CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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Now, I've just realised something quite odd. We have all been saying things along the lines of "there was no need for Dylan to make his own way to his friends, as MR was coming back to give him a lift" and "why not buy what they needed on their way to dropping Dylan off" and we've all been doing the same thing - taking this arrangement as fact.

We've all just taken as gospel that MR said he told Dylan he'd be back to drop him off with his friends. And yet everything else he has said, has been disbelieved!!

So........ what if that isn't true. What if MR actually said "and when I get back from doing my chores, we're doing something together. I didn't pay all this money for you to come here just to disappear with your friends"? If that was the case, then Dylan could well have waited till MR left, then packed his bag with all his stuff and tried to hitch to his friends house. He'd have taken everything, as he had no intention of spending his week stuck at home with boring dad.

Or perhaps MR didn't really try to wake Dylan up. Maybe he thought that Dylan needed the sleep, and that he'd leave him and go off on his own to do his payroll stuff and intended to drive Dylan when he got back. But Dylan woke up, realised that he'd missed his lift, got angry and decided to go himself. MR doesn't want to admit he spoiled the plans Dylan made, as it might make him look mean, so he makes up the story about trying to wake him up and promising to drive him later.

With both of these scenarios, Dylan could well have avoided people - and hidden - if he didn't want Mark to find him and make him go home. He wasn't running away exactly, he was making his way to see his friends against his dad's wishes?

And as MR has bent the truth, saying he tried to wake Dylan up, then he wouldn't want to take a polygraph as he knows it would show that he wasn't telling the truth... even though he didn't actually hurt Dylan.
BBM: Bingo. Just one of my many theories as well, and one my own son thought of. (He thought everyone might be looking in the wrong place because the dad is not telling the truth.)
Have you read the recent news articles about K-9 Forensics/Wendy Kessinger and the Salle case? I've been reading through them. You might want to check them out. I'm starting to understand what the problem may be here.

I know her dogs aren't certified in Colorado, but does anybody know if Wendy Kessinger is licensed as a P.I. in Colorado? Did she come to work on Dylan's case as a P.I.?

I haven't read any of the articles that you refer to. Bender made his comments about the dead dear/elk with the initial HRD dog alerts that were not Wendy's dogs.

I also haven't read were she claims to be a PI or was hired as one in this case.
Have you read the recent news articles about K-9 Forensics/Wendy Kessinger and the Salle case? I've been reading through them. You might want to check them out. I'm starting to understand what the problem may be here.

I know her dogs aren't certified in Colorado, but does anybody know if Wendy Kessinger is licensed as a P.I. in Colorado? Did she come to work on Dylan's case as a P.I.?

PI licenses are voluntary in CO, not required, in case that helps. And no, IMO, she did not join the case as a PI. She volunteered through KOB to do the K9 searches, Elaine & Mike then responded through the station. Links in this thread.
"When it comes to an end and the police funding runs out the overtime is too much - it's these teams that need to come on out and do this, keep it going," she said.

The family and foundation are regrouping and deciding what to do with the information, she added. Not wanting to wait for the ice to thaw this spring, they are investigating the cost and logistics of bringing specially-trained divers to search the reservoir waters.
I would lean towards poor reporting if it was only one instance of LE trying to deflect/dismiss the HRD dog alerts. But we have the dead deer/elk comment, the brush comment, and now the dogs were wrong before comment.

I see a pattern and I find it interesting because I see no obvious reason for LE to take this stance on the HRD dog alerts. MOO.
I want to point out that on this article:

it says "Bender said the dogs had been wrong before, and Dylan remained officially at large." Once again, this is not a quote from Bender. If Bender had said "Our dogs alerted in November, but sonar did not show a body." That could be construed as "The dogs were wrong." when what is actually said is that "Our search with sonar did not show a body." That does not mean there isn't one, it means that what they searched with at that time does not show one. How stupid would Bender look if there IS a body in that water and he said, definitively, that there isn't?

This is why I don't take any of the MSM that says "Bender said the dogs were wrong", or "Bender says it could be brush" seriously, because neither of those are direct quotes. Direct quotes are very important. Again, your mileage may vary.
I would lean towards poor reporting if it was only one instance of LE trying to deflect/dismiss the HRD dog alerts. But we have the dead deer/elk comment, the brush comment, and now the dogs were wrong before comment.

I see a pattern and I find it interesting because I see no obvious reason for LE to take this stance on the HRD dog alerts. MOO.

What if LE is trying to save face, so to speak, by NOT allowing the new dog search to find something they could not find? I mean that's a lousy way to think but maybe the sheriff there is full of pride and says well ' our dogs didn't find it, there's nothing there' PERIOD, end of discussion. Yuk, I sure hope that is not the case. But I'm really starting to wonder if there was not a major dropping the ball in the earliest days now and no way to make it up . LE would never admit this if it were the case .
PI licenses are voluntary in CO, not required, in case that helps. And no, IMO, she did not join the case as a PI. She volunteered through KOB to do the K9 searches, Elaine & Mike then responded through the station. Links in this thread.

