CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #34

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Link, please?


Sorry, I've been looking for it on FMDR where I had originally seen it. I can't search the page, and I've been looking for a while now.

Someone had posted asking if they had searched his Windmill property. Then someone (I thought it was the admin) said that it was a rental and that a family is living there and had been harrassed and had people trespassing on the property.
I do not think MR has tried to contact ER at all and thats JMO.

I do think Elaine and Cory have tried numerous times and were not responded to and thats JMO
Folks, Iirc that "3 week" thing on Dr. Phil came from facebook and that is considered rumor. If you can link it up to msm you can discuss it as a fact.
I sure would like to know what Elaine's opinion of MR's uncut interview is. IMO she knows him better than anyone.
Folks, Iirc that "3 week" thing on Dr. Phil came from facebook and that is considered rumor. If you can link it up to msm you can discuss it as a fact.

This is all I can find in MSM for Dr Phil, Nurse

“Dr. Phil is offering to put us on this Wednesday,” she said, referring to daytime talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw.

“I would love for (Mark Redwine) to join us,” she said. “It’s very important that we get this information about Dylan out there. As I’ve said all along, this is only about finding Dylan, and we need to work together as a team to do this.”

Read more:
I understand and I certainly do not want anyone to take my experience as gospel of how MR acts today.
I think we have the same relative, we have one where everyone in the family knows - well it came from X so take it for what it's worth. In our case, it is leaving important information out of the conversation.

I do give your comments a lot of weight, not only because you know MR, but also because I also saw evasion and distraction in some of MR's answers as well. I think this is pretty common when deception is involved. Most people don't out and out lie but rather change the subject and ramble while they think on their feet. I see this same pattern when my husband, daughter or friends lie to me. And no they are not terrible people at all. Most people lie from time to time, directly or by omission, and it's not usually to cover up some horrible secret. Most lies are either social (white lies), lies to avoid confrontation or disapproval or lies to "protect" someone from discomfort or pain.

Something that I wanted to asked you about is MR's initial comments in the long interview. When he spoke of ER trying to keep where she worked a secret and he said that it wasn't hard to figure out, I felt this was a veiled threat or at least an attempt at intimidation. JMO, but what are your thoughts? All MOO
I do not think MR has tried to contact ER at all and thats JMO.

I do think Elaine and Cory have tried numerous times and were not responded to and thats JMO

MSM article from January 23rd. ER said she and CR have tried communicating with MR via texts. MR allegedly threatened to file harassment charges. Then a friend of MR opines that the text messages sent from ER/CR have been ugly.

Snip - Elaine Redwine said Mark Redwine has been “evasive,” and he has shut down communication with her. She has asked him several times to sit down and talk to her, she said, but he hasn’t made it a priority. Instead, he has threatened to file harassment charges against her and her son, Cory, for texting him repeatedly about the day Dylan went missing.

“He’s a big part of Dylan missing, and I just feel he should be more active,” Elaine Redwine said.

Teresa Martinez, a friend of Mark Redwine, said Cory and Elaine Redwine have sent “ugly” and “threatening” messages to Mark Redwine, asking him, “Where is Dylan, you piece of (explicative).”

Martinez spent 2½ weeks with Mark Redwine during the Christmas holiday.
I am sure they have video or him at Walmart the previous night. Not so sure they have video of the next morning. But even if he was wearing the same clothes, he lives in the rural area. So he might wear the same clothes for a long time. So it wouldn't prove anything.

Well I would assume they have made note of what he was wearing when he went to the Marshall...or Sheriff...or both? Not sure what he really did there. But if the clothes he was wearing then are different from the video surveillence the night before it might be interesting to figure out when he changed. So they'd need to know what he was wearing in the morning.

MR came home at least on the Saturday prior to Dylan's arrival because he was supposed to pick him up that day. (Don't think it's ever been clarified what day he returned to Colorado prior to Dylan's arrival but I think it's been established he was there on Saturday) He was home, presumably alone, from sometime on Saturday until sometime Sunday afternoon when he left to pick up Dylan at the airport. He had plenty of time to catch up on sleep during that 24hr period. He admittedly went to bed about 10:30pm Sunday night and got up about 6:30am, a good 8hrs sleep. He then claims to have napped for anywhere from 2-4hrs depending on when he laid down and when he actually dozed off. This was after only being awake 4 hours from a full nights sleep.

