CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #34

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I have to agree. Coming from the theory that Dylan left for his friends that morning...At first, when Dylan did not text his friends before heading out it was a red flag until I read the text messages between R and Dylan. I could see why Dylan may not have called R before heading to the grandmas house. R even suggested he would probably be sleeping. Dylan would have to wake him up by knocking, not texting or phoning. In my opinion, R was expecting Dylan and there was no need for a heads up.

R and Dylan Text-
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*

R was expecting Dylan at 6:30am. He also told Dylan to call when he got there too IIRC.
What I'm trying to determine is if he took a nap at all. A nap is an easy way to explain away a few hours. And the average 50yr old man who has presumbly had two full nights sleep (and possibly some day sleep since he had nothing else to do but wait for his son to arrive) in a 48hr period should not even be able to nap again only 4 hours after getting up. If he can sleep that much then perhaps he has a sleeping disorder?

Now if for some reason he did not get 8hrs sleep the night before then I can absolutely see him needing to take a nap, and maybe even a shower to wake him up a bit before going to "see where that boy is at" and contacting LE.


I'm only 42, but I have no problem falling asleep whenever I just "close my eyes for a few minutes", any time of the day regardless of how much sleep I've had the night before. Its a standing joke in my family that my "little naps" are most people's idea of a decent sleep! Yesterday I didn't wake up till 11.00am (kids staying at grandparents) but I still dropped off whilst watching a film in the afternoon!
Taking a suggestion of a fellow sleuther (different thread), I've been trying to deblur the photos from surveillance video at the airport and at Walmart (most interested in the latter). Not having much luck since I don't know what I'm doing...
Is there anyone willing to take a stab at this, and then posting the improved photo?

Mainly, I'd like to get a better look at Dylan's expression while at Walmart. His face appears flushed and maybe more puffy then in the airport photo. Also his left arm looks red. Thanks.

When this picture was first released it was picked apart extensively. It was finally decided that it was the coloring and poor quality of the picture. But, if his face was swollen or flushed I can say from personal experience when I fly my face is red as well as my eyes for days. It is the air systems on planes that dry me out miserably. jmo

I wonder what they think about that? I wonder if they think it's typical ex spouse BS or if they think there is more to it?

Honestly I think WE here at WS are putting more thought into such little details than LE is. They probably don't have an opinion about that one way or the other.

I think you're right. I can't speak for all LE but my son has seen enough weird people in his experience, it would not surprise him at all. He has seen some of the worst of humanity. It doesn't take them long to get conditioned to that kind of thing, but once in a while it does get to them.

I would think that they may not be shocked at all with this family, because many people go through bitter divorces and some of them end up killing each other, but I don't think that many people end up killing their kids over it.

And btw, the divorce rate AND the suicide rate is VERY high among the LE community. Just throwing that in, for the heck of it.
This is all I can find in MSM for Dr Phil, Nurse

“Dr. Phil is offering to put us on this Wednesday,” she said, referring to daytime talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw.

“I would love for (Mark Redwine) to join us,” she said. “It’s very important that we get this information about Dylan out there. As I’ve said all along, this is only about finding Dylan, and we need to work together as a team to do this.”

Read more:

From the date of post to this Wednesday is a full week and we know they won't be on this wednesday so someone didn't want to go on.
I keep going back to the uncut interview when MR was asked a similar question to 'what would you like to tell the person who has Dylan?' and he replied something along the lines of 'I would tell her to release him'. This is telling, IMO. I think he may suspect someone specific of a calculating charade that has now spun out of control.
I keep going back to the uncut interview when MR was asked a similar question to 'what would you like to tell the person who has Dylan?' and he replied something along the lines of 'I would tell her to release him'. This is telling, IMO. I think he may suspect someone specific of a calculating charade that has now spun out of control. I hope police are considering this angle.

I am pretty sure that is not what he said.
It was something, I believe, about looking into "their" heart, which many people took for "her" heart.

