CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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Folks QUIT discussing "sides" and "bandwagons" and discussing how one another posts or thinks. If you have something to discuss about the case then by all means post it. If you are discussing how other posters think or post then do not post it. This thread is for CASE DISCUSSION. You all have been warned multiple times.
It seems everyone is passionate about trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Dylan. Each person has their opinion about what may have happened. As mentioned above, none of us know what happens, so everything in here is speculation and opinion.

I understand some who don't believe MR is involved in Dylan's disappearance express that they feel attacked when they post their opinions. As someone who suspects MR's involvement, there have been a few times where someone has made me feel the same way.

We all have our opinions and all have a right to those opinions. None of us need to attack another poster for believing something different.

And it's possible NONE of us are right. If it was so easy to solve LE would have someone in custody by now.
Which brings me to another point. If this was the white house and not the local LE , there would have been a ' leak' by now of info....
just trying to keep it light. :floorlaugh:
That I don't know, who knows what goes through peoples minds when they do something that hurts someone (physically or emotionally).

there might not be a point that we can see, maybe its to hurt and scare someone, teach them a lesson, payback we just don't know.

who says Dylan couldn't be seen again?

Sadly the odds are not good in a case like this . You only have to look at the statistics to predict this won't have a happy ending.

I am just gutted that Elaine and Cory have had to go back home without Dylan and will more than likely spend Xmas without him .
We have a Nerf football...its soft but it can still break things inside. We always had the rule that nothing can be thrown indoors. Even so, with four children, things got thrown and broken...and usually the broken thing belonged to me and the children would scatter to their rooms at the sound of the crash!

I think its odd that we haven't heard about the football thing before now. I thought MR said Dylan was tired and went to sleep early?
Oh, but it's not. Being on the fence means you haven't seen enough evidence to make you decide who is guilty or what has happened.

I don't even have a problem with people suspecting MR.. heck, I believe he is involved.

What I don't agree with, and would consider a "bandwagon", and the reason I all but quit posting is the folks that then take every single little thing MR does or says .. apply a MOTIVE to that action that makes it evil.

But when you try to explain a possible innocent reason behind the actions, you are labeled as defending Mark.

It get's old... but I guess it helps people justify their hate or anger.

For the record, I believe he is involved. I'm on the fence about whether it was pre-meditated or not .. leaning toward not.

I still want to maintain my dignity enough to say that I'm still looking at this objectively and trying not to put my own experiences, emotions, and motives into the very few FACTS that we have.

We all want Dylan found and the perp put away ...

I'll continue lurking until there is a break in the case .. unfortunately, I think winter is going to all but stall this case.


Praying for Dylan.

I'm leaning the same way. IMO theres things that lead me to think pre planned, its too 'clean', I'm hoping like crazy LE have something that we don't have that is irrefutable evidence.
Sadly the odds are not good in a case like this . You only have to look at the statistics to predict this won't have a happy ending.

I am just gutted that Elaine and Cory have had to go back home without Dylan and will more than likely spend Xmas without him .

Can you imagine what that would feel like? To have to leave the place of your child's disappearance? But you know you can't stay there have to work and take care of things at home.
Oh heartbreaking, indeed.
What if dad was drunk so he could not call LE?
Ahh,,,, I've wondered if something much more harmless
might have happened but dad was drunk or something else
prevented him from reporting it at the time and by the time
he slept it off , wakes up , and thinks OMG ...... 8 hrs have
passed and how do I explain this ? Like ' get out of the car
and walk to your friends if you want to go so bad'. Dad
goes home, maybe falls asleep on accident , thinking he'll
teach that boy a lesson and when he goes to look a long
time later realizes Dylan has vanished.
Now you cannot call LE and say I threw my son outta the
truck to walk 20 miles and I havent' seen him since. He
may have thought he'd show up and each hour that went
by made it more obvious he would not show up AND harder
to come clean and tell LE what really happened.
Possible ?

Ya know SCHMAE I have long thought alcohol was the main ingredient in all this. I also think its the reason he waited so long to call LE.
We have a Nerf football...its soft but it can still break things inside. We always had the rule that nothing can be thrown indoors. Even so, with four children, things got thrown and broken...and usually the broken thing belonged to me and the children would scatter to their rooms at the sound of the crash!

I think its odd that we haven't heard about the football thing before now. I thought MR said Dylan was tired and went to sleep early?

A nerf football is porous . Does anyone know if that type material would hold fingerprints? It would be nice to know if Dylans prints were on it. I wonder if they bought it at walmart that night.
Seems like there is tons of info that HAS to be known to LE that we DO NOT KNOW. Keeping this quiet seems to be their idea. We are kind of clueless here. Things I wanna know...

1. Fishing rod bought at Walmart?
2. Any evidence of Dylan being at home?
3. Where did both Dylan and Mark (if he had one) phones ping last at?
4. Records of phones and pings
5. Were they at McD's? Not sure this matters
6. Don't know, but I'm sure there is more....LOL
Folks QUIT discussing "sides" and "bandwagons" and discussing how one another posts or thinks. If you have something to discuss about the case then by all means post it. If you are discussing how other posters think or post then do not post it. This thread is for CASE DISCUSSION. You all have been warned multiple times.

