CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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It seems that we all need to take a new approach. We have rehashed for 40 threads. It is obvious we forget what was said in each and every posting as time goes on. We have varying opinions on various family members, etc., but it seems we have become very ineffective in our desires to help Dylan.

So, starting with Thread 41, what new angles/approaches should we, as a group, take to help find Dylan.
I thought about that as well, this is what made me change that...........
If it was a "we" that picked up Dylan at that airport, then why hasn't the other half of the "we" come forward and say, yeah WE watch this show, WE threw the football around, WE went to bed at this time and WE woke up at this time.

The missing half of a we could've cleared up everything from day one and LE could move on with the investigation.


I've thought about that. He has said "we" a few times. Who is the "we?" And if there is a "we", there is a witness. Why have we not heard of one or why one hasn't come forward???

Maybe it's possible there is one and this person is being kept under wraps by LE? I dunno anymore. I just don't know.
It seems that we all need to take a new approach. We have rehashed for 40 threads. It is obvious we forget what was said in each and every posting as time goes on. We have varying opinions on various family members, etc., but it seems we have become very ineffective in our desires to help Dylan.

So, starting with Thread 41, what new angles/approaches should we, as a group, take to help find Dylan.

Good question. What will find Dylan??
I think he just uses "we" sometimes when reffering to himself. He said it in several instances, and it was clear at least in some of those instances he was talking about himself.
A) That isn't brush, which different from decaying flesh (apologies) B)See my quote in your post. IMO, it's a deflection, not a dismissal. Your mileage may vary.

LE should know that a well trained HRD dog should not alert to a dead deer or brush. Call it a deflection if you want but the point that's being made is the same. That point being the HRD dogs are alerting to something other than what their trained to alert on. MOO.
Did he say in previous statements that he tried calling and texting all morning? I cant' remember now if that was rumor or true fact ! Tks

In the interview with MB he mentioned texting him and trying to call, I don't have the exact and I hope (hint hint) someone can quote it. But it was something to the effect that he tried to call/text asking if he was up yet, wanting to know if he needed anything from Walmart etc.
To keep in mind, from Salem:

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 20,818
Originally Posted by mck16
There really isn't much to sleuth MR that hasn't already been sleuthed. I was thinking maybe friends family, etc. It has been mentioned that someone could be hiding him out. Who would that be? Grandparents, uncles. I am just throwing this out there and I certainly understand if it is not feasible or WS legal. jmo
It is NOT WS "legal." Don't go there and don't bring it here.

There are reasons for not opening that door. The internet is a big, big place and what gets posted on it, stays on it. All anyone has to do, is envision themselves in the shoes of a sister, cousin, brother and they will understand why we don't allow that kind of sleuthing of innocent individuals.

Other things - we will not close the thread (unless the bickering gets out of hand and I see it is on the rise tonight ). Even with no news, old stuff can be rehashed again. And then rehashed again, and then rehased again. You never know when something will click for someone and a new idea will spring from it. For those that don't like rehashing, they can just read, or visit other threads and wait for new news, or what ever they wish to do. Its all good.

This is about Dylan. It appears it is going to take persistence, patience, and a lot of prayer to bring him home. There is no stopping now.

"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." George S. Patton, Jr.
[ame=""]link[/ame] BBM
LE should know that a well trained HRD dog should not alert to a dead deer or brush. Call it a deflection if you want but the point that's being made is the same. That point being the HRD dogs are alerting to something other than what their trained to alert on. MOO.

This reminds me so much of the Haleigh Cummings case when the dogs alerted on the dumpster and LE dismissed it.
It seems that we all need to take a new approach. We have rehashed for 40 threads. It is obvious we forget what was said in each and every posting as time goes on. We have varying opinions on various family members, etc., but it seems we have become very ineffective in our desires to help Dylan.

So, starting with Thread 41, what new angles/approaches should we, as a group, take to help find Dylan.

