CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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I think we can now shorten the timeline a tad. Dylan's friend texting him at 6:46 am and receiving no reply more credible IMO than Mark claiming he spoke to his son @ 7:30am

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Agree. Whatever happened to Dylan happened before 6:46am. IMO, most likely around 8pm the previous night.
Okay, let's go with the phone died at around 8 pm on Sunday night.

1. Why didn't Dylan use his dad's phone to call/text his mom?
2. Why didn't Dylan use the computer to communicate with his friends?
3. Why didn't his dad get him a phone when he was out running his errands?
4. Why hasn't his dad mentioned the phone dying at all?

Okay, let's go with he wouldn't get up to go with his dad; when he did wake up and lounging around watching TV and eating cereal, he realizes his phone had bit the dust.

1. Why didn't Dylan use the computer to communicate with his friends?
2. Why didn't Dylan use the computer to communicate with his mom to see what he should do about his phone?
3. Why didn't Dylan wait on his dad and tell him about his phone?

I have a hard time with no phone activity or computer activity...maybe one but not both......just saying

From all accounts Dylan had already communicated briefly with ER - IIRC she sent him a text to see if he had arrived and he responded. I'm not sure why he would need to contact her again that night?

As far as MR's computer goes, I don't recall that we have anything concrete to run with there. I am guessing that if he had one it would have surely been taken by LE during their search. Have we heard anything about that?
These threads sure make me feel forgetful - but I don't want my sons to hear that!

I'm not sure that many parents would purchase their teens a new phone within hours of an old one carking it. Unless it was an absolute emergency mine would be waiting for their next birthday or xmas. Having said that, we don't know if the phone had expired, or that MR knew anything about it. It wouldn't be crazy to think that given Dylan was possibly annoyed with MR the night before - he could very well have been giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the night and into the next morning.

sorry, when I came to add something, I lost my original reply and half of your quote...oops.

eta: my son used to go alone into our yard and play with stuff we had for him to do. But I don't see much for Dylan to do out there/ And why would he have his belongings all packed and with him if he went out to play?

I don't think his backpack or phone or he made it to dads.
And I am also heading towards premeditation. It just seems too thought out.
From all accounts Dylan had already communicated briefly with ER - IIRC she sent him a text to see if he had arrived and he responded. I'm not sure why he would need to contact her again that night?

As far as MR's computer goes, I don't recall that we have anything concrete to run with there. I am guessing that if he had one it would have surely been taken by LE during their search. Have we heard anything about that?These threads sure make me feel forgetful - but I don't want my sons to hear that!

I'm not sure that many parents would purchase their teens a new phone within hours of an old one carking it. Unless it was an absolute emergency mine would be waiting for their next birthday or xmas. Having said that, we don't know if the phone had expired, or that MR knew anything about it. It wouldn't be crazy to think that given Dylan was possibly annoyed with MR the night before - he could very well have been giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the night and into the next morning.



Nancy Grace
GRACE: Elaine, is there a landline there in the home?

REDWINE: Yes, there is.

GRACE: So if he wanted to, he couldn’t make his cell phone get a proper signal, he could have used the landline to call his friends, right?

REDWINE: That would be my assumption as well, yes.

GRACE: Do you know if there is Internet in the home? Does the dad have a laptop or a desktop?

REDWINE: Yes, he does.

GRACE: Did anybody get any e-mails from Dylan?

REDWINE: Not that I’m aware of, no. I certainly didn’t, and I don’t think anyone else did either.

GRACE: How unusual is this for Dylan? Isn’t -- doesn’t he love to text?
So here is something that was brought up 6 or 8 threads ago and today it's really bothering me again. It seems more relevant in light of the friend's texts about the early morning plan to come to the back door etc. Dylan was supposed to be at his friends at 6:30 am . They made very detailed plans about that arrival time. That means they would have to leave home by 6 or so at the lastest right? So why does dad leave at 7:30? He didn't say ' i spent over an hour trying to wake up dr' . What would account for the 90 minutes , at least, that is missing from the ' schedule'. When I heard 6:30 initially I didn't think much of it. We are early risers. The DH here is blue collar and leaves home very early so 6:30 doesn't sound strange at all. But the fact that it's so much later than that that MR is even trying to wake DR and/ or leave home is odd, isn't it ?

Is it possible that when he told Dylan that he really thought he would be giving him a ride into Bayfield and that would take extra time? It's my understanding that to get to Bayfield you would go a different route than the route directly into Durango. But something happened and MR didn't end up leaving until 7:30 and most likely took the direct quicker route into Durango. If Dylan was not even there in the morning there would be no need for him to leave at 6:30 any more. Just another interesting point in all of this isn't it?
From all accounts Dylan had already communicated briefly with ER - IIRC she sent him a text to see if he had arrived and he responded. I'm not sure why he would need to contact her again that night?

