CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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I wasn't addressing any general statements. I was participating in the conversation started by Ranch and FindDylan about the ongoing searches, the upcoming SAR group and knowing the difference between FB rumors vs truth.
I don't see family/friends/supporters or locals leading anyone astray by posting what they've done to find Dylan, where they have searched, who is searching on the weekends and the area they covered, nor do I think the K-9 group would lead anyone astray by posting the dates they plan to return to the area to search for Dylan, nor do I think anyone would provide false information regarding the date of any upcoming fundraisers. I was addressing these FACTS.
I don't care who "likes" Mark, who "believes" Mark or who doesn't "believe" Mark. I don't believe Mark and nothing anyone says on any FB page will change my opinion of him. He did that all by himself. I'm also a professional investigator and I know what I know and have perfectly legitimate reasons for believing what I believe. I don't care to analyze this case regarding Mark's guilt or innocence. I am only concerned about finding Dylan and I believe there are a lot of folks who will never give up and I'm grateful for their efforts.

BBM. I was reading the FMDR FB page yesterday from the beginning and I was impressed by how strong and consistent the message has been. Where is Dylan? We are looking. We will find him. Period, end of story. Accusations have been directed elsewhere in order not to taint the message. Updates about searches are posted there. Fundraising pitches to support searches are posted there. If folks aren't FB savvy, they have set up a website as well that is very tightly focused. The official pages and websites aren't about accusing MR, they are about finding Dylan. There are an awful lot of folks who have supported this effort and I am proud to be among them. I believe he will be found, one way or the other, and soon.
For those who might want to cast a wider net (beyond MR, for example) me understand where it might be useful to direct where to look for Dylan. There was much speculation about former Deputy Sutter (his appointment has been revoked, BTW) as well as RSOs in the vicinity. If they grabbed Dylan, where would they have placed him? I know the conventional thinking is that strangers do not need to hide victims since they are not as afraid of getting caught. There is no reason to have associated the victim with them in the first place so generally, these victims are found much more quickly than those who have been harmed by a family member. If Sutter or a local RSO is at fault, where the heck would they hide a body? The lake is still as good a place as any for me to think but...would they be more or less likely to drive hundreds of miles away? Would they be more or less likely to bury or disguise remains (ie in landfills, etc)? I'm really trying to come up with WHERE to find Dylan and some of the places to look might be different depending on what you think happened to him. Since I can't think beyond MR, I am honestly asking those of you who do- where oh where should the searchers be searching?
I think if a local offender, registered or otherwise, had taken Dylan, he probably would have been located by now. If so, that leaves a passing stranger/traveler, or someone close to Dylan, in which case he could be anywhere.

I am sorry to say that the determination and desire to find a missing person does not equate to actually finding them. Some families have been searching for decades, and may never give up, but that does not mean they will actually locate their loved ones. There are just too many nooks, crannies and bodies of water in this country and bodies take up very little space in the scheme of things.
For those who might want to cast a wider net (beyond MR, for example) me understand where it might be useful to direct where to look for Dylan. There was much speculation about former Deputy Sutter (his appointment has been revoked, BTW) as well as RSOs in the vicinity. If they grabbed Dylan, where would they have placed him? I know the conventional thinking is that strangers do not need to hide victims since they are not as afraid of getting caught. There is no reason to have associated the victim with them in the first place so generally, these victims are found much more quickly than those who have been harmed by a family member. If Sutter or a local RSO is at fault, where the heck would they hide a body? The lake is still as good a place as any for me to think but...would they be more or less likely to drive hundreds of miles away? Would they be more or less likely to bury or disguise remains (ie in landfills, etc)? I'm really trying to come up with WHERE to find Dylan and some of the places to look might be different depending on what you think happened to him. Since I can't think beyond MR, I am honestly asking those of you who do- where oh where should the searchers be searching?

