CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #34

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Oh is that so ? So even playing an offline game it would ping ? But we only know his last text time not the last ping time, correct? I feel like a dummy.

Don't feel like a "dummy"! I learn something new every time I'm on WS's. That's one of the reasons I like it so much!
When you think about the position that these teen boys were in, you can well imagine why they said some of the things they said IMO.

They were just hanging around with each other that day, with no idea of why Dylan didn't show up, but they obviously were not too concerned about it. His father had already shot down one planned visit so why not another?

So when MR showed up to ask them if Dylan was with them, because he knew they were trying to get together and he wasn't at home or with his only other known friend in Vallecito, what were these boys supposed to think? I'm sure they tried in all ways they could to help figure out where he might be. And I'm sure the last thing they thought was that Dylan's father had done something to him. They are teenage boys, and I'm sure they are well aware of "stranger danger".

The last thing they were going to say to MR was "I don't know where he is, what did you do to him?" It seems more reasonable to me that they were going to come up with ideas and wild speculation with regards to how he disappeared right from the couch of his father's house.


Personally I would love to know what these boys thought of Mark Redwine!
Kids talk to their friends.

Ill bet LE got an earfull.
If MR had accidently done something to Dylan, something irrevocable, he'd either be long gone by now or be so riddled with guilt he couldn't function. He'd also have left a whole bunch of evidence around.

With there being too many coincidences for a person known to Dylan's family taking him, there are just as many coincidences of things that should be showing up as evidence if MR had done something. I mean, with no evidence, for there not to be, there would have to be a lot of coincidences. kwim?

I disagree. There is no way that anyone except those close to MR and even perhaps they themselves don't know, the level of guilt that he may or may not feel. Many people (I'm not saying MR is one of them) have murdered someone and not felt any remorse at all, they go about their daily lives and nobody is the wiser.
In regards to evidence, we don't know what evidence there is or what evidence there isn't. LE has provided us with a time line, that's it. Nothing more. Considering that nobody could see items other than the vehicles being removed from the house, we don't know what they took. We also do not know what was examined, what those results were, what they were looking for, what they found. Did anyone in LE examine bank records, phone records, employment records, did they speak with family and if so, what did the family say, did they speak with employers, co workers, ex partners.
We don't know if there is any evidence or a lot of evidence.
So LE says either Dylan left the house and something happened, or something happened at the house, right?

Those of us who are in the "camp" that MR sounds guilty are admittedly making a huge jump when we go from "MR sounds like he's lying" to "MR must have killed his son".

For many of us the absence of communication FROM DYLAN to ANYONE after either 8'ish or 9:37 is why we think something happened to Dylan that night, and in that case, our theory must include that from then on, everything MR says is fabricated.

What if MR does sound guilty but it has nothing to do with him actually harming Dylan? Maybe his feelings were hurt because after making an effort to see his son, all Dylan wanted to do was spend time with his friends in person and electronically. So MR says enough of that, why don't I just take your communication devices away for tonight, and turn them off. Obviously this would mean that D was not really doing anything with his phone when MR went to bed, because his father had taken it away. Or took it away shortly after the 9:37 communication.

So D now is angry, so after his father falls asleep he takes off (either on the bicycle or on foot) but he is without any form of communication to let anyone know he is doing so. MR wakes up in the morning and finds D is missing, and goes looking for him. He is feeling guilty that they argued and that he had taken away the commun. device(s).

Does this fit with the few facts that we do have? Just pondering...
For those that believe that Dylan was most likely abducted (not by family) do you have any thoughts of where he could be now? What do you think the public and LE could be doing that hasn't been done already? Do you think he is in the area or out of the area? Do you think he will ever be found? Do you feel he might be alive?

I can only speak for myself, but I don't sway anymore in one direction or another on my opinion of what happened to Dylan. I just want to look in all directions and (I'm not directing this at you) get disappointed when I see others get defensive of those that wish to explore all possibilities without being labeled as being against ER or in support of MR.

Because in most cases a body is usually found close to where a person disappears from, I believe that will be the most likely scenario here. :(

I think they need to continue with ground searches with the dogs.

