CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #34

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Haha! Well the 9:37 time doesn't really coincide with the time he stated Dylan was texting on the couch. But the way he talks (and never looks at clocks etc) he leaves himself lots of wiggle room.

they were watching Adventure land and he didnt go to bed till I think he said around 10. right?
But will viewers remember Dylan's face or name after the show if the focus is on Mark and his ex wife's current relationship?

Yes I do believe they will. And I don't believe the focus of the show is going to be all about their relationship.
But will viewers remember Dylan's face or name after the show if the focus is on Mark and his ex wife's current relationship?

Yes, viewers should remember Dylan's face by seeing him on Dr. Phil. And, I don't believe the show would be entirely about ER and MR's relationship. I would expect that Dr. Phil would go pretty hard at MR, and maybe even ER, about the timeline and what's transpired since Dylan went missing.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about Dr Phil's talents or abilities. I was only questioning the fact that he is a licensed mental heath professional.

You are right. If you read his bio he is not licensed in anything. and he says he doesn't have to be because his show is for entertainment. jmo
Oh gosh I'm sorry again. Tired tonight. I thought that was from Melissa but it's not. Hold on one sec and I'll grab it for you.

Here you go. 9:27pm Feb 6 -

You'll see MB's tweets on that page - it's a 'conversation' page where you can see all the tweets back and forth in the conversation. Then I guess if you go back to MB's page, you can see where the times fall. Sorry I don't know an easier way. :-(

If you click or tap (I'm using an iPad,) an individual tweet in the conversation, you'll be able to see the date and time it was tweeted.
So tonight I relayed all that I could in a 3 minute convo about Dylan to my nearly 15 yr old DD . I mostly covered the cell/ texts/ times because I figured she could relate to that part of the story easier. I did not go into what ANYONE has said about either parent, just the facts , as I understand them anyway *( which is probably all wrong) . When I was done I said " so where is Dylan'' . Her answer " no way did his dad hurt him because he hadn't seen him in all that time'' . :) That to me, is a child who still has enough naivety to think the world is an ok place. She doesn't realize how often a parent does hurt their child. She think he's wandered off and had an accident. FWIW Just her opinion only,,, just sharing for the sake of sharing. I just thought it sweet how she thought a parent would never hurt their own child. I obviously didn't spank her enough ! :)
So tonight I relayed all that I could in a 3 minute convo about Dylan to my nearly 15 yr old DD . I mostly covered the cell/ texts/ times because I figured she could relate to that part of the story easier. I did not go into what ANYONE has said about either parent, just the facts , as I understand them anyway *( which is probably all wrong) . When I was done I said " so where is Dylan'' . Her answer " no way did his dad hurt him because he hadn't seen him in all that time'' . :) That to me, is a child who still has enough naivety to think the world is an ok place. She doesn't realize how often a parent does hurt their child. She think he's wandered off and had an accident. FWIW Just her opinion only,,, just sharing for the sake of sharing. I just thought it sweet how she thought a parent would never hurt their own child. I obviously didn't spank her enough ! :)

She probably doesn't know that children are killed by parents every day in the USA...
In my now having had the time to actually sit down, all alone, with zero distractions and watch through its entirety uninterrupted each of mom and dad's interviews with Melissa Blasius I wanted to opine on the most notable points of the interwiews..

OK So, I too agree that in a situation as this it isn't really a "fair" or maybe not accurate way of looking at their particular eye movements and head movements to assess what they are feeling or what each of those movements are indicative while I personally do believe there are some certain indicators the fact is its just too many variables and differences to allow for it to be appropriately discussed on a forum..

Due to those reasons I am going to totally eliminate any assessment or opinion on either of the parents head, eye, and body movements, gestures, etc.. instead I'm gonna go straight to the heart of it, THEIR STATEMENTS...THEIR WORDS.. THE DIRECTION IN WHICH THEY MANEUVERED THE DISCUSSION, etc, etc.. What they said, when they said it, and my opinion of what I personally saw or took away from their words rather than their demeanors.

Mark Redwine at literally less than 10secs in(7secs to be exact) he immediately cuts to the chase where he's going to set the stage for us regarding Elaine.. yes Elaine is top priority that Mark leads off with!... telling us that it was he and Dylan that were close and bonded and flat out tells us that Dylan did not have that bond with his mom.. Dylan came to him, they were always together and while Elaine was out worried about her career she had lost sight of Dylan and being close to Dylan. Mark tells us that long long ago that Elaine realized that she did not share that closeness AND bonding with Dylan that he had with his dad AND THAT IT IS THAT EXACT ISSUE THAT ELAINE REALIZED LONG AGO OF WHICH HAS ALL THESE YEARS BEEN THE SOURCE AND ORIGINATION OF "THE PROBLEM"..

Mark goes on to IMO snidely remark about exactly where Elaine presently works in Colorado Springs and wants it known that he knows!.. he remarks further that he doesn't know why she wants to hide it from everyone where she which he immediately therein leads to the more specific and IMO more accurate issue, Mark states that Elaine didn't want HIM(Mark Redwine) knowing where she worked presently..yet "it was no stumper" says Mark.. he knows exactly where she works and for some reason he finds that important to establish..

This is just the mere tip of the iceberg and its literally only mere single digit seconds into the interview that Mark Redwine takes a hold of the interview and he immediately directs it WHERE HE, MARK REDWINE WANTS IT TO GO!..sadly, yet truthfully that was directed TOWARD, and even directly AT his ex-wife, Elaine...