What about someone who was from somewhere else, who may have been staying for "vacation" there who may have left around the time Dylan went missing? There was a pretty wide window for someone to get out of the area with him. Roughly let's say they picked Dylan up around 9 in the morning and they lived two to three hours away, they could have been home by the time Dylan was reported missing. They don't necessarily have to live close, but close enough, like let's say a few hours away. Would they take Dylan into their vehicle under the guise of a ride, and then drive him back to their home that may only be a couple hours away?

I don't know if those don't care where they would hide a body if they harmed Dylan. I mean, at the end of the day, they probably don't want to be caught and the possibility of the body being found is also a possibility they could get caught, via some type of forensics left on the body that would identify the person.
I have to go back to the basics and beginning in this case. Were his belongings and backpack left behind? Does anyone feel he could have ran away? Like, to Portland or to CA?
I have to go back to the basics and beginning in this case. Were his belongings and backpack left behind? Does anyone feel he could have ran away? Like, to Portland or to CA?

His belongings all disappeared with him from what I understand.
I have to go back to the basics and beginning in this case. Were his belongings and backpack left behind? Does anyone feel he could have ran away? Like, to Portland or to CA?

No and no. No belongings left and most of his family, friends and LE do not believe he ran away. By all accounts, he was popular, well liked, well adjusted and had a very close relationship with his brother and friends. All electronic communication ceased the evening of Nov. 18th.
For those who might want to cast a wider net (beyond MR, for example) me understand where it might be useful to direct where to look for Dylan. There was much speculation about former Deputy Sutter (his appointment has been revoked, BTW) as well as RSOs in the vicinity. If they grabbed Dylan, where would they have placed him? I know the conventional thinking is that strangers do not need to hide victims since they are not as afraid of getting caught. There is no reason to have associated the victim with them in the first place so generally, these victims are found much more quickly than those who have been harmed by a family member. If Sutter or a local RSO is at fault, where the heck would they hide a body? The lake is still as good a place as any for me to think but...would they be more or less likely to drive hundreds of miles away? Would they be more or less likely to bury or disguise remains (ie in landfills, etc)? I'm really trying to come up with WHERE to find Dylan and some of the places to look might be different depending on what you think happened to him. Since I can't think beyond MR, I am honestly asking those of you who do- where oh where should the searchers be searching?

I've always thought the landfill should have been searched. Of course it may have and we just don't know about it. I'm thinking that if someone grabbed Dylan, they may have disposed of the backpack separately, and it could have ended up in a landfill.
I think if a local offender, registered or otherwise, had taken Dylan, he probably would have been located by now. If so, that leaves a passing stranger/traveler, or someone close to Dylan, in which case he could be anywhere.

I am sorry to say that the determination and desire to find a missing person does not equate to actually finding them. Some families have been searching for decades, and may never give up, but that does not mean they will actually locate their loved ones. There are just too many nooks, crannies and bodies of water in this country and bodies take up very little space in the scheme of things.

BBM: I think I have to disagree with this. There seem to be a lot of stories where the perp was not too far from the victim's home, and it was years, decades even before they were caught. Names are escaping me, but the boy on the milk carton, even.

I do agree with your second paragraph. There's a reason that Missing - 19XXs section on Websleuths has so many many names, and it's not because the families weren't looking hard enough IMO.
No and no. No belongings left and most of his family, friends and LE do not believe he ran away. By all accounts, he was popular, well liked, well adjusted and had a very close relationship with his brother and friends. All electronic communication ceased the evening of Nov. 18th.

Sorry for the multiple posts but I keep thinking of things as I pack up to run out the door.

There've been quite a few 12-13 yo in the news this year that ran away, and the parents said "Oh no, s/he would NEVER run away." Yet they had. So in light of some of the few things I think I may understand about his family/home circumstances, I'm not writing off the thought that Dylan may have tried to run away. I do think he would have turned up by now, 6 months later, if he could have.
You guys seem to have a source for information about LE and citizens searching for Dylan. I haven't seen anything in MSM. Anything new happening? If there is, why isn't MSM giving it any coverage? They did when LE was at the lake last month.
Not everything is in MSM and it's my understanding that media does NOT report each time the wind blows. There are ways of having knowledge that is not from msm, not from facebook, not from LE but rather from picking up the phone and talking with those involved.

