "hey, did you guys get together and go fishing?" but maybe we're not hearing all we need to.
In this last week, have dad or the other family members been down to the lake for any reason? To help search? Did one of them identify the fishing pole as Dylan's? In KevTorres' video from last night, it looked like Dylan's brother may have been near the lake. Or I wonder if LE wants to keep the "Scene" clean and not have anyonebut officials contaminating the area.jmo.
Plus there are those 3 dogs, that hit on something in the lake. I think that is what kept them there after dad said fishing pole was missing, and then a fishing pole was found on the dam.[/QUOTE]

Still have not seen that confirmed by major news source. Also if one was found was it Dylan's. jmo

a few pages back someone had confirmation in MSM on this. This is the one thing that I cannot help but keep going over in my mind. I wish people would talk and say something like he was looking forward to fishing when visiting dad, or he loved fishing when in that area. But we are getting such little bits its hard to draw a real conclusion. IMHO
Me and my ex were in Haxtun, Colorado. Two judges, population under one thousand, we sure knew each others (hazard of small town) I now live in a booming county that has over Twelve But in my city we have a whomping two I understand, but the judge still awarded him visitation. Then amended it to supervised visits. The amended it to state hourly supervised visits. Then relinquished all rights. Long time coming in some cases where the dad is dangerous or not deserving. Just saying, it does happen. We don't know any family dynamics here, all we can do is speculate sadly. I just hope hope hope that this is a case of one parent hiding him from another, however I don't feel secure that this young man is okay...:(...IMHO

I agree. Something is so wrong here. So wrong. :(
The postal worker saw a boy of a similar description, but I don't know that it has been confirmed that she in fact saw Dylan.

And there are alot of boys that age that look like Dylan.
And there are alot of boys that age that look like Dylan.

Was that sighting by the postal worker anywhere near the lake where the pole was found? The Vallecita Country store? Is that near this lake/dam?
If Dylan hadn't seen his friends in awhile, I would think he'd be calling, texting, etc., trying to see them. I can't picture him grabbing his fishing pole and walking 3-4 miles to a lake with no calls, no texts, no contact whatsoever. Its just too weird.

I agree with you 100%! And - if for some reason, he did not have a signal and could not text or call from his fathers place, *if he started out walking and made it to the lake you'd think he'd have had a signal at *some point during that walk! Even if he were carrying his phone in a pocket or backpack and was not actively checking it for a signal, didn't I read further up that his friends were trying to contact him? There would have been a beep or ring or vibration once there *was a signal and Dylan, *if he were walking would have stopped and responded to it if he could Dylan's age who are text-savvy have their phones *glued to their fingertips!

.....and why take your back pack if you're going fishing?

.....and why take your fishing pole if you're running away?

It does not make sense. Like telling us to believe that 2+2=10
This is a loaded question for me. I've been through this. I would love to tell you that the courts always rule in the best interest of the child. But that's just not the case, i'm sorry to say. My personal experience was awful, and so I lived this first hand. In my case it was evil, what my ex did, just to get back at me for wanting a divorce. His attitude was/is, if I dont' get you/the kids, no one does. I'll spare you further detail. It doesn't belong here. I think all cases are different and I think most courts try to give both parents shared custody. But it's often not that simple.
Do I think decisions are always made in the best interest of the child. NO, I do not. Speaking only from my own experiences.

I agree, same horrible experience.

Going fishing alone, sure.

But if your grandson had moved away from the town he grew up in, and had just flown in for his 1st visit, and had plans to go hang out with his 3 best friends from childhood, would he just ignore his friends and walk 4 miles to go fishing all alone, ignoring his friends who were calling and texting him?

His dad bought that house in May 2006, so I'm sure it was far from his first visit to that location. He surely stayed with his dad many times when he lived with his mom in Bayfield. So going fishing at the reservoir by himself could be something familiar to him - I obviously don't know that it was, but it is very possible.
Late last night (early this morning) we had a discussion trying to track down a link with a video or written report from Kevin Torres confirming the fishing pole was in fact Dylan's. When I finally went to sleep at about 3am, none of us could find it. It would've been on I believe he said on air that they found a fishing pole they thought was Dylan's RUMOR as of now but until we can link it and get confirmation, looks like more waiting. I'm SURE if they confirmed it was his (however that identification was made) it would be widely and clearly reported on.

Hmm... maybe somebody needs to contact Mr. Torres and ask him to clear some things up. Proactive admirers?? Err-- sleuthers!!
kids take their backpacks everywhere...easier to carry stuff in it than your hands/pockets.
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