CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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What they said was that it was the last place he was seen, and they believed he either left the home and was abducted or something happened to him in the home. What I said earlier was that they would most likely be looking for signs of a struggle (blood, etc.) or something that might indicate who he may have left with - emails, texts, IMs, photographs, etc. If he was (supposedly) known to have entered the home, and nobody admits to seeing him since (other than his father), he either has to still be in the house or something probably happened to him. I have no idea where the bolded part came from; I said that those would be the type of things they would be searching for. MOO

ETA: Looking back at my other post, I really didn't word things the way I meant them. I can see why you misunderstood me.

The last cell phone activity is in the middle of Dylan confirming plans with his friend for the following morning at 6:30 AM ... texting a friend ... making sure that it's okay with his friends grandmother if he shows up that early. It sounds like Dylan thought that was the only time to get a ride, he checked with his friend, his friend okayed it and isn't that the last of the correspondance. That abruptly stopped at about bedtime, but according to the father, he and Dylan were watching a movie.

If the dad did it, he had plenty of time to hide a body since he was unaccounted for during most of the day. It would be interesting to map out dad's timeline between the time that Dylan's plane arrived to when he knocked on his sons' friend's door.
The last cell phone activity is in the middle of Dylan confirming plans with his friend for the following morning at 6:30 AM ... texting a friend ... making sure that it's okay with his friends grandmother if he shows up that early. It sounds like Dylan thought that was the only time to get a ride, he checked with his friend, his friend okayed it and isn't that the last of the correspondance. That abruptly stopped at about bedtime, but according to the father, he and Dylan were watching a movie.

If the dad did it, he had plenty of time to hide a body since he was unaccounted for during most of the day. It would be interesting to map out dad's timeline between the time that Dylan's plane arrived to when he knocked on his sons' friend's door.

I'd love to see you do that. There's probably already a copy of his timeline, for what it's worth, on here somewhere. I'd look for it but I already took my meds tonight and doubt if I could stay awake long enough.
If he left the home (which I do think is possible) I think he was intercepted by a very angy dad!

I dont believe a stranger abducted this young man!
From day one I have thought the father was the reason Dylan is missing and this was way before I knew anything about this man, I had never seen him not heard him speak.
It was
1. No cell activity
2. Dad not reporting his son missing and not looking for him.
3. Texting Elaine to report their son seems to be missing.
4. No scent articles of Dylan to be found.

These were the FACTS that led me to MR and are still what keeps me there.
Only now there has been added many many more concerns.
AFAIC this man knows exactly what happend to his son.

If he left the home (which I do think is possible) I think he was intercepted by a very angy dad!

I dont believe a stranger abducted this young man!
From day one I have thought the father was the reason Dylan is missing and this was way before I knew anything about this man, I had never seen him not heard him speak.
It was
1. No cell activity
2. Dad not reporting his son missing and not looking for him.
3. Texting Elaine to report their son seems to be missing.
4. No scent articles of Dylan to be found.

These were the FACTS that led me to MR and are still what keeps me there.
Only now there has been added many many more concerns.
AFAIC this man knows exactly what happend to his son.


That's exactly where I was when Dylan's disappearance was first reported. Unfortunately, nothing I learned since, whether discussable or not, has pointed away from my initial impression. All MOO
IIRC, they executed a full forensics search on Ronald Cummings' home after Haleigh went missing, (not sure how long after but a few days, I think) and found no evidence that a crime had been committed there. To my knowledge, no one has ever been charged with her disappearance. I don't remember ever seeing the affidavit for the SW, I am just saying I remember the search.
I also recall that they did a full search on Haily Dunn's home, and did not find evidence of a crime relating to her disappearance there, and no one has been charged with her disappearance as yet, either.
IIRC, they executed a full forensics search on Ronald Cummings' home after Haleigh went missing, (not sure how long after but a few days, I think) and found no evidence that a crime had been committed there. To my knowledge, no one has ever been charged with her disappearance. I don't remember ever seeing the affidavit for the SW, I am just saying I remember the search.
I also recall that they did a full search on Haily Dunn's home, and did not find evidence of a crime relating to her disappearance there, and no one has been charged with her disappearance as yet, either.

Because as I see it the homes were not the crime scenes.
Because the missing person lives there its hard to find evidence of a crime unless there is blood evidence.
DNA question for long time Websleuthers: At what point do they normally request DNA from a missing child's family? Would LE already have something to compare the DNA with? Or do they run the missing person's DNA first to have ready for comparison when evidence presents itself?
<modsnip> I know exactly what you are talking about!