Your a member of Dylan's family? <modsnip> So the family is not notifying MSM of searches? Or is LE telling the family to keep it quite? I would think that everyone would want as much media coverage of the search for Dylan as possible. I'm not understanding why they would want to keep things quite.
It is not known if "the family" is not notifying MSM of searches, perhaps they have and MSM has chosen not to report it.
Family may want to keep it quite to avoid crowds and have privacy
So you think the reason that MSM is not covering these searches is because it's considered "old" news? That's a shame. I think that more pressure from Dylan's family and friends via social media should be brought to bear on these MSM outlets to get Dylan back in the news. MOO.
We don't know why MSM has chosen not to cover Dylan and we don't know what pressure if any Dylan's family & friends are putting on the media.

I wonder what soon means? She knows that she'll be in Washington next month. So that leaves the next two weeks of May that she's unsure of for some reason. I don't get why she doesn't know when she's available in the short term. MOO.
I know what I am doing next month because I am planning for it, I don't know what I am doing next week because there are many factors that will determine what I do, other people's schedules and availability to name just a couple.

I guess I wasn't clear. I would think that she should know her most recent itinerary because it takes time to plan the things you mention. In other words, why does she not know whats happening next week but she knows whats happening next month? Seems to be assbackwards to me.
We don't know that she doesn't know her most recent itinerary.
We have heard from Dylan's paternal side in MSM recently and I take that as being something good.

I would hope that Dylan's family wouldn't take sides and just work on getting Dylan's name out in the MSM no matter what it takes. He just needs to be found . MOO.
I am glad that we have finally heard from MR, if only a snippet in regards to another news story. I too hope that Dylan's family would not take sides, but IMO it's difficult to not take a side when one side of the family is not actively participating.
Or, maybe she's not very well organized. Hey, she could have well trained dogs and her results are great when in the field, but that doesn't mean she's well organized.
That could become a problem if she has to testify in court. MOO.
How does organization of your personal & business schedule cause a problem to testify in court? Will an attorney really bring an organizational expert out to discredit a search? IMO, organization is an individual thing. Some people look scattered but can find anything in the blink of an eye and others may look organized but couldn't find their way out of a paperbag.

That's what I'm talking about. Was it Mark's fault that he was only given a 14 second soundbite? How do you know that Mark didn't use Dylan's name multiply times in that interview?

Why am I wrong in hoping that Dylan's family will come together in an united effort in bringing him home?
How is it that EH, her family and friends are accused, by you, of not hounding msm enough and not getting information about the search out to msm, yet MR has no control over msm? It works both ways, either they both control what msm prints & when or they both have no control over what msm prints & when.
She was followed last time? By who? Did these people interfere with her search efforts? And how did you come by this information? Not knowing where your going to be next week is a bit strange if your in the SAR business if you ask me.
Many SAR businesses probably DON'T know where they are going to be next week. Simply put, if a person goes missing on May 25th at Lake Havasu, should an SAR business be notified today to be prepared? NO. Because they don't know WHEN someone is going to go missing, they don't know WHEN a clue is going to turn up, their business is based on the UNKNOWN sudden call for service as much as it is based on the planned service.
I'm not the one trying to claim that Mark is a bad person or guilty of something because a 14 second soundbite doesn't contain his sons name.

If that same 14 second soundbite had Mark using Dylan's name three times would I be correct in suggesting that means he's a great person who is innocent in the disappearance of his son?

Of course not because it wouldn't make any sense. MOO.

Yet credit is given to MR for speaking with msm about his son from that same 14 second sound bite that doesn't contain Dylan's name.