Also, if he DID point to "her", why should that be given any more weight than her pointing to him? Especially when he was there and she was far away. (If you are referring to ER as the "her" and if not, then I would certainly hope he told LE if he has any specific person in mind months ago.)
I'm only 42, but I have no problem falling asleep whenever I just "close my eyes for a few minutes", any time of the day regardless of how much sleep I've had the night before. Its a standing joke in my family that my "little naps" are most people's idea of a decent sleep! Yesterday I didn't wake up till 11.00am (kids staying at grandparents) but I still dropped off whilst watching a film in the afternoon!

Nothing wrong with a little nap but when you come home and your son is not where you left you really take a nap?
I have always wondered why Mark didn't call Elaine and say something like...I'm on my way to the Marshall's office, can you meet me there? Dylan is missing.

Why did he text her???
Yes, I found this discussion toward the beginning of his interview interesting and IMO there was a reason that he made certain statements about the whole Marshal's office vs. Sheriff's dept.jmo

I asked hubby and a couple of other men about this and all of them said they would NOT go on Dr. Phil. They don't understand the point other than to give ER and CR a forum to attack MR in an atmosphere to where he would have no right answers or no right responses. All of them see it as "Jerry Springer" type of an episode and none of them see how that would locate their missing son. It would just be to feed bizarre and narcissistic tendencies of a couple of the players. ITO.

OTOH, since the mother and father don't get along and can't seem to be in the same room, they think the only smart thing to do is to each work on their own to get the word out about missing Dylan. She does her thing, he does his and both are important to finding their child.
Are any of the men's young sons missing/abducted for well over 2 months?..because IMO if not, then the situation, question, or reply are irrelevant to this specific set of circumstances..its apples to baked potatoes..difference of night to day.jmo.

There are people(men/women) that I know that do not like or find Dr Phil's show to be something they are even interested in watching(myself included).. When your child is missing your personal "like" IMO is irrelevant to the fact that it is a vehicle to deliver your child's face, name, story, and any message of importance you want to get out to the public nation/world.

She accused him and cursed him out in the text exchange when he text her and asked her if she had heard from Dylan on that Monday. It started then.
I say with absolute certainty and without any doubt that if I were to have the horrible misfortune of my ex contacting me about our young, teenage son, who at that time is in his physical custody, and that he's "disappeared".. I would cuss him, I would be angry and terrified, and be demanding to know EVERYTHING.. and the more elusive, vague, and unwilling he became the more terrified, angry, and desperate I would become to have the answers.. to have my son!

IMO there is NO EXCUSE! NONE! for what is happening!

IMO there's no EXCUSE for his unwilling to participate in the many different parts of this horrific situation.. does he think others are comfortable participating???
I'm only 42, but I have no problem falling asleep whenever I just "close my eyes for a few minutes", any time of the day regardless of how much sleep I've had the night before. Its a standing joke in my family that my "little naps" are most people's idea of a decent sleep! Yesterday I didn't wake up till 11.00am (kids staying at grandparents) but I still dropped off whilst watching a film in the afternoon!

Yes but I assume you knew where your children were and weren't trying to text them and waiting for their response. I'm not saying that MR isn't telling the truth about all of those actions but if there is a hole there, and by some chance he is not, I really hope LE has been able to find it. Because all of that is circumstantial evidence. And as of the last update, they don't appear confident that MR is not involved as they are not clearing him and moving forward with just the abduction theory.

None of his actions on that Monday are consistent with someone who has just gotten his child for a week's visitation IMO. Court ordered visitation after losing custody a mere weeks beforehand. He can't get a hold of him via text while he's out. He doesn't try to call on the home landline, knowing that there is sporadic cell signal. He comes home and his child and all of his belongings are missing. He sends off another couple of texts and takes a nap assuming his 13yr old son is fine, even though he hasn't the slightest clue where he may be.

Just doesn't seem like the actions of the average person to me.

