CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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I would think if he was truly a bad guy capable of murdering his child, we'd be hearing a lot more from the locals. It would be a juicy story for any reporter and I'd think they'd be all over that exclusive headline.

No one who knew her even had bad things to say about Casey, for the most part. In fact, it is very seldom you hear bad things, as we usually hear how the person was so quiet, etc.
Kind of. I was just curious, because it's about equal as respondent vs. petitioner. I just don't speak legal so it's like math to me, I get tired head looking at it. lol

I think that there was a lot of requests for modifications going on there combined with requests to enforce CS orders and Az said there was an instance where she was sent his tax refund (maybe 2 years?) and he successfully filed to recover that money. It looks pretty even as far as which party initiated the proceedings but in cases of CS being unpaid do you blame the man that didn't pay or the woman that asked the courts to intervene as the responsible party for the hearing?
Kind of. I was just curious, because it's about equal as respondent vs. petitioner. I just don't speak legal so it's like math to me, I get tired head looking at it. lol

From what I can see, he filed a petition first to hold her in contempt, for denying him visitation. [ his ex explained it somewhat by saying he had not attempted to see them for a long time, then suddenly showed up at their school with no notice. That scared her. And she did try not to have to send them for visitation trips, but the court ordered her to. ]

Then she filed to have him held in contempt for lack of child support payments, and he was held in contempt. She also filed to have the court reveal his place of employment so she could have his wages garnished, so he was still not playing I assume.

Those were the main ones that I saw.
Not that I'm aware of, but on the other hand, only 2 ex-wives are condemning him as capable of murdering his child.

" ONLY" two ex-wives think he is capable of killing his kid? :waitasecond:
No one who knew her even had bad things to say about Casey, for the most part. In fact, it is very seldom you hear bad things, as we usually hear how the person was so quiet, etc.

And we know how that turned out. jmo
I think that Elaine was the "motive" but I don't feel like it was for purposes of reconciliation. We know that MR used the courts to drag not one but two ex wives through hell for many years. I think that was a control thing for him. The women moved on with their lives but he could still make them "jump" by filing one motion after another. When Elaine was granted sole custody and the permission to move away, MR lost that means of control. No judge was going to stand for constant hearings when one party would have to travel 5+ hours to attend and it is quite likely that with the move Dylan's residency would be established in the new area and a change of venue for new motions would follow. I honestly believe that Dylan became an expendable pawn at that point. MR has no history of developing meaningful bonds with his children and I don't think Dylan was any different. When he couldn't be held over ER's head to control her, he was used as the ultimate way to destroy her. MOO.

Great post vasportsmom, I have the very same theory. You know the saying, "If I can't have them, then I'll make sure you don't have them either"? I don't think that it was the love he had for Dylan that prompted him to keep taking her to court, it was the "control and power". I think that taking Dylan away from her was the ultimate payback.
Well, yes, it is indeed because some of us aren't all up for condemning MR without solid evidence that he has something to do with Dylan's disappearance, those people that feel that way are just as entitled to their opinions as those who believe he has harmed DR - and IMO, shouldn't be made to feel otherwise.


Thanks,IMO the discussion here regarding MR is not condemning. It's within TOS and if it's not it should be reported. If there was solid evidence, he would be arrested, in jail, court preceedings would be underway and there would be nothing to discuss as LE would have this thing pretty much wrapped up. Nobody should be made to feel bad about their opinion, this isn't about us, it's about Dylan. And with that like I said to begin with...

I'd like to agree to disagree. Thanks.
Maybe he should get a FB page. Also on FMDR I have seen many posts saying they are praying for his mom and dad. I have not seen anything negative on there for MR and I also don't think I have seen anyone individual comiing out in support for ER or is it EH? I have seen both initials for her. I in no way am not supporting her. I am not supporting MR. I am supporting truth and not speculations. When he is named a POI perhaps I wll feel differently. jmo

Just wanted to say that I have actually seen many negative things about MR posted on that FB page (and to be fair, a few about ER too) but they are generally deleted very quickly. The admin there seem to go to a great effort to keep that page positive.
And we know how that turned out. jmo

Exactly, because most people know how act in public. It is only the people behind the closed doors that get to witness the true person IYKWIM.

ETA - I don't give much stock to what the neighbors, etc. would have to say unless someone boarded with him, that sort of thing.
I just watched Nancy Grace Mysteries episode about the three little missing Skelton Brothers. Very similar to this case. Father got the little boys for Thanksgiving and now they are gone, presumed dead. A lot of custody issues in that case as well. We see it all the time where the noncustodal parent gets them and they just sort of disappear while in their care and "they just do not know what happened to them".................yeah right. I will admit that I have my own personal conflicts so I can't give an unbiased opinion here but I will say that the "writing is on the wall" IMO.
I understand that MR can be sleuthed, but not outright accused. Who else can be sleuthed? Anyone??? tia
Yes, that's what I said. Again, I don't put a lot of stock into what an ex-spouse says. Sorry.

If two x wife's say the same thing I listen and especially when they say " capable of murder " that rings alarm bells .

Why would they both say the same thing if it' not what they believe ?

This is the same guy who took a swing at his son and had sex with a neighbour on the lawn where his children could see him . Not exactly father of the year materiel IMO .
I understand that MR can be sleuthed, but not outright accused. Who else can be sleuthed? Anyone??? tia

If you want to sleuth someone other than MR, I guess ask one of the mods if it is ok?
If two x wife's say the same thing I listen and especially when they say " capable of murder " that rings alarm bells .

Why would they both say the same thing if it' not what they believe ?

This is the same guy who took a swing at his son and had sex with a neighbour on the lawn where his children could see him . Not exactly father of the year materiel IMO .

Nope, not father of the year, but sure as hell doesn't scream murderer. That's all there is as far as a record. That's it. An ex spouse doesn't always sing praises of their ex. Out of all the divorced people I know, only 1 is on civil terms with their ex. Again, sorry, but an ex is not always going to be objective. And when I say only two exes (as funny as that apparently is) I mean no one else is shouting from the rooftops about how horrible and murderous MR is. <modsnip>
I just watched Nancy Grace Mysteries episode about the three little missing Skelton Brothers. Very similar to this case. Father got the little boys for Thanksgiving and now they are gone, presumed dead. A lot of custody issues in that case as well. We see it all the time where the noncustodal parent gets them and they just sort of disappear while in their care and "they just do not know what happened to them".................yeah right. I will admit that I have my own personal conflicts so I can't give an unbiased opinion here but I will say that the "writing is on the wall" IMO.

Yes I posted about how alike these two cases are many threads ago.
I don't recall if he said the boys "went missing" or just would not say what he had done to them?

That is a DEAL!

Wonders how long you gave to evict?

Babies respond to eviction notices?
Now it all makes sense. I had no idea.
But yes Dylan home on baby day would be heaven
for every mama on earth! :)
Maybe I'm wrong about this but I think she was laughing about the "only two ex-wives" have accused MR. The "only" part was kind of humorous, it made it kind of sound like he's had numerous wives. I don't think there was anything snarky in the post. but again, maybe I'm wrong about this, its easy to misread things here or take things the wrong way...

Thank you, that's exactly it. I was laughing at Katy's response and my amusement had nothing to do with the context of the original post. What can I say, I'm as easily amused as a toddler or 12yo boy.
And now we have the case out of GA where dad is missing with the 2 boys. He was last seen in TN, IIRC.

True, but dad is gone too, which is more usual in custodial cases. That is why the Skelton case and Dylan's stand apart, IMO. Well, also Amir Jennings mother...
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