Just wondering why he was still so tired and whether he showered and changed clothes prior to heading into Bayfield.

Well I would assume they have made note of what he was wearing when he went to the Marshall...or Sheriff...or both? Not sure what he really did there. But if the clothes he was wearing then are different from the video surveillence the night before it might be interesting to figure out when he changed. So they'd need to know what he was wearing in the morning.

MR came home at least on the Saturday prior to Dylan's arrival because he was supposed to pick him up that day. (Don't think it's ever been clarified what day he returned to Colorado prior to Dylan's arrival but I think it's been established he was there on Saturday) He was home, presumably alone, from sometime on Saturday until sometime Sunday afternoon when he left to pick up Dylan at the airport. He had plenty of time to catch up on sleep during that 24hr period. He admittedly went to bed about 10:30pm Sunday night and got up about 6:30am, a good 8hrs sleep. He then claims to have napped for anywhere from 2-4hrs depending on when he laid down and when he actually dozed off. This was after only being awake 4 hours from a full nights sleep.

Just wondering why he was still so tired and whether he showered and changed clothes prior to heading into Bayfield.


Nothing can be gleaned from him taking a nap. Good grief at a certain age it is quite common to take a nap. He had gotten up early and driven some miles, and ran errands. So he took a nap while waiting for DR to return or call. Actually I got up at 9:00 this morning and I could take an nap right now. jmo
I think it just has to be someone Dylan knows, not necessarily even someone E or M know. "Hi Dylan, remember me? From baseball last year? Ben's dad?" (totally made up example - I have no idea if there is a Ben on the baseball team and I'm certainly not accusing his dad if there is one).

Probably so, since he's old enough not to fall for a line that a stranger (to him) would say, like "Hi, I'm a friend of your dad's... blah, blah." BUT Mark did say Dylan never saw a stranger, so he might take someone's word for it, who knows?
It's just hard to pin down one theory for me, because the possibilities are endless.
Mark Redwine should have a sit down with Elaine and Cory.

If he wont do it in private then I can understand Elaine wanting him to be on Dr Phil.
We are not even sure this Dr Phil idea was hers?
Dont you think LE has concerns when he wont talk to his ex wife?
Put on your big boy pants and do the right thing. The only way to make her know you had nothing to do with this is to talk to them. I dont think he can!
He can make all the excuses in the world not to and not one of them is good enuff when you have one of your children missing.


According to MR - it was Elaine that first refused to "talk." And recently, MR came out in MSM and said that Elaine would not agree to mediation.

Obviously this is a he said/she said situation. I think it is up to LE to determine who is telling the truth and to determine if it aids in the investigation.

Accepting everything that ER says as the one and only answer, in the face of MSM articles that provide a different perspective is just limiting the possibilities in my opinion. I'm not attacking ER, but I don't feel anything is trustworthy, really, from either parent. Both parents have been outed as being less than truthful and we don't have anyway, at this point at least, to determine who the more truthful parent is. So it is all a matter of opinion at this point. It's really frustrating too! :banghead:

Oh is that so ? So even playing an offline game it would ping ? But we only know his last text time not the last ping time, correct? I feel like a dummy.

What exactly do you mean 'offline?' There are some games even on an old flip phone that you don't have to connect to the net to play, but you don't have to be online to get calls and texts, just have the phone turned on. If it's off or the battery is dead, it won't ping, but if the phone is turned on, it does, whether you are using it or not.
We are NOT going to start accusing innocent folks of lying right now. If you want to discuss the statements in MSM, that okay. But we aren't going to start throwing out allegations of lying, without some pretty good link to show there was a lie.

We have enough to deal with keeping the statements of the family figured out.

Again - if you can link it up - it will be allowed. Otherwise - not.

What exactly do you mean 'offline?' There are some games even on an old flip phone that you don't have to connect to the net to play, but you don't have to be online to get calls and texts, just have the phone turned on. If it's off or the battery is dead, it won't ping, but if the phone is turned on, it does, whether you are using it or not.