But as always that is just my opinion only.
I am pretty sure that is not what he said.
It was something, I believe, about looking into "their" heart, which many people took for "her" heart.

Well, if that's the case then scratch my post. I could've sworn that he said 'her', or even 'she', and it seemed to me to be quite distinct from 'their'.

Also, if he DID point to "her", why should that be given any more weight than her pointing to him? Especially when he was there and she was far away. (If you are referring to ER as the "her" and if not, then I would certainly hope he told LE if he has any specific person in mind months ago.)

I don't know what he meant by it if that is what he said. I just noted that it was interesting and suggestive.
It sounds like MR threw everything but the kitchen sink out there, to imply various things about what may have become of Dylan, i.e walked miles to a lake, liked hanging around the camp grounds (where an RSO may live), never met a stranger (as in, would talk to anyone) as examples, as well as imply that Dylan was such a flake (my word) that he would just take off, not contact his dad or anyone else (even though he and Dylan were super-tight, much more so than he was with his mom) and on and on. I have never heard the parent of a missing child offer up such a smorgasbord of possible scenarios and character traits that would almost make it the child's own fault he was missing.

I am 90% comfortable in what I feel has happened to Dylan based on the information that I know. It is the other 10% that has me asking questions, throwing out other theory's, wanting Elaine, Mark, and Cory to go on Dr Phil, and sharing his photo. It's knowing that the 90% feeling could be wrong.

I feel that the general public has not looked at this case as close as family, close friends, and everyone that is here posting. And since the general public isn't going over every little detail, that the Dr Phil show will be a good thing. Elaine and Mark will be taken for how they are on the show and what is said on te show. Yes some not so nice stuff may be said, but over all, if done right, it will be about Dylan. I am going to say I hate Dr Phil. I think he is an *advertiser censored*z but if it get Dylan's face out there I am all for it.

IMO, MOO, and all that JAZZ
Well, if that's the case then scratch my post. I could've sworn that he said 'her', or even 'she', and it seemed to me to be quite distinct from 'their'.

I don't know what he meant by it if that is what he said. I just noted that it was interesting and suggestive.

It was heavily debated when the interview was first posted. I can't swear he said "their" vs. "her" but that seemed to be the final consensus.
Random, but referring to some of my previous posts, this is a paragraph from the FBI.Gov website regarding investigations:

the authors also combined the nonverbal leakage and statement analysis cues in attempting to differentiate truth tellers from liars. The authors found that inconsistent facial expressions combined with statement analysis annotations could correctly classify 90 percent of the participants in the videos as to whether they lied or told the truth. This seems to indicate that behavioral cues in both verbal statements and nonverbal behaviors collectively provide a much better source for gauging truthfulness. This potentially provides investigators with powerful aids in conducting investigations and interrogations.
I was thinking about lying and how we all probably lie differently and how most of you are probably right now saying ' uh i dont lie' but I think we all do in some degree. So imagine this scenario and how you would respond, then apply to the statements / interviews we have and see if anything jumps out at you . I'm not saying it has jumped out at me, but I'm fishing here.
Your mom / aunt/ sister/ bff/ neighbor/co worker who you really really LIKE but has a very sensitive side and gets upset easily, comes in and shows you their new hairdo and / or outfit . They say ' Do you think my new hairdo / outfit is pretty ? " and the truth is it's horrible, makes her look fat and aged her 15 yrs. It's ridiculous. Do you say that ? Knowing it will upset her and send her into tears? You're on the spot and a LIE is necessary. So do you outright lie and say " wow it's beautiful'" Or do you dance around the issue with some sweet comments that do not address the beauty or ugliness of the new hair do / outfit ? I do the latter . I cannot lie in a situation like that for some reason. I might say " wow did you get that at the fancy new salon in town " ( implying it looks fancy ,, ie: pretty ) or ' you need to get a new outfit/ hairdo to go with that new outfit / hairdo to do it justice'' or '' wow did you get a facial while you were there too, your eyes look really blue today "' . See? These are not lies,,,, they do NOT address at all the question asked but I feel they make the friend feel like I did give them a compliment and their feelings are not hurt. So sorry to ramble, but I'm wondering if this type of 'roundabout lying' is present in anyone's interviews. Thoughts ?