Speaking of PI's. Has the legendary MO said anything since Phil show ? Or anything prior to that ?
Now, I've just realised something quite odd. We have all been saying things along the lines of "there was no need for Dylan to make his own way to his friends, as MR was coming back to give him a lift" and "why not buy what they needed on their way to dropping Dylan off" and we've all been doing the same thing - taking this arrangement as fact.

We've all just taken as gospel that MR said he told Dylan he'd be back to drop him off with his friends. And yet everything else he has said, has been disbelieved!!

So........ what if that isn't true. What if MR actually said "and when I get back from doing my chores, we're doing something together. I didn't pay all this money for you to come here just to disappear with your friends"? If that was the case, then Dylan could well have waited till MR left, then packed his bag with all his stuff and tried to hitch to his friends house. He'd have taken everything, as he had no intention of spending his week stuck at home with boring dad.

Or perhaps MR didn't really try to wake Dylan up. Maybe he thought that Dylan needed the sleep, and that he'd leave him and go off on his own to do his payroll stuff and intended to drive Dylan when he got back. But Dylan woke up, realised that he'd missed his lift, got angry and decided to go himself. MR doesn't want to admit he spoiled the plans Dylan made, as it might make him look mean, so he makes up the story about trying to wake him up and promising to drive him later.

With both of these scenarios, Dylan could well have avoided people - and hidden - if he didn't want Mark to find him and make him go home. He wasn't running away exactly, he was making his way to see his friends against his dad's wishes?

And as MR has bent the truth, saying he tried to wake Dylan up, then he wouldn't want to take a polygraph as he knows it would show that he wasn't telling the truth... even though he didn't actually hurt Dylan.

I would really go with this, up until the BBM. IF everything was absolutely gospel as MR said up until the morning and even IF DR decided to just stop using his phone Sunday night, your morning scenario could work. It even sounds plausable that MR just wanted to let a sleeping baby lay.

Where it doesn't make sense is the BBM, even IF DR decided that he was p-o'd and going to do whatever he dang well felt like doing regardless of what dad said or wanted to do (which I can see kids doing that) why would he disappear himself from the very friends that he was so p-o'd that dad wouldn't let him see? Why wouldn't he have just called a friend and said hey R, my dad left can your mom come get me? Or grandma? Why no telephone in the am?
I think it'd be highly unlikely for any LE agency to not search as part of a cover-up. Can't see it happening at all from a multi-agency task force.

I haven't seen anything from Rocky Mountain Investigations since the tip fiasco. :dunno:
I want to point out that on this article:

it says "Bender said the dogs had been wrong before, and Dylan remained officially at large." Once again, this is not a quote from Bender. If Bender had said "Our dogs alerted in November, but sonar did not show a body." That could be construed as "The dogs were wrong." when what is actually said is that "Our search with sonar did not show a body." That does not mean there isn't one, it means that what they searched with at that time does not show one. How stupid would Bender look if there IS a body in that water and he said, definitively, that there isn't?

This is why I don't take any of the MSM that says "Bender said the dogs were wrong", or "Bender says it could be brush" seriously, because neither of those are direct quotes. Direct quotes are very important. Again, your mileage may vary.
I could take it as the sonar was wrong and the dogs were right.

There is a direct quote of Bender saying that the source of the initial HRD dog alerts could be a dead deer or elk. I'm not going to call anyone names but I will say that comment was not a well informed one.
Silly lady! Mark thinks his son's angry and upset, and nowhere to be found. Clearly that's nap time! ;)

J/k :hug: thanks for how you've persevered on Dylan's threads, btw.

LOL thanks lol Im surprised im still here.
I haven't read any of the articles that you refer to. Bender made his comments about the dead dear/elk with the initial HRD dog alerts that were not Wendy's dogs.

I also haven't read were she claims to be a PI or was hired as one in this case.

Yep I remember the elk statement by Bender, and I saw the brush reference. Bender is on video about the elk. I wondered at the time if the divers actually found a deer or elk down in the water, and the county won't pay to bring it up. I have no idea what the brush thing is about. That doesn't make any sense to me, and I wonder if that might have been a misunderstanding/miscommunication on the reporter's part. I don't know.

I just think the current situation may be compounded by Wendy and her dogs. To put a whole lot into a very small nutshell for the Salle case, LE in the Salle case says what Wendy claims her dogs identified as human tissue isn't human. It's an ugly situation. It makes me question her dogs. And her, actually. I'm still reading though.
I would really go with this, up until the BBM. IF everything was absolutely gospel as MR said up until the morning and even IF DR decided to just stop using his phone Sunday night, your morning scenario could work. It even sounds plausable that MR just wanted to let a sleeping baby lay.

Where it doesn't make sense is the BBM, even IF DR decided that he was p-o'd and going to do whatever he dang well felt like doing regardless of what dad said or wanted to do (which I can see kids doing that) why would he disappear himself from the very friends that he was so p-o'd that dad wouldn't let him see? Why wouldn't he have just called a friend and said hey R, my dad left can your mom come get me? Or grandma? Why no telephone in the am?