I really don't know what LE has done already and how extensively they have questioned people, especially those that may have been in the area but are gone now, so I can't answer that question.

As far as the public goes, I think ground searches are the best route to go. There is a lot of area to cover there, land and water included.

Oops! I forgot about the snow and how that may prevent people from finding anything on a ground search without a dog.
Mark Redwine should have a sit down with Elaine and Cory.

If he wont do it in private then I can understand Elaine wanting him to be on Dr Phil.
We are not even sure this Dr Phil idea was hers?
Dont you think LE has concerns when he wont talk to his ex wife?
Put on your big boy pants and do the right thing. The only way to make her know you had nothing to do with this is to talk to them. I dont think he can!
He can make all the excuses in the world not to and not one of them is good enuff when you have one of your children missing.

So LE says either Dylan left the house and something happened, or something happened at the house, right?

Those of us who are in the "camp" that MR sounds guilty are admittedly making a huge jump when we go from "MR sounds like he's lying" to "MR must have killed his son".

For many of us the absence of communication FROM DYLAN to ANYONE after either 8'ish or 9:37 is why we think something happened to Dylan that night, and in that case, our theory must include that from then on, everything MR says is fabricated.

What if MR does sound guilty but it has nothing to do with him actually harming Dylan? Maybe his feelings were hurt because after making an effort to see his son, all Dylan wanted to do was spend time with his friends in person and electronically. So MR says enough of that, why don't I just take your communication devices away for tonight, and turn them off. Obviously this would mean that D was not really doing anything with his phone when MR went to bed, because his father had taken it away. Or took it away shortly after the 9:37 communication.

So D now is angry, so after his father falls asleep he takes off (either on the bicycle or on foot) but he is without any form of communication to let anyone know he is doing so. MR wakes up in the morning and finds D is missing, and goes looking for him. He is feeling guilty that they argued and that he had taken away the commun. device(s).

Does this fit with the few facts that we do have? Just pondering...

A scenario like this has definitely crossed my mind. I think it's a possibility.

One thing that bothers me with this scenario is would Dylan really bother to grab his fishing pole?
For those that believe that Dylan was most likely abducted (not by family) do you have any thoughts of where he could be now? What do you think the public and LE could be doing that hasn't been done already? Do you think he is in the area or out of the area? Do you think he will ever be found? Do you feel he might be alive?

Family or not, I do not think he is still with us and I also think he will be found frustratingly close.
My biggest fear is whoever did it had enough knowledge of the land to put him somewhere where accidentally finding him or finding him by search would be nearly impossible. There are places in the woods and mountains where even if I told you where a body was it would be difficult to find. If he is somewhere very remote and buried or covered I don't think we will ever find him.
I am hoping whoever did it left him somewhere he can be found once it warms up a bit.
So LE says either Dylan left the house and something happened, or something happened at the house, right?

Those of us who are in the "camp" that MR sounds guilty are admittedly making a huge jump when we go from "MR sounds like he's lying" to "MR must have killed his son".

For many of us the absence of communication FROM DYLAN to ANYONE after either 8'ish or 9:37 is why we think something happened to Dylan that night, and in that case, our theory must include that from then on, everything MR says is fabricated.

What if MR does sound guilty but it has nothing to do with him actually harming Dylan? Maybe his feelings were hurt because after making an effort to see his son, all Dylan wanted to do was spend time with his friends in person and electronically. So MR says enough of that, why don't I just take your communication devices away for tonight, and turn them off. Obviously this would mean that D was not really doing anything with his phone when MR went to bed, because his father had taken it away. Or took it away shortly after the 9:37 communication.

So D now is angry, so after his father falls asleep he takes off (either on the bicycle or on foot) but he is without any form of communication to let anyone know he is doing so. MR wakes up in the morning and finds D is missing, and goes looking for him. He is feeling guilty that they argued and that he had taken away the commun. device(s).

Does this fit with the few facts that we do have? Just pondering...

I have thought along these lines almost exactly. That MR is suffering guilt but not from actually harming Dylan. Maybe he said ' find your own ride' and when Dylan never surfaced again he knows it's 'his fault' but more through negligence than anything else and now he's too ashamed to say he said that ? Mooo
Mark Redwine should have a sit down with Elaine and Cory.