IT IS RARE. A MINISCULE CHANCE! Unfortunately :please:

Beam me up Scotty! :ufo:

and now...<modsnip>

Yet some believe this is such a case despite the glaring inconsistencies
in MR's statements.Looking back some of his statements
make me wonder was someone else involved before or after and at minimum knows what happened. Such as someone was at the house or in the vehicle with MR. MOO :twocents:
I know some where discussing the reasons why Dylan was even considered a runaway initially, and just wanted to add my two cents worth on that subject. IMO it's because there could have been emphasis placed on the assumption that Dylan hadn't wanted to go on the visit in the first place, or that if he did it was only because he wanted to catch up with friends. Once the frowny face in the first text to ER had been mentioned, that was oft cited as proof that Dylan was none too happy about seeing his dad. I have no doubt that was reinforced with LE initially also, in addition to the fact that MR hadn't dropped Dylan off with his friends as soon as he arrived.

I think Dylan's excitement to see his friends showed the opposite. I tend to believe LE may have initially believed Dylan took off on his own, headed to see his friends. Not that Dylan was running away from his life. In my opinion, the excitement Dylan had to see his friends was so profound LE could basically rule out a runaway scenario. I think LE has considered Dylan may have been abducted if he did head out on his own to visit friends. In my opinion, Dylan's excitement to see his friends was an obvious clue Dylan was not a runaway.
DNA question for long time Websleuthers: At what point do they normally request DNA from a missing child's family? Would LE already have something to compare the DNA with? Or do they run the missing person's DNA first to have ready for comparison when evidence presents itself?

Probably immediately is my guess.
Maybe when they requested the articles for Scent from Elaine!
But thats just my thoughts on that one.
I tend to believe LE may have initially believed Dylan took off on his own, headed to see his friends. Not that Dylan was running away from his life. In my opinion, the excitement Dylan had to see his friends was so profound LE could basically rule out a runaway scenario. I think LE has considered Dylan may have been abducted if did head out on his own to visit friends. In my opinion, Dylan's excitement to see his friends was an obvious clue Dylan was not a runaway.

I think he was waiting for MR to fall asleep and he left the house with everything he came with. MR woke up and went out in search of Dyan. He finds him and they argue and it all goes wrong! Nothing good happend that night as I see it. From his photo at Walmart you can tell things were not happy.
Im beginning to think 9 37 is the time Dylan left the house!
I feel this text is what will sink MR's ship!
Im beginning to think 9 37 is the time Dylan left the house!
I feel this text is what will sink MR's ship!

Hmmm, Eileen!
Good point, very interesting. I've been imagining that text as a sort of SOS type thing or ' dad's drunk and being a db' etc. But what if it says ' ok i'll meet you outside in 5 min' .....? Is that what you mean? Or " im at the dock, where are you ' ...something that indicates he was already out so everything MR says after is a lie?
Hmmm, Eileen!
Good point, very interesting. I've been imagining that text as a sort of SOS type thing or ' dad's drunk and being a db' etc. But what if it says ' ok i'll meet you outside in 5 min' .....? Is that what you mean? Or " im at the dock, where are you ' ...something that indicates he was already out so everything MR says after is a lie?

NO I think he sent the Text to R
Saying I cant take this anymore im going t try to leave tnight ill text you when i get there. R's reply says ok CALL me too.

R not hearing from him figures D couldnt leave the house that night and was waiting for him in the AM. But he still never shows!

I think Dylan did leave but Mark intercepted him in his travels! Its a very long walk.
MY thinking is once Dylan got to the house Mark maybe told him he couldnt go see his friends at all that he was spending time with him the week he was there.
Dad keeps saying over and over how important his friends are sent out a red flag. It annoyed him!

Just a thought,
I do not think Dylan was in the home Monday Morning!
I firmly believe MR failed the poly! IIRC this was aroud the time he went seeking guidance from a lawyer.
I think dylan was only in that home for possibly an Hr!

The only circumstantial evidence that I can see that points to Mark is that he is the last person to be seen with Dylan and a couple of minor inconsistent statements. We don't know the official results of the polygraph and even if we did I don't give them any weight as evidence.

Evidence is this case is pretty slim so far. MOO.

I am wayyyy behind so this has probably been cleared up but on the DR PHIL show Mark Redwine himself told us that LE told him that he had either failed or the results were inconclusive at best. Dr. Phil
NO I think he sent the Text to R
Saying I cant take this anymore im going t try to leave tnight ill text you when i get there. R's reply says ok CALL me too.

R not hearing from him figures D couldnt leave the house that night and was waiting for him in the AM. But he still never shows!

I think Dylan did leave but Mark intercepted him in his travels! Its a very long walk.

That scenario doesn't work for me. DR had stayed up until 4 a.m. and then traveled quite a bit of the day. I agree with others who have posted that he went to sleep shortly after MR turned in.

I would never have quessed you were not You don't look alike! :floorlaugh:

I tend to agree. I don't think this department will either. If you look at what has been released thus far, most of it has been information the family could have shared on their own. LE has not released anything that they themselves have only been privy to. In my opinion, I don't think they plan on naming anyone until an actual arrest can be made.

Which to me is the smartest thing to do.
I am wayyyy behind so this has probably been cleared up but on the DR PHIL show Mark Redwine himself told us that LE told him that he had either failed or the results were inconclusive at best. Dr. Phil

And, LE is permitted to lie. AND LE has never told the public anything about the poly results
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