CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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Last evening I watched the school nurse over in CT tell her story about what happened during the massacre of 26 souls when she hid under a desk and in a closet for 4 hours.

I think it was on 60 Minutes. The whole time she was speaking and telling what happened her head was nodding up and down. Yes...yes
60 Minutes reports: Tragedy in Newtown - 60 Minutes - CBS News

If you go back to MR's taped interview in that video store the whole time he is telling what happened his head is going side to side.

The first...the nurse...we know to be truthful. The father not so much.

Interesting. I would love to have one of those ' body language ' experts take on the MR interviews.
Is murder worth it? Don't you think LE is watching every move anyway? But eventually the case starts going cold and then who's to say the plan isn't to disappear.

THEN................ someone else is involved.
Who do you think would help someone kidnapp a child?

I can see parental abduction it happens all the time but a parent usually vanishes with the child.
Well lets say dad hs him and hid him.
Dads not with him right? So what was the point.
Lets say Dad has it planned to take off and be with Dylan after all the sheet has died down. Where do they go? Mexico? Columbia? If MR reappears with his son hes in deep doooo doooo. So as i see it he cant resurface.

Why would someone kidnapp someone to teach a lesson?
That person will go to jail for a very very long time I just do not see it.
Dad would have vanished with Dyllan that night .... could have been long gone
just told mom hey were out of here for the week we will keep in touch and poof

Same thing happens if someone kills someone .. they go to jail for a very ver long time ...

THEN................ someone else is involved.
Who do you think would help someone kidnapp a child?

I can see parental abduction it happens all the time but a parent usually vanishes with the child.

Someone who owes you ?
Owes you so much there is no way to repay it ?
Blackmail type situation ?
And a good morning to all! It's extremely difficult to discuss a case like this in soley clinical terms. Couldn't do it with the other kids we've searched for, can't do it with this little fellow. It's my grief and anger that drive me to get answers and seek justice.

It can't be denied that MR presents such a negative persona -- both as a parent and a person. Did the alcohol cause him to do something awful? Was he hanging out with anyone on Sunday night -- did anyone see him drinking? Whatever may have happened, if he did do something harmful, I don't see how he could have hidden *all* the evidence. (Even Drew Peterson, as shrewd and pathological as he is finally got busted for past sins, though he's done a phenomenal job hiding Stacy it appears).

It's not beyond the pale that Dylan could have decided to get out of Dodge so to speak and hitchhike the hell out of there. He's done it before, right? And if he was ticked off enough he might have done it. Maybe. If he did, he could have met with foul play and/or be far away.

The police don't think he's a run away -- maybe Dylan didn't want to stick around with Dad though. Does the family have friends in other locales? Why can't the police ascertain if Dylan was in his Dad's home Sunday night? If someone is intoxicated they're not too good at hiding stuff. Is it possible the police aren't telling us what they found in the vehicles, etc.? It would be so helpful to have this information but I'm starting to wonder if they'll ever tell us.

I appreciate all the people here who are working so hard to help Dylan and his family. Thank you for caring so much!
Interesting. I would love to have one of those ' body language ' experts take on the MR interviews.

I think it all comes down to the questions you were asked!
Did you hear shots? She says yes and shakes her head yes.

Do you know what happend to Dylan
He says no and shakes his head no.
Someone who owes you ?
Owes you so much there is no way to repay it ?
Blackmail type situation ?

I dont think its all that complicated or involved. But that JMO

I dont there there is any evidence in the house because they were not there.
And there might be nothing in the truck because they could have gotten out

So someone thats out to get dad comes and gets the kid while dads at the lawyers and takes his back pack and his phone and charger and his fishing pole lol
THEN................ someone else is involved.
Who do you think would help someone kidnapp a child?

I can see parental abduction it happens all the time but a parent usually vanishes with the child.

Well, I've seen rumors posted elsewhere that make me believe someone is telling some very warped stories and others actually believe them. Who's to say someone else isn't involved? This man convinced two intelligent women to marry him and have his babies. I don't know that he hasn't got someone else conned and manipulated into believing his lies.

Again, I think this is a slight possibility. A weird possibility, but nonetheless I haven't been able to dismiss it.

Like I said earlier, my gut from early on has been that Dylan will be found in the lake and someone will say "it must have been an accident while he was fishing." Yep, accident.

But what if Dylan is still alive...what if we need to figure out who could have been conned into stashing him or taking him?
I dont think its all that complicated or involved. But that JMO

I dont there there is any evidence in the house because they were not there.
And there might be nothing in the truck because they could have gotten out

So someone thats out to get dad comes and gets the kid while dads at the lawyers and takes his back pack and his phone and charger and his fishing pole lol

I was answering this : ''Originally Posted by Eileen730
THEN................ someone else is involved.
Who do you think would help someone kidnapp a child?''
the best way I could. The only person who would help you
kidnap a child.......... is someone who had no choice because
they owed you or you had something over them.
Same thing happens if someone kills someone .. they go to jail for a very ver long time ...


Well personally i believe he is dead.
I pray to god im wrong but I think he was gone not long after that plane landed.
And I dont think it was intentional!
Well, I've seen rumors posted elsewhere that make me believe someone is telling some very warped stories and others actually believe them. Who's to say someone else isn't involved? This man convinced two intelligent women to marry him and have his babies. I don't know that he hasn't got someone else conned and manipulated into believing his lies.