If he wont do it in private then I can understand Elaine wanting him to be on Dr Phil.
We are not even sure this Dr Phil idea was hers?
Dont you think LE has concerns when he wont talk to his ex wife?
Put on your big boy pants and do the right thing. The only way to make her know you had nothing to do with this is to talk to them. I dont think he can!
He can make all the excuses in the world not to and not one of them is good enuff when you have one of your children missing.



I wonder what they think about that? I wonder if they think it's typical ex spouse BS or if they think there is more to it?

Honestly I think WE here at WS are putting more thought into such little details than LE is. They probably don't have an opinion about that one way or the other.
Me, too. Not throwing this at AZgrandma, but if you (general you) know that a person has a propensity to lie sometimes, then it would be natural to have the tendency to not believe anything they said. You would find yourself doubting them when they were actually telling the truth. In short, you just can't trust them. You end up doubting them no matter what they say. If they tell you the sun is shining, you look out the window to see if it's raining. It's just human nature.

I have a brother who likes to exaggerate things, and flat out lies occasionally. He does not lie to hurt anyone, he just likes to tell a good story and make it a better one by embellishing a little. I've tried to imagine if he was placed in this kind of situation, and the more I thought about it, I realize that he would probably not veer from the truth if it's something this serious. He would tell the truth no matter what. I'm not saying this is what Mark is doing, just that liars don't lie with everything they say, sometimes they tell the truth, it's just hard to distinguish the difference.

No reflection on AZg at all, just saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I understand and I certainly do not want anyone to take my experience as gospel of how MR acts today.
I think we have the same relative, we have one where everyone in the family knows - well it came from X so take it for what it's worth. In our case, it is leaving important information out of the conversation.
A scenario like this has definitely crossed my mind. I think it's a possibility.

One thing that bothers me with this scenario is would Dylan really bother to grab his fishing pole?

And once you know your child has either run away or been disappeared, do you then get rid of the phone and the ipod? Heck no! You take those straight to LE to have them checked. Maybe they can find something you can't.

Even if it means people are going to look at you funny.
Even if it means people might even blame you.
Even if it means your ex and your son will be mean to you.
Even if.

Because nothing is more important than finding your son.
A scenario like this has definitely crossed my mind. I think it's a possibility.

One thing that bothers me with this scenario is would Dylan really bother to grab his fishing pole?

We really only have MR saying that Dylan grabbed the fishing pole. If he really felt guilty about partly causing Dylan to leave, this is when he begins to cover up the reason for the disappearance.

Also he would want to dispose of the cell phone, because he feels guilty that he took it away from Dylan.
And once you know your child has either run away or been disappeared, do you then get rid of the phone and the ipod? Heck no! You take those straight to LE to have them checked. Maybe they can find something you can't.

Even if it means people are going to look at you funny.
Even if it means people might even blame you.
Even if it means your ex and your son will be mean to you.
Even if.

Because nothing is more important than finding your son.

EXACTLY! Personally I would be foaming at the mouth, telling them it's all my fault, but please help me find him!
But I have no idea if MR would do the same.

I wonder what they think about that? I wonder if they think it's typical ex spouse BS or if they think there is more to it?

Honestly I think WE here at WS are putting more thought into such little details than LE is. They probably don't have an opinion about that one way or the other.

Actually I think that is something they are looking at closely!
sure is a RED flag to me.

Dont you think it odd? Parents of a missing child not talking to each other!
I dont think hes spoken to his son.

I mean come on and Elaines supposed to sit quietly till MR decides to say something to her? Like in 3 weeks?
Actually I think that is something they are looking at closely!
sure is a RED flag to me.

Dont you think it odd? Parents of a missing child not talking to each other!
I dont think hes spoken to his son.

I mean come on and Elaines supposed to sit quietly till MR decides to say something to her? Like in 3 weeks?

Evidently that is the expected protocol.
Well, for the most part random folks saying these things on the internet would likely be covered under free speech. However, folks who directly know MR and are making such accusations and disparaging remarks, and they can be shown to be false and damaging, could be held liable. JMO.

Truth is the major element in winning a slander suit.
So LE says either Dylan left the house and something happened, or something happened at the house, right?

