CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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I'll admit I'm biased when it comes to LE, but I just have to wonder why anyone would ever think that LE would "dismiss" this information in the first place, especially if MR mentioned this in his interview?
LE is not out to "get" MR. If they had enough evidence to "dismiss" any information provided to them by MR or anyone else, they would look into it! Do you think they would dismiss information provided to them by ER, CR, Dylan's friends or anyone else? LE does not automatically assume someone is not telling the truth and even if they DO suspect someone is not being factual, they would still investigate the information provided so they could confront the person if said information was proven false. That is what they do! If that is not what they are doing in that area, the citizens of that area would/should/are likely to remove them from their job! Unless you want to believe the entire county is corrupt or run by a bunch of incompetent ninnies, you have to have faith in the fact that they are the professionals and they know how to do their job!

Maybe 'dismissed' was not the proper word to use. I probably should have said didn't release this info to the public or aggressively follow this lead? I don't think they necessarily would have dismissed it altogether but perhaps the PI took issue with the fact that this info was never released to to public? I don't know....I'm just bothered by the fact that I read about this Hispanic male prior to the tip being called into LE.
Maybe 'dismissed' was not the proper word to use. I probably should have said didn't release this info to the public or aggressively follow this lead? I don't think they necessarily would have dismissed it altogether but perhaps the PI took issue with the fact that this info was never released to to public? I don't know....I'm just bothered by the fact that I read about this Hispanic male prior to the tip being called into LE.

And I completely understand that because it is troubling. But there may also be other reasons for putting the "tip" out in the public domain. :fence:

It's not likely to produce any information, IMO, but it also doesn't hurt or impede the investigation by providing it.
All a "wait and see" type situation.
Typically, LE does NOT "dismiss" ANY information obtained during the course of an investigation. If they did, I'd be the first one to say LaPlata Co. needs to elect a NEW SHERIFF.

ETA: Please consider this: The most recent Dillon, who went missing but was considered a run-away. Although he didn't even meet the criteria for a "endangered" missing child and it was fairly evident that he left home on his own, LE still provided information to the public about the unknown woman, a description the vehicle he was seen driving and the time and location of where he was last seen. All of this information was released within the first few hours of the missing report.

I think La Plata County has learned a few things from this case. The media couldn't ignore another missing child and the Sheriff seemed to take Dillon McKee's disappearance seriously. Seems like something positive came out of Dylan's disappearance, FWIW.
Maybe 'dismissed' was not the proper word to use. I probably should have said didn't release this info to the public or aggressively follow this lead? I don't think they necessarily would have dismissed it altogether but perhaps the PI took issue with the fact that this info was never released to to public? I don't know....I'm just bothered by the fact that I read about this Hispanic male prior to the tip being called into LE.

There is absolutely nothing to suggest MR knew anything about so-called hispanic male in the woods.
Especially considering MR gave several interviews and hasn't mentioned anything.
I think La Plata County has learned a few things from this case. The media couldn't ignore another missing child and the Sheriff seemed to take Dillon McKee's disappearance seriously. Seems like something positive came out of Dylan's disappearance, FWIW.

Police believed Dillon McKee to be a run away scenario and didn't suspect foul play. Which appears to have been correct, as he had been found and he is fine. I don't think this has anything to do with lessons learned from Dylan's case.
I think La Plata County has learned a few things from this case. The media couldn't ignore another missing child and the Sheriff seemed to take Dillon McKee's disappearance seriously. Seems like something positive came out of Dylan's disappearance, FWIW.

BBM: Of that, I have no doubt. Hopefully they are learning something new every day, but that's just because I think we should all be learning something new every day, :rocker: but with regard to this case...
I can see where precious time was lost due to the implication/speculation/possibility that Dylan was considered a runaway during the first critical hours. Unfortunately, we also have to consider that those first few critical hours were already lost due to the period of time that passed before he was reported missing. We have no way of knowing how that information was initially presented to LE, but I have to believe that by the time ER and CR arrived, LE would have been told that from their perspective, Dylan was not a runaway. I do know that searches were underway very quickly after that and the CBI/FBI were notified and brought in to assist. From that point on, I have no reason to think that protocol was not followed and all leads, tips and possibilities were being scrutinized.
What happened to Dylan.