Again, I think this is a slight possibility. A weird possibility, but nonetheless I haven't been able to dismiss it.

Like I said earlier, my gut from early on has been that Dylan will be found in the lake and someone will say "it must have been an accident while he was fishing." Yep, accident.

But what if Dylan is still alive...what if we need to figure out who could have been conned into stashing him or taking him?

There is no way we can figure out, IMO, who MR would know well enough to talk into taking Dylan away, but I am sure that LE is checking and has checked all of MR's communications to see who he was in touch with during the time leading up to Dylan's arrival and since he knew for sure Dylan would be visiting.

I would guess that the list of people (close enough to MR to do such a thing) is not extensive. In fact, I don't think very many people, if any, have someone who would do something like that for someone else, not for a month+ and put themselves at risk of life in prison.

I admit it! I am nit picking here!
Seriously... you are a dad you have not seen your
son in say 2 months...
There were issues delaying his arrival...
You finally see him off the plane and you don't grab his backpack and
carry it for him?
You don't put your arm around him while walking out?
or at least be "right beside/behind" him?

As far as I am concerned that boy is walking ALONE!
and maybe he was... maybe dad didn't meet him at the terminal
and Dylan hadn't even seen dad yet!

Maybe Dylan is a typical teen that does not want dad in his
"bubble" (less likely with out his buddies around IMO)

Maybe I am not a guy and I don't have a freakin clue!!!
Estrogen overload I guess...

forgive me for being irked by this pic...
I'm sure it means nuthin...

I think this has been discussed several times. If this is at the airport, the security camera had not picked up Dad yet. They may have been several feet from each other. Nothing sinister about this, IMO.

I think we can pretty much agree that Dad did pick him up at the airport. He is not wearing the backpack when he's seen walking into Walmart, and Dad could have been cropped out of that picture. McD's security cameras may not have picked him up, except showing the backs of their heads at the counter, so those pics would not help. I would bet that they do have proof that he was at McD's though.. Dad may have kept that receipt, too.

I think the release of these pictures was in case someone might have seen Dylan and identify him if they saw him somewhere else. There was no reason to keep Dad in the picture, he isn't missing.
How difficult would it be to convince someone to help you kidnap your son? How would you even approach that discussion with someone without that person saying 'are you nuts'? What would be the point? It would make more sense to me to kill him myself and have the same results; no one gets to see or be with him again. Hard to say that but JMO and its only worth :twocents: I have some of the worlds best 'besties' but there is no way any of them would even entertain this idea. They would have me locked up before I even finished hashing out 'our plan' LOL
I haven't read through all of the post so sorry if this has been said already... but, MR wouldn't answer his phone for CR or ER (we've all discussed that already) but what if ER or CR were trying to get in touch with MR to tell him they had found or heard from DR (which we know wasn't the case) BUT how did MR know that it wasn't the case :waitasec: KWIM? Hope this makes sense.

Exactly, like Scott Peterson during the interview and his cell kept ringing and he just shut it off.
So this throwing around said football... Kind of strange, by the time they got home it was already dark. I guess you could throw around a football in the dark, or inside? Why is this just coming out now? Did I miss something a few weeks ago?
I spend a lot of time reading here but never have much to add. You guys always amaze me with you sleuthing skills.

I notice that these cases often bring up a possibility of one parent hiding the missing child until the attention dies down and then disappearing to be with the child.

I know that anything is possible, and often think about Shawn Hornbeck during these cases....I was just wondering if it really happens.

Do we know of any cases where one parent stole and hid the child until late.

TIA....just curious if it has ever worked.
We keep spinning in circles here. I think it's obvious what has happened. And when. We just need to put together how and where. And get justice for dylan and those who love him! bring him home too!
But I feel pretty confident!
Revenge and money are powerful tools and emotions!

You're right. We're spinning in circles. But didja ever think that the reason we are is because to some of us, it's NOT so obvious??
Maybe we're not too confident because we need actual proof. Not speculations and wild rumors.
No offense intended.
Oh I remember the good ole days...when phones had those wonderful cords. You didn't talk too long because you had to stand there. Or maybe you could sit if a chair was nearby. I can still remember my dad, brother and me making lighthearted fun of my mom because she would pace the floor when she talked. The floor had a worn path where she walked back and forth while she chatted.

Then the advancement came....where there were longer cords. You could actually take the receiver into another room to talk because the cord was that long!

And then phones started getting longer just black! Several of my young teen friends got phone jacks put into their rooms when they turned 13 and were given pink phones! Oh the envy!

When I was young my parents got so tired of answering the phone for my sisters and I they got another phone line for us girls. That really didn't solve the problem because our friends would then call my parents line and tell them to have so and so get off the phone because they were trying to call LOL. My phone was red and I had a pink and red bedroom. If they only had call waiting back then, sigh.
When we think of spinning and going in circles, I am reminded of one of my first memorized poems:

He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!
~Edwin Markham (1913)
I would really like to know what LE is doing. Are they still working on this case? It would be nice if they would make some type of statement. There is no word on upcoming searches or anything is there?

Did we ever find out if MR's vehicles have been returned to him?
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