CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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I honestly dont think MR knew that Dylan planned on going to his friends house right from the plane. As a parent id have a problem with that also. Especially when its a parent child visit.
Kids tend to make plans and forget to include telling the parents. and most times do not ask for say hey im going to sammys for the weekend and its like wait a second does sams mom know lol they do make plans no one knows about.

I think Dylan was texting and told his dad he was going to the friends house and dad said no sorry tonight your with me. Dylan texts his friend tells him he cant go. Gets sulky possibly has a hissy fit. Starts texting again dad takes the phone and a fight errupts dad possibly stops the truck gets out and smashes the phone in anger. They go to Walmart buy their stuff and I do think dad bought dylan a fishing pole cause he wanted to take him fishing. I think the rest of the ride went downhill from there. All just speculation!
Only one week until Christmas. Although I don't hold out much hope that Dylan is going to be found this week, it would sure be good if his mom could be given some answers. I feel so badly for her returning to Colorado Springs without Dylan. Of course, I'm sure if anything happens, she can be back in Durango very quickly.

I agree that the focus needs to be after that last text that Dylan sent. I believe whatever happened to Dylan happened soon after that text. I doubt he made it to Dad's home. In fact, I wish there was some way to ping the very last location of Dylan's phone when he sent that final text and ping where Dad's phone was at that time too.
For what its worth!
I dont believe any of us want to think a parent is involved or responsible with his childs disappearance or death. We looked and are looking at him because of the way all this went down. There are way too many things pointing in his direction to give him a pass. Things I cant ignore and im sure others feel the same but i never would condone anyone for thinking dad is innocent in all this and ya know what I PRAY that he is for everyones sake.
Now Peace all.....
Scroll and roll.
We all have very interesting things that we add here lets not stop now!
Are you considering that he might of just gotten into the lake on his own? Dont forget the water is not just cold but freezing. I gave this thought early on.

Do I THINK he may have actually gone to the lake? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have gotten into the lake on his own? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have had an accident on his own at the lake? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have gotten into the lake with some help? Possibly.

However, based on the latest article about his EARLY MORNING plans with his friends and his mom's statement that he wasn't all that into fishing, I'm sticking with
a) he never made it to dad's,
b) he started out walking/hitching to his friend's and something happened, and even

Just because someone else (i.e. LE) rules out that he did not run away doesn't mean that I can't still consider it as one of MY possibilities - until I have some kind of confirmation from the higher powers that be that there is evidence to rule otherwise....

OK, I was just asking, to see if there were others that were tossing this around. It was just a simple question. No need to explain to me why you feel this way, you and everyone else has that right to consider what they want.

To clarify, you directly asked me a question in response to a post I had made. You can see above that you specifically asked, "Are YOU considering"... and I politely answered your question.

After I answer a direct question from you, you now say that you were asking "OTHERS", which is not the same as "are YOU" -- and then you follow that with an unnecessary quip that "there is no need for me to explain to you why I feel this way."

If I offended you by expanding on your original question to "me", it wasn't mean spirited - it was probably what was going on in my thought process when I responded to your question.

Perhaps you should reconsider asking someone a question if you don't want a poster to answer?? My response was never meant to be disrespectful to anyone, but apparently you took it that way. I can't change your perception, but your comment was really unnecessary when I merely replied to your question.

Kind regards...
Seajay, I'm sorry you feel that way. I have seen some rude comments but really not too many but I must admit when I"m 10 pages behind I don't read every single comment. I've been on the fence and going back to focus on MR for a day or two, then focus on random perp for a day or two and trying to remain open minded and scrutinize every detail no matter which direction it points. All of our points are valid and NONE of us know for sure what happened here. I apologize if any of my posts have made you feel spit upon. While it seems more and more like MR might be involved, I'm still holding out hope that Dylan is alive somewhere drinking a Sprite and waiting to show his face. :)

if you see a comment you feel is rude please report it to the mods, everyones input is welcome and wanted. Sometimes people will suggest something that others think is probable, and others will disagree.

When people are suspecting MR of having done something please don't automatically think that its worst case scenario that we think, theres a lot of people who think Dylan could be being kept hidden, and I for one hope that being hidden but safe is whats happened.
What would be the sense of Hiding Dylan!
If Dad took and hid him dad would have vanished also.
There is no point to hiding him. If he cant be seen again.
I don't know how to delete a whole post.
If Dylan decided to take off out of dads truck that sunday night dad might have driven off in anger only to return looking for him in a few minutes. Only thing with this scenario is that Dad would have called LE if he couldnt find him right then and there so I do think this can be ruled out.
I've seen a few comments that are somewhat rude but not anything I think needs reporting to mods. I think we all should act like grown ups and not argue about points that are ' opinions'. None of us know what happened. We all are forming opinions and until either option is ruled OUT or IN by the LE in this case I think it's unfair for posters to attack each other about their positions. It could be some of us are becoming to submerged in this case and letting emotions get the better of us. I know we all hope for the same thing and I think it's possible that the events of Friday have even ratcheted UP the emotions we are displaying on this forum. Please everyone take a deep breath and ask yourself why you come to the forum. If it is to be 'right' in your opinion so that you can say ' i knew it all along' then maybe that idea needs to be re evaluated. I hope like heck I am WRONG. I want to be wrong . I want to apologize for ever thinking what I am thinking !
Soapbox aside !
Aust, this is not directed at you , just a jumping off point . :)

Hey I agree and ya know what they are only type written words we cant HEAR how it was said we can only READ it the way we THINK it was said.

