CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)

Sreshowtime, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and scenarios. Please share with us :) I am listening!
It was stated on the Dr. Phil show with no denial from ER. I'm sure it's another he said/she said situation.

Just caught up again.

This was said a long way back, I'm sorry. Although silence is sometimes very loud, I would like to offer one possible reason for no denial from Elaine.

I lived with a man who used every available chance to either speak half truths or blatant lies in order to make me look bad when we were in public.The "poor me" thing, "Look what I have to live with."

I never denied his accusations because I felt it could draw us into an ugly interchange that others would have to endure. I just let it lie and figured those who knew me would also know the source. Those who didn't, well... They could make their own mind up.

Elaine had a purpose on the DP show. IMO she knew MR's tactics well and chose not to be drawn in or diverted.
IMO, he did not use the "Jim Beam" as an "excuse to wiggle out of the test."
After being treated like crap on the show, he could not sleep. I would have been anxious after that debacle, too. So what if he had a few drinks of Jim Beam or whatever to help him get to sleep? It's not like it hasn't been done by anyone else on previous occasions.


I don't think anyone thinks or has said its acceptable.



You mean like this? Maybe not the exact word "acceptable" but the implication, meaning and intention is pretty much the same, IMO
Just caught up again.

This was said a long way back, I'm sorry. Although silence is sometimes very loud, I would like to offer one possible reason for no denial from Elaine.

I lived with a man who used every available chance to either speak half truths or blatant lies in order to make me look bad when we were in public.The "poor me" thing, "Look what I have to live with."

I never denied his accusations because I felt it could draw us into an ugly interchange that others would have to endure. I just let it lie and figured those who knew me would also know the source. Those who didn't, well... They could make their own mind up.

Elaine had a purpose on the DP show. IMO she knew MR's tactics well and chose not to be drawn in or diverted.

Exactly. Same thing when MR said that Elaine hangs out with criminals. Seems to me the only criminal she ever hung out with was MR and she dumped his :butthead:
Good evening guys I thought I would hang out for awhile tonight.. I hope everyone is well... been busy with real life and the unclaimed. I See no new news. Hugs all
I, too, would like to hear your thoughts, sreshowtime. Now is a good time to let your thoughts bloom because fortunately the Raine is here!
Just caught up again.

This was said a long way back, I'm sorry. Although silence is sometimes very loud, I would like to offer one possible reason for no denial from Elaine.

I lived with a man who used every available chance to either speak half truths or blatant lies in order to make me look bad when we were in public.The "poor me" thing, "Look what I have to live with."

I never denied his accusations because I felt it could draw us into an ugly interchange that others would have to endure. I just let it lie and figured those who knew me would also know the source. Those who didn't, well... They could make their own mind up.

Elaine had a purpose on the DP show. IMO she knew MR's tactics well and chose not to be drawn in or diverted.

I don't much care about their drinking. I'm drinking wine right now. Hell, we have a thread dedicated to drinking downstairs.

I was helping a poster out by saying the info she was asked to link was stated on Dr. Phil.

You mean like this? Maybe not the exact word "acceptable" but the implication, meaning and intention is pretty much the same, IMO

LOL NC, I guess that post does implicate that. I'll let MG say if she was trying to say it was acceptable though.

Bingo. The man cannot even keep himself unimpaired for a total of what - 36 hours? But, apparently, that is acceptable behavior given the pressure upon him. So, hey, ne'er-you-mind that he was the last verifiable individual known to be in the presence of a missing child, HIS child no-less, and there is close to 18 hours of time in which he cannot convincingly account for his whereabouts. Yep, perfectly understandable why he would drink himself silly.

Now, let's talk about Elaine's history of alcoholism. I mean, just because she was hours away @ the time of the disappearance, it is relevant, right? And, even though she's mad as he$$ that her son is gone and his whereabouts are yet unknown, the fact that Mr. Redwine left her (maybe???, not verifiable of course) some 6 years ago because of it means that she really should take a seat and show just a bit more restraint where he is concerned. If so, he likely wouldn't have needed to drink that evening (or any evening probably) @ all. Right???

Kind of answering in reverse here:

Re: ER I agree, regardless of how true his accusations are or how serious the problem was, if there even was a problem, I just don't think it's relevant. She drove all the way to Vallecito that night, and I tend to think she wasn't drinking beforehand.

Re: MR and not being able to be unimpaired for 36 hours - I know we have not heard if he's physically dependent on alcohol but if so, it's possible he really COULDN'T go unimpaired for 36 hours. It's possible that he was either going to be impaired by the alcohol, or impaired by alcohol withdrawal. When watching the show I found myself wondering if he'd had a little more Jim Beam that morning to try to level himself out and it was too much. I'm torn between that and it being more planned as some have suggested - not showering, disheveled clothes, uncombed hair, etc. I am not AT ALL excusing his behavior or saying it's okay because of the pressure he was/is under. I'm just saying that IF he's got a drinking problem and IF it's been going on awhile, it might be impossible to get a completely unimpaired MR right now.