Sorry, I didn't explain myself fully - with the above scenario, I was thinking that something bad happened to Dylan along the way to meet with his friends. Possibly picked up by someone sinister.

When I said he could have hidden to avoid being seen and returned to his dad, I only meant hiding momentarily, as in not wanting to be seen by any passer by who might tell his dad where he was - such as a mail delivery lady (especially one he might recognise as knowing his dad). I didn't meant he was hiding away.

I'm still not able to come up with an answer for the lack of phone call - other than his mobile broke, and he didn't know their numbers from memory, so just thought he'd make his way there under his own steam. I know its not a perfect theory, but the only perfect one, which fills all the gaps, is the scenario no one really wants to be true.

One thing I would add about the favoured idea of MR doing something bad to Dylan on the Sunday night - why would he text Elaine to ask if she'd heard from Dylan that day (the day he apparently went missing)? That would obviously set in the motion the missing person report and investigation? Wouldn't someone in that situation try to buy some time by not alerting people to the fact DR was missing so early into the visit? If he was responsible, he must have really been confident he'd covered his tracks if he was happy to have LE snooping around within 24 hours of Dylan going off the radar? All just MOO.
I'd think the LaSalle case might be relevant, if other dogs hadn't already hit there as well. As it stands, multiple dogs have alerted at the same site months apart.

What if LE is trying to save face, so to speak, by NOT allowing the new dog search to find something they could not find? I mean that's a lousy way to think but maybe the sheriff there is full of pride and says well ' our dogs didn't find it, there's nothing there' PERIOD, end of discussion. Yuk, I sure hope that is not the case. But I'm really starting to wonder if there was not a major dropping the ball in the earliest days now and no way to make it up . LE would never admit this if it were the case .

I guess that's a possible reason for these LE statements but it sure would go against what their job is.
One thing I would add about the favoured idea of MR doing something bad to Dylan on the Sunday night - why would he text Elaine to ask if she'd heard from Dylan that day? That would obviously set in the motion the missing person report and investigation? Wouldn't someone in that situation try to buy some time by not alerting people to the fact DR was missing so early into the visit? He must have really been confident he'd covered his tracks if he was happy to have LE snooping around within 24 hours of Dylan going off the radar? All just MOO.

Don't know that it's favored, per se? :waitasec:

IF Mark harmed Dylan Sunday night, he had time from that evening until 4:30 the next day, Monday. So, in that scenario, he'd already bought a lot of time. And it couldn't be too far removed from the supposed alibi window created by supposedly leaving Dylan alone during errands, ie it'd look even more suspicious if he'd waited to contact her until Tues morning. As it was, Dylan was reported missing as darkness fell, so buying more time.

I could take it as the sonar was wrong and the dogs were right.

There is a direct quote of Bender saying that the source of the initial HRD dog alerts could be a dead deer or elk. I'm not going to call anyone names but I will say that comment was not a well informed one.
I agree, it could be taken as the sonar was wrong and the dogs were right, but as you can see by reading here, the same sentence means different things to different people. Non-direct quotes do lead to interpretation.

Thank you, I saw that quote, too, and I do agree that was not a smart thing to say.

BTW, I am not one to think that LE is perfect (can we say OJ?), I just think MSM isn't always very accurate.
IF it is Dylan in there, and IF MR put him there, then surely MR isn't going to sit around and wait till the divers recover him?

Apologies for the graphic nature of the next bit .....

I mean, the conditions must be perfect for preserving forensic evidence (injuries, proof of drowning/proof of a different cause of death, food in his stomach etc). If its Dylan and he has cereal in his stomach, then MR's story is true as far as Dylan was alive, at the house, and ate cereal on the Monday morning. However, I guess there is the chance that something could have happened AFTER MR's return from his chores, which I don't think has been suggested yet?

How bizarre would it be if the stories of the dead phone, no internet access, Dylan sleeping in and not contacting anyone were true ..... and the actual answer was something nobody had considered. Like MR coming back and saying "Sorry, but I'm really not up for that drive now, I've been on the go all day" and Dylan getting angry having waited all morning? All just brainstorming, not suggesting it happened.

However, if he had McD's in his stomach, then the whole Monday morning story is a pack of lies and can be proven to be. What I'm trying to say is, if its Dylan and if Mark is responsible, why would he be calmly waiting for the truth to come out, if he is guilty. Because its no secret that there is very likely a body waiting to be found in that lake, and no one else appears to be missing.

So, if MR sticks around as he has done so far, surely this could actually indicate that he has done nothing wrong at all.

But when is the last time MR has been seen?
I'm surprised that many of us are still here.

Last night my husband and I were discussing this case. He told me that I could die 40 years from now and when I got to the pearly gates, the first thing out of my mouth would be "what happened to Dylan Redwine?!" Which was funny since I don't believe in pearly gates at all and I hope beyond hope that ER gets some resolution alot sooner than 40 years, but....he has noted my concern for Dylan. It is immense.
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