CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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If he is INNOCENT what the heck does he have to be nervous about?
If he is Innocent why did he fail the first poly and then refuse another?

He backpeddles!

To be fair about him being nervous, he was on a national TV show talking about his missing child and presumably knew that viewers would be judging him. Even if he's 100% innocent, it would be a nervewracking situation IMO. Not to mention the studio audience - that alone would be enough to make many people incredibly nervous.

The poly, I still think his biggest mistake was saying he'd take it and then backing out. If he'd said no up front I wouldn't have thought it was a big deal, especially if he had a good reason such as being advised not to take it, or said he didn't trust the validity of polygraphs, something like that. I imagine Dr. Phil would've jumped all over those reasons, but it would've been a lot better than what MR ended up doing IMO. Freaking out that he had to go "right now," not feeling ok to take it when he got there, going back to the hotel and getting drunk, being mysteriously hung over and then explaining how little he had to drink (which IMO wouldn't make him all that sick the next day, even with the stress and lack of sleep). Individually each of these things can be explained given the situation, but when you combine them all it makes him look really, really bad IMO.

As to backpeddles, yes, I agree completely! I've lost track of how many times we've seen that. Thank goodness for archives so that we can go back and see the original story, and evolution over time.
"convinced the judge that I was trying to be vindictive,"

Arrgh Rehead72 - I am so sad you went through all of that! It seems like in the limited time in family court allows - the one explaining the weirdness is sidelined and made to take the blame!
There is such a paucity of information about hard evidence in this case that discussion necessarily becomes extremely subjective, in my opinion.
Clearly, Mark Redwine pushes many posters' buttons.

In my opinion, the bottom line here is written on a bumper sticker I saw recently: I don't know, and you don't either.


There's a lot of information out there. It would take a series of unbelievable coincidences for it not to be Mark.
I am not talking about clearing himself with a website. He could have taken a new poly, either on national TV or with LE. He could have done so and cleared himself of much suspicion. Why did he choose Jim Beam over the poly?

IMO, his actions have illustrated where his priorities are. Apparently, his good buddy Jim Beam is more important to him than doing what's necessary to clear his name & assist in finding his missing son. MOO
Something that's been bugging me for a while, so I'm just going to throw it out there. Even if MR is being deceptive and had problems answering some questions on a poly truthfully (or was afraid of what questions he might be asked during one on DP), that doesn't mean he's guilty of murder, or even hiding away Dylan. From what I've seen and heard, there could be a lot of things he doesn't want to talk truthfully about, and many that would bother him to have broadcast to millions of people more than being called a drunk, liar and possibly worse. JMO
But wouldn't LE know something was hinky if Mark did not pass the first polygraph? I know it's not admissible in court, but it is a tool LE uses in its investigations. The fact Mark wouldn't take the DP polygraph has got to make LE even more suspicious of him.

From what I can tell, Mark has still not "lawyered up." This is such a perplexing case: It is as if DR vanished into thin air. FBI, CBI, etc. appear to be stumped for viable clues, but then again, they could be withholding information waiting for one more piece to make sense.

I don't care what anybody thinks, if LE did not think a polygraph was a great tool they would not ask people to take them and when someone fails one LE pays close attention.
IMO, his actions have illustrated where his priorities are. Apparently, his good buddy Jim Beam is more important to him than doing what's necessary to clear his name & assist in finding his missing son. MOO

Bingo. The man cannot even keep himself unimpaired for a total of what - 36 hours? But, apparently, that is acceptable behavior given the pressure upon him. So, hey, ne'er-you-mind that he was the last verifiable individual known to be in the presence of a missing child, HIS child no-less, and there is close to 18 hours of time in which he cannot convincingly account for his whereabouts. Yep, perfectly understandable why he would drink himself silly.

Now, let's talk about Elaine's history of alcoholism. I mean, just because she was hours away @ the time of the disappearance, it is relevant, right? And, even though she's mad as he$$ that her son is gone and his whereabouts are yet unknown, the fact that Mr. Redwine left her (maybe???, not verifiable of course) some 6 years ago because of it means that she really should take a seat and show just a bit more restraint where he is concerned. If so, he likely wouldn't have needed to drink that evening (or any evening probably) @ all. Right???
I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)
Bingo. The man cannot even keep himself unimpaired for a total of what - 36 hours? But, apparently, that is acceptable behavior given the pressure upon him. So, hey, ne'er-you-mind that he was the last verifiable individual known to be in the presence of a missing child, HIS child no-less, and there is close to 18 hours of time in which he cannot convincingly account for his whereabouts. Yep, perfectly understandable why he would drink himself silly.

Now, let's talk about Elaine's history of alcoholism. I mean, just because she was hours away @ the time of the disappearance, it is relevant, right? And, even though she's mad as he$$ that her son is gone and his whereabouts are yet unknown, the fact that Mr. Redwine left her (maybe???, not verifiable, of course) some 6 years ago because of it means that she really should take a seat and show just a bit more restraint where he is concerned. If so, he likely wouldn't have needed to drink that evening (or any evening probably) @ all. Right???


I don't think anyone thinks or has said its acceptable.

I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)

There certainly are other viable scenarios, in my opinion. LE has apparently ruled out runaway and accident, though.
I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)

I'd like to hear your thoughts and other scenarios, sreshowtime.
I realize the focus has been on MR, but how much research/consideration has been given to other scenarios? I can think of several cases where the perp wound up being someone other than who it was first assumed.
I can think of other scenarios, but they might go over like a lead balloon here:)

I'd love to hear some. I've tried several, but my balloons float like yours! :blushing:
To be fair about him being nervous, he was on a national TV show talking about his missing child and presumably knew that viewers would be judging him. Even if he's 100% innocent, it would be a nervewracking situation IMO. Not to mention the studio audience - that alone would be enough to make many people incredibly nervous.

The poly, I still think his biggest mistake was saying he'd take it and then backing out. If he'd said no up front I wouldn't have thought it was a big deal, especially if he had a good reason such as being advised not to take it, or said he didn't trust the validity of polygraphs, something like that. I imagine Dr. Phil would've jumped all over those reasons, but it would've been a lot better than what MR ended up doing IMO. Freaking out that he had to go "right now," not feeling ok to take it when he got there, going back to the hotel and getting drunk, being mysteriously hung over and then explaining how little he had to drink (which IMO wouldn't make him all that sick the next day, even with the stress and lack of sleep). Individually each of these things can be explained given the situation, but when you combine them all it makes him look really, really bad IMO.

As to backpeddles, yes, I agree completely! I've lost track of how many times we've seen that. Thank goodness for archives so that we can go back and see the original story, and evolution over time.

:what: Next time he speaks he'll probably say that he wanted to, but he doesn't really trust them, and he was advised not to...
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