CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #22

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Lets say hypothetically speaking that MR did indeed do something to Dylan and he's lying and trying to cover his tracks. Why would he say a fishing pole was missing (if that's a lie). To me IF this is the case, he said this to cover his *advertiser censored* if Dylan is found in water. The kid took off fishing by himself the next morning and must have fallen in. The problem I have with this is WHY on earth would Dylan take his backpack and most of his clothes and belongings to go fishing and why would he walk 4 miles (which would take a while) knowing that his Dad was coming back to get him to take him to his friends. Along with the fact that Mom says he wasn't really an outdoorsy kind of kid. Makes ZERO sense!
Then another thing we know that MR said was they threw the football around. Did he say where? Now IF he's lying about that then why? Again it would be to cover his tracks and I would assume it would be in case he or his truck were seen somewhere that it shouldn't have been. Now I'm sure he told LE where they were throwing the football around, but we Joe Public don't know. I sure would like to know though!
IF MR did something to Dylan around 8pm Sunday night he had many hours to dispose of him and cover his tracks. Where ever he went he has to be worried that someone might have seen him or his truck though.

I think suspects start filling in with details only after they are confronted with evidence that conflicts with their story (?) or doesn't quite align with it. As a way to explain it.
I've thought the football thing was hinky... It was already dark when they arrived home. Unless it was inside?

Is there a park on the way home that he might have said they stopped at to throw the ball around?

Like I said, IF he did something and if the fishing pole and football are lies to cover his tracks then why would he say these things and what could it mean?
I agree. And reading the texts between him and his friend that evening, it was like watching his friend pull teeth imo. I didn't get the feeling he was fully invested in the convo. Maybe he was tired from lack of sleep and all, I don't know.

Maybe once he landed he was busy talking with his dad about what they were going to do while he was there.:)

I know when our grandson was 13 he texted some but not nearly like he does now at the age of 17..almost 18. Now I think he thinks its a part of his body ...except when he is at school or working out at the gym.:floorlaugh:
I have a phone and rarely text! I have a niece and recently spent a few days with her! I don't think I saw her text once! Therefore we can't make conclusions about whether Dylan not texting means something!

Also he wasn't texting at the airport! And I don't think he had even gotten to see MR yet!

LOl No worries Paul!
If I said Black you would say its white!

Im sorry if you get upset because I think MR is involved in all this but I dont see anyone else in this picture!

It is what it is!
Im not dragging anyone else into the pic because no one else has been placed at MR's house but MR.
oceanblueeyes, I am so glad you mentioned the Housted family. I had followed that case until serious r/l issues took over and I lost track. I often wondered what happened but couldn't remember their name to look it up. Thanks!
I think suspects start filling in with details only after they are confronted with evidence that conflicts with their story (?) or doesn't quite align with it. As a way to explain it.

Is it possible that MR's vehicle was seen at a park or alongside the road by someone and when questioned by LE about it he had to come up with a explanation...and the football story was invented? I believe LE has more then they are sharing.
Is there a park on the way home that he might have said they stopped at to throw the ball around?

Like I said, IF he did something and if the fishing pole and football are lies to cover his tracks then why would he say these things and what could it mean?

I have seen nothing that shows those are lies.

In fact I havent seen LE come out once saying MR has been untruthful about anything. If they thought he was lying then they wouldnt stress all the times they have spoken out that he has been fully cooperative, imo.

I have a phone and rarely text! I have a niece and recently spent a few days with her! I don't think I saw her text once! Therefore we can't make conclusions about whether Dylan not texting means something!

Also he wasn't texting at the airport! And I don't think he had even gotten to see MR yet!

Well Elaine says he is a avid texter. The convo with Ryan was not ended in a conclusive way so why did he never reply to R that night or the next morning .

So yes a complete blanket silence from 8PM Sunday is worrying IMO

It was not normal behavior if he is avid texter .

The thing with throwing around the football is it came up later on . Originally i think he said that Dylan had been up till 4am the night before and crashed when they got home .

Then we heard that they throw around a football for awhile which was not what was said originally .

I also think MR said they had not had much time to talk , so then was the football game a non talking game ?!

ETA Anybody is free to help me out if i am wrong :)

The thing is, who knows if you are wrong really. He has never given a public statement of the total/complete events. Only parts and parcel of it. I am sure that LE is keeping track of it all tho.
I have seen nothing that shows those are lies.

In fact I havent seen LE come out once saying MR has been untruthful about anything. If they thought he was lying then they wouldnt stress all the times they have spoken out that he has been fully cooperative, imo.


oceanblueeyes, I am so glad you mentioned the Housted family. I had followed that case until serious r/l issues took over and I lost track. I often wondered what happened but couldn't remember their name to look it up. Thanks!