This is funny! You sure know how to throw a curveball!!

Ok... I don't lie. If someone I am close to asks me something like that, I would probably say, "no, I don't like it, but if you do, that's all that matters."
If I have to I will just smile and say, "do you really want my opinion?" I don't lie to assuage someone's feelings, because in a way that's kind of cruel. I could say "oh, yes, you look marvelous!" And then she's going to go around thinking she does look great and everybody else is laughing at her! Then she will come back and be mad at me because I didn't tell her the truth, and caused her to be laughed at and she ends up not speaking to me for weeks. See? Lies don't pay!

BUT... I believe that kind of lie is a whole lot different than what everybody is talking about Mark doing. That is not even in the same ballpark, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't know for certain that he has lied about anything, or made up anything. If he came out now and said he had been lying all along, I would be very surprised, it's just my impression of what I saw. Other people see it differently. Who knows which ones of us will end up being right or wrong?

Let me tell you a little story. When my son was about 4, he came inside one day and told us that there was a lion under our house. He was as serious as a heart attack. Of course, we said, "son don't make up lies, you did NOT see a lion under our house!" He argued and said yes he did, and finally his dad followed him outside so he could show him this lion. Turned out to be our dog, who had kind of long, shaggy hair around the neck and was about the same color as a lion. But.... the important thing is, my son believed it was a lion. He didn't make it up, and he didn't tell a deliberate lie. It looked like a lion to him. He was too young to realize that we don't have lions in East Tx, except in zoos. If you believe what you're saying... even if you're mistaken about it.. it's not a lie.

I believe Mark's version of the events of Sun. night and Mon. morning. I suspect that LE believes him too. I could be wrong and if I am, I will admit it, but at this moment, I don't believe he has deliberately lied about anything.
The discrepancies that other people have seen... I don't see them as such. No one can say the same thing the exact same way every time... unless they've rehearsed it. Most people, when they tell a story, will add little things sometimes, and then leave some things out the next time. When they say something the same way, in the same order every time... that's when LE knows they've made it up and rehearsed it.

Sorry for the long post, hope I didn't bore anyone. If so, then just ignore it, I'm on a roll today!
It sounds like MR threw everything but the kitchen sink out there, to imply various things about what may have become of Dylan, i.e walked miles to a lake, liked hanging around the camp grounds (where an RSO may live), never met a stranger (as in, would talk to anyone) as examples, as well as imply that Dylan was such a flake (my word) that he would just take off, not contact his dad or anyone else (even though he and Dylan were super-tight, much more so than he was with his mom) and on and on. I have never heard the parent of a missing child offer up such a smorgasbord of possible scenarios and character traits that would almost make it the child's own fault he was missing.


Well, if my son disappeared and I didn't know what happened to him, my mind would be churning a zillion miles per hour. I would be rambling in interviews like Boomhower on King of the Hill.
I am pretty sure that is not what he said.
It was something, I believe, about looking into "their" heart, which many people took for "her" heart.

Also, if he DID point to "her", why should that be given any more weight than her pointing to him? Especially when he was there and she was far away. (If you are referring to ER as the "her" and if not, then I would certainly hope he told LE if he has any specific person in mind months ago.)

Clu is this in the 40 min video? If so does someone know approx what time? There 's been a lot of discussion over her vs. their. So maybe we should ALL give it a fresh listen and see what we think. tks !
Clu is this in the 40 min video? If so does someone know approx what time? There 's been a lot of discussion over her vs. their. So maybe we should ALL give it a fresh listen and see what we think. tks !

I can't remember now if it was in the first clip, or the complete one that was later posted, but it came from the MB recent interview.
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