CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #16

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I agree with you about the _names_ of the previous children -- no one needs to know their names. I do believe, however, that their perceptions and experiences are important to hear.

I don't think anyone was really interested in their names other than as a way of differentiating them while we figured out exactly how many children MR has.

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As I said, he looks like I did when my parents brought me shopping to Kmart. I doubt I was particularly happy to be there either.

Police likely know what MR bought and if it is important to the case (i.e. paints him as a potential suspect/POI) then they should keep it secret until they have a case. If he bought stuff that doesn't paint him in that light, then the police probably aren't going to release it because it isn't relevant. Even if they did, we'd just have another thread discussing the hidden meaning of why he was buying Ho-Hos instead of Little Debbie.

lol, Thanks I needed that.. You have a way of saying what I'm thinking..only with some humor.. Thank you Paul.
I don't think everything is important. You have to be able to determine what is important, because you can go into near-infinite detail and if you do, you miss the forest for the trees. Here's an example: we've talked about the names of MR's children from a previous marriage, but their names aren't important at all to this case.

I see his face. He looks like I did at 13 when I went to a Kmart (no Walmarts in our area.) How is his face supposed to look?

I agree. I was never allowed to stay home alone...EVER. I was dragged to walmart or another grocery store every weekend. The older I got, the more irritating it became--especially when I was a teen. Even when I'd get dragged to go christmas shopping with my aunt (for my mom)....I was NOT thrilled at all.

I think the timeline (which the photo is part of) and knowing that his father was the last to see him (as far as we know) is really the only important thing out of this. Unless we get a whole film roll of what he looked like wandering through the entire store, I don't think his expression is of importance.
I'm a Ding Dong man myself. :great:

You are a brave soul. I would not have uttered that on this board for any amount of money. The jokes - oh, the jokes that can be made.

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OR there was a case or two of beer in the cart OR something that might be construed as innocent/ damning like a big roll of heavy duty trashbags ( even though he may go through a box a week in his line of work ) or rope ( even though he may have broken his last week on his truck ) or storage containers ( even though he may have told Dylan they'd clean out the attic and donate some junk to charity) . I think there are lots of reasons they don't show dad... but I bet it's more what's in the buggy than what's on dad's expression.

Exactly !
And maybe a fishing pole!
She is not Dylan's mother, though and I didn't mention hope. I was asking HER if she truly believes that Dylan is alive and if it is possible that someone is hiding him. She must have some ideas, if that's her take on it.

I was taking the liberty of speaking for all mothers. I probably shouldn't do that, and I probably shouldn't have answered at all.

Huge difference between what a persons head tells them, and what their heart screams.

IMO it's not a fair question for that reason.

Dear PaulR,

Thank you for responding.

My take on the NG interview, from reading the transcripts, not from watching the show (so maybe I missed some nuances that were apparent in the video), is that ER knew that both she and MR had taken lie detector tests. She also knew (and we have established, many threads back, that results are usually shared with the one being tested), that she had "passed." I think she also knew that MR's test was inconclusive -- I will agree that she shouldn't have known, but I think that she did.

I also think she knew, or intuited, that MR had been asked to take a second test. Again, whether she should have known or not is debatable.

Having worked in PR for a number of years, albeit some time ago, I know that my company used to hire media coaches (one was an ex-anchorman) to work with the each year's incoming president. They would spend days learning what to wear, what kind of makeup to allow them to put on you, how to respond to questions that you can't/shouldn't answer, etc. If they were to be interviewed by someone known to be particularly difficult, or not sympathetic to "our side," they would receive special training (I can't say the name of the organization, or the field, but it was involved in lengthy litigation).

Most guests on NG, including ER, do not receive this kind of support, and from the one of two times I've seen bits of her show, I have no doubt that she could rattle most anyone.

I can't speak for ER.

