CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #46

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IMO since MR has a laptop it's very likely that he has some type of wifi setup. No not everyone does, but I would say most with laptops do have wifi. Especially nowadays.

All a wireless router does is turn a non wireless modem into a wireless modem. It sends out the wireless signal. I used to have this setup. Now most ISP's provide you with a wireless modem. I used to have 2 desktops and my daughter had a laptop. Before I had a wireless modem I had to buy a wireless router and attach to the non wireless modem which was attached to desktop #1. I then had to buy a wireless receiver for desktop #2 to receive the wireless signal since most desktops do not have wireless receivers built in. My daughter who had a laptop WITH a wireless receiver built in didn't need to do anything to pick up the wireless router signal. All laptops have wireless receivers built in. As do smart phones, iPods etc.

All a wireless router does is make an non wireless modem (which is provided by your ISP) into a wireless modem. Most ISP's now provide you with a wireless modem so this is not necessary.
From the news release:

The BBM is very interesting:

Mark’s and Dylan’s interactions and activities within the community on November 18th and 19th, as well as tips related to persons, locations and sightings remain under investigation.

Just jumping on to see if any progress has been made in finding Dylan. I see things are the same. Pity.

I find it interesting that you chose not to bold the very words that jumped out to me when I read this statement, mainly: "tips related to persons, locations and sightings under investigation." Persons, as in plural. Sounds to me like they have other "persons" of possible interest.
For those who do not have a modem with wifi built in, call your ISP and tell them to send you one! The external router thing is for the birds! Nothing but problems....
Just jumping on to see if any progress has been made in finding Dylan. I see things are the same. Pity.

I find it interesting that you chose not to bold the very words that jumped out to me when I read this statement, mainly: "tips related to persons, locations and sightings under investigation." Persons, as in plural. Sounds to me like they have other "persons" of possible interest.

IMO this is just a broad general statement. Of course they want to know anything and everything whether it includes MR or not.
Modem is what is provided to you by your internet service provider (isp) to connect to the internet.
Router gets attached to modem to make it wifi capable (if it's not a wifi modem-nowadays most ISP's provide you with a wifi modem thus no need for a router)
Receiver is attached to additional DESKTOP's in the home wanting to access the internet since desktop's do not generally have the wireless receiver built in like a laptop does

Most ISP's now provide you with a modem with wifi built in so there's no need to attach a router to it. If you have an additional desktop and you'd like to connect to the internet without running wires from computer #1 to computer #2 you will still need to attach a receiver to desktop #2 to pick up the wireless signal. Laptop's, smart phones, iPods etc have the receiver built in.

I'm only clarifying this because I see some referring to their modem as a router. These are 2 different things. A router gets attached to the modem to make it wifi capable. Nowadays there is no need for this.
I am not so sure about that, even if Dylan texted someone saying "my Dad took my phone away", Mark could say a whole whack of different excuses like "I took it away for an hour." You're absolutely right, he has dug himself in about texting Dylan the next day. Not much that I can see for LE to do except document each & every inconsistency and build a case, layer by layer. LE does it all the time as there usually is no smoking gun, video, etc. I did find it interesting in the longest news release to date, there was no mention of not calling him a suspect or that he is co-operating. This is totally my speculation; Mark isn't or he is hedging LE & if that is true we may see LE soon saying a little bit more or maybe I should say "hanging him out there a little more." Going by other cases, that's really the only way they can is to slowly tighten the screws to someone these days.:twocents:

BBM, true. I really hope LE has something that will bring Dylan home one way or another, or at least bring justice to anyone that has harmed him.

Elaine has said he has both on the NG show. I don’t remember MR saying anything about computers.

Regarding satellite, I said “He has satellite for cable, what would wifi cost $30-$40?” I can see how that was confusing; what I meant is if he is willing to spend money for the satellite for TV and given that he is also a texter, with spotty reception why wouldn’t he spend $30-$40 extra for internet?

You brought up a great point, MR could have internet through his land-line, which IMO would further justify in having given he is away so much. Other posters looking into the campground (not sure if that is the one closest to Mark though) has it and different places that advertise wifi & it very well could be coming via a land-line. If he or you have internet via the land line, all you need is a very inexpensive router to have wifi. Not sure the current cost of a router, one-time $30 shot?

BBM, I don't think wi/fi helps with actual texting from a cell. I believe that is still through the cellular towers.

For those who do not have a modem with wifi built in, call your ISP and tell them to send you one! The external router thing is for the birds! Nothing but problems....

