CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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Just jumping off a part of your post.
What if Dylan left Sunday, after MR went to bed. (There wouldn't even have to be an argument, just a kid wanting to see his friends without thinking things through.)
MR gets up the next morning thinking Dylan went up to bed. Maybe he knocks or calls out for him to get up and in getting no response goes into town thinking he'll let him sleep. When MR gets home, he thinks Dylan is still sleeping and goes to wake him, finding that Dylan has not be in his room/bed at all. Realizing how bad it will sound that he didn't even know he had left and the legal problems that will follow he searches on his own, figuring Dylan is probably at R's house. This might explain the changing stories of that morning.
Also this would explain why no one saw Dylan leave Monday morning.
Dylan could have been picked up by anyone that night or hit by a car, a lot of deer run into the road in CO, someone may not have even realized it was not an animal. (Hate writing that last sentence)

Does this make any sense?
Thanks for your input Lurkiee. The only thing that I see as not fitting with Marks story is him knocking on the door and getting no response from Dylan.

The way I understand it Mark said that Dylan slept on the couch and he spoke with him before he left the house on Monday morning. I guess Mark could have lied about that part but that would be a stretch in my opinion.
If Mark takes a polygraph that he passes, it will calm down the family so they can work together better, it will make some people consider other alternatives, it might make people who didn't want to help before, want to help now, and more than anything, it puts Dylan's picture out to other cities and states, just in case someone has seen him in, say, a Denny's like Shasta Groene.

ETA: I live in a large city. There is NO news about Dylan. I have asked my family and friends since I don't watch regular TV. They have no idea who I'm talking about. If he'd passed through here, no one would know.

I live in a large city too. One the of the biggest in the United States, only topped by NY. And I have heard nothing of this case except on NG which I don't watch but saw it because of this case. I also don't watch Dr. Phil nor do I know anyone else who does.

Still, I don't see it doing anything to bring Dylan home. If MR passes the LDT, it doesn't matter, I can hear the excuses for that now. The machine was broke, Mark perfected his lying skills, the examiner was a hack, Mark took Xanax so it alterned the's not going to make any difference. IMO. And all that's gonna happen is people seeing this family air dirty laundry and think it's an inside job so they aren't going to even bother looking for Dylan or giving it a second thought, unless it's to think "No wonder the kid left." IMO, JMO.
I do not discount the tip entirely in itself, but have doubts as to why this person would have seen Dylan when apparently no one else did. I do see why LE hopes to find him and ask him, but I do not expect him to turn into a suspect. JMO

I expect even less to come from the show, frankly.
This study by the National Academy of Sciences has this to say.

Thank you, Ranch. Like I said, I used to feel the same way. The book appears to be from 2003, maybe accuracy has improved?

At any rate, if one want to be a police officer, or an employee of almost any government security department, or for that matter many private companies, you'll be taking a polygraph.
I live in a large city too. One the of the biggest in the United States, only topped by NY. And I have heard nothing of this case except on NG which I don't watch but saw it because of this case. I also don't watch Dr. Phil nor do I know anyone else who does.

Still, I don't see it doing anything to bring Dylan home. If MR passes the LDT, it doesn't matter, I can hear the excuses for that now. The machine was broke, Mark perfected his lying skills, the examiner was a hack, Mark took Xanax so it alterned the's not going to make any difference. IMO. And all that's gonna happen is people seeing this family air dirty laundry and think it's an inside job so they aren't going to even bother looking for Dylan or giving it a second thought, unless it's to think "No wonder the kid left." IMO, JMO.

I know you believe Dylan is alive. What should be done to find him?

ETA: I really want to hear your suggestions. :)
Thanks for your input Lurkiee. The only thing that I see as not fitting with Marks story is him knocking on the door and getting no response from Dylan.

The way I understand it Mark said that Dylan slept on the couch and he spoke with him before he left the house on Monday morning. I guess Mark could have lied about that part but that would be a stretch in my opinion.

What door? There is no door. In the interview, it's very clear that the living room and kitchen are not separated by anything. It's a completely open concept in a small space.
I don't think this makes sense. Dylan did not sleep in the room. He was sleeping on the couch in the living room. There is absolutely no way MR could have missed him not being there. Especially considering MR claims he actually talked to Dylan, and Dylan actually responded to him.

I didn't say Dylan was in his room, just that MR assumed it.
Also, originally MR only said Dylan was "out like a light."
MR knows he cannot say Dylan was in his room (as MR assumed) because it can be proven he was not. To do so would be to admit he didn't know he was gone. So MR said he was on the couch.

Just jumping off a part of your post.
What if Dylan left Sunday, after MR went to bed. (There wouldn't even have to be an argument, just a kid wanting to see his friends without thinking things through.)
MR gets up the next morning thinking Dylan went up to bed. Maybe he knocks or calls out for him to get up and in getting no response goes into town thinking he'll let him sleep. When MR gets home, he thinks Dylan is still sleeping and goes to wake him, finding that Dylan has not be in his room/bed at all. Realizing how bad it will sound that he didn't even know he had left and the legal problems that will follow he searches on his own, figuring Dylan is probably at R's house. This might explain the changing stories of that morning.
Also this would explain why no one saw Dylan leave Monday morning.
Dylan could have been picked up by anyone that night or hit by a car, a lot of deer run into the road in CO, someone may not have even realized it was not an animal. (Hate writing that last sentence)

Does this make any sense?

That really does. Very good theory. I'm sure there are holes, but all the theories have holes anyway.
I didn't say Dylan was in his room, just that MR assumed it.
Also, originally MR only said Dylan was "out like a light."
MR knows he cannot say Dylan was in his room (as MR assumed) because it can be proven he was not. To do so would be to admit he didn't know he was gone. So MR said he was on the couch.


