CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #24

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I don't even want to imagine the hysterics if someone other than MR is named as a POI or suspect.....or arrested. :burn:

Personally, I would be THRILLED if they named a suspect, and delighted with an arrest. No matter who they named.
I don't even want to imagine the hysterics if someone other than MR is named as a POI or suspect.....or arrested. :burn:

I think we are all mature enough to accept the fact we may be wrong . That does not mean there are not holes in his story which i have posted about before. I dont feel bad for pointing them out :)

But I personally see this case going cold ( well colder as its already cold for us ) :furious:
This is one of my biggest issues. It's been talked about before and I'll probably bring it up again.

If MR is not involved, the crime took place between 7:30 and 11:30am.
Four hours.
That becomes the crucial time period. Those four hours as well as the subsequent hours and days.
(That is if the abduction was a random stranger abduction).

This is the time the community, the broader public, and perhaps the greater region needs to be made aware of. Clearly eliminate MR from the picture, rule him out, rule Sunday night out, and give the public the timeframe in which the crime actually took place so people might actually remember something of value, call in a tip, provide a lead.

We've discussed this here before but most people don't know what to look for in a potential perp. The general public needs to have LE tell them: think of anyone who was late or absent from work or activities, did anyone act differently starting that Monday morning, did you notice anyone wash their car or clean out their house around that time, and so on.

This would be a good time to hold their one and only press conference- rule MR out, lay that to bed, refocus the investigation and the search, and make it crystal clear for everyone to see and hear: THIS is what you need to look for, this is what we're asking you to remember, THIS is what could help find Dylan. Let every newspaper, website, and TV station keep circulating and republising the video of a LE spokesman giving very specific requests to the public. Then they will get specific tips (plus some "Dreamers" who doodle) and perhaps something helpful.

To me, the above would be a good idea if:
1) They don't believe MR is a suspect / they KNOW MR is not a suspect
2) They have no leads, hunches, theories, potential POI's or suspects
3) The case is going to go cold
4) They KNOW Dylan spent the night at MR's, know the crime took place that Monday AM
and oh yes....
5) they want to find Dylan

I don't know about any of you, but I can't remember details about what was going on on the morning of Monday November 19th. I take alot of notes in my dayplanner and have stickies all over my house but if there was a potential perp who subtly changed their behavior or who possibly drove through my neighborhood at a strange time 2 months ago, I might have trouble helping LE. I only hope if LE needs the public's help and is able to ask, it's not too late at this point. Memories fade.

I'm sorry, I'm awful at being brief and to the point.

I'm not wanting anyone to be involved, only looking at possibilities and things that don't sit right with me. I'm looking for official, definitive clearance and statements from LE. I want them to give the local community and our sleuthing community something to go on so we can put our skills and our unbelievable frustration to productive use and find the person who had the nerve to take Dylan away from his life. :furious:
OR somebody told LE that Dylan's pole was missing, so LE took the dogs to the lake, they picked up a scent, and they sent the boats and divers etc.

or -

Mark told LE about the fishing pole on day one. Dogs tracked a scent to an intersection near the lake. LE says 'hmmm... there's a big body of water. something could have happened there. let's take a walk around it.'. LE finds a fishing pole. LE says 'hmmm... Mark said he can't find Dylan's fishing pole. Let's bring in some HRD dogs.' The dogs hit a scent. The boats go out. The divers go out. etc.
*My apologies for being in catch up mode from previous thread so this post likely will land randomly amidst other discussion/topics*

<katydid23> c/p from previous thread
I must be a horrible mom, but I will admit that my oldest kid used to do the same thing. He would shower and put on his nylon basketball shorts and his clean socks, t-shirt and jump into bed. The next morning all he had to do was roll out and eat his pnt butter toast, put on his hoodie, slip on his Vann's, brush his teeth, and GO.

<vasportsmom> c/p from previous thread
I love how many of us are owning up to being "horrible moms". Makes me feel like we are all probably just perfectly normal moms surviving kids the best way we know how.

<Monroe12> c/p from previous thread
One of my heavy sleepers is a 6'3" 225 llb. Freshman tackle. Believe me I know about picking battles, 10 years of therapy taught me to pick my battles well indeed. I stand by my comment....never knew any child that was put to bed in tomorrows clothing. Whatever.
As Katy along with several others expressed this particular issue is rather common, and dare I say more common with boys than girls(tho, I'm quite certain there are girls who too go thru a phase of sleeping in next day's school

And I agree with you, vasportsmom in it being a good thing that we are able to come here and throughout these type discussions be able to freely admit or express areas or details of our lives with somewhat full and/or uncensored disclosure..and to find that after all we are not so odd, weird, bad, etc ..much different in that many, and I'd even say ALL OF US are quite similar in one way or another that becomes apparent in us honestly broaching various different parts of our lives that ordinarily wouldn't be spoken about(and the reason for why normally not spoken about is wide ranging from the subject being taboo, a bit embarrassing, or even that a particular subject may be seen as "wrong" or "bad" to society in general)..

IMO we find that all of us are nothing more, nor nothing less than just human and that for the most part we each live and learn, as well as most are always striving to be a better parent..or to be a better person in general..

WS IMO is a great place for more than just following tragedies and crimes that make their way into MSM..its also very much a cathartic way to be able to openly and honestly have meaningful discussions about our own personal lives and the multiple different facets within each of our lives{alot of which takes place downstairs;)}..jmo, tho.
[my apologies for droning on and veering slightly off topic

Just as spoken about above we learn from fellow members how similar or dissimilar we are in various ways so, too is it in that as Monroe12 expressed that she had never known of anyone ever having or allowing any of their children to ever go to bed dressed in the child's next day attire for school..