I am no expert, but from what I have read the phone will ping as long as the battery is alive and well. Off or on has nothing to do with it. As I said am no expert so if anyone else has better understanding please post it. jmo
Taking a suggestion of a fellow sleuther (different thread), I've been trying to deblur the photos from surveillance video at the airport and at Walmart (most interested in the latter). Not having much luck since I don't know what I'm doing...
Is there anyone willing to take a stab at this, and then posting the improved photo?

Mainly, I'd like to get a better look at Dylan's expression while at Walmart. His face appears flushed and maybe more puffy then in the airport photo. Also his left arm looks red. Thanks.
Snipped for space -
I think anyone that paid attention to the remarks his friends made would realize that this was a young man often left to his own devices, even when he lived in Bayfield. If he did leave the house to hitch a ride, it because it was something he had done previously.. I have listened closely to how Dylan has been described by his friends. They have stated that Dylan had hitched to see them and they are not talking just the snowstorm incident. Whether he hitched on the spur of the moment, or he planned the rides he hitched. According to his friends, Dylan showed up unannounced, meaning that they did not always plan to meet up via text or phone. They describe him as being fearless. One example was when he jumped into the river and his friends stated then they knew it was safe.

They spoke specifically of the previous summer in which they hung out every day, had pizza in the same place and that Dylan always ordered pepperoni pizza. I took note that this probably occurred on ER's watch and reminded me of her statement that he would tell her where he landed for the night . Then corrected it to say usually by morning when he woke up by ER's own admission..

I have to agree. Coming from the theory that Dylan left for his friends that morning...At first, when Dylan did not text his friends before heading out it was a red flag until I read the text messages between R and Dylan. I could see why Dylan may not have called R before heading to the grandmas house. R even suggested he would probably be sleeping. Dylan would have to wake him up by knocking, not texting or phoning. In my opinion, R was expecting Dylan and there was no need for a heads up.

R and Dylan Text-
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]
Nothing can be gleaned from him taking a nap. Good grief at a certain age it is quite common to take a nap. He had gotten up early and driven some miles, and ran errands. So he took a nap while waiting for DR to return or call. Actually I got up at 9:00 this morning and I could take an nap right now. jmo

What I'm trying to determine is if he took a nap at all. A nap is an easy way to explain away a few hours. And the average 50yr old man who has presumbly had two full nights sleep (and possibly some day sleep since he had nothing else to do but wait for his son to arrive) in a 48hr period should not even be able to nap again only 4 hours after getting up. If he can sleep that much then perhaps he has a sleeping disorder?

Now if for some reason he did not get 8hrs sleep the night before then I can absolutely see him needing to take a nap, and maybe even a shower to wake him up a bit before going to "see where that boy is at" and contacting LE.

What I'm trying to determine is if he took a nap at all. A nap is an easy way to explain away a few hours. And the average 50yr old man who has presumbly had two full nights sleep (and possibly some day sleep since he had nothing else to do but wait for his son to arrive) in a 48hr period should not even be able to nap again only 4 hours after getting up. If he can sleep that much then perhaps he has a sleeping disorder?

Now if for some reason he did not get 8hrs sleep the night before then I can absolutely see him needing to take a nap, and maybe even a shower to wake him up a bit before going to "see where that boy is at" and contacting LE.


Most of the 50+ year old men I know tend to nap on weekends whenever they can get away with it. MOO
What I'm trying to determine is if he took a nap at all. A nap is an easy way to explain away a few hours. And the average 50yr old man who has presumbly had two full nights sleep (and possibly some day sleep since he had nothing else to do but wait for his son to arrive) in a 48hr period should not even be able to nap again only 4 hours after getting up. If he can sleep that much then perhaps he has a sleeping disorder?
Now if for some reason he did not get 8hrs sleep the night before then I can absolutely see him needing to take a nap, and maybe even a shower to wake him up a bit before going to "see where that boy is at" and contacting LE.


That is something I was thinking about. We don't know if MR has a sleeping disorder, diabetes, heart condition, anemia, or anything do we? And for all we know he could have cancer.<Mod Snip>. JMO
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