Gosh, nurse....I'm sorry. I know better.
Maybe the plan is to vanish later after the sadistic pleasure of watching others be miserable and frantic? Maybe even after trying to be 'buddy buddy' while searching? Terribly unlikely, but I won't give up that little bit of hope that Dylan is relatively safe.

I still see other possibilities, although slim. Admittedly, I think someone wants it to look like an accident while fishing, but I'm still hoping for another answer!

In fact, I'm thinking about calling in a tip on something else. I feel like a fool for thinking LE hasn't already looked at it, but then what if they didn't?

If someone vanishes after watching someone suffer dont you think LE is watching every move? whats the point? You have to disappear forever you cant come back. You have committed a crime. Is it worth it? Nawww JMO
Can you imagine what that would feel like? To have to leave the place of your child's disappearance? But you know you can't stay there have to work and take care of things at home.
Oh heartbreaking, indeed.

I know and it is beyond horrible but life does sadly go on and this proves it . I am sure gut wrenching for Elaine but she must have other commitments and Cory also :(

I just hope that there is closure for them and the person/persons are caught .
My fear is this case will just go cold as just to much time passed in the time frame ( in which I think that happened ).
If someone vanishes after watching someone suffer dont you think LE is watching every move? whats the point? You have to disappear forever you cant come back. You have committed a crime. Is it worth it? Nawww JMO

I'm sure tennylyn agrees with you, but just trying to find any glimmer of hope that he is still alive. This scenario though very very unlikely creates that hope.
Sadly the odds are not good in a case like this . You only have to look at the statistics to predict this won't have a happy ending.

I am just gutted that Elaine and Cory have had to go back home without Dylan and will more than likely spend Xmas without him .

Oh I know the odds are really against there being a happy ending for this case but I'll continue to have a sliver of hope until we know differently.

I feel so sad for Elaine and Cory, they are stuck in limbo land when they should have Dylan home with them.

and thats why I'm not about to give up hoping
If someone vanishes after watching someone suffer dont you think LE is watching every move? whats the point? You have to disappear forever you cant come back. You have committed a crime. Is it worth it? Nawww JMO

Is murder worth it? Don't you think LE is watching every move anyway? But eventually the case starts going cold and then who's to say the plan isn't to disappear.
Heartbreaking Elaine having to return home. And this time of year. Parents make Xmas special for their Children. The timing of this has to hurt a tad more. Miracles do happen and because of a belief there is always hope. However small it's still in my mind.
LOl hey now ya can still jump off the bandwagon lol!

I believe this case is exactly the same as Isabell Celis, Holly Bobo, Hailey Dunn
Haleigh Cummings just to name a few. They wont be found except by chance they all have one common thread.

I think you are right.

Morgan Harrington and Jessica Ridgeway have been found only by accident. One a farmer checking his fences and the other by road collectors.

One with DNA that can't be matched and one whose killer has been arrested.

I had a slight glimmer of hope thinking maybe Dylan and his buddies hatched a plan to hide him til this visit was over.

Too much time has come and passed. I think Dylan will be accident if the fates allow!
Maybe the plan is to vanish later after the sadistic pleasure of watching others be miserable and frantic? Maybe even after trying to be 'buddy buddy' while searching? Terribly unlikely, but I won't give up that little bit of hope that Dylan is relatively safe.

I still see other possibilities, although slim. Admittedly, I think someone wants it to look like an accident while fishing, but I'm still hoping for another answer!

In fact, I'm thinking about calling in a tip on something else. I feel like a fool for thinking LE hasn't already looked at it, but then what if they didn't?

call it in, you would feel a fool if you found out down the track that it was a vital piece of information

the worst that can happen from calling it in is its nothing, the best is its a clue to solving this puzzle
That I don't know, who knows what goes through peoples minds when they do something that hurts someone (physically or emotionally).

there might not be a point that we can see, maybe its to hurt and scare someone, teach them a lesson, payback we just don't know.

who says Dylan couldn't be seen again?

Well lets say dad hs him and hid him.
Dads not with him right? So what was the point.
Lets say Dad has it planned to take off and be with Dylan after all the sheet has died down. Where do they go? Mexico? Columbia? If MR reappears with his son hes in deep doooo doooo. So as i see it he cant resurface.

Why would someone kidnapp someone to teach a lesson?
That person will go to jail for a very very long time I just do not see it.
Dad would have vanished with Dyllan that night .... could have been long gone
just told mom hey were out of here for the week we will keep in touch and poof
Last evening I watched the school nurse over in CT tell her story about what happened during the massacre of 26 souls when she hid under a desk and in a closet for 4 hours.

I think it was on 60 Minutes. The whole time she was speaking and telling what happened her head was nodding up and down. Yes...yes

If you go back to MR's taped interview in that video store the whole time he is telling what happened his head is going side to side.

The first...the nurse...we know to be truthful. The father not so much.
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