I wanted to follow up but thought, oh what if Confusion didn't mean that? :blushing:

Since we don't really know what information the person will be able to provide, I think it still fits in with every theory. IMO, he may be able to offer information about MR's vehicles (were both trucks parked in the driveway that morning or night?) or may have seen another vehicle on the road, or may be the perp.
Police believed Dillon McKee to be a run away scenario and didn't suspect foul play. Which appears to have been correct, as he had been found and he is fine. I don't think this has anything to do with lessons learned from Dylan's case.

Absolutely agree with this. There was never a doubt in my mind that DMcK left home on his own accord. Of course, there is always a possibility that he was somehow "lured" by some unscrupulous character(s), but at his age, there isn't a whole lot that LE can do. We can love em, raise em, teach em, but in the end, when they are DMcK's age, they will take that with them...or not. It is life.
Welcome, Diveguy! Very good post and the BBM statements are what I've noted to be the most troubling in that interview. I can accept (some) of the regional variations when accounting for speech patterns and the fact that we do not have a base line for his usual speaking manner, but there are too many other things that bother me about this and other interviews. Red flags all over.

Another red flag for me is the football story. This is the only actual conversation that MR supposedly had with Dylan that he elaborates on. He says that right after he picked him up he asked about how things were going with school. He then relates a story about how Dylan told him that he couldn't try out for the football team because he wasn't registered on time, for a physical or something? MR says that he could tell by the tone of his voice or something like that (sorry I'd have to find the actual transcript) that this bothered Dylan.

Thing is...if this story is true and Dylan did have this conversation with MR, it was MR's legal actions that prevented Dylan from getting signed up for school early and therefore perhaps being able to participate in the school football program. MR goes on to say how he thinks it's foolish or something because it's only middle school and everyone should be allowed to play regardless, I guess, of when they are registered?

I think this conversation was not a pleasant one between them either. Was Dylan blaming MR and his court actions over the past few months for things that were going wrong in his own life?

And it has always bothered me that Mark waited until almost dark to report Dylan missing.
Another red flag for me is the football story. This is the only actual conversation that MR supposedly had with Dylan that he elaborates on. He says that right after he picked him up he asked about how things were going with school. He then relates a story about how Dylan told him that he couldn't try out for the football team because he wasn't registered on time, for a physical or something? MR says that he could tell by the tone of his voice or something like that (sorry I'd have to find the actual transcript) that this bothered Dylan.

Thing is...if this story is true and Dylan did have this conversation with MR, it was MR's legal actions that prevented Dylan from getting signed up for school early and therefore perhaps being able to participate in the school football program. MR goes on to say how he thinks it's foolish or something because it's only middle school and everyone should be allowed to play regardless, I guess, of when they are registered?

I think this conversation was not a pleasant one between them either. Was Dylan blaming MR and his court actions over the past few months for things that were going wrong in his own life?


Good catch! Not to mention, MR obviously doesn't understand that the school has their own rules and guidelines for sporting activities. Does he believe the school should bend the rules for his son?

I also recall MR saying (earlier interview) that he and Dylan didn't get a chance to "talk" much about anything. Now he's saying they had several hours together. Why no talking during those hours? What was he doing?
And I completely understand that because it is troubling. But there may also be other reasons for putting the "tip" out in the public domain. :fence:

It's not likely to produce any information, IMO, but it also doesn't hurt or impede the investigation by providing it.
All a "wait and see" type situation.

I've also noticed in several cases, where PI's get involved, that they seem to dig up information that would definitely help a defense attorney throw out some reasonable doubt during a trial if LE were unable to confirm that the tip was acted on and resolved.

I've also noticed in several cases, where PI's get involved, that they seem to dig up information that would definitely help a defense attorney throw out some reasonable doubt during a trial if LE were unable to confirm that the tip was acted on and resolved.