As far as MR's computer goes, I don't recall that we have anything concrete to run with there. I am guessing that if he had one it would have surely been taken by LE during their search. Have we heard anything about that?
These threads sure make me feel forgetful - but I don't want my sons to hear that!

I'm not sure that many parents would purchase their teens a new phone within hours of an old one carking it. Unless it was an absolute emergency mine would be waiting for their next birthday or xmas. Having said that, we don't know if the phone had expired, or that MR knew anything about it. It wouldn't be crazy to think that given Dylan was possibly annoyed with MR the night before - he could very well have been giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the night and into the next morning.


But Dylan, angry or not, would have let his father know if his phone was broken (like the broken record I am beginning to sound like...) It doesn't mean that Dad would have rushed out and bought a new one, but Dad would have known not to try to text him as alleged the next day. And probably would not leave Dylan home alone with no phone, unless he showed him how to use computer, landline, whatever. Dylan, IMO, would have felt panicky without use of his phone.
I think smashed vs. turning-off. Turning it off would take patience. Throwing it out the window could have possibly damaged it to the point of shutting off. I think smashed is most likely. Just speculating on possibilities. I sincerely doubt the battery went dead forever.

Or it went in water...
Clarifying again... when I say the phone died or the battery died... I mean FOR REAL DIED... I mean like won't ever turn on or hold a charge again. Dead as in doornail. Kicked the bucket. Bought the farm.
I just have to ask this question. Why is it so very difficult for some people to take a hard look at MR? I mean, really. There are at least 100 "possibilities" but they would ALL have to tie into each other in order to suggest that it could remotely happen the way some are attempting to explain it. Don't some of you find that mighty strange? Almost beyond the law of averages? Like, what if it was your 16-yr old kid who left at 9pm to go to the corner store and then came home at 3:00 am, with his clothes all messed up, an empty tank of gas (that was full when he left) accompanied by a "friend" and gave you a mile long list of explanations that would take you less than a minute to figure out were BS about what happened? The pieces don't fit. Your instincts tell you he is giving you a line of you continue to fall in line and make excuses for his excuses? Or are you going to say enough is enough and call him on the BS?
IMO, given the large amount of missing time starting from Dylan's phone going off at 8pm, PPD should ask for any video/surveillance tapes spanning a much wider area.
I noticed Dylan has a black eye in the picture of him playing baseball. You can enlarge the picture in the link below to get a close up of his left eye.

I have thought that Dylan looks a little dark around the eyes in a few of his photos - especially the first ones released on his Missing poster (with the shorter haircut). I figured this is just his colouring/complexion rather than injuries.
But Dylan, angry or not, would have let his father know if his phone was broken (like the broken record I am beginning to sound like...) It doesn't mean that Dad would have rushed out and bought a new one, but Dad would have known not to try to text him as alleged the next day. And probably would not leave Dylan home alone with no phone, unless he showed him how to use computer, landline, whatever. Dylan, IMO, would have felt panicky without use of his phone.

And we have another bingo! Things just don't add up!
I think we are getting this figured out! Now where is Dylan!
Clarifying again... when I say the phone died or the battery died... I mean FOR REAL DIED... I mean like won't ever turn on or hold a charge again. Dead as in doornail. Kicked the bucket. Bought the farm.

I know what you are saying; I just do not believe that Dylan would not have told his father if it happened at 8pm, when phone usage ceased OR that Dylan would not have noticed that his phone had died as he was not done using it for the day, IMO. I do not believe that Dylan's phone died and he fell fast asleep for up to 12 hours at exactly the same moment. And to me, that is what would have had to happen, for him not to know if his phone was broken.
If we rule out the cell phone completely (pretend he didnt even have one) for whatever reason he still could have called someone on the lan line or emailed someone using the computer. I know, I know.. what if there was a password protection on it.. Unless its a work computer how many of you have password protection on your home computers? KWIM? I just feel like we are making up excuses here for why he didnt contact anyone since 8pm when it really doesnt make sense why he wouldnt besides the obvious. We get stuck in this cycle and keep going around and around. IMO
I have thought that Dylan looks a little dark around the eyes in a few of his photos - especially the first ones released on his Missing poster (with the shorter haircut). I figured this is just his colouring/complexion rather than injuries.

Could even be allergies. My daughter and grandson get dark circles under their eyes from allergies.