That would be nice, but there is an elephant in the room that needs to be cleared first. Over the past 40 threads, a multitude of theories have been discussed, but that hasn't brought anyone any closer to finding Dylan. It's natural to look at the last person who was with the victim, and that person's quirky and hinky behavior makes it difficult to get past him toward a reasonable explanation. IMOO.
IMO, it's an extrapolation to say his erroneous statement re: the alerts from Nov=trying to dismiss. We've had examples before in cases where spokespersons simply didn't have all the info the investigators do. Iirc, we saw that in Hailey Dunn's case, for example. I'm doubting Bender's trained in SAR.



If that's the case then Bender needs to talk to some the dog handlers before making public announcements about the HRD dogs. MOO
Yes I know. I finally got time to see part 2. Work has been busy.

So lets see he is willing to tell the country that the first test he was told he failed, and then he was told it was inconclusive. Yes that is what he said

What makes anyone think that Dr. Phil's examiner would be any different? I don't think Dr. Phil's examiner has any type of magic to make people suddenly pass. IMO it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of DP's examiner, what does matter is that MR agreed FREELY to take the test so IMO MR thought something of DP's examiner

As well, when did the teaser go on the Dr. Phil site stating the polygrah drama - results? I'm missing the point of the question, please help me out, what does the teaser on the DP website have to do with anything? I'm confused

Secondly, when did they change that teaser name? Not sure, does it make any difference in what an opinion would be?

They did after all tape on the 20th I believe. Thus by the latest they knew the morning of the 21st that he had not taken it.

Why the teaser name then?I'm not a tv producer but IMO, the teaser is so that people WANT to tune in and see what happens, if they gave you the ending (just like when you know the ending to a book) would people have watched?

Please see my answers in red, I'm confused about the teasers questions, can you help me out please? TIA
This was posted on Feb. 28 here:

Earlier this week Sabre picked up on a scent on the east side of Vallecito lake despite all the snow and ice.

"Sabre absolutely went crazy there, he had bark alerts in the water, he was scratching at the ice through the snow there," she said.

Kessinger says Sabre is specifically trained to ignore animal remains and to only look for human scents.

"There is something there, we can't be positive that it is Dylan but there is somebody there," said Kessinger.

She says she alerted law enforcement and the Redwine family.

"Divers need to go back in my opinion," said Kessinger.


It's time to either send in a dive team or ROV, immediately. I would trust Kessinger's opinion on this - someone is very likely down there and they need to be recovered.
It seems that we all need to take a new approach. We have rehashed for 40 threads. It is obvious we forget what was said in each and every posting as time goes on. We have varying opinions on various family members, etc., but it seems we have become very ineffective in our desires to help Dylan.

So, starting with Thread 41, what new angles/approaches should we, as a group, take to help find Dylan.

Well I think we would beable to move on to something else if Mark would just take that darn poly and rule himself out!

till then Im stuck!

In the interview with MB he mentioned texting him and trying to call, I don't have the exact and I hope (hint hint) someone can quote it. But it was something to the effect that he tried to call/text asking if he was up yet, wanting to know if he needed anything from Walmart etc.

Mark Redwine:
Yeah, “Dylan I’m leaving to go down to town and run my errands, if you need anything call me … call me when you get up… if there’s anything you need.”
Never heard from him. I’ve sent him text messages, you know… asking him, “hey, Dude, are you up yet?” … you know, “Call me”… “Is there anything you need?”… and then… you know… by the time I got up here it was close to 11:30, probably…

Melissa Blasius:
Did you rush back at all, did you think, like, well, that’s weird, I haven’t heard from Dylan…or anything…

Mark Redwine:
Nah, I was gonna’ stop at the store and pick up some stuff. I was trying to get a hold of him to get a better idea what we were going to be trying to do for Thanks knowing that I was in Durango and that I could pick up things if we needed them for Thanksgiving or what we were gonna kinda do, so that’s what was my biggest reason for trying to communicate wit him. You know, he had time to sleep on it for a night, so at this point, you know, maybe he thought about it and can give me some way to figure out where we’re going from here.

You know, when you drive up here, you don’t want to go to Durango again the next day, so you have to think ahead. You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked.

Well, when I got home and he wasn’t here I didn’t think much of it at the time, because it’s not unlike him to go wandering off. He’ll walk down to the river across the street or you know he might go up into the campground where he can be next to the river up there. I didn’t think a whole lot of it.