Yep. Tends to happen like that. :furious:
I'm still not ready to give up on my theory, so I've had to find a way to make the "renter" fit into it. Is it possible that the guy really was looking for a rental? He may have been hired to find one that is a bit isolated, has a basement, a treed lot, and a property manager who wouldn't be coming around checking on things. If he did actually meet with any rental agents/property owners, I'd be interested in hearing the type of questions he asked about the properties. I would definitely hope that any property he rented (or even checked out) would be looked at very closely. MOO

Hmm, by that theory, it seems Mr Renter would have been a bit late to the game? If he needed property to hold Dylan, he would have needed it that same morning.

It is standard for property owners to do background and credit checks on potential renters. There are leases to sign, and checks to clear before a renter is just handed a set of keys.

If a child abductor were to rent a place to keep an abducted child, choosing a rental in the same neighborhood would seem an odd choice as well as looking the same day.

Surely there are rentals in Colorado in far more remote locations that are nowhere near the abduction site?

moo and all that
Good catch! Not to mention, MR obviously doesn't understand that the school has their own rules and guidelines for sporting activities. Does he believe the school should bend the rules for his son?

I also recall MR saying (earlier interview) that he and Dylan didn't get a chance to "talk" much about anything. Now he's saying they had several hours together. Why no talking during those hours? What was he doing?

Mark also said something about they did not have time to talk about the "new house".....I'm sure that's a sore spot for Mark
There is absolutely nothing to suggest MR knew anything about so-called hispanic male in the woods.
Especially considering MR gave several interviews and hasn't mentioned anything.

IF, big IF, this renter guy is an aide/abettor, then MR sure wouldn't be talking about him

Maybe the PI wasn't supposed to find out about this guy...he's gone dead silent

However, even though I agree with Smooth and NC that statistics do not dictate what may have happened in any individual case, after reading the reasons why men kill their children, I can now see that this may have been premeditated for the following reasons:

MR Lost custody and child support of Dylan on 9/21/2012 - VERIFIED

MR bought a one way plane ticket for Dylan to visit him (court ordered) for Thanksgiving, on 9/21/12, which is stated by brother Cory on a site that is not acknowledged here, but I believe him.

MR only purchases enough groceries for a few days. VERIFIED

MR has no finalized plans for them on Thanksgiving. VERIFIED

MR had an appointment set up with his divorce attorney for the day after Dylan arrived. VERIFIED


Supermom - this is a very good post, also. I didn't know about the 1-way ticket, but most of the other facts you've presented have contributed heavily to my suspicion that MR did not plan for Dylan to be going home again.

The big red flag for me was the September court rulings as those decisions not only affected MR emotionally but financially as well, and I can see a man in that position feeling very bitter indeed.

And a man whose son then vanishes ... on the very first visit after the rulings. Dylan is the son Mark felt closest to, who used to share so much with MR, but who was perhaps (in reality, or perhaps just in Mark's mind) being turned against him (and all that former close bonding) by all the anger between M and E. Dylan was clearly more excited to see his friends than keep company with his estranged father..

Note the disparity between Mark's intense emphasis on how extremely close he and Dylan had been, and the reality of the present - in which Dylan is texting his friends, making plans with his friends, wanting to go visit his friends and (as I see it) didn't really give a toss about Thanksgiving with his dad. That dichotomy alone is a scarlet flag.

I am more than willing to eat crow if MR is proven to be wholly innocent. But the weight of the facts - as well how those facts are accumulating and interrelating - clearly tips the scales against MR's innocence so far.

ETA: can anyone recall exactly when it was that Mark moved to the house in which Dylan went missing?
Someone posted this quote on another thread.

"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
― Laini Taylo (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

Today I'm hoping for Dylan. Please let's have some magic today! :please:
Maybe 'dismissed' was not the proper word to use. I probably should have said didn't release this info to the public or aggressively follow this lead? I don't think they necessarily would have dismissed it altogether but perhaps the PI took issue with the fact that this info was never released to to public? I don't know....I'm just bothered by the fact that I read about this Hispanic male prior to the tip being called into LE.

I think LE is truly following up every tip they get thoroughly. Bolding below added by me.

"The Sheriff’s Office continues to follow up on every tip, regardless of reliability, including those from psychics and mediums, said Investigator Ed Phippen, in a news release issued Thursday.

“We want to leave no stone unturned,” Phippen said."’-in-search--
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