Since I don't know if this applies to MR or not I'll just post some general info for those who may not be familiar with what alcohol withdrawal can look like. Feel free to scroll by if you're not interested. :)

I'm not an expert in this field by any means, but have done a fair amount of reading and learning on it, and the information is pretty consistent across various sources. If someone's used to drinking quite a bit over a period of years, their body adapts, and rapidly quitting can cause all kinds of symptoms that range from irritating to extremely uncomfortable to frightening (i.e. hallucinations) all the way through life threatening. From what I've read and seen, symptoms start within as little as a few hours of stopping drinking, and the worst symptoms are about 48-72 hours after stopping.

I'm hoping this is an ok source to link: -there are lots of other sites that have similar info but this one's pretty succinct. A few snippets:

"For some, who are less chemically dependent, withdrawal symptoms might be as "mild" as merely getting the shakes, or the sweats -- or perhaps nausea, headache, anxiety, a rapid heart beat, and increased blood pressure."
"The symptoms can appear within a few hours after not drinking.

However, within six to 48 hours after not drinking, hallucinations may develop. These usually are visual hallucinations but they can also involve sounds and smells. They can last for a few hours up to weeks at a time."
And from another source, if you're interested: Snippets:

"Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as two hours after the last drink, persist for weeks, and range from mild anxiety and shakiness to severe complications, such as seizures and delirium tremens (also called DTs). The death rate from DTs -- which are characterized by confusion, rapid heartbeat, and fever -- is estimated to range from 1% to 5%."
"Minor alcohol withdrawal symptoms often appear six to 12 hours after alcohol cessation, sometimes while patients still have a measurable blood alcohol level. These symptoms include:

Shaky hands
Mild anxiety
Nausea and/or vomiting

Between 12 and 24 hours after alcohol cessation, some patients may experience visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations which usually end within 48 hours."

Again none of this is meant to excuse MR, if this even applies to him. If it does, it scares me that we (or LE anyway) may have a very hard time getting answers.
Good evening guys I thought I would hang out for awhile tonight.. I hope everyone is well... been busy with real life and the unclaimed. I See no new news. Hugs all

Hey Raine! Good to have you with us :)
(sheesh sorry my last post got so long guys!)
I don't think anyone is really adverse to other viable options, besides MR. But with the way LE appears to be investigating, they seem to be looking closer to home, rather than at some random stranger or predator. I think that if they did indeed request a tape of the DP shows, that is a pretty clear sign they have nothing to suggest a predator or hitchhiking gone awry. I assume they (LE) are and have looked at all options.
I don't much care about their drinking. I'm drinking wine right now. Hell, we have a thread dedicated to drinking downstairs.

I was helping a poster out by saying the info she was asked to link was stated on Dr. Phil.

I would venture a guess that a lot of folks have a glass of wine in the evening to relax.

I don't think very many folks have a missing child though.

Also pretty sure that a glass of wine is in an entirely different "ball field" so to speak, than a half a bottle of Jim Beam....especially the night before you are appearing on national tv in regard to your missing child.

Some discipline would be have been appropriate in light of the circumstances MR was dealing with, wouldn't you agree?

I don't think I'd be thinking of tying one on when I was planning to make a public appearance about my missing child the next day....but that's just me.
I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)

I can think of other possibilities as well. The principle problem with other scenarios is Dylan's lack of any sort of communication from 9:37 Sunday evening on. One would have to believe a normally social Dylan would suddenly lose interest in communicating with any family or friends. Or that an opportunistic predator, delivery person, whacked out family friend, or criminal element agent of one of the parents picked the golden moment, just as Dylan finished his cereal but before he answered his friends' texts, to abduct the unsuspecting child. Or that Dylan's cell phone quit working, his ipod quit working, he was unable to access the computer and the landline or pen and paper were just too 20th century for Dylan to even consider before he struck out on his own.

Add to that Dylan leaving (or being abducted) with all his possessions plus fishing pole. Those are the reasons I find other scenarios unlikely, but it's all JMO and MOO.

Is this what you're offering as to a linked source:

"As for Mark, he divulged his reason for divorcing Elaine. He claims to have done so because she had a drinking problem."


I'm sorry, but I thought you were referring to some kind of legal documents? I mean the reporter even took the time to insert "claims."

Thanks for responding to my request for a link though.
Kind of answering in reverse here:

Re: ER I agree, regardless of how true his accusations are or how serious the problem was, if there even was a problem, I just don't think it's relevant. She drove all the way to Vallecito that night, and I tend to think she wasn't drinking beforehand.

Re: MR and not being able to be unimpaired for 36 hours - I know we have not heard if he's physically dependent on alcohol but if so, it's possible he really COULDN'T go unimpaired for 36 hours. It's possible that he was either going to be impaired by the alcohol, or impaired by alcohol withdrawal. When watching the show I found myself wondering if he'd had a little more Jim Beam that morning to try to level himself out and it was too much. I'm torn between that and it being more planned as some have suggested - not showering, disheveled clothes, uncombed hair, etc. I am not AT ALL excusing his behavior or saying it's okay because of the pressure he was/is under. I'm just saying that IF he's got a drinking problem and IF it's been going on awhile, it might be impossible to get a completely unimpaired MR right now.