All the above is MOO and when I say "you or we" I am speaking in general terms.
<modsnip> There is a reason that the owner and the mods have opened up discussion on MR yet that same choice has opened up <modsnip> EH, her friends and her family. <modsnip>. EH and MR have absolutely NO control over what the media puts in the paper or reports on the news. <modsnip> I value each opinion and respect that we are each allowed to come to their own opinion based on the information at hand. <modsnip>
I'm taking a break, I need a break so I'll go visit other threads.

I wanted to quote one thing from AZGrandma, but couldn't figure out how to snip the post:

"We don't know why MSM has chosen not to cover Dylan and we don't know what pressure if any Dylan's family & friends are putting on the media."

One of the things that stepping away allowed me to do was understand, in part, why MSM isn't devoting more coverage to this case, in spite of the Herculean efforts of ER and FMDR, and it has to do with that elephant that I mentioned last night. Its presence discourages media attention (IMO), and I don't see that that will ever change unless MR makes a decision to rework/rethink his strategy.

ER and all of her extended family and friends, as well as the over 20,000 people who are supporters of the official Facebook page can continue to work their hearts out, but I don't think that significant MSM support will be forthcoming. There is a perception (IMO) of what the real story is, and unless serious and substantive changes are made, or additional evidence is unearthed, that's where the case will remain in terms of the state/national press. Only one person can make that move.

The above is my opinion, respectfully shared in response to earlier posts.

Praying for Dylan.
I started posting again last night, after taking a break and looking back over things, but I understand your sentiment.

I wanted to quote one thing from AZGrandma, but couldn't figure out how to snip the post:

"We don't know why MSM has chosen not to cover Dylan and we don't know what pressure if any Dylan's family & friends are putting on the media."

One of the things that stepping away allowed me to do was understand, in part, why MSM isn't devoting more coverage to this case, in spite of the Herculean efforts of ER and FMDR, and it has to do with that elephant that I mentioned last night. Its presence discourages media attention (IMO), and I don't see that that will ever change unless MR makes a decision to rework/rethink his strategy.

ER and all of her extended family and friends, as well as the over 20,000 people who are supporters of the official Facebook page can continue to work their hearts out, but I don't think that significant MSM support will be forthcoming. There is a perception (IMO) of what the real story is, and unless serious and substantive changes are made, or additional evidence is unearthed, that's where the case will remain in terms of the state/national press. Only one person can make that move.

The above is my opinion, respectfully shared in response to earlier posts.

Praying for Dylan.

This case is so sad.

I do agree with your analogy of the "elephant in the room" but I sincerely doubt that anything that he says or does will change that perception. His ship sailed long ago, IMO.
MSM and the general public saw the writing on the wall, so to speak. There isn't much to publicize in this case until Dylan is found or an arrest is made. Opinions have been formed based on what has been seen, heard and noted, and I think most people are aware of this being another tragic case that just shouldn't have happened.
Elaine has suffered so much tragedy in recent months and her life is forever changed. I pray Dylan is found soon so she will be able to move away from this dark period of time and begin to heal.
Other than finding Dylan, the best any of us can hope for is that the DA is putting together a solid case and an arrest will come soon.
There are several people missing in Colorado now - I tend to agree that if they found a child there'd be no delay on the initial reports, at least. I'm afraid this is one of the young women, Kelsie or Kara or perhaps Leanne "Annie" Meyer. :(

Still carrying hope for Dylan.

Amy Ahonen is still missing too.
Thanks to those who posted the link to the K9’s page (wasn’t sure if it was allowed)

That said…

OMGosh that lady sure got a bit nit-picked eh?

Just cuz something isn’t in the ole MSM -- doesn’t mean it isn’t true/didn’t happen

Just cuz someone doesn’t share their specific plans/schedule with MSN/web forums -- doesn’t mean they are disorganized

The important issue is ---someone, is doing something, for Dylan

Just saying…

We see the media reports slow down after a few months in most unsolved cases. They move on to new stories and only revisit the older ones if there is new information or a break in the case.

Can anyone suggest ideas of how Dylans family and friends can get Dylan back in the news?