Monroe, you can say that you now, in fact do know of multiple different people who not only are familiar with this sleeping in next days school attire, but even several who have or have had children at some phase in their life having been known to absolutely sleep in their next days school
But of course your standing by your original thoughts on the matter are fully valid as well..its just that IMO this is a small, innocuous example of where we are always having our eyes opened to issues or subjects that prior to we had no earthly idea ever even existed or that people actually did or allowed their children to do..:)
Wonder if he was ever exposed to ER's drinking?

I have no idea but I make a big distinction between a parent drinking and a parent getting drunk and taking a swing at their minor child. I just don't see this as a competition. ER doesn't need to be a saint or perfect mother for MR's documented behavior to be unacceptable.
But didn't mark say he told them about the fishing pole ' from day one' or something like that?

Yes. Day one. He told them he couldn't find Dylan's pole. Standard stuff. No mystery. At least to me. Police always ask the family to look around the house and tell them what's gone. Mark did it like thousands of other family members have.

Oh now I see the cents sign. Can I use it instead of JMO IMO? I saw it on nursebeeme's posts and I love it lol. :twocents:
Nothing that we've been told about, and that's a big difference. MOO

That would be me! :seeya:

There's nothing 'mystical' about a cell phone not working. There have been possible explanations for the phone being inactive, and I wouldn't expect there to be a peeping tom or anyone like that stepping up to say he'd seen Dylan at the house that night. Nobody has said that he went to fish; MR said that his fishing pole was missing and might be with him. MOO

I posted that a couple nights ago, with the link.

If my kids had cell phones when they were that age, they'd probably purposely forget them at home so I wouldn't be checking up on them! :blushing: Especially when going to visit dad, who lived near all of their old friends.

There have been links, posted not too long ago, to information from people who are cell phone tower professionals.

Yes, but it ended up being confrontational, so i disregarded that whole part of the thread.
Could one of the reminder posts about going after other members be brought over?

attacking another member is never acceptable. If you see a post that does this hit the alert button. Moderators do not read every single post and we rely on the alert system.

Reminder: if you have the word "YOU" in your post or you are addressing or personalizing a post chances are you are doing this. If you want to respond to an item on discussion discuss the ITEM... AND NOT THE POSTER.

(also note that sarcastic replies also fall into this category. If you have nothing useful to add to the conversation scroll past what you do not agree with)
I don't even want to imagine the hysterics if someone other than MR is named as a POI or suspect.....or arrested. :burn:

My focus being Dylan, I would want to know everything LE had on the POI/suspect and I would want to know where is Dylan?? Is he alive??

Personally there will be no hysterics on my part. I want the person who has wronged Dylan to be caught and punished. But I wake up thinking about Dylan, I pray for Dylan.
Here is the quote again:

Phippen said all of the local registered sex offenders had been checked out and had alibis for the 48-hour period from when Dylan arrived at the airport to the time he was reported missing.

Does anyone believe they haven't done the same with MR for the 48 hour period, because it looks as if that is the period of time LE is looking at? Or do you believe he has been cleared & they just aren't saying?

I think if LE is worth their salt, then they did. They need to clear MR first and foremost, before even going so far as to clear RSO's. So I think that they did clear him and aren't saying. For whatever reason, they may be thinking it compromises the investigation so they aren't releasing that type of information. Or much of any other type of information for that matter. JMO
If Dylan has indeed been harmed or even killed, I would much prefer the perp to be someone not known to him. I have no vested interest in MR being guilty of anything.

At this point, however, I have doubts as to anyone ever being charged. As we have seen in some other cases, when a parent cannot be fully cleared, an arrest of anyone is not often forthcoming. I do not believe LE has been able to move past MR as yet.
Hi everyone! I may hang with you guys tonight.. Last night was a trip since we had the drinking party. Are any fellow posters here from last night.. or are u guys still in bed...LOL

I'm still here waiting for my tea, and wondering why.:waitasec: I have 3 boxes of it in my cupboard.
I don't even want to imagine the hysterics if someone other than MR is named as a POI or suspect.....or arrested. :burn:

I'm hoping for someone other than the father to be named POI....I'm sure everyone else is too...I am just using the most plausible scenario....which leads one way...but I really hope I AM WRONG.
I have no idea but I make a big distinction between a parent drinking and a parent getting drunk and taking a swing at their minor child. I just don't see this as a competition. ER doesn't need to be a saint or perfect mother for MR's documented behavior to be unacceptable.

also pointing this out: all the records the media dug up are divorce records. They are not police reports. Posters can choose to believe them or disbelieve them.

The behavior is not documented by law enforcement. The behavior on the part of both parents is only reported in divorce records (personal statements on behalf of both parents).

No this is not a competition.

Jumping off your post respectfully.
If Dylan has indeed been harmed or even killed, I would much prefer the perp to be someone not known to him. I have no vested interest in MR being guilty of anything.

At this point, however, I have doubts as to anyone ever being charged. As we have seen in some other cases, when a parent cannot be fully cleared, an arrest of anyone is not often forthcoming. I do not believe LE has been able to move past MR as yet.

Same. MR killing Dylan is the worst possible outcome. It adds an extra dimension of cruelty to any case when the deceased was betrayed by someone they loved and trusted but a parent killing their child is the lowest of the low. I would love to be wrong and owe MR a lifetime of apologies.
Is there any new breaking news? There is too much baiting and cross talk and warnings in thread to get thru to the heart of the matter, which is dylan.
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