Definitely! We have a wireless router. Nothing is hardwired in my house. With so many gadgets these days, it's worth it to just have wi/fi. Even our family desktop computer is wireless. The xbox and bluray are wi/fi for Netflix. Of course, if we didn't have so many gadgets and it was just dh and I, we probably wouldn't bother with wi/fi. My MIL doesn't have wireless and my boys HATE going over there for that reason alone. lol
I think many people have been with their ISP's forever and do not realize that nowadays they provide you with a wifi capable modem for free. They used to charge for these. Call them and tell them to send you one. With all the smartphones, iPods, laptops and gadgets needing wifi nowadays, your friends will thank you when they come over. It's so much better than attaching an external router to a non wifi modem. That was the stone age. Things have come a long ways since then.
I think it does not really matter if they had wireless or not.
I dont think this young boy was able to text or call anyone after that last text message sent Sunday night!
I still think some remarks were said And everything went wrong!
I dont think this was planned.
MR seems like a messed up guy to me but i dont feel he would intentionally hurt any of his kids.
Anger makes ppl do some horrible things.
Young kids can say many things to make you angry.

Like i said I think some remarks wer passed back and forth and the end result was not good.

MR does not have to prove he didnt do this. We have to prove he did!
So his silence speaks vollumes!
LE may have discounted it, but they aren't mind readers either. I still think it's very possible that Dylan took off.

LE doesn't think he ran away because, I have read previously, the time involved since he has been gone and the lack of contact to anyone. Personally, I think one scenario is that he did indeed run away BUT then got abducted by someone. A possibility to me. Of course, the end result would be "abduction" so LE would go with that.
I think it does not really matter if they had wireless or not.
I dont think this young boy was able to text or call anyone after that last text message sent Sunday night!
I still think some remarks were said And everything went wrong!
I dont think this was planned.
MR seems like a messed up guy to me but i dont feel he would intentionally hurt any of his kids.
Anger makes ppl do some horrible things.
Young kids can say many things to make you angry.

Like i said I think some remarks wer passed back and forth and the end result was not good.

MR does not have to prove he didnt do this. We have to prove he did!
So his silence speaks vollumes!

In the original MR-killed-Dylan-in-a-rage theories, the death happened along the road on the drive home, probably near the lake. I think many people suggested an exchange of words in the car, followed by Dylan somehow getting out of the car, a fatal blow from MR, MR gets rid of Dylan at the lake or some other concealed spot nearby.

Now that LE has confirmed that Dylan made it to the house, in the MR-in-a-rage theory where is the crime scene? In the house? Does the theory involve them leaving again?
I think many people have been with their ISP's forever and do not realize that nowadays they provide you with a wifi capable modem for free. They used to charge for these. Call them and tell them to send you one. With all the smartphones, iPods, laptops and gadgets needing wifi nowadays, your friends will thank you when they come over. It's so much better than attaching an external router to a non wifi modem. That was the stone age. Things have come a long ways since then.

And that is another reason I think MR has wireless internet capabilities. Lady friends that come to visit for a week or two would not be happy if he didn't! :moo::moo::moo:
Most people with a laptop nowadays do have wifi. Why wouldn't you? It's provided for free by your ISP? And MR also had an iPod. I don't know if it was a Touch or had texting capabilities but if it did he would need wifi to use it for that. It's possible he didn't have wifi but very unlikely to me. If Dylan had accessed the wifi on his iPod on a prior visit the iPod would probably have the password stored.
In the original MR-killed-Dylan-in-a-rage theories, the death happened along the road on the drive home, probably near the lake. I think many people suggested an exchange of words in the car, followed by Dylan somehow getting out of the car, a fatal blow from MR, MR gets rid of Dylan at the lake or some other concealed spot nearby.

Now that LE has confirmed that Dylan made it to the house, in the MR-in-a-rage theory where is the crime scene? In the house? Does the theory involve them leaving again?

That is a good question. This is one of the reasons from early on I had asked if HRD dogs ever searched MR's home or vehicles. To my knowledge we have no idea. It certainly would help to know this. Also if HRD dogs searched his vehicles or house 10 days after a body was removed would they get hits?

The answer to your question from me anyways, I still believe MR did do something to Dylan. The details, with how, when and where are hard to decide without more info. I'm still not 100% convinced that Dylan did actually made it to MR's. I hope LE isn't coming to this conclusion based strictly on wifi access.
I think to whom the 9:37 text was sent and what it said is crucial.