MR didn't assume Dylan was in his room. MR has always maintained that Dylan was sleeping on the couch in the living room, not in his room (assuming Dylan had his room in MR's house).
MR didn't assume Dylan was in his room. MR has always maintained that Dylan was sleeping on the couch in the living room, not in his room (assuming Dylan had his room in MR's house).

Also that he spoke to him and that Dylan responded, and that he spent forty-five minutes trying to wake him. That is all rather detailed, if in fact, he simply never checked on him at all.
This just gave me a thought. If they were looking for DR's footprints outside and never found any, but expected to, then did they also NOT find footprints of any one else? If someone walked to the door , grabbed DR , then they would now be at least a big person and the added weight of carrying a 'probably ' struggling fairly good size kid, so wouldn't that person have left foot prints somewhere? You'd think their feet would be really dug into the dirt or gravel under that much weight and stress. No way for them to walk gingerly even if they walked gingerly to the door. Hmmmm, but what does that mean if so? DR must have made it as far as the road ?

BBM... including their OWN footprints? We know ER walked around out there, MR at minimum walked into the house, and the LE walked around. There should have been plenty of footprints to find even if they weren't Dylan's, unless the surface there is truly one that doesn't get footprints.
Thank you, Ranch. Like I said, I used to feel the same way. The book appears to be from 2003, maybe accuracy has improved?

At any rate, if one want to be a police officer, or an employee of almost any government security department, or for that matter many private companies, you'll be taking a polygraph.

I used to think that polygraphs were pretty good at telling whether or not someone was being truthful until I read more about it. So we are exact opposites on that point.

I know that there is widespread use of polygraphs in government security situations. How useful they are is debatable. In the private sector there are more restrictions in it's use.

See the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988
Also that he spoke to him and that Dylan responded, and that he spent forty-five minutes trying to wake him. That is all rather detailed, if in fact, he simply never checked on him at all.
He couldn't have missed Dylan. People really should watch the interview for the layout of MR's house. MR has not claimed he knocked on any door. The living room is not separated from the kitchen. The space is small.
What door? There is no door. In the interview, it's very clear that the living room and kitchen are not separated by anything. It's a completely open concept in a small space.

I think that we're on the same side on this one Jenny.
BBM... including their OWN footprints? We know ER walked around out there, MR at minimum walked into the house, and the LE walked around. There should have been plenty of footprints to find even if they weren't Dylan's, unless the surface there is truly one that doesn't get footprints.

I've been walking around in my own backyard in the dirt and I didn't leave any footprints. I think that it depends on the surface whether footprints are left behind. MOO.
I live in a large city too. One the of the biggest in the United States, only topped by NY. And I have heard nothing of this case except on NG which I don't watch but saw it because of this case. I also don't watch Dr. Phil nor do I know anyone else who does.

Still, I don't see it doing anything to bring Dylan home. If MR passes the LDT, it doesn't matter, I can hear the excuses for that now. The machine was broke, Mark perfected his lying skills, the examiner was a hack, Mark took Xanax so it alterned the's not going to make any difference. IMO. And all that's gonna happen is people seeing this family air dirty laundry and think it's an inside job so they aren't going to even bother looking for Dylan or giving it a second thought, unless it's to think "No wonder the kid left." IMO, JMO.

Airing the dirty laundry is what I thought about when I heard both ex-wives were going to be on the show.
MR didn't assume Dylan was in his room. MR has always maintained that Dylan was sleeping on the couch in the living room, not in his room (assuming Dylan had his room in MR's house).

Not at first:

Mark Redwine said he was going to give Dylan a ride to his friends’ house and tried to wake him up when he left Monday morning but said Dylan was “out like a light.”

I never said MR "said" he was in his room.
The shirtless guy on FMDR FB has a decent post about how being on the Dr. Phil show could get other more serious shows to pick up the story.
I know you believe Dylan is alive. What should be done to find him?

ETA: I really want to hear your suggestions. :)

Good question! First off, what I WOULDN'T do is deflect the focus from my child onto someone else. I wouldn't encourage the public to force my ex to talk to me if I couldn't do it myself.

I wouldn't be slinging mud and confusing things by making the pulic think they didn't have to look any further for my child then his other parent, especially since if that's not the case, a lot of time is being wasted looking in that direction when it would be better served appealing to the public for information about my lost child.

I would hire a PI, I would try to get searches organized to look for my child and not have them focus on one place, one person. To me this is so detrimental to the case, once again, especially if it's not true, precious time is being wasted in the wrong direction and I would want every man hour spent in the right direction.

I would go on shows like GMA and NG, but I would stay focused on my child. I wouldn't tell an untruth before getting on so that when I need to go on that show again to get the word out, because of my untruth, they won't have anything to do with me now.

I would go to the newspapers and local TV shows. Why won't AMW talk to them? John Walsh lost a child, he knows that time is important. He's put the word out on many cases where children are involved. Why not this one??

I would be out looking myself. Knocking on doors, handing out flyers, I would leave no stone unturned. I would take tips that LE thinks are important seriously and not poo poo them because they didn't fit in with what I thought. I would hound LE daily for news and updates as to what they are doing to find my son.

I wouldn't go on a talk show and air my dirty laundry or involve my other children in airing it. I would have nothing to do with any FB page that doesn't have only my child's safe return in mind. And if I found out they were making up names to go to those other sites to bash the man that I at one time loved and had children with, I would drop them like a hot rock. Because I would hope that some day, my son is returned to me and when he is, I want him to be able to look at me and know that I am a good person, who showed courage, strength and class while trying to find him. I would want him to be proud of the way I conducted myself and not publically put down someone he loved very much.

That's about it. It's all IMO, JMO, MOO and all that.
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