Since I don't know if this applies to MR or not I'll just post some general info for those who may not be familiar with what alcohol withdrawal can look like. Feel free to scroll by if you're not interested. :)

I'm not an expert in this field by any means, but have done a fair amount of reading and learning on it, and the information is pretty consistent across various sources. If someone's used to drinking quite a bit over a period of years, their body adapts, and rapidly quitting can cause all kinds of symptoms that range from irritating to extremely uncomfortable to frightening (i.e. hallucinations) all the way through life threatening. From what I've read and seen, symptoms start within as little as a few hours of stopping drinking, and the worst symptoms are about 48-72 hours from stopping.

I'm hoping this is an ok source to link: -there are lots of other sites that have similar info but this one's pretty succinct. A few snippets:

"For some, who are less chemically dependent, withdrawal symptoms might be as "mild" as merely getting the shakes, or the sweats -- or perhaps nausea, headache, anxiety, a rapid heart beat, and increased blood pressure."
"The symptoms can appear within a few hours after not drinking.

However, within six to 48 hours after not drinking, hallucinations may develop. These usually are visual hallucinations but they can also involve sounds and smells. They can last for a few hours up to weeks at a time."
And from another source, if you're interested: Snippets:

"Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as two hours after the last drink, persist for weeks, and range from mild anxiety and shakiness to severe complications, such as seizures and delirium tremens (also called DTs). The death rate from DTs -- which are characterized by confusion, rapid heartbeat, and fever -- is estimated to range from 1% to 5%."
"Minor alcohol withdrawal symptoms often appear six to 12 hours after alcohol cessation, sometimes while patients still have a measurable blood alcohol level. These symptoms include:

Shaky hands
Mild anxiety
Nausea and/or vomiting

Between 12 and 24 hours after alcohol cessation, some patients may experience visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations which usually end within 48 hours."

Again none of this is meant to excuse MR, if this even applies to him. If it does, it scares me that we (or LE anyway) may have a very hard time getting answers.

I suppose this answers my question with regard to having a bit of discipline the night before a national tv show about your missing child....this only leaves 2 choices:

1. MR is an alcoholic.
2. MR was using a drunken stupor as an excuse to avoid the scheduled poly.
I would venture a guess that a lot of folks have a glass of wine in the evening to relax.

I don't think very many folks have a missing child though.

Also pretty sure that a glass of wine is in an entirely different "ball field" so to speak, than a half a bottle of Jim Beam....especially the night before you are appearing on national tv in regard to your missing child.

Some discipline would be have been appropriate in light of the circumstances MR was dealing with, wouldn't you agree?

I don't think I'd be thinking of tying one on when I was planning to make a public appearance about my missing child the next day....but that's just me.

Is a man not allowed to have a drink? I don't think it was acceptable in any way that he drank before the DP show but in general I think in the privacy of his own home, like anyone; should be able to have a drink.
Would it be acceptable for ER to drink if she wanted to?
JMO and all.:twocents:
Does anyone know when the lake starts to thaw? I was looking at the weather in Durango and it will be above 60 in the daytime for most of the week. On one day it almost hits 70. Wish LE would bring in their own divers again so ER, MH do not have to spend their own money. It could deplete the entire fund, I think, and there is no guarantee that they will find DR.
"convinced the judge that I was trying to be vindictive,"

Arrgh Rehead72 - I am so sad you went through all of that! It seems like in the limited time in family court allows - the one explaining the weirdness is sidelined and made to take the blame!

Thanks, ck. I appreciate you saying that. My father's lawyer at the time was a real sob, and there is a lot more to the story, but I've heard that is what happens a lot. Somehow they managed to get me barred from the courtroom saying I had nothing useful to contribute? I still don't understand that, but it was a long time ago, and I've come to terms with that portion of things at least.
I can think of other possibilities as well. The principle problem with other scenarios is Dylan's lack of any sort of communication from 9:37 Sunday evening on. One would have to believe a normally social Dylan would suddenly lose interest in communicating with any family or friends. Or that an opportunistic predator, delivery person, whacked out family friend, or criminal element agent of one of the parents picked the golden moment, just as Dylan finished his cereal but before he answered his friends' texts, to abduct the unsuspecting child. Or that Dylan's cell phone quit working, his ipod quit working, he was unable to access the computer and the landline or pen and paper were just too 20th century for Dylan to even consider before he struck out on his own.

Add to that Dylan leaving (or being abducted) with all his possessions plus fishing pole. Those are the reasons I find other scenarios unlikely, but it's all JMO and MOO.

Not to mention MR's absolute nonchalance and minimal efforts to search for his missing child.
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