I'll cut myself off here for a moment as not only am I giving thought to what each said, how and why, when, and where and in my looking at those words, those statements letting them speak for themselves without any analysis of the eyes, tone, and demeanor.. As well as I'm also attempting to put words to what visceral reaction I had to those words and statements..

Exactly my very same reaction, and response!
Yes I do believe they will. And I don't believe the focus of the show is going to be all about their relationship.

I wouldn't think that the whole show would be about Mark and Elaine's volatile relationship but if the dramatic parts are focused on that, then that's what will be remembered by the viewers. MOO.
I don't think anyone here is under the impression being on Dr. Phil is going to solve the case, find&bring home Dylan IMMEDIATELY, and forge new healthy relationships between all family members ..

But there's one thing I know for a fact and that is in answer to the question posed of is the audience even going to remember Dylan's name/face after the show is aired?

I know that there will be a helluva lot more people that he'll be known and remembered by than if they all(all meaning Dylan's family members who love him) chose to not press for media attention and refused to participate in events that are aimed at finding and bringing Dylan Redwine home(be it fundraisers, local news, national media exposure, etc)..

MOO that trumps all.. think its not worth it?.. no use?.. why bother?.. cuz so and so down the road, across the street, or the lady who sits two pews behind ya at church thinks Dr. Phil is so unchristian-like .. so arrogant..and a ratings hog.. so hell no! We won't participate!.. IMO ya need not look any further than hundreds upon hundreds of other parents of missing children across this nation/world who would literally give their arms, both of them, for the chance at bringing their MISSING child's face, name, and story to the nation/world!..

TO DYLAN'S FAMIY THATS WHAT MATTERS!.. AND ITS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS, DYLAN MISSING IS TOP PRIORITY AND WILL STAY THAT WAY UNTIL HE'S FOUND AND BROUGHT HOME!...<<--- this is the message they want to keep sending and keep spreading, Dylan's still out there MISSING and they're not ever gonna stop, back off, or quit fighting for Dylan and their finding and bringing him home!

Moo is this goes for all media attn whether or not Dr Phil show comes to fruition..
My issue with the whole Dr. Phil show is not him, but that if both parents appear, and it is clear they are not on the same "side", as it were, that becomes a distraction, and thus, the main issue. And, as I have said before, makes it appear more like a "custody War of the Roses" than a legitimate missing child case. If the impression viewers go away with is one of a spiteful parent hiding a child from the other, no will expect to see this child out in a mall, etc...(which I doubt would happen, no matter who took Dylan. Jmo and all that, I just don't see a kidnapper taking a chance with a teenage boy and yes, I know about Elizabeth Smart.)
Yes, viewers should remember Dylan's face by seeing him on Dr. Phil. And, I don't believe the show would be entirely about ER and MR's relationship. I would expect that Dr. Phil would go pretty hard at MR, and maybe even ER, about the timeline and what's transpired since Dylan went missing.

I would guaranty that DR Phil would go pretty hard at Mark but I seriously doubt that he would do the same to Elaine. In order to generate some conflict Dr Phil would need to have a villain and a good guy. Mark would be the obvious choice for the villain and Elaine would be the good guy. MOO.
My issue with the whole Dr. Phil show is not him, but that if both parents appear, and it is clear they are not on the same "side", as it were, that becomes a distraction, and thus, the main issue. And, as I have said before, makes it appear more like a "custody War of the Roses" than a legitimate missing child case. If the impression viewers go away with is one of a spiteful parent hiding a child from the other, no will expect to see this child out in a mall, etc...(which I doubt would happen, no matter who took Dylan. Jmo and all that, I just don't see a kidnapper taking a chance with a teenage boy and yes, I know about Elizabeth Smart.)

But, I would think that viewers would come away with what we all have over the last three months, which is where in the world could he have disappeared to? I don't necessarily think the "War of the Roses" relationship is a distraction, especially for Dr. Phil's viewers, who possibly thrive on the strife. I think it can be framed as, yes, the parents are warring but WHERE IS DYLAN in all of this?
I would guaranty that DR Phil would go pretty hard at Mark but I seriously doubt that he would do the same to Elaine. In order to generate some conflict Dr Phil would need to have a villain and a good guy. Mark would be the obvious choice for the villain and Elaine would be the good guy. MOO.

And we all know how ER feels about MR. To put two people face to face who have not even texted in over two months I think would be a disaster. People will come away from that show only rembering two parents who hate each other and the poor child caught in between the two. Probably won't even remember the state. jmo
According to MR, they arrived home 8:15 to 8:30. Figure a few minutes to put away purchases. Dylan went upstairs to get the DVD player. The run time of Adventure land is one hour 47 minutes. MR says he retired at 10:30. This doesn't factor in the now not mentioned nerf ball tossing, so 10:30 sounds reasonable by this timeline. All MOO
I would guaranty that DR Phil would go pretty hard at Mark but I seriously doubt that he would do the same to Elaine. In order to generate some conflict Dr Phil would need to have a villain and a good guy. Mark would be the obvious choice for the villain and Elaine would be the good guy. MOO.

I agree, wholeheartedly. I just mentioned ER because there are those out there, distracters perchance, that suggest that she may be hiding Dylan. Let the record stand, I don't believe that is the case.
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