I read the Durango Herald article and saw so much that I felt left doors open for other possibilities, and am shocked to read here that it has all been seen as more proof that MR is responsible. IMO even if we had confirmation from a neighbour that they had seen Dylan on Monday morning at MR's house - people would still be claiming MR was responsible - he had all day to do it etc.

bbm - I'd love some confirmation from a neighbor that Dylan was independently seen or heard from on Monday morning.... or after Sunday night at 8pm.... or any confirmation or details from LE that would steer all of these questionable mounting suspicions away from MR.
And I'm not talking about the "he's cooperating" or "he's not being called a suspect at this time" -- I'm talking about definitvely placing Dylan at the home safely on Sunday late night/Monday morning, making it clear that this investigation has nothing to do with MR, or ruling MR out.
Maybe, but wouldn't the phone have pinged at some point after Sunday night if dad was holding onto the phone. Although maybe not, I don't understand the pinging thing.
yes, IMO you are correct and to an extent that issue may negate sigh sister's post...

Deleting my post because I forgot about phone being turned off at 8pm. So, never mind!
thus the reason IMO why SighSister deleted her above post...but IMO her original thought(that I posted below) still may indeed have merit.. because IMO while the issue with the phone and pings may negate this possibility to an extent...but IMO its the other possibility that is not negated that IMO is well worth RE-posting and discussing further this particular issue..(lol..SighSister, I hope you don't mind that I resurrected your Original

Originally Posted by Sigh Sister
Reading over the text exchanges again, i do think it was Dylan. I just can't get past MR saying "with the friend that was trying to text him". I think MR slipped up with this statement. I think that he was referring to the texts from Dylan's friend at 9:26pm and 6:46am (I think those are the right times) that went unanswered. To me, His statement implies that he had possession of Dylan's phone, saw the texts, and Dylan was not able to answer them.

DylansMom34 is correct that about the pings that more than likely would have registered had dad in fact still had Dylan's phone in his possession at least til 6:46am post was read from Dylan's friend.. BUT HERE IS WHAT IS NOT NEGATED BY WHAT KNOWLEDGE WE HAVE REGARDING THE LAST KNOWM USAGE/PINGS OF DYLAN'S CELL PHONE..

From what we have been told is that Dylan's phone became powered off/inoperable/untraceable AT SOME POINT ON SUNDAY NIGHT..To my knowledge we have never been given the info by LE of the exact moment in time that this occurred..therefor I find SighSister's Original Posted thought to actually be a possibility as a whole in that she discusses that she felt as tho possibly Marks making these particular statements were possibly indicating his having actual knowledge of seeing and reading the text to Dylan that was sent by his friend in attempts to make further contact with Dylan Sunday night at 9:26pm..

and I agree with her not only in that I see that as a possibility of having happened, but also I agree with the thought/opinion of what it is that Mark says about this attempt at contact with his son by his friend.. I, too see it as a possibility that in his minds eye he is actually recalling the actual text message that he saw/read at 9:26pm from the friend to Dylan's cell phone..(this is a regular occurrence that happens when someone is speaking of something that they visually saw and when in later discussing it in their minds eye they can recall the actual visualization of what they saw ..this happening at the same time they are verbally discussing the issue)..

anyway long story short(and hey for me this is my attempts at shortening it into a I absolutely do find it possible that Mark could have still had possession of the phone(and even possibly have ended up in an actual area that no longer was receiving reception AT THE TIME HE READ THE 9:26PM TEXT)..but that at/around 9:26pm the phone was able to at least receive the incoming text with Mark either at that moment, or at some point thereafter on Sunday night that Mark saw/read the text message ..

Because we do not have any official word on what time the phone actually no longer was ever detectable again(just that it was some time Sunday night).. nor do we know where that phone pinged throughout Sunday evening up to and including the last tower that it pinged..

all jmo, tho and my apologies if its confusing and/or unclear:crazy:
Clarifying again... when I say the phone died or the battery died... I mean FOR REAL DIED... I mean like won't ever turn on or hold a charge again. Dead as in doornail. Kicked the bucket. Bought the farm.

Oh OK! LOL I didn't get exactly what you meant.:floorlaugh:

If it forever....then I think he would have definitely let his dad know. His dad had a house phone...and internet. I think Dylan would have freaked without that phone.
I just have to ask this question. Why is it so very difficult for some people to take a hard look at MR? I mean, really. There are at least 100 "possibilities" but they would ALL have to tie into each other in order to suggest that it could remotely happen the way some are attempting to explain it. Don't some of you find that mighty strange? Almost beyond the law of averages? Like, what if it was your 16-yr old kid who left at 9pm to go to the corner store and then came home at 3:00 am, with his clothes all messed up, an empty tank of gas (that was full when he left) accompanied by a "friend" and gave you a mile long list of explanations that would take you less than a minute to figure out were BS about what happened? The pieces don't fit. Your instincts tell you he is giving you a line of you continue to fall in line and make excuses for his excuses? Or are you going to say enough is enough and call him on the BS?

What you said.
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