CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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I could consider a random abduction much more easily if Dylan had texted or called his friend R in the morning, told him his arrival plans had changed, and that he would just find something to do until his Dad returned, for instance. I cannot imagine Dylan leaving the house without reaching out to R, not even to "play outside" or to set off on foot.

So in my mind, we are left with someone coming into the home and removing Dylan, not allowing him to make use his phone or convincing him he could "call on the way to R's." But nothing as yet explains to me the stopping of his phone the night before, not in any sensible way.
I would really like to know what LE is doing. Are they still working on this case? It would be nice if they would make some type of statement. There is no word on upcoming searches or anything is there?

Did we ever find out if MR's vehicles have been returned to him?

I would say 100% that LE is working on the case; but why in such a mute manner, I have no idea. Even if they have their "suspect", for instance, finding Dylan is equally, if not more, important. Knowing exactly when he went missing, and from where, could only be useful for the community to possibly help. And no, no word on the trucks.

I am sick of my own "voice" here. I seem to do nothing but repeat myself. Will just read for a while.
When we think of spinning and going in circles, I am reminded of one of my first memorized poems:

He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!
~Edwin Markham (1913)

That makes me think of an LE term of ' casting a net' or something like that
to 'suck ' in the perps !
Oh, but it's not. Being on the fence means you haven't seen enough evidence to make you decide who is guilty or what has happened.

I don't even have a problem with people suspecting MR.. heck, I believe he is involved.

What I don't agree with, and would consider a "bandwagon", and the reason I all but quit posting is the folks that then take every single little thing MR does or says .. apply a MOTIVE to that action that makes it evil.

But when you try to explain a possible innocent reason behind the actions, you are labeled as defending Mark.

It get's old... but I guess it helps people justify their hate or anger.

For the record, I believe he is involved. I'm on the fence about whether it was pre-meditated or not .. leaning toward not.

I still want to maintain my dignity enough to say that I'm still looking at this objectively and trying not to put my own experiences, emotions, and motives into the very few FACTS that we have.

We all want Dylan found and the perp put away ...

I'll continue lurking until there is a break in the case .. unfortunately, I think winter is going to all but stall this case.


Praying for Dylan.

You said this very well!! Thank you!!
You could not be more right.
Exactly, like Scott Peterson during the interview and his cell kept ringing and he just shut it off.

Same with Melinda Duckett. Why wouldn't you answer it or at least see who it was???
IF MR's vehicles are still in the hands of LE I would find that very interesting. How long has it been now? Does anyone know how long it takes to process a vehicle?

I keep thinking of United Pipeline Systems where we now know MR works. When I looked at google maps, you can see that there appears to be long pipes and such outside on the grounds.
I know this may be an uncomfortable question but do you know if cadaver dogs were ever brought to sniff around all the many pipes out there? It's doubtful that MR would place him there but who knows if in a panic or not thinking clearly? IDK... Those pipes are so large.

Also this place of business is not far from the Nighthorse Reservoir. I keep thinking about that place as well as it is not yet used by the public from what I can recall and therefore may be a good spot to search as it would be known to MR being only 3.5 miles from his work site. I believe cadaver dogs need to search there as well.

I'm sorry if asking about cadaver dogs is sensitive but it should be done IMO. I would love nothing more than for Dylan to be alive! I just want him found soon!:please:

Distance from MR's workplace to nearest body of water only 3.5 miles away

Picture of pipes on grounds of work place

Great post, Open Eyes...

Since it is questionable that DR ever made it to MR's house... I truly have thought... And still think... That the areas around MR's work place in town should be very thoroughly searched.... Dogs, etc...

IF MR's vehicles are still in the hands of LE I would find that very interesting. How long has it been now? Does anyone know how long it takes to process a vehicle?

Wish we did know. So little info LE has been giving the public.
IF MR's vehicles are still in the hands of LE I would find that very interesting. How long has it been now? Does anyone know how long it takes to process a vehicle?

Realistically .. if we believe that DR is deceased, and MR is responsible, then a deceased DR was more than likely in one of MRs vehicles at some point. If this is the case, MR won't be getting them back .. ever.

Time will tell.

Did someone a few days ago say they were compiling a list of questions we'd like answers to and going to send it to oneof the local reporters to see if they knew the answers? Its possible a reporter has more answers but didn't print every single item they knew because they may have thought it not relevant.
Did I remember that crazy ?
Did someone a few days ago say they were compiling a list of questions we'd like answers to and going to send it to oneof the local reporters to see if they knew the answers? Its possible a reporter has more answers but didn't print every single item they knew because they may have thought it not relevant.
Did I remember that crazy ?

I am absolutely no help to you, but yes I remember someone saying that too.

The family down the street from us installed a PHONE BOOTH!!!

YEP! Fully equipped with a pay phone!
The kids had to use their allowance to pay 10 cents per out going call.

No 3 way calls no call waiting...

Boy they had some arguments!

On Topic...
The good ole days... when there was no excuse for a phone to die.
When people talked on the phone and could HEAR what was going on
in the background... and the tone of the person's voice they were SPEAKING to...

Cell phones are great... with pings and history of calls made, but somehow
I am not sure that they have done our children any favors....
I see it both ways... :dunno:

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:silly: Pay Phone Booth installed in home! Not a bad idea! :silly:
If there is nothing in the vehicles evidence wise I still will wonder if a stop was made on the way home. Something could have happened outside the truck. MOO
I know i am learning to take a step back. Knowing when i need to before i become way too emotional. Balance isn't always so easy. For me. Then again I don't ever remember feeling so emotionally invested. Perhaps it's due to the time of year too. So very sad.
An idea just came to mind....and it is probably landing at a random place... So please excuse me...But.....

Regarding the suggestion that Dylan's cell just went kaput...dead...goner...etc...

And if there were passwords he couldn't negotiate on MR's computer... And if MR's lanline was not workable for any reason... There are always neighbors to go to that Dylan could have used THEIR phones...

Dylan seems tech-savvy.... And not shy.... And a good problem solver.. Per his friends' reports of active "debates" they have had...

I am just giving one more plausible way Dylan could have used a form of communication if his cell could not work at all...

And it's possible NONE of us are right. If it was so easy to solve LE would have someone in custody by now.
Which brings me to another point. If this was the white house and not the local LE , there would have been a ' leak' by now of info....
just trying to keep it light. :floorlaugh:

I'd bet money on none of us being 100% right, for sure. I think we've done a great job bringing up ideas, theories, possibilities, but I don't think any one of us has this case figured out. IMO. If we do have it solved, I want a new job! :)

I saw Nurse's note (thank you Nurse!) so I won't get into detail but I just wanted to say I think all the talk about tunnels, bandwagons, etc. isn't very helpful in terms of finding this boy. I also think early on that MR was so heavily attacked and basically "tried and sentenced" for whatever happened that maybe some of us (me included) jumped heavily on the other side thinking "but what if that's NOT what happened?" The ones who always root for the underdog you know? I keep looking for alternatives. I can see where people felt snarked at from both sides, and I hope we can all move past it and focus back on finding Dylan.

Schmae I'm so with you. Can't we at least get a leak?
I just dont understand why we are not hearing about new searches at the very least. Perhaps i am just not checking the right newspapers. There are many cases on this board where searches still continue. Much older cases. Even when a volunteer basis we hear about them :waitasec:
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