Does that make any sense to anyone lol:banghead:
If Dylan decided to take off out of dads truck that sunday night dad might have driven off in anger only to return looking for him in a few minutes. Only thing with this scenario is that Dad would have called LE if he couldnt find him right then and there so I do think this can be ruled out.

What if dad was drunk so he could not call LE?
Ahh,,,, I've wondered if something much more harmless
might have happened but dad was drunk or something else
prevented him from reporting it at the time and by the time
he slept it off , wakes up , and thinks OMG ...... 8 hrs have
passed and how do I explain this ? Like ' get out of the car
and walk to your friends if you want to go so bad'. Dad
goes home, maybe falls asleep on accident , thinking he'll
teach that boy a lesson and when he goes to look a long
time later realizes Dylan has vanished.
Now you cannot call LE and say I threw my son outta the
truck to walk 20 miles and I havent' seen him since. He
may have thought he'd show up and each hour that went
by made it more obvious he would not show up AND harder
to come clean and tell LE what really happened.
Possible ?
Whats the DIFFERENCE if ya say bandwagon or on the fence?
To me its the same thing.Some think dads involved some dont.
For what its worth I dont believe Dylan made it to dads house that evening.

Oh, but it's not. Being on the fence means you haven't seen enough evidence to make you decide who is guilty or what has happened.

I don't even have a problem with people suspecting MR.. heck, I believe he is involved.

What I don't agree with, and would consider a "bandwagon", <Mod Snip>
But when you try to explain a possible innocent reason behind the actions, you are labeled as defending Mark.

<Mod Snip>
For the record, I believe he is involved. I'm on the fence about whether it was pre-meditated or not .. leaning toward not.

I still want to maintain my dignity enough to say that I'm still looking at this objectively and trying not to put my own experiences, emotions, and motives into the very few FACTS that we have.

We all want Dylan found and the perp put away ...

I'll continue lurking until there is a break in the case .. unfortunately, I think winter is going to all but stall this case.


Praying for Dylan.
Hey I agree and ya know what they are only type written words we cant HEAR how it was said we can only READ it the way we THINK it was said.

Does that make any sense to anyone lol:banghead:

Yes, sometimes my kid reads me a text from her friend and she uses
a really sarcastic hateful tone of voice and I say ' but that's not what
it says.'
" oh really'' vs ''oh really'' , said in two completely different ways
means two completely different things. So yes I agree.
I apologize if I have offended anyone with any of my posts. Its never my intention to be rude....or to discount others for their ideas. I like seeing other points of view. It helps me think and either open up my mind for other options or strengthen my original thoughts.

My hope is that Dylan can be found, period. Alive or otherwise, I pray he is located so his family can have answers and perhaps the perp can be held accountable.

I am thankful for every poster who has hung in there on Dylan's case.
It seems everyone is passionate about trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Dylan. Each person has their opinion about what may have happened. As mentioned above, none of us know what happens, so everything in here is speculation and opinion.

I understand some who don't believe MR is involved in Dylan's disappearance express that they feel attacked when they post their opinions. As someone who suspects MR's involvement, there have been a few times where someone has made me feel the same way.

We all have our opinions and all have a right to those opinions. None of us need to attack another poster for believing something different.
Oh, but it's not. Being on the fence means you haven't seen enough evidence to make you decide who is guilty or what has happened.

I don't even have a problem with people suspecting MR.. heck, I believe he is involved.

What I don't agree with, and would consider a "bandwagon", and the reason I all but quit posting is the folks that then take every single little thing MR does or says .. apply a MOTIVE to that action that makes it evil.

But when you try to explain a possible innocent reason behind the actions, you are labeled as defending Mark.

It get's old... but I guess it helps people justify their hate or anger.

For the record, I believe he is involved. I'm on the fence about whether it was pre-meditated or not .. leaning toward not.

I still want to maintain my dignity enough to say that I'm still looking at this objectively and trying not to put my own experiences, emotions, and motives into the very few FACTS that we have.

We all want Dylan found and the perp put away ...

I'll continue lurking until there is a break in the case .. unfortunately, I think winter is going to all but stall this case.


Praying for Dylan.

LOl hey now ya can still jump off the bandwagon lol!

I believe this case is exactly the same as Isabell Celis, Holly Bobo, Hailey Dunn
Haleigh Cummings just to name a few. They wont be found except by chance they all have one common thread.
What would be the sense of Hiding Dylan!
If Dad took and hid him dad would have vanished also.
There is no point to hiding him. If he cant be seen again.

That I don't know, who knows what goes through peoples minds when they do something that hurts someone (physically or emotionally).

there might not be a point that we can see, maybe its to hurt and scare someone, teach them a lesson, payback we just don't know.

who says Dylan couldn't be seen again?
Where did they throw this football? Because according to MR when they got home Dylan was tired and went to sleep.

Across the room? It's a Nerf ball.... soft.... doesn't break things.

And I doubt that he came in the door, laid down on the couch and went straight to sleep. It's entirely possible they tossed it back and forth for 5 minutes while they talked a little.

It's early for me, but I don't see the big Ah-hah moment here. Help me out.
What would be the sense of Hiding Dylan!
If Dad took and hid him dad would have vanished also.
There is no point to hiding him. If he cant be seen again.

Maybe the plan is to vanish later after the sadistic pleasure of watching others be miserable and frantic? Maybe even after trying to be 'buddy buddy' while searching? Terribly unlikely, but I won't give up that little bit of hope that Dylan is relatively safe.

I still see other possibilities, although slim. Admittedly, I think someone wants it to look like an accident while fishing, but I'm still hoping for another answer!

In fact, I'm thinking about calling in a tip on something else. I feel like a fool for thinking LE hasn't already looked at it, but then what if they didn't?
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