If that message was sent via wifi at Mark's house (whether by cell phone or iPod) and it said "hey I'm at my Dad's", well anyone could have sent that. If it said "I'm at my Dad's and he took my cell phone away but he forgot I have my iPod", well I would assume that came from Dylan and would prove he was at the house. Or say it said "I'm at my Dad's and he's being an arse", well I would think that probably came from Dylan and again would most likely prove he made it to the home.
I have my phone set up to switch automatically to wifi when it is within range. If it's wifi I have used prior there is no need to enter a password. My phone remembers it and switches over automatically. So the message contents (whether sent via iPod or cell phone) could prove Dylan made it to the home if the device sent the message through the wifi. Yes even texts would go through the wifi if the phone was switched over to the wifi.
Most people with a laptop nowadays do have wifi. Why wouldn't you? It's provided for free by your ISP? And MR also had an iPod. I don't know if it was a Touch or had texting capabilities but if it did he would need wifi to use it for that. It's possible he didn't have wifi but very unlikely to me. If Dylan had accessed the wifi on his iPod on a prior visit the iPod would probably have the password stored.

I'm kinda jumping in here so I may be repeating someone.

I agree with you Psychic Sleuth. Also, if MR did have wifi I think (IMO) there is little question whether Dylan would have been able to access it (password). Dylan was just at his dad's visiting in September. His device would likely have the wifi password stored from his last visit and would automatically connect. He also would probably have the knowledge that wifi passwords are usually listed (at least in my experience) on the back of the modem/router. If the homeowner has chosen to change the wifi password to something more memorable (For example: "redwine123" rather than a random combo of numbers and letters, which is what the original passwords listed on the hardware are) then Dylan would probably have been able to simply know the password from memory from september.

Well from the little info we have he is not doing anything :cow:

We have yet to see him do a fund raiser for Dylan

Elaine was on radio a the weekend and they are trying to get Mark on and yet the admin woman said last night he is not replying to her .

He was late to a candle light vigil that was held for Dylan months ago and he had some lame excuse if I remember rightly !

The only way to get Dylan's name out there is to talk to the media and if Elaine did what Mark was doing then Dylan would not have the exposure he does have.

This is no picnic in the park for Elaine I am sure but she is putting Dylan first and is doing what needs to be done to get people to know Dylan is missing and is still not home .

All :moo: :cow:

I keep seeing comments about MR doing "nothing." Could it possibly be we don't know everything he is doing? We don't know what LE has told him to do/not to do. Maybe LE has told him not to sell any of his possessions because they might be considered evidence one day.

I have read he hired a private investigator. He went on the Dr. Phil show. He took a polygraph test. He helped in bringing in the dogs. Yet he is still accused of doing "nothing." If I was in his shoes, I would be suffering the worst case of depression ever!!! I would not want to leave my house or talk to anyone on the telephone. And he said on Dr. Phil that someone from ER and CR's side called him and told him they didn't want him involved. Seeing the way they treated MR on the show, I believe what MR said. ER and CR attacking MR is not putting the focus on Dylan, where I think it should be. Perhaps MR thinks the same way. Perhaps he thinks his being there will just cause a scene and draw attention away from Dylan.

Personally, I would not have gone on the Dr. Phil show. This, in my opinion, was a "darned if you do and darned if you don't" situation for him, and I definitely would not have taken a polygragh! ER is hostile, argumentative, and blames only MR for the disappearance of her son. They had a hostile divorce (and still do). I too went through that with my ex. I would never go on national tv with him, no matter what the circumstances.

I think we should all remember that Dr. Phil produces a "show" for ratings, and the more sensational the better. I was hoping that we would learn what has been done to find Dylan, whether or not the police have any evidence, and how many leads have they had and followed through to completion, what areas/roads have been searched, etc. Instead, all I saw was a witch hunt. I was very disappointed.

I sure hope LE is not as frustrated with this case as we all are!
IMO with the timeline we've been given of them at McDonald's at 7:22 with the time it takes to drive to MR's (mapquest says 1 hour 12 minutes while MR says 45 min - 1 hour) there is a slight possibility that Dylan's responses to the 8:01 conversation with R were sent through the wifi at MR's house. How is that possible? Well...the phone would not log a new time unless at least 10 minutes (some say 15) had passed so it's possible that Dylan didn't actually respond to Ryan until 8:09 - 8:15. If they could get home from McDonalds between 45-1 hour (as MR stated) they could have conceivably been home by then. And if Dylan had his cell phone set up to automatically switch to wifi when it was within range (as my phone is) it's possible that this is how they are determining that Dylan did indeed make it to the home.
I keep seeing comments about MR doing "nothing." Could it possibly be we don't know everything he is doing? We don't know what LE has told him to do/not to do. Maybe LE has told him not to sell any of his possessions because they might be considered evidence one day.