Myself, if it were my son disappeared, and I knew that my ex-husband had taken a lie detector test, and that it been judged inconclusive, and that a second test was being proposed...well, I would have just said straight out that he took one, it was inconclusive, and I hoped and prayed that he would take another one -- like right this minute. I would have used those minutes of national media attention to my (and my son's advantage). That's not what ER did, and I know that people are going to say that would be wrong to do, or mean, or what have you, but I would do it in a heartbeat.

Again, thanks for responding.
In the viewers imagination...IMO

I see what i see!

If you saw this pic at any other time and had no idea its a missing child you would probably see the same thing.
A child that dosent look happy.

Im not speculating at why he looks the way he does. But it does make ya wonder dosent it?
Thank you so much azgrandma for being so candid and for putting yourself out there for Dylan. I suspected everything you have written about the minute I saw that uncut raw interview of MR.

I have to say that if I were the family, and I believed that MR may have lost his temper and done the unthinkable, I guess I'd probably insist on knowing when LE can verify the absolute last known time that Dylan and MR were in Durango and where, then start there, driving towards Vallecito at that exact time and try to figure out where they might have been at the time all contact with that phone stopped, taking into consideration whether MR was known for pushing the speed limit on these roads. I suppose I'd be driving endlessly up and down side roads, laneways etc, looking for some evidence that the vehicle may have pulled off the road somewhere and of course looking for the phone. I think the phone was broken in an altercation myself. For some reason I also think the backpack made it to the house and was discarded later. I'd try it in the dark first, looking for obvious pull off areas that can be seen in the dark, and then go back in the day to search. I have to assume that LE have considered this but I know how daunting a task it is so I'm not sure if they have attempted to look in any of these areas.

I wonder if MR was known to carry cash around with him and pay for things with that rather than debit. Or was he known to carry little cash and pay for most things by debit? I am trying to figure out the gas situation with the truck to see if LE has determined what the time span between the last two gas fillups were and how much gas was in the vehicle when they took it.


Thank you for mentioning that "uncut" video. I watched it several times yesterday (okay, maybe 5 or 6 times) and found the opening seconds, before he realizes that he is about to be filmed, really unnerving. The transformation is....I don't know what to say.
I see what i see!

If you saw this pic at any other time and had no idea its a missing child you would probably see the same thing.
A child that dosent look happy.

Im not speculating at why he looks the way he does. But it does make ya wonder dosent it?

Exactly! We have no idea why Dylan looks so unhappy in that picture but there is no denying that he does look unhappy. Knowing that he was missing within hours of that picture being snapped makes it relevant for discussion.

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I agree it would be nice to hear/know; however, unless something from them comes out in MSM I'm gonna just eat my HoHo and be satisfied I got a chocolate fix.

I agree 100%. I edited my post -- I'm having difficulty making sense today. I too am satisfied with what we've heard - I thought you were saying that what we _had_ heard shouldn't be considered. I apologize. Now please zap me some chocolate.
I feel the same way you do.

Yes, IMO, it's okay to wait until he is charged with something, until there is some proof that he did whatever he did. Or maybe until he's convicted in a court of law.

Being thrown a curve ball is a bit understated for how I feel though. That ball swung clean around and smacked me right in the face!! Dang curve balls!!


I hear ya. But if we had to wait until someone was convicted in a court of law before we speculated upon their possible involvement, what would we talk about here?
does anyone know where Mark and his first wife (E) lived when they were married?

Thank you for mentioning that "uncut" video. I watched it several times yesterday (okay, maybe 5 or 6 times) and found the opening seconds, before he realizes that he is about to be filmed, really unnerving. The transformation is....I don't know what to say.

His body language in that whole tape makes me very uncomfortable. He shakes his head so much I don't feel like I can trust what he says.

But I've said that about people before and been wrong so IDK.

I hear ya. But if we had to wait until someone was convicted in a court of law before we speculated upon their possible involvement, what would we talk about here?

HoHo vs Hostess vs Ding Dongs

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HoHo vs Hostess vs Ding Dongs

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This "court of law" argument has too many flaws for this particular format. If you want to wait for the evidence in a court of law, perhaps Websleuths isn't the place for you, lol
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