CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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During the Ben season of The Bachelor, it got out he picked Courtney and they still aired it. Every agonizing minute of it. LOL I kept watching in hopes it was a false spoiler.

This is concerning to me that Dr. Phil has enough material out of this taping for 2 episodes. Oh my! It was worse than I thought. iMO

I have never seen the MSM pick up the spoilers for a TV show that leaked out, probably because most readers/viewers would get annoyed at them. So in most cases, unless you are seeking out that information (which is a very small number of people...and if you are that interested in a show, you are still going to tune in anyway), you won't know about it ahead of them. So I don't think most producers worry about spoilers since they are inevitable.
It was confirmed here on the forums by AZGrandma.

Confirmed is probably the wrong word. Just because a verified insider says something, that doesn't mean it's a fact.
Did the Anthonys get a 2-part episode on Dr. Phil?

I believe this is highly unusual for his show.
If anyone has done any research there are some groups that live off the land. They cut themselves off from the rest of the world, thus no phones, internet, television, etc.

thepinkdragon told of her cousin that is in one, I believe in the beginning of the last thread. They as well cut themselves off from family and friends, doctors, schooling.

There are also many churches and religions with various clergy, members, and other affiliations to the churches that are all over the place as well.. the point is the same NONE OF THESE GROUPS, RELIGIONS, SECTS, OR PEOPLE ARE IN ANY WAY KNOWN FOR ABDUCTING, MURDERING, OR HARBORING CHILDREN..therefor their existence has no relevancy as to Dylan's "disappearance"..jmo
Did the Anthonys get a 2-part episode on Dr. Phil?

I believe this is highly unusual for his show.

Maybe he passed the poly and the second show is getting his side of the story - I doubt he was able to say much on the first one! :rocker:
Confirmed is probably the wrong word. Just because a verified insider says something, that doesn't mean it's a fact.

It was also discussed it great length on the FB page. So believe it or not. Your choice.
The times I have watched the DP show, not many but a few, he has kept control of the show and allowed equal time to both or all parties.
Maybe he passed the poly and the second show is getting his side of the story - I doubt he was able to say much on the first one! :rocker:

Now that would make things interesting. What if Dr Phil lets Mark get totally slammed in episode one only to have him come back fighting for a win in episode two. LOL

Only on TV folks.
It was also discussed it great length on the FB page. So believe it or not. Your choice.

I don't know what to believe when I look at Facebook. That's why I try and stay off of it.
They still air American Idol even though spoilers like who got into Hollywood and the Top 40 leak weeks ahead of time, so I really can't see them deciding to not air the episode because some audience member tweeted about it. I'm not sure how they would even monitor the social network profiles of all the audience members. And you don't go through the trouble of filming a show, editing it, and then completely scrapping it because someone tweets to their 50 followers what happened on the show. I know the family had to sign a confidentiality agreement but I'm skeptical that the audience has to follow the same rules. There is absolutely no way that the average person revealing what happens will have any effect on the ratings of a show that gets 4.2 million viewers.

True, and I agree. That's why I was thinking it'd have to be something pretty huge. Although the more I think about it even then I don't see them scrapping the show. Say someone goes to say CNN and leaks what happened and all that'd do IMO is get even more people watching so they could see the whole story.
If the family was only at the Dr. Phil set for one day, how could they filmed the post-polygraph show? It would take more than a few hours to get the results back, right?
<snipped for space>
This is concerning to me that Dr. Phil has enough material out of this taping for 2 episodes. Oh my! It was worse than I thought. iMO

I know! That was my first thought too, they had enough for 2 episodes? Especially since he doesn't do that very often. I don't know if that's good or bad, I guess we'll find out next week.
True, and I agree. That's why I was thinking it'd have to be something pretty huge. Although the more I think about it even then I don't see them scrapping the show. Say someone goes to say CNN and leaks what happened and all that'd do IMO is get even more people watching so they could see the whole story.

CNN wouldn't publish spoilers about the episode or any other show, though. None of the MSM would. Like I said before with the Idol example, any MSM outlet could easily publish the results of the Top 40 weeks before, but none of them do.
If the family was only at the Dr. Phil set for one day, how could they filmed the post-polygraph show? It would take more than a few hours to get the results back, right?

When I took one, results were on the spot. Maybe they took them before the show? Or maybe it is a ruse, and they will talk about the LE polygraphs.
If the family was only at the Dr. Phil set for one day, how could they filmed the post-polygraph show? It would take more than a few hours to get the results back, right?

I'm not sure but I would think that the polygraph examiner should be able to come up with his non-conclusive results fairly quick.
I thought I read somewhere... that he usually tapes 2 shows in one day?
Anyone recall seeing that

LOL not a 5 day-a-week-kinda-guy
Re-posting this as it sheds light on the child support issue.

This is from a Colorado Law firm's FAQ

What is joint custody? What is sole custody?

Colorado does not have joint custody or sole custody. Colorado uses the term parental responsibility – which can either be joint or primary. If you equally share in overnight visitation with the minor child, you have joint parental responsibility. If a parent has less then 90 overnight visitations with the minor child, the other parent is considered to have primary parental responsibility.

Colorado also divides residential responsibility from decision-making responsibility. Sole decision-making responsibility occurs when a parent is able to make all major decisions (education, religious, extracurricular, and medical) regarding the minor child without consulting with the other parent. Joint decision-making responsibility occurs when the parents have to share the responsibility of those decisions.
If both parents share custody does anyone pay child support?

Child support is determined based on gross monthly income and other expenses. Who has the majority of time with the child, while a factor, is not determinative of the support obligation.
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