Those of us who are in the "camp" that MR sounds guilty are admittedly making a huge jump when we go from "MR sounds like he's lying" to "MR must have killed his son".

For many of us the absence of communication FROM DYLAN to ANYONE after either 8'ish or 9:37 is why we think something happened to Dylan that night, and in that case, our theory must include that from then on, everything MR says is fabricated.

What if MR does sound guilty but it has nothing to do with him actually harming Dylan? Maybe his feelings were hurt because after making an effort to see his son, all Dylan wanted to do was spend time with his friends in person and electronically. So MR says enough of that, why don't I just take your communication devices away for tonight, and turn them off. Obviously this would mean that D was not really doing anything with his phone when MR went to bed, because his father had taken it away. Or took it away shortly after the 9:37 communication.

So D now is angry, so after his father falls asleep he takes off (either on the bicycle or on foot) but he is without any form of communication to let anyone know he is doing so. MR wakes up in the morning and finds D is missing, and goes looking for him. He is feeling guilty that they argued and that he had taken away the commun. device(s).

Does this fit with the few facts that we do have? Just pondering...

Then why would MR lie and continue to lie for all this time? I would hate to believe that a parent is so mean that they would allow everyone (children & ex) to believe that DR disappearted in the morning vs the middle of the night.
That is cruel.
If MR came out today and said, hey I lied, I was afraid I was going to get my arse handed to me or charges brought against me, so I lied. Dylan wasn't home when I woke up, he was already gone. I went to run my errands hoping he was throwing a fit and would come back. When I got home, he wasn't there so I made up the entire morning.
IF MR said that, I would think, holly s*** you arsehole! But then I would also think, ok now WTF happened to Dylan, little boy in the mtns, in the dark, in the middle of the night.
That would open up a whole new world of possibilities and possibilities that would be more probable than what we are throwing back & forth now. It would plug a lot of holes.
I was thinking about lying and how we all probably lie differently and how most of you are probably right now saying ' uh i dont lie' but I think we all do in some degree. So imagine this scenario and how you would respond, then apply to the statements / interviews we have and see if anything jumps out at you . I'm not saying it has jumped out at me, but I'm fishing here.
Your mom / aunt/ sister/ bff/ neighbor/co worker who you really really LIKE but has a very sensitive side and gets upset easily, comes in and shows you their new hairdo and / or outfit . They say ' Do you think my new hairdo / outfit is pretty ? " and the truth is it's horrible, makes her look fat and aged her 15 yrs. It's ridiculous. Do you say that ? Knowing it will upset her and send her into tears? You're on the spot and a LIE is necessary. So do you outright lie and say " wow it's beautiful'" Or do you dance around the issue with some sweet comments that do not address the beauty or ugliness of the new hair do / outfit ? I do the latter . I cannot lie in a situation like that for some reason. I might say " wow did you get that at the fancy new salon in town " ( implying it looks fancy ,, ie: pretty ) or ' you need to get a new outfit/ hairdo to go with that new outfit / hairdo to do it justice'' or '' wow did you get a facial while you were there too, your eyes look really blue today "' . See? These are not lies,,,, they do NOT address at all the question asked but I feel they make the friend feel like I did give them a compliment and their feelings are not hurt. So sorry to ramble, but I'm wondering if this type of 'roundabout lying' is present in anyone's interviews. Thoughts ?
Hi Salem,

(bbm) But what if someone feels attacked if I say something like "I don't care for strawberry pudding"? (as an example)

My question is basically, how can we be responsible for how another person feels?

I do understand that if I then go on to say, "If YOU like strawberry pudding you're a big dumb doo doo head." that would be considered attacking. But I've had people take offense in the past where none was intended at all. It is difficult sometimes to discern disagreement with attack, and since this is all written, it sometimes makes it even more difficult to understand the tone in which it was meant.

Anyway, I just wanted to run this by you, as that rule is kind of...ambiguous and open to all sorts of interpretation. (imo)

As an adult, if you feel attacked while searching for your precious child, you put on your big boy pants and take responsibility and know that what they are saying about you is not true because you didn't kill your child, if in fact you didn't.
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