And, I had laid down and took a nap, which is something I try to do as much as I can when I’m not working because we always work, you know, 14-hour days. It feels good to be home.

And, it was probably 2:30 by the time I realized that Dylan still is not home and so I’m thinkin’ well, if he ain’t gonna’ return my text messages and I ain’t hearing my phone ringing ‘cos he ain’t calling me, I need to go find that boy.
[ame=""]txJan's transcript from Media Thread[/ame]

Multi-tasking so I didn't find that exact part, but he has said something abt calling too, in this interview or another one.

Today is Friday so I'm confused. Did it mean on Friday's newpaper article? Or on Dr Phils Friday episode? I thought episode was a strange word for the pine river times. I wanted to hear about a follow up with CR / ER and dr Phil ! Anyone know ?
Melissa Blasius:
Did you rush back at all, did you think, like, well, that’s weird, I haven’t heard from Dylan…or anything…

Mark Redwine:
Nah, I was gonna’ stop at the store and pick up some stuff. I was trying to get a hold of him to get a better idea what we were going to be trying to do for Thanks knowing that I was in Durango and that I could pick up things if we needed them for Thanksgiving or what we were gonna kinda do, so that’s what was my biggest reason for trying to communicate wit him. You know, he had time to sleep on it for a night, so at this point, you know, maybe he thought about it and can give me some way to figure out where we’re going from here.

You know, when you drive up here, you don’t want to go to Durango again the next day, so you have to think ahead. You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked

Why is he calling him to ask what they need at the store if he is going home to get his son and take him to BAYFIELD?????
IM sorry this man is not telling the truth! imo
This was posted on Feb. 28 here:

Earlier this week Sabre picked up on a scent on the east side of Vallecito lake despite all the snow and ice.

"Sabre absolutely went crazy there, he had bark alerts in the water, he was scratching at the ice through the snow there," she said.

Kessinger says Sabre is specifically trained to ignore animal remains and to only look for human scents.

"There is something there, we can't be positive that it is Dylan but there is somebody there," said Kessinger.

She says she alerted law enforcement and the Redwine family.

"Divers need to go back in my opinion," said Kessinger.


It's time to either send in a dive team or ROV, immediately. I would trust Kessinger's opinion on this - someone is very likely down there and they need to be recovered.

The family and foundation are regrouping and deciding what to do with the information, she added. Not wanting to wait for the ice to thaw this spring, they are investigating the cost and logistics of bringing specially-trained divers to search the reservoir waters.

This was posted yesterday, so there are posts <<< about organizations that could help. If you have any to suggest, please do! :)

This portion of this article doesn't trouble me. Sounds like the reporters jumped from cadaver dog hits to Dylan being found, in error. The last sentence is paraphrased, not a quote. Given the context, seems all he's saying is no, Dylan hasn't been found yet, and previous hits didn't result in him being found, so stop jumping the gun, mediamongers!


Dan Bender is the sheriffs office spokesman. He needs to do a better job of getting accurate information out to the public. I don't think that it's all the medias fault that things like HRD dogs are maybe alerting to dead deer or brush are ending up in MSM articles.

I'm not sure if the all of those dogs are wrong at this point and I'm not sure why Dan Bender seems to think so. MOO.
In the interview with MB he mentioned texting him and trying to call, I don't have the exact and I hope (hint hint) someone can quote it. But it was something to the effect that he tried to call/text asking if he was up yet, wanting to know if he needed anything from Walmart etc.

If he needed anything from Walmart?? Weren't they just there the night before?
How many 13 year old joggers do you know?

Not only a jogger, but one that ran away from 2 different searchers in 2 separate incidents.

I will admit that CR looks like his brother, but DR is very young looking.

Why would a jogger run away from searchers?

It kinda reminds me of the fishing pole whose owner they found.

13 yo's jog, I see it all the time where I live. The jogger was verified and it was never stated that the jogger ran away from 2 different searchers in 2 separate incidences. It was 2 eye witnesses at 2 different locations. Or is there a link that I missed & mixed up? (too many to remember)

I'm confused about CR's looks statement, they are brothers and certainly should look alike.
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