CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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Oh I tell you what! She has been given the eviction notice but is frustratingly still snug as a bug in my tummy :furious: LOL. I'm hoping she comes very soon! I actually wouldn't mind a New Years baby :) even though she would be sharing a birthday with my nephew.How extra bloody awesome would it be if Dylan come home the same day this baby is finally born! Praying! :please: :please:


That is a DEAL!

Wonders how long you gave to evict?
Why would Elaine and Cory want to get together after the fact that MR was ignoring them at the most important time ?

So he blanks there calls on the first night and then says 3/4 days later he has tried to reach out , well what happened on the Monday , he did not try that hard then did he ?!
ER - 'not looking at big picture', 'taking shots at ex', 'vindictive-not worried or concerned', 'throwing MR under the bus', 'mud slinging'.

This has to be one of those agree to disagree moments.

I'm taking the surfboard and hitting the beach, maybe the waves and salty air will give me some answers.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I AM SO VERY SEETHING WITH ENVY AND JEALOUSY AT THIS MOMENT! as I sit in the freezing temps, with dreary, gray skies above thinking of you out chillin' on a warm beach..sand between the toes, waves crashing all around..hmmmmm!

Sounds peftect...even more perfect would be that Dylan was able to be catching waves, feeling the sand between his toes, and the warm sun on his tow headed, fair skinned self... what a daydream, right?..:(
edited because I was mistaken about what I was quoting.
Then no, I cannot agree with you. Not at all. That boy was going home within a week. There is no cause for desperation, and there was no reason to believe Dylan was in mortal danger.

no, not desperation with regards to elaine.

cannot post any more than that. my apologies...
no, not desperation with regards to elaine.

cannot post any more than that. my apologies...

Now I'm really confused, lol. I'm not sure what you're trying to say or who (if anyone) you think is responsible. We've been allowed a great deal of room for speculating in this case so I'm not sure what would be against TOS unless you believe that a member of ER's family has taken Dylan but that doesn't seem to be where you are going.
Now I'm really confused, lol. I'm not sure what you're trying to say or who (if anyone) you think is responsible. We've been allowed a great deal of room for speculating in this case so I'm not sure what would be against TOS unless you believe that a member of ER's family has taken Dylan but that doesn't seem to be where you are going.

I thought I was just being a stupid newbie, but I'm confused too. I thought it was fine to offer opinions and theories but as long as there are no outward accusations against someone or naming of minors?

Now I'm not sure what is okay and what isn't. But I sure would love to read others' theories because I'm stuck on one that I don't like being stuck on.
Sometimes something bad happening brings people who were formerly together, back together.
Sometimes something bad happening brings people who were formerly together, back together.

Well, so far that has backfired, hasn't it. Especially when Elaine, Mike and Cory showed up as a family unit....not to mention Elaine and Mike being engaged....JMO
After reading many posts that seek to explain MR's behavior as suspicious I would like to weigh in. My thoughts are my opinion and based on past experience which I am not able to discuss.

There are people in this world who do not react the way we expect them to in situations. How many of us have experience with having our life under a microscope while under great stress. MR may be normally an anti-social person or unable to articulate his feelings, especially when called on to do it while his son is missing. Like the majority of people, he is not trained to speak to the media, especially the type of media that is of the NG variety, suspicious, probing and relentless.

He may also be feeling tremendous guilt. He doesn't have to be the person who actually was responsible for his son's disappearance, but because he was the last person to see him alive. He may have other guilt because he left him alone, didn't check on him sooner, etc, etc. He may be having a lot of trouble dealing with this guilt and seeks to deflect it by throwing out snarky comments about his ex-wife, withdrawing within himself or avoiding the real issue, his missing son. He may also feel under attack because everyone is pointing fingers at him and rather than try to refute each one, he has basically given up and said screw it.

A reason why he may not have spent much time speaking out during the first few days is that he was in shock. This type of shock can do strange things to a person. They are unable to function or comprehend much of what is going on. Some are better able to deal with this, but most aren't. Also, it is important to note that while many agencies are involved in this case, they were most likely bombarding him with questions and directions within the first few days. For most of us, remembering what we did last night exactly is difficult, but imagine trying to remember when you have many people in your face asking you questions while you are worrying about your child. This could explain some of the confusion around his statements, his attempts to remember any tiny clue, and his focus on things like a missing fishing pole.

Now all of this is my opinion and is not intended to say he could not be a POI, but to try and look at another angle so the true facts are not missed.
Maybe what ER said about MR she truly believes. Maybe someone told her that saying those things to the public will make him stay farther away, and keeping quiet will help. What's the saying keep your friends close, your enemies closer?
Ah, interesting. Wow. That would be a helluva motive.

Well my ex husband dragged me through the mud when I wouldn't come back to him after something really bad happened to me. Tried to take my kid and we spent a year in court.
WRT Elaine IMO its more than crystal clear that this mother, significant other, individual was thriving and had made great strides in improving her life and the lives of her sons... and not only as just a mother(tho, IMO the mother role is the most important).. but also as an individual person with goals, dreams, or aspirations she had positively moved forward with a stable position working for a college..fulfilling career wise as well... also Elaine had a strong, stable relationship with a man whom NOT ONLY she was in love with and made her happy..but equally as important her boys respected(posted that her SO, had been their "rock" through this nightmare)...

all of these above details ARE LOOKING AT THE BIG PICTURE HERE..THE CLEAR PICTURE THAT EMERGES.. and its one of extreme positive, fulfilling, and happy times of this mother,Elaine's life!...she had successfully MOVED FORWARD IN AN EXTREMELY POSITIVE DIRECTION FOR BOTH HERSELF AND HER BOYS... she had stability and fulfillment IN ALL IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF ONE'S LIFE rather than in just one or two areas...much different is that Elaine and her boys were NOW IN A POSITIVE AND STABLE place in their lives with seemingly the difficulties being in the past..

The courts obviously agreed with Elaine's positive forward movement for her and most importantly for her sons(Dylan being a minor was the only one the courts were still involved in).. AND even with MR's stepping in and attempting to prohibit this positive direction which included moving to another town within the state...the courts did not rule in MR's favor, but rather ruled in the favor of mom's positive forward movement that included moving DYLAN to Colorado City..

IMO Elaine Redwine was leading an extremely fulfilled life IN ALL THE MULTIPLE FACETS OF HER LIFE..AS A MOTHER BEING THE PRIMARY PARENT TO DYLAN PROVIDING A STABLE, LOVING, PREDICTABLE HOMÈ(fulltime volatile and angry home life now in the past)..AS A WOMAN FULFILLED IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN WHO HER SON'S RESPECTED AND CARED FOR(together providing a stable home for both her sons FULL TIME)... AS WELL AS A CAREER WOMAN FULFILLED WITH A FULL TIME POSITION AT A LOCAL COLLEGE(which only further added to being able to provide a stable home life FOR BOTH OF HER SONS FULL TIME)..

The picture IMO is very clear at what great strides that Elaine Redwine had worked toward and achieved, NOT ONLY FOR HERSELF, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR HER SONS.. and in doing so brought about a fulfilled, loving, stablè environment for which her sons could reach their fullest potentional in growing up and becoming young adult men...


jmo.. this woman's fulfillent in the multiple facets of her entire life SPEAK VOLUMES... LOUDLY SPEAK VOLUMES!
White Rabbit, I've been mulling your theory since the beginning, along with the other considerations about Dylan's disappearance.
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