And remember when LE said they were 'targeted" it got everyone off the wrong track thinking they were bad people and had to have done something wrong to the suspect.:furious: When in truth the Husted parents were wonderful loving parents and good people. I was so angry at LE for putting that out very early on. If they dont know WHO the suspect is they should shut up and admit they dont know who did it and admit that yes it could be a stranger. But it seems LE would rather point the community in the wrong direction instead.:(

I do think Dylan was an avid texter, but I don't think that necessarily means he would be texting while walking through a busy airport or a busy Walmart. Heck I'm attached to my phone and an avid texter but I don't do it while I'm walking.
To me Dylan seemed irritated while he was texting Ryan and I think that's why the conversation and answers were short. I think he was mad at his Father for not taking him to the friends that night. And this is where I believe the issues started. I have never felt it was premeditated. I think Dylan probably got a little mouthy with his Dad and that set him off and an argument ensued. And God only knows what happened after that. ALL JUST MY OPINION.

That's ER's opinion too, right? That she could imagine if Dylan did or said something that set him off?
Lets say hypothetically speaking that MR did indeed do something to Dylan and he's lying and trying to cover his tracks. Why would he say a fishing pole was missing (if that's a lie). To me IF this is the case, he said this to cover his *advertiser censored* if Dylan is found in water. The kid took off fishing by himself the next morning and must have fallen in. The problem I have with this is WHY on earth would Dylan take his backpack and most of his clothes and belongings to go fishing and why would he walk 4 miles (which would take a while) knowing that his Dad was coming back to get him to take him to his friends. Along with the fact that Mom says he wasn't really an outdoorsy kind of kid. Makes ZERO sense!
Then another thing we know that MR said was they threw the football around. Did he say where? Now IF he's lying about that then why? Again it would be to cover his tracks and I would assume it would be in case he or his truck were seen somewhere that it shouldn't have been. Now I'm sure he told LE where they were throwing the football around, but we Joe Public don't know. I sure would like to know though!
IF MR did something to Dylan around 8pm Sunday night he had many hours to dispose of him and cover his tracks. Where ever he went he has to be worried that someone might have seen him or his truck though.

the fishing rod could be a ploy to make LE look at Vallecito lake, keeping their attention off the real location. Because its a deep and very cold lake at this time of year he might think it was a 'safe bet' that they would give up quickly thinking Dylan was at the bottom of the lake.

another thing I thought of was McD's was apparantly not far from the pipeline depot/office, could he have had access to any vehicles there?
Well Elaine says he is a avid texter. The convo with Ryan was not ended in a conclusive way so why did he never reply to R that night or the next morning .

So yes a complete blanket silence from 8PM Sunday is worrying IMO

It was not normal behavior if he is avid texter .


Her definition of "avid texter" comes from the perspective of a woman who grew up without texting. So we don't know how often he was really texting; the police know of course.

As an aside, about his short messages during the exchange with his friend: his friend was also sending short texts until DR didn't show at 6:30am. I don't think that means anything.
Well Elaine says he is a avid texter. The convo with Ryan was not ended in a conclusive way so why did he never reply to R that night or the next morning .

So yes a complete blanket silence from 8PM Sunday is worrying IMO

It was not normal behavior if he is avid texter .


I dont really know what to believe. She said he was an avid texter whatever that means to her. But she also said he wasnt the outdoorsy type yet we have seen Dylan's photos playing sports.....playing in the creek...and his friends says he hitchhikes.:waitasec:

Is there a park on the way home that he might have said they stopped at to throw the ball around?

Like I said, IF he did something and if the fishing pole and football are lies to cover his tracks then why would he say these things and what could it mean?

Nerf toys are generally made of soft sponge or foam for indoor use. The only time I recall it being mentioned in MSM was when a few items were listed as being among those collected by LE after the search of MR's house.
Her definition of "avid texter" comes from the perspective of a woman who grew up without texting. So we don't know how often he was really texting; the police know of course.

As an aside, about his short messages during the exchange with his friend: his friend was also sending short texts until DR didn't show at 6:30am. I don't think that means anything.

I am a woman who grew up without cell phones and texting. I consider myself an avid texter. I think Elaine knows what an avid texter is. Many people are avid texter's nowadays. My best friend and I were just discussing how we rarely call anyone anymore. We text or email. And we are not young!
Her definition of "avid texter" comes from the perspective of a woman who grew up without texting. So we don't know how often he was really texting; the police know of course.

As an aside, about his short messages during the exchange with his friend: his friend was also sending short texts until DR didn't show at 6:30am. I don't think that means anything.

It is also within the environment of his own home too. jmo
Do you have a teenaged son Paul?
And its not only teens that are glued to their phones.
ppl driving cars.
ppl in line at the checkout
ppl walking for heavens sake
Some ppl live in the same house and text each otherLOL

I KNOW hes not my son
but Kids Text alot! I do not think Dylan is any different!

Not ALL kids do. That's the point. I see teens in Walmart, and everywhere else, that don't have their phones in their hands constantly. Just because your kids do, that does not mean all kids do. Your kids are not ALL kids.
Is there a park on the way home that he might have said they stopped at to throw the ball around?

Like I said, IF he did something and if the fishing pole and football are lies to cover his tracks then why would he say these things and what could it mean?

wasn't it a nerf football? they are soft ones that get thrown around indoors
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