I have read he hired a private investigator. He went on the Dr. Phil show. He took a polygraph test. He helped in bringing in the dogs. Yet he is still accused of doing "nothing." If I was in his shoes, I would be suffering the worst case of depression ever!!! I would not want to leave my house or talk to anyone on the telephone. And he said on Dr. Phil that someone from ER and CR's side called him and told him they didn't want him involved. Seeing the way they treated MR on the show, I believe what MR said. ER and CR attacking MR is not putting the focus on Dylan, where I think it should be. Perhaps MR thinks the same way. Perhaps he thinks his being there will just cause a scene and draw attention away from Dylan.

Personally, I would not have gone on the Dr. Phil show. This, in my opinion, was a "darned if you do and darned if you don't" situation for him, and I definitely would not have taken a polygragh! ER is hostile, argumentative, and blames only MR for the disappearance of her son. They had a hostile divorce (and still do). I too went through that with my ex. I would never go on national tv with him, no matter what the circumstances.

I think we should all remember that Dr. Phil produces a "show" for ratings, and the more sensational the better. I was hoping that we would learn what has been done to find Dylan, whether or not the police have any evidence, and how many leads have they had and followed through to completion, what areas/roads have been searched, etc. Instead, all I saw was a witch hunt. I was very disappointed.

I sure hope LE is not as frustrated with this case as we all are!

I didn't include links for my comments. I think all the information came from this site though. Sorry for any inconvenience.
I keep seeing comments about MR doing "nothing." Could it possibly be we don't know everything he is doing? We don't know what LE has told him to do/not to do. Maybe LE has told him not to sell any of his possessions because they might be considered evidence one day.

I have read he hired a private investigator. He went on the Dr. Phil show. He took a polygraph test. He helped in bringing in the dogs. Yet he is still accused of doing "nothing." If I was in his shoes, I would be suffering the worst case of depression ever!!! I would not want to leave my house or talk to anyone on the telephone. And he said on Dr. Phil that someone from ER and CR's side called him and told him they didn't want him involved. Seeing the way they treated MR on the show, I believe what MR said. ER and CR attacking MR is not putting the focus on Dylan, where I think it should be. Perhaps MR thinks the same way. Perhaps he thinks his being there will just cause a scene and draw attention away from Dylan.

Personally, I would not have gone on the Dr. Phil show. This, in my opinion, was a "darned if you do and darned if you don't" situation for him, and I definitely would not have taken a polygragh! ER is hostile, argumentative, and blames only MR for the disappearance of her son. They had a hostile divorce (and still do). I too went through that with my ex. I would never go on national tv with him, no matter what the circumstances.

I think we should all remember that Dr. Phil produces a "show" for ratings, and the more sensational the better. I was hoping that we would learn what has been done to find Dylan, whether or not the police have any evidence, and how many leads have they had and followed through to completion, what areas/roads have been searched, etc. Instead, all I saw was a witch hunt. I was very disappointed.

I sure hope LE is not as frustrated with this case as we all are!

He hired a private investigator that turned out not to be credible and would not even appear on Dr Phil. I will leave it at that and perhaps that was through no fault of MR's.

He took a poly and failed (or it was inconclusive) and will not take another one. He claimed that the examiner was not qualified and LE quickly made a statement saying that was not true.

He put on a huge fiasco regarding the polygraph on Dr Phil and I think that's where a lot of people got to see a different side of him. If he didn't want to take it he should have just said so.

IF he was doing things to get Dylan's name and face out to the public the public would know about it.

He did not seek out K9 forensics. She offered to help the family.

He has a past history of abuse and some very deviant behaviors.

Some of his stories have changed. He talks in circles and does not answer questions with a direct answer most of the time so it's hard to know what he's even talking about.

The list goes on and on...

To me the most disturbing thing is I see no urgency in finding his son. None in his actions or his words. Just MOO but I don't see it and I don't feel it.
One huge piece of information that LE has that we do not is what additional conversations (text or phone or whatever) Dylan may have been having with other people that have not come forward publicly. We don't get to know if he texted anyone between that 8:01 text and the 9:37, who or what he said. That's such a big hole in our data. But apparently not enough to make an arrest of anyone.

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