Ultimately the media decide what they want to print or do stories about, the family and friends can only try, it is up to the media.

Call KT? :heartbeat:
Some days back I read a post here about posters losing interest in Dylan's case. This is absolutely not true. Some of us have desperately tried to keep discussion alive, but others are so angered when a new direction is raised as a possibility, that it has been nigh on impossible.
An example would be the charges against the local Deputy. Even if you think this is a tenuous connection, why couldn't we discuss and explore his possible involvement without being slammed? Even if the chances are remote or unlikely to some, we should still be able to rattle on about possible theories until the cows come home without attempts to shut down the discussion by those who believe they already have all the answers. I am not personalizing this, but posters can't take every glimmer of discussion heading in another direction as a personal affront that needs to be defended, just because it may point away from MR.

On another note ... dear RANCH - multiquoted 10 times in one post! A new record it seems :)
Some days back I read a post here about posters losing interest in Dylan's case. This is absolutely not true. Some of us have desperately tried to keep discussion alive, but others are so angered when a new direction is raised as a possibility, that it has been nigh on impossible.
An example would be the charges against the local Deputy. Even if you think this is a tenuous connection, why couldn't we discuss and explore his possible involvement without being slammed? Even if the chances are remote or unlikely to some, we should still be able to rattle on about possible theories until the cows come home without attempts to shut down the discussion by those who believe they already have all the answers. I am not personalizing this, but posters can't take every glimmer of discussion heading in another direction as a personal affront that needs to be defended, just because it may point away from MR.

On another note ... dear RANCH - multiquoted 10 times in one post! A new record it seems :)
And just because it might point to MR. It goes both ways, sadly.

****Soapbox alert on****
As a suggestion, it might help if everyone would use a few more words when they post. Like: I think; IMO; what if; suppose; I hear what you are saying, but think differently. You know, things that tell other posters that IT IS YOUR OPINION.

I know I get frustrated when someone posts "So and so did this! They must not *whatever*." when there is no factual evidence that doing the one thing means the other is true. It is just that poster's opinion, not a fact.

Yes, we are anonymous, but we can still use manners and courtesy.

***Soapbox Alert off****
Some days back I read a post here about posters losing interest in Dylan's case. This is absolutely not true. Some of us have desperately tried to keep discussion alive, but others are so angered when a new direction is raised as a possibility, that it has been nigh on impossible.
An example would be the charges against the local Deputy. Even if you think this is a tenuous connection, why couldn't we discuss and explore his possible involvement without being slammed? Even if the chances are remote or unlikely to some, we should still be able to rattle on about possible theories until the cows come home without attempts to shut down the discussion by those who believe they already have all the answers. I am not personalizing this, but posters can't take every glimmer of discussion heading in another direction as a personal affront that needs to be defended, just because it may point away from MR.

On another note ... dear RANCH - multiquoted 10 times in one post! A new record it seems :)

Speaking for myself, and anyone else who feels similarly, I think a number of us continue to maintain an interest in, and pray for resolution of, Dylan's case. We have not lost interest, nor have we quit thinking about it. We have been with Dylan from the beginning, and will be with him until the end.

From what I can see, as I have read the postings over the last few weeks, people have certainly been allowed to, in your words, "rattle on about possible theories until the cows come home." This is as it should be, so long as those posts do not violate TOS in any way.

The problem is that you cannot force others to play along in this scenario, and some people will stop posting, and others may just leave altogether, as they feel that pursuing some of the more unlikely theories is, in fact, inhibiting reasonable discussion -- again, this is a personal judgment people are free to make. Either way, as far as I can see, the people to whom you refer (the ones wishing to pursue particular theories) have not been censored by the mods -- it appears that they have been allowed to express themselves quite freely. One really can't complain if others exercise _their_ own options not to participate.

Rather akin to having one's cake and eating it too.

P.S. - I was thrilled to see someone else pick up "till the cows come home" -- I need help in bringing back my